Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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The Only reason to watch Raw was Santino and his Glorious Amazon. I say, If the WWE ever fires Jerry stupid Lawler, they have a great commentator in Santino. He can commentate his own matches. These two are clicking together like Lego blocks. They each had a match, one after eachother. Santino commentate as Beth Phoenix dominated Kelly Kelly. Santino then took on a former WWE Champion. Santino also dominated. These two are hot going into SummerSlam, where they are assured gold. Oh yeah, other things happened on Raw, but it doesn't matter. For all of those who want to read more about the Main Event on Monday Night, Santino, check out the Santino Fan-A-Club in the Live Discussion and Spam Zone!
IMO, Edge is the best all-rounder in WWE right now, and his current pyscho gimmick is awesome, it makes me wonder if Taker will win at SS [i still hope he does]. Wow Edge is on fire, a brilliant promo with Foley, and now this one.

Hopefully, Edge will stay heel, though given the intensity of this storyline, id expect to see either Edge or Taker on Raw soon
Personally, I don't understand the logic behind the edge/vickie storyline of vickie becoming a helpless wailing idiot. Ok, maybe I do understand it in that it makes it look like edge has gone crazy. But honestly, I know that to some extent we are expected to suspend disbelief with respect to wrestling stories, but come on. Vickie is the boss, and for her to go from some evil genius ball busting type to a blubbering baby is ridiculous. There's no way anyone in her position would put up with edge's tormenting her. She would fire him and/or use security to keep herself separate from him.

Now I know that wouldn't work for storyline purposes, but this route of him torturing her and her taking it is just ridiculous.
It would have been nice if we in the UK had actually seen the damn end seg. Sky totally edit it out so we're just scratching our heads after reading the spoilers which said Edge wheels her to the ring and goes psycho. I really am sick of Sky butchering WWE shows like this, i mean do they even get the fact its all staged?
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw: August 18th, 2008:

Opening Segment: Chris Jericho opens the show by coming out and talking about the events that unfolded at Summerslam. Jericho roughly and very quickly takes the entire blame of anything off of his shoulders and onto Shawn Michaels. He said that it's because Michaels, instead of retiring like normal and sending in a letter, had to showboat one last time, had to see the face's of the fans one more time, and because of that.. it's Shawn Michaels fault his Wife, Rebecca, got punched.

Jericho goes on to say H.B.K.'s career is finished, it's over, and the last memory he'll have of being in a W.W.E. ring is craddling the head of his injured Wife. Jericho goes on to say he believes H.B.K. deserved everything that happened, and with that, exits the ring without anyone stopping him.

The Matches:

1. Batista v. Paul Burchill: Paul Burchill was already in the ring, which more or less indictates that he's become the newest jobber on Raw. Congrats on the demotion. This match is over before it ever began, and Batista quickly makes short work out of the former number one contender to the Intercontinental title.

I can't say anything good about this, other than the two clowns in the front row entertained me highly. They obviously hated Batista, and it showed. I barely paid two moments notice to this match, as I knew it was a squash, and the clowns were more than entertaining enough for me to care less.

In the end, is this really helping anyone? I mean, Batista is coming off a great match, a great victory, and he's squashing a guy that should be Intercontinental Champion right now. Instead, he should've been in a better match. All this did was ruin any momentum he had coming off a great p.p.v. for him. Squashing someone that doesn't even get an entrance, isn't impressive, it's boring.

2. Mickie James & Kelly Kelly v. Jillian & Katie Lea Burchill: We continue with the Burchill's demotion, as Jillian and Katie are already in the ring. Jillian sings a Chicago song, for the chicago audience.

Kelly Kelly is, or rather has, received the biggest push of anyone in this entire draft. Including bigger than Punk. She's wrestled each week minus one or two, since coming over, and she's won 98% of all her matches. The sad thing is, she's becoming a better Women's wrestler and more impressive than the current Diva's Champion as well.

On the downside of this, Mickie's rematch for the Women's Championship seems almost not happening, which leads me to believe either Melina (I hope) or Candice Michelle (forbid) are next in line for Unforgiven and Beth. In the end, it was Mickie picking up the victory, but instead of doing it over Jillian, the official squash of the Burchill's has to come full term, as Katie takes the loss. I can't stand W.W.E. for this.

3. J.B.L. v. Jamie Noble: Wow. Seriously? J.B.L. comes off one of the most embarassing loses in his career (yeah I said it) and to make it up to him, he gets to defeat a cruiserweight via squash. Nice. Noble had no chance.

You know, I almost believe J.B.L.'s character and career path may of been more interesting if Noble would've rolled him up for a shocking victory, instead of J.B.L. just beating the holy crap outta him. Been there, done that, almost each time J.B.L. wrestles. Change it up, let someone get lucky. Oh wait... I guess Punk did.

4. Handicap Match: John Cena v. Wall Street: Is it possible for the squash to be against the two men with the advantage? This was complete and utter bullshit. Seriously, the only entertaining part of this entire match was Cryme Tyme coming out before the match began and stealing the Tag team Championships. That almost assures them a match at the p.p.v. which might be worth watching, depending on how it's continued through storylines.

At any rate Cena was more or less in control of this match. The only time the Champs were in control was when they were double teaming, which wasn't much. I think if anything this is a pathetic (my, how I've used that word a lot lately) attempt at giving their top star a reprive for his loss the night prior. And at the expense of the Tag Champions none the less.

5. Non-Title: Santino Marella w/ Beth Phoenix v. D-Lo Brown: Why wasn't this a Championship match? And how shocked am I?! Santino is actually getting a chance at being Intercontinental Champion, seriously, really?! No shit.

I would've marked more than anything to see D-Lo win the Intercontinental Championship, instead I'm witnessing Santino's meal ticket standing in D-Lo's way, making sure he only loses via DQ instead of by pinfall.

Kofi Kingston was at ringside doing commentary, or at least sitting. I never actually heard him speak, which may of been me blacking out again but I could've swore I seen the match. At any rate, in the end it was Kingston getting involved by slamming Marella's head against the table so it looks like we're gonna get either a 3-way with Santino getting a lucky escape, or Kingston's title reign will resume in 3 weeks time, at Unforgiven.


Adamle/Carlito's Brother/Cena/Batista: He's already getting more air time than Carlito, and he was only announced as being Carlito's brother. I don't know what to think of him, because the guy was practically shit on and likely knows how Carlito feels right about now.

Adamle runs off to explain to Cena about his match, but Cena's too busy telling Batista congrats then explaining it was last night and today's another day. Looks like Cena wants to get a victory so he can say he has.

Adamle/Unforgiven Main Event: If this is ever built as an Adamle Original, than apparently Adamle hasn't watched wrestling during 2000. The Championship match will be a 5 man, 20 minutes "scramble" in which it resumbles everything the Hardcore title match was, during Wrestlemania 2000, in which anyone can pin the Champion, become the Champion, and then try to remain the Champion for 20 minutes. John Cena, Batista, J.B.L., Kane & Punk will all be involved. My early guess is Punk will steal the victory as time expires, or the feuds between Cena & J.B.L. & Kane & Batista will take more presence than any of them bothering to even pin Punk. Either way, I don't see a new Champion being crowned.

H.B.K. Exclusive: After the events at Summerslam, Shawn Michaels was interviewed in the back about what he's going to do. He said that he's going home, because what happened was his fault. (How bout that, Jericho was right) He said he's going to comfort his Wife and children.. then.. he walks off.

C.M. Punk: Punk does everything under the "pop book" on gaining crowd reaction by mentioning Chicago as much as humanly possible. He explains what Jericho did won't fly in Chicago, because in Chicago, the Chicago fans handle their Chicago problems, by doing things Chicago style, in a Chicago-ish way.. chicago.. chicago.

That's pretty much what he said, honestly. I mean COME ON! "This guy's great on the mic, he's one of the best mic talents ever." That's ALL I've heard from Punk Bastards. Hey, "I" can cut a promo by mentioning the hometown crowd 20 times in two sentences, so does that mean I'm in line to being a World Heavyweight Champion someday soon? Doubtful.

Kane: Kane reveals why he has a problem with Mysterio. Apparently it's because he can't stand people who hide behind masks. (interesting) Kane goes on to call Mysterio a fungus and a lot of other things that just seemed slapped together. He said he attacked him in the parking lot roughly 6 weeks ago, and he's been carrying that mask since because it's made him feel good.

He said Mysterio is still alive, but his spirit is broken. Then Kane repeats the "Is he alive, or dead?" bit and laughs. This causes Batista to rush out.. as Michael fricken Cole of all people question why he's out there, dispite Cole being the guy to call the Batista/Mysterio tag matches and push them both as best friends. Wow, apparently when Cole drafted to Raw, he left his Smackdown knowledge on Smackdown.

Main Event: Non-Title: C.M. Punk v. Chris Jericho w/ Lance Cade: This is by far my favorite Raw moment on a very disappointing show. Jericho v. Punk, in Punk's hometown.. and Jericho WINS! This match wasn't nearly as entertaining as their King of the Ring tournament match.

I'm a bit unsure why they had Punk come off the best match of his Championship reign thus far, only to lose more or less cleanly to Chris Jericho. If anything, I was expecting either Jericho to get attacked, or Jericho to get DQ'd. In the end, it was Punk running into Cade, then into a Code-Breaker. Nice.

The sad thing is, Jericho isn't one of the 4 men getting a title shot, and he should be. Obviously he won't be due to likely getting a match against Shawn Michaels, but he should be getting a shot soon regardless.

Overall Thoughts: To be blunt and honest, this was a horrible show and possibly one of the worst since the Marshall Law situation has been on Raw. Adamle didn't look nearly AS old this week either. What's up with that?

Feeding the Burchill's to the likes of Kelly Kelly and Batista was wrong, and obviously shows they have no desire in letting either mean anything to the company, ever. Speaking of the English, William Regal was also held off the show and I'm still disappointed with his character's direction since returning.. no stable, not even a point other than randomly being there.

Kane is in the Unforgiven, Main Event which leads me to believe Mysterio won't be back for another 4 weeks, or if he is, the Kane storyline will end on Raw instead of in a match. I was hyped for the storyline a week ago, now it's switched to Kane against Batista which makes sense since both men are in the Main Event, but leaves Mysterio out of the loop.

Why is J.B.L. still in the title picture? He's the only guy to take two pinfall losses to the Champion. Meanwhile, Chris Jericho has a couple victories over Punk, and gets left out. Like I said just a bit ago, obviously it's because Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho is likely but still, I think J.B.L. being in this Championship match is for no other reason than being the guy who's going to end up taking the final pinfall more than likely.

Speaking of the Championship Main Event.. does anyone remember when I said adding more than one or two big names to a Main Event, for the title, then throwing Punk into it will do nothing for Punk, other than help people to forget he's even involved? Cena, Batista & Kane are all involved. Cena and Batista alone are going to cause people to forget Punk's even the Champion, let alone in the match. And in the end, I'm banking hard money on Punk fluking his way to another victory.

I'm kinda out of it at the moment, so I'm cutting this short(er). All in all, I wasn't impressed with Raw. It's getting 2 outta 10 stars, because nothing was overly great about it.. short of Jericho beating the Champion.
Will you are amazing. Now that thats out of the way on to my probibly biased review. First I am pissed the Burchill's jobbed. Paul has way to much talent and Katie is majorly sexy (its the accent). These two should be champions but the WWE aperantly dose not like english people. Jamie Noble now has Val Venis Syndrome, seasoned ring verterans becoming jobbers. That.s another pet peave of mine. Thats why I am pushing for Jamie Noble for Hardcore Champion. D-lo needs to cut a pro-mo, so people can understand who he is. The best thing about last night was Cryme Tyme jacking the titles form Simply Losers. This could be good if the WWE dosen't fuck it up. I miss "Slow Chemical." The championship scramble is interesting, a little, but it is nothing special. The worst part about the main event wasnt that Punk lost after he finally picked up a clean victory in a stiff match on a PPV, and throwing down a good match that night and losing cleanly in his home town, destroying everything he did the night before. It was that Jericho won AND HE ISN'T IN THE TITLE PICTURE. This booking is horrible like and helped neither person involved, Punk lookes weak again, and Jericho isnt in the title picture so who gives a damn. And finally to my rant, The only thing more annoying than Glamerella are the Glammerella lovers. Look I was over on Santino for 2 weeks and I have always been impartial to Beth. This business is annoying and far from genius. This isnt a great story line its annoying and further destrying the importance of the IC title. So for goodness sakes stop loving on Santino he SUCKS! If he shaves that uni-brow mabey I will take him seriously.
Hey Will quit being nice to this show. It deserves a .5 out of 10. It was cluster****ed from the beginning to the end. ABSOLUTELY HORRID. Championship scramble . . . give me a break. JBL needs to go back to the announce team. WTF is up Batista and Kane had a storyline started right after GAB and they cut it and now Batista is there for REY . . . how sweet. WWE is screwed. I am so happy Russo got his old job back.
Wow, CM Punk and Jericho work well together. I now firmly believe these 2 need to get into a great feud. I haven't enjoyed a match on Raw as much as I enjoyed that in a while. I think Punk should have won, everyone did. However with the way Cade cheated in order to help Jericho win, it fueled his heel heat yet again and made the opening of a good feud. Punk will obviously want revenge. It also definitely makes me think Cade and Shawn will feud when he's done with Jericho.

Shawns promo after Summerslam had me in tears. Great emotion in that. I was crying telling him it wasn't his fault. Making me 'hate' Jericho even more. Wow this is truely a great storyline. The writers deserve a lot of praise for coming up with this.
I enjoyed the Jericho/Punk match alot, and they seem to work well together. Jericho winning allowed the door to be open for a feud between these two. The only problem with these is that Jericho is still in a feud with HBK and Punk is in the scramble so I guess a feud between these two might have to wait. The Diva's match wasn't that bad, but not really entertaining either. Kelly is improving alot and reminds me of a young Torrie Wilson but is sloppy.

DLo Vs. Santino match was fun. Brown still can wrestle and Santino's comedy was as good as ever. I loved Beth getting involved and making the save, and then staring down Kofi. The WWE seems to be building Pheonix as not being afraid of the men and not backing down. I can eventually see Beth & Santino breaking up and beating Marella for the belt.
i wasnt able to see the first hour of raw but i caught the second. the second hour was A+ IMO. First of all Kane's new music is awesome, and makes him even creepier than before. His bit on Rey was well done and Kane was able to make me believe he could have done something very bad to Rey. After Kane we were treated to Jericho vs Punk. Thats a pretty fresh match with two great workers in the WWE. Jericho in the ring with Punk finally made a Punk match exiciting for me to watch. Good back and 4th match with Jericho actually getting the win, which I liked. Too bad it wasnt for the belt!! Maybe that means if it were Jericho and Punk at SS ... someone else would have been walking away the champ. All in all the second hour of Raw was simply amazing very well done two thumbs up!!
Amy’s LATE ‘take’ on Smackdown 08/15/08:

Match #1 Jeff Hardy vs. Shleton Benjamin (US Championship): Benjamin-Hardy Pt. 2 was another PPV-worthy match and the match of the night. This was a really strong show opener, but this should have been the night’s main event.

Scary moment when Hardy from the apron reversed a powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana on Benjamin to the floor. My first thought was Jeff’s going to break his neck, which is interesting since I read the rumors about Hardy suffering a broken neck once I got back from vacation. Fortunately it was just fluid on the elbow. SD! can’t afford any more injuries right now with Umaga and Kennedy out.

The predictable MVP run-in made sense, prolonging the Hardy-MVP feud and building to their SS match. But just like last week, the DQ finish hurts Shelton. Since becoming US champ, the only person he’s beat is Jimmy Wang Yang. Benjamin needs a clean win over a credible challenger and soon.:icon_idea:

Match #2 Divas Tag Action: Maryse and Natalya defeated Maria and McCool. Typical 3-minute divas tag match. Nothing remarkable to speak in this one. Felt like I’d seen this match before…oh wait I have, just discard Cherry and insert Maria.

Match #3 The Brian Kendrick vs. Scotty Goldman (aka Colt Cabana): Before the match Kendrick cut another short promo, saying he’s the best there is right now, the future, and successful because he wrestles for himself not the fans. Kendrick defeated the debuting Scotty Goldman in under 3 minutes with the same kicks, camel clutch, and self-named finisher as in previous weeks.

I’ve heard the name Colt Cabana and know he’s a ROH alum. I wasn’t all that impressed with his short, strange pre-taped promo or look (he wore a loud 80s-ish singlet). Granted WWE just released a number of jobbers, but I don’t think jobbing all these newcomers out in their debut matches is wise.

HHH Interview: Kenny Dykstra interrupted Eve’s interview of HHH. He told Trips he needed to worry about their match tonight not Khali. Trips made a funny by telling Kenny he admired his ‘spirit.’

Nice to see Dykstra back, but I had hoped for a face Dykstra as SD! needs faces. With the recent purge, I figured he’d get the call soon. Too bad it was just to job to Trips.

Khali Promo: Khali cut a promo then Ranjin Singh translated that HHH should get out of the WWE now because Khali’s taking the WWE title at SS.

Why does Khali need to cut a promo if he has a translator? Can’t Singh just deliver the message, read from a card like Adamle, get it over quick, and spare us? That “what” chant is going to outlive us all.:disappointed: It’s really annoying and just prolongs an already boring, painful promo.

#4 HHH vs. Kenny Dykstra: Trips squashed Dykstra in a minute then lured Khali into the ring to save Singh. HHH hit him a few times, teased the Pedigree again, then clotheslined him to the floor.

The Khali promo, Trips squash, and post-match stuff was the last sell for the SS WWE title match. None of it made me want to see them go on PVV any more of less than before. As expected, Dykstra was jobber fodder for Trips. He’s young, has a great look, and can hold his own on the mic and in the ring. I hope WWE will recognize and utilize that and he’s not the next to be “future endeavored.”

#5 Big Show vs. Ryan Braddock: If you blinked, you missed it. Show squashed Braddock in a minute, knocking him out with a big right hook. Show continues to be used poorly and that probably won’t change until Umaga returns. Braddock looked confident, went after Show at the start, and sold really well.

MVP Interview: Eve caught up with MVP in his locker room. He snatched the mic and addressed Hardy. MVP said Jeff’s sorrows this year, being suspended and losing his home and dog, would not compare to the hurt he’d feel after SS.

Very intense, strong promo by MVP. I got goosebumps.:D Effective last sell for their PPV match.

#6 Kozlov vs. Festus (Main Event): Festus put on a good match against Taker a couple months back. He’s supposed to be Kozlov’s toughest competition to date, so I can’t agree with the clean Kozlov win in such a quick match. I honestly have no idea where they’re heading with Kozlov and stopped caring about three squashes ago.:zzzz:

Backstage Segments: First we saw a frightened Vicki comforted by Victoria. Vicki became more freaked out so Victoria helped her out to her limo where the nucking futs Edge rolled down the window, scaring Vicki out of her chair and Victoria off. Edge put Vicki back in her chair and careened her all over the backstage area despite her cries and pleas.

These backstage segments weren’t as good as previous weeks. I want mad heat heel Vicki back – not this scared shitless, helpless, pathetic face Vicki.

Final Segment: The ride to hell ended with Edge dumping Vicki ringside. He lay next to her and said they took vows for better or worse then rolled highlights of the last few shows. Edge said everything that had happened was her fault and made her apologize. In closing, Edge said that another vow applied to HIAC. He spread his arms, looked upward, and said “Edge vs. Undertaker: Till Death Do Us Part.”

This ending segment wasn’t as good as previous weeks either. Still another good Edge performance and respectable last sell for HIAC.

For the past few weeks, SD! has ended the show with a Edge/Vicki segment. The main event match has been a Kozlov or Kendrick squash yet these two are barely a blip on the audience’s radar. SD! is still the better all-around show, but Raw and even ECW consistently deliver a match worthy of being the night’s ME. Maybe this trend will end now that Edge will be off TV for awhile. On the other hand, Edge has been SD! for many months now, so I wonder how his absence will affect the show.

Overall Thoughts: Hardy vs. Benjamin and MVP’s mic work were the standouts. Everything else was just there, nothing great or memorable. SD! has become SquashDown again it seems. Still I’ll take a somewhat lackluster yet solid SD! over the crap that is Raw these days.
Amy’s LATE ‘take’ on Raw 08/18/08:

Chris Jericho Promo: Jericho said he wasn’t there to apologize, laid the blame squarely on Shawn’s shoulders, and replayed the SS footage of what happened to Rebecca Michaels. Jericho said Shawn could’ve sent in a letter/video resignation, but HBK just had to placate his ego and the fans (who are also responsible) with one final appearance. In closing, Jericho said Shawn got what he deserved and tarnished his legacy as the last image of him in the ring will be comforting his wife.

Jericho delivered another gem. He’s the top heel on Raw and second in the company only after Edge. Raw is Jericho right now.;)

Match #1 Batista vs. Paul Burchill: Tista tripped entering the ring and the announcers attributed it to the knee injury he suffered at SS. At the start, Burchill targeted the injured leg with a chopblock and stomps. Tista hit the spear out of nowhere then followed up with a spinebuster and the Batista Bomb for the win.

The ref was all in their way during the match. That was annoying as all get out. Tista did a decent job selling the knee throughout this glorified 2-minute squash. Who did Paul Burchill piss off? It was just a couple weeks ago he was challenging for the IC title. I get someone had to do the job, but why not Snitsky, Palumbo, or London who they aren’t even using?

Backstage: GM Mike Adamle introduced Carlito’s brother Primo Colon as the newest member of the Raw roster. Before Colon could say two words, Adamle blew him off for John Cena who blew Adamle off for Tista. Cena extended his hand and said it was a great match last night and the better man won. Tista thanked him and shook his hand. Cena said that was last night though and walked away.

Why is Mike Adamle interviewing? Crappy intro for Carlito’s brother. At least they didn’t job him out in his debut match…yet. The Cena-Tista exchange made sense and leaves the door open to revisit these two at a later time.

Match #2 Jillian & Katie Lea vs. Kelly Kelly & Mickie James: Jillian annoyed the Chicago crowd with her rendition of the band Chicago’s “You’re the Inspiration” then she and Mickie briefly traded offense before Katie tagged in. Mickie took both down then Kelly sunset flipped into the match and snapped off a sloppy hurricanrana. Jillian tagged in and went to work on Kelly’s back. Katie tagged in and hit a nice backbreaker then locked in a camel clutch. Jillian tagged back in but missed with the cartwheel splash. Mickie and Katie got the respective hot tags. Mickie hit a neckbreaker on Katie for a nearfall then pulled Jillian in. Kelly and Mickie delivered a double dropkick to Jillian. Mickie scored the win off the tornado DDT on Katie.

Katie and Jillian were good. Kelly and Mickie were all over the place and very botchy-looking in this 5-minute divas match. Like her brother, someone must not like Katie Lea. I’ve lost count how many times Mickie’s cleanly pinned her now.:disappointed:
  • The announcers plugged Cena versus Rhodes and DiBiase in a 2-on-1 handicap match later.
WHY? Cena’s already gone over the tag champs.

Match #3 JBL vs. Jamie Noble: JBL was pissed after his SS loss to Punk and took it out on Noble in this 3-minute squash. He hit multiple elbow drops then clotheslines from hell before the ref just stopped the match.
  • The announcers plugged a major announcement by Shane and Stephanie McMahon.
Mike Adamle Announcement: Adamle walked onto the ramp with a clipboard and very matter-of-factly said he had a couple of announcements. First he said CM Punk would meet Chris Jericho later in the night. Then Adamle announced a new WHC match concept at the Unforgiven PPV. Five superstars will compete and the title will change hands with every pinfall or submission. The man with the belt at the end of the 20-minute time limit will be the champion. The five participants will be Punk, Kane, JBL, Batista, and Cena. Adamle called the match ‘The Championship Scramble.’

Hmm, this sounds like the match that should have taken place at SS.:rolleyes: What’s wrong with an elimination match? You can get pinned cleanly, remain in the match, and still possibly come out the winner. How can that not lessen the credibility of both the WHC belt and the champion? Just sounds like an easy way to get the title off Punk to me. Why oh why does JBL get yet ANOTHER title shot? And Kane? He hasn’t even won a match in weeks and has the Mysterio storyline going.

Match #4 Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. John Cena: After the tag champs introduction, Cryme Tyme’s music hit. Shad hit the apron and distracted Rhodes and DiBiase while his partner in crime JTG stole the tag belts. Cryme Tyme took off and Cena made his entrance. We cut to commercial at the opening bell.

Back from break, the ref separated Cena and Rhodes in the corner. Rhodes got in a cheap shot then drew Cena out of the ring after him. DiBiase blindly tagged in and he and Rhodes delivered a double suplex. Rhodes tagged back in and hit a nice Russian leg sweep/knee drop combo. DiBiase tagged back in and hit a side suplex and first drop. Rhodes tagged in again and continued working Cena both in and out of the ring. DiBiase in again hit two snap suplexes. Cena blocked the third and Rhodes got the tag. Cena rallied and unloaded on Rhodes with punches and the 5 knuckle shuffle. He leveled DiBiase entering to help his partner then made Rhodes tap out to the STFU.

For what it’s worth, Rhodes and DiBiase looked good in this predictable 12-minute match. So Cena needed a boost after losing to Tista, but why Rhodes and DiBiase again? Really couldn’t they have kept the Highlanders around just a few days longer to do the job? Why even have a tag team division at all when one guy can so easily defeat the tag champs? Exclusive HBK Post-SS Interview: The earlier SS Jericho-HBK-Rebecca video aired again. Lawler said Rebecca has a fractured jaw. Footage of Cole’s interview with Shawn rolled. At first, Michaels walked past Cole then came back to say he’s going home to comfort his wife and kids.

CM Punk Interview: Todd Grisham welcomed Punk who blasted Jericho for his actions and attitude. Punk said tonight he’d deal with Jericho Chicago-style.

Match #5 Santino Marella (w/Beth Phoenix) vs. D-Lo Brown (Intercontinental Championship): Right away, D-Lo established control with a dropkick, suplex, clothesline, and dropkick. He went top rope and Beth entered the ring, standing in front of/protecting Santino. D-Lo yelled at her “get to stepping.” Beth slapped D-Lo for the DQ. Post-match D-Lo cleared Santino from the ring. He landed in front of Kofi Kingston who sat in on commentary. Kofi drove Santino’s head into the announce table then Beth stared him down and pulled Santino away.

This 1½-minute throwaway match did absolutely nothing for me. Nice to see D-Lo back on TV again at least.

Kane Promo: Kane said we all looked shocked when he pulled Mysterio’s mask out of his bag last week. He said he didn’t like Rey Mysterio because he hides behind a mask. He called Mysterio a fungus on the psyche. Kane said the reason Rey hasn’t been seen in six weeks is because he took him out in a parking lot. He said Rey is alive but his spirit is dead. Tista’s music hit and he came down to deliver a spear then a spinebuster. Kane quickly recovered, took a shot of Tista’s knee, and chokeslammed him.

Tista sticking up for his little buddy all but guarantees it’ll be Kane versus Tista in some capacity next week. Ugh, that has to be one of the most dreadful promos ever. Kane’s explanation was lame and made absolutely no sense. Whoever wrote that crap should have gotten the axe last Friday. And maybe it was intentional that Kane had food in his teeth, but this was just an ugly, painful promo any way you look at it.

Match #6 Chris Jericho (w/Lance Cade) vs. CM Punk (non-title): Punk came out to a big hometown pop. He went to work with kicks and an early submission move. Jericho kicked the back of Punk’s head. The announcers put over the head injury he sustained at SS. Two minutes in, Punk whipped Jericho into the corner ringpost and sent him to the floor.

During the commercial break, Jericho took control when Punk missed a springboard clothesline. Jericho had Punk grounded with a modified sleeper. He hit a backbreaker then applied an abdominal stretch. Punk avoided a bulldog attempt with an errant kick to the face then hit a double underhook backbreaker and corner high knee. Jericho avoided the bulldog and landed the Lionsault for a nearfall.

Punk hit a hurricanrana for a nearfall. Jericho held onto the top rope to prevent the GTS then locked in the Walls of Jericho. Punk made it to the rope and moments later went for the GTS again and again Jericho held onto the top rope. Jericho pushed Punk into Cade on the apron then hit the Codebreaker for the win.

Good 13-minute match. No one should have any doubts as to Punk’s reign after this one. Sure they couldn’t kill Jericho’s momentum, but at the same time Punk NEEDS credibility and it’s just too bad they didn’t let him win in his hometown.

Overall Thoughts: Raw sucked. How much did Raw suck? Let me count the ways. The backstage interviews were a bore, Kane’s promo bombed, and it wasn't the same without Santino’s comedy. Wrestling-wise, there was only one quality match in Punk-Jericho. The show consisted of five total matches, two squashes, one divas match, and one handicap match. Credibility-wise, tag champs, Punk, and the Burchills made to look like crap yet again. Jericho’s promo was a strong opening. The show fell off after that but managed to end with a quality main event wrestling match.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Smackdown 08/22/08:

A great SS video package aired, reminding us that a kingdom was defended, a grand theft victory took place, and a sinner was sent to hell. The opening video aired and JR sent us to Justin Roberts who introduced a pre-taped promo by the GM.

Vicki Guerrero Promo: Vicki blamed Edge for the bad decisions she made in recent months. She said that wasn’t the real her, she’s really a good person, Edge corrupted her. Vicki said he put her through hell but he’s residing there now and she’s free. She said she’s really excited about the Undertaker’s reinstatement and asked the fans to join her in a standing ovation when he arrives. She announced there will a SD! Championship Scramble and tonight four superstars would qualify for the Unforgiven WWE title match. Vicki gave an explanation of the match rules.

Wow. Ugh. Face Vicki in full force now. I just can’t get into this Vicki. Decent promo but a little long. I tuned out a little when she was running down the Championship Scramble rules.

Match #1 Maria vs. Natalya: At the start, Natalya used a fireman’s carry takedown to ground Maria who countered with a headscissors. Maria applied a side headlock. Natalya fought back briefly, but Maria met her with a headscissors takedown. Moments later, Natalya hit a leg drag then worked Maria’s leg. Maria rallied with a jawbreaker, two clotheslines, and the bronco buster. Maria went after Natalya on the outside and Maryse came down, resulting in the DQ. Maryse pummeled Maria in retaliation for her broken nose the other week. McCool rushed out for the save and chased Natalya and Maryse off.

Typical 3½-minute divas match. I can’t agree with making Maria look like she’s on Natalya’s level. The bronco buster has to be the lamest move ever. And instead of giving us a Divas Championship storyline, we’re in store for a Maryse-Maria feud.:rolleyes: I’m going to have to borrow Trips’ sledgehammer to keep myself awake.

Backstage: Big Show walked up to Vicki being wheeled by Chavo and Bam. He said he was excited about the Championship Scramble and asked who is his opponent. Vicki said she forgot about him with everything going on so he wasn’t included. Show said it was okay, hung his head, and walked away.

We feel ya big man. You’ve been sorely misused, an afterthought, since Mania. I can’t see saving Show to feud with Umaga when he returns in a month or longer.

Match #2 Ten Man Battle Royal: The Brian Kendrick (w/Ezekiel), Curt Hawkins, Zach Ryder, Jimmy Wang Yang, Vladimir Kozlov, Armando Estrada, Funaki, Ryan Braddock, Scotty Goldman, & Super Crazy: Early on, Ryder and Hawkins worked on Kozlov. Yang then Braddock joined the effort and Kozlov was the first eliminated. Seconds later, Hawkins and Ryder eliminated Goldman. Big Show entered the ring and started cleaning house. He’d been watching the match from ringside. Show eliminated Braddock then the trio of Crazy, Hawkins, and Ryder in one shot. He hit the spinning side slam on Kendrick, eliminated Estrada then Funaki, dumped Kendrick over the top rope onto Zeke, eliminated Yang, and made his exit. Zeke put Kendrick back in the ring. The refs concurred and Kendrick was announced the winner as his feet never touched the ground. Kendrick celebrated while Zeke stood by.

How is that one can be eliminated by a guy not even in the match?:rolleyes: Still that was a fun battle royal. My only complaint it was too short. Really surprised Kozlov was the first eliminated, but it doesn’t really hurt his push as a dominant, unbeatable force seeing as it took four guys to eliminate him. Even more surprised yet pleased to see Kendrick get the nod. I never thought I’d see the day Kendrick would be in a PPV world title match.
  • The announcers plugged the Undertaker’s return tonight.
R-Truth Vignette: Killings said he learned the truth the hard way. He said the truth means knowing who you are, the good and bad parts of yourself, and working everyday toward a better future. He said he’s headed for the top. JR said he debuts next week.

MVP Post-SS Interview: After his win over Hardy, MVP told Eve that Jeff is a loser. MVP said he’s a winner and headed to the top with the WWE Championship in his sights.

Another solid promo by MVP. I hope they’re serious about elevating him to the ME scene.

Match #3 MVP vs. Festus (w/Jesse): At the bell, Festus went nuts and took control with an uppercut, suplex, kick to the head, another uppercut, clothesline, and fall away slam for a couple nearfalls. MVP turned the tide with a low blow and sent Festus arm-first into the ringpost then the turnbuckle. MVP worked Festus’ arm with a series of arm holds for several minutes. Late in the match, Festus rallied and went on an offensive run, eventually clotheslining MVP to the floor. MVP delivered the drive-by kick to Jesse sitting at ringside and rolled in the ring at the count of nine as Festus was counted out. Post-match MVP delivered the drive-by kick to the catatonic Festus.

Good 8-minute match. Psyched MVP qualifies for the Scramble, but that finish doesn’t exactly make him look strong going into a world title match.

Shelton Benjamin Promo: Shelton explained what it means to be the Gold Standard; you have to be obsessed with championships, winning, and gold. He said some have labeled Michael Phelps the new Gold Standard, but Benjamin assured us there is only one Gold Standard and that is him.

Nice Benjamin promo. He’s sounding more confident and less annoying each time he’s given the mic lately.

Match #4 Shelton Benjamin vs. Finlay (w/Horny): Following a couple minutes of mat wrestling, the two started brawling, rolling out of the ring, and cautiously staring each other down as they reentered. Finlay employed a single leg takedown and started working on Shelton’s leg. Finlay missed a corner charge and rammed his shoulder into the ringpost. Benjamin seized the opportunity, viciously attacking Finlay shoulder/neck area. He landed a sick kick to the back of Finlay’s head and the ref asked if he could continue. Shelton went for a baseball slide but Finlay pulled out the ring apron. Shelton pushed Finlay from the top rope to the floor, hitting his back on the apron on the way down.

Back from commercial, Shelton had Finlay grounded with a neck vise. Finlay hit a jawbreaker to break the hold but Benjamin went back to working the neck area. He hit the T-Bone Suplex for a nearfall. Finlay rallied, hitting clotheslines, butt drop, corner shoulder block, and the Celtic Cross. Knox came to ringside and grabbed Horny. The distraction allowed Benjamin to hit Pay Dirt for the win. Post-match Knox attacked Finlay.

This was a very good, very physical, long (16 minutes) bout. Finlay’s consistently good and Shelton continues to impress every week. Shelton qualifies, but a clean win would’ve boosted his credibility.
  • The announcers hyped Taker’s return again and the SS Jericho-HBK-Rebecca Michaels footage aired.
Backstage: Chavo told Vicki and Bam it would’ve been cool if he’d been in a qualifying match. He pondered why Taker hadn’t shown up yet; perhaps he holds a grudge and will be out for vengeance. Vicki decided to prepare a formal written apology.

Match #5 The Great Khali vs. Jeff Hardy (Main Event): Before the match, HHH made his ring entrance then sat in on commentary. At the start, Hardy landed a few quick punches, slid between Khali’s legs, slapped Khali in the face then ducked out of the ring. Hardy reentered and tried to use his quickness again but met a big clothesline. Khali overpowered Jeff with a headbutt, corner kicks, reverse elbows, nerve hold, another headbutt, and a body slam. Hardy raked the eyes to stave off the Khali Bomb. Khali swatted Hardy off the top rope to the floor. As Khali hauled Jeff back into the ring, Jeff hit the Twist of Fate out of nowhere and went top rope as Ranjin Singh hit the apron. Khali had the vice grip applied then noticed HHH was dealing with Singh at ringside. HHH went to hit Singh with a chair but nailed Khali instead. Hardy hit (or rather missed) the worst Whisper in the Wind ever (Khali didn’t get in position) but connected with the Swanton for the win.

Passable 5-minute match. Probably would’ve enjoyed or at least gotten into it more if I didn’t have to listen to Trips on commentary put down Hardy and TRY to be funny.:disappointed: So Hardy qualifies, but of Kendrick, MVP, and Benjamin his win is perhaps the most questionable.

HHH Promo: Trips listed his opponents for the Championship Scramble match and noted they don’t have to even beat him to become the WWE Champion. He said the odds are against him, but he’s a 12-time champion, been in every match the WWE has to offer and come out on top, he’s the Game and the King of Kings…blah blah blah.

Kenny Dykstra’s music hit and he came down. He took the mic from Trips and said he’s sick and tired of not being taken seriously to which Trips pedigreed him and said “good seeing ya Kenny.”

OMG he killed Kenny!:lmao: Again. Commentary was bad enough. Trips couldn’t wait a week to make it known that Hardy, MVP, Benjamin, and Kendrick have zero chance of going over? Hope is a wondrous powerful thing to have and he just squashed mine. So not looking forward to this match now.

Backstage: Hawkins and Ryder rushed in and told Vicki, Chavo, and Bam that Taker had arrived. The family left for the ring.

Final Segment: The family came to the ring. Vicki read from a prepared statement. She said she’s a great woman who can admit her mistakes, apologize, and is ready to do the right thing. She asked the crowd to stand and introduced the Undertaker. He made his way down. Vicki asked for the chance to make amends and got on her knees, pleading with Taker to accept her apology. He took the mic and said he didn’t come for her apology; he wanted her soul. Vicki left the ring and the family surrounded Taker. He fought them off at first, succumbed to the numbers game, fought back, and eventually cleaned house. Taker stared at Vicki on the stage and did the throat slash sign.

Edge spoiled us in previous weeks. This was a somewhat disappointing and predictable final segment. So what’s next for Taker? I don’t see how he can terrorize Vicki and the family for the next few weeks. She is the GM afterall. What’s there to stop her from banishing him again? Will Vicki go back to being the heel GM we all love to hate and find new ways to screw Taker for weeks on end? Or will Taker quietly move onto a feud with someone like Kozlov or Festus?

Overall Thoughts
: Good show this week. Much improved from last week. No SquashDown tonight. The Championship Scramble qualifying theme was exciting. Raw should’ve done that instead of just announcing the participants. With the exception of the divas match, they kept my attention and kept me entertained. And that’s all I ask.
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Friday Night Smackdown, August 22nd, 2008:

Okay, obviously my review is once again a bit late, and for some unknown reason Wrestlezone doesn't have a match and promo recap of the event, so I'm left to go off memory. (What that means is, I don't usually recall all the nonsense that happens backstage, so I'm likely leaving out those bits) At any rate, here we go.

The Matches:

1. Maria v. Natalya: I honestly don't remember anything about this match, so I really can't comment on it. I believe the ending came off a disqualification via Maryse attacking Maria, but I could be wrong. Also I could've swore Michelle McCool got involved. Overall, the fact that I don't recall it means (to me) that it obviously wasn't worth remembering.

The one thing T.N.A. has over the W.W.E. is putting on memorable Female matches, I guess we'll see how far that goes when the recently released Gail Kim picks a possible brand to jump to.

Championship Scramble Qualifying Matches:

2. 10 Man Battle Royal: The Brian Kendrick v. Hawkins v. Ryder v. Vladimir Kozlov v. Armando Estrada v. Jimmy Wang Yang v. Funaki v. Super Crazy v. Scotty Goldman v. Ryan Braddock: How happy am I right now? THE Brian motha fricken Kendrick qualifies for a W.W.E. HEAVYWEIGHT Championship match, on a Pay per view! Do you know how much that makes me happy for him? I love this gimmick, and it's very apparent they're pushing him beyond the moon right now.

The negative side of that, is how sad is it that out of all the names in this battle royal, short of Kozlov who I have to honestly say I seen winning this thing, how many others were even Championship capable? Funaki? Scotty Goldman?? Armando?! Seriously, that's digging at the bottom of a very empty barrel. And what's with Chavo and Bam not being entered into this match, or the Big Show who basically sent Kendrick to the victory?

Vickie claims she forgot all about the Big Show, yet she remembered Ryan Braddock?! That doesn't even make sense.

At any rate, how about Ezekiel?! I mean, if there is a school for bodyguard's, then this guy passed with flying colors while Bam Neely must of skipped every class there was. Kendrick's win, as much as people might not wanna see it.. is very similar to Shawn Michaels' Royal Rumble victory, when his feet didn't hit the floor. And Ezekiel being there to catch him is very symbolic in a way like Kevin Nash used to be for Shawn back in the day. I must say, I'm more than impressed with Kendrick, I'm downright hoping hell freezes and he wins the title. Come on.. Punk did it, and Kendrick's fun to watch.

3. M.V.P. v. Festus: At least it wasn't Jesse. Festus would've been more impressive than perhaps Shelton Benjamin to be in the Scramble, but in a match against M.V.P. I'm kinda happy he's finally getting that next level push.

This match was half-way decent. Lately I believe Festus' character has hit a wall. It's becoming very old and just plain. It used to be entertaining, but it's just the exact same thing, and the ending to this match didn't actually help M.V.P. to be considered Championship worthy. I mean, he had to kick Jesse, to distract Festus and win via countout. That's not very Heavyweight contender-like.

4. Shelton Benjamin v. Finlay: I don't really know what to think of Shelton Benjamin getting this spot. I personally have this huge issue in my head, telling me that Benjamin's only being pushed by any means, because of the color of his skin and because of the open mouth policy that Michael Hayes has been using.

Don't get me wrong, Benjamin is talented, and in a multi-man match I suppose he's very capable of putting on a great show, however being IN that match also means you have a chance to win it.. and you need to make me believe you could. I seriously, hand to God and all, believe Kendrick could get a Punk like push in suddenly WINNING in flukish fashion, and unlike Punk, I'd love that for Kendrick.. but I DO NOT see Benjamin suddenly winning, and being a Double Champion.

5. Jeff Hardy v. The Great Khali: Wasn't this the deciding match on who'd face Triple H. at Summerslam? So in a reverse role, Jeff picks up the victory. Once again though, the deciding out-come of the match didn't help Hardy to be seen as deserving.

It was Triple H. at ringside, who made sure Khali wouldn't be involved in round two of the Championship Scramble, and in a secondary match against him. Having the Game help Hardy win doesn't make Hardy look worthy, and in the end when you round out everyone involved, Hardy was the arguable second best in the match, next to the Game, and likely tied or right above M.V.P.


Triple H.: After the Khali/Hardy match, H.H.H. decides to cut a promo on his opponents, and ironically the one guy he seemed to pick out of the bunch to give a bit more shit to than the others is Brian Kendrick, when he said "It's not just any, it's THE".. that makes me think that Kendrick really is the underdog in the match, yet also the dark horse that is likely more dangerous than anyone else. I see Kendrick holding the title at the end, only to get dropped by H.H.H. with seconds remaining to be honest.

Also in this segment, Kenny Dykstra decided to question why he wasn't involved, only to get a pedigree and a pleasant welcome by Triple H.

Ending Segment: So Vickie Guerrero and La' Familia come to the ring to issue a public apology to the Undertaker, and hope for forgiveness. This is a written apology, and this brings the Undertaker out.

Vickie explains that it was all Edge's fault, and she gave the Undertaker the proper path in which to get his revenge on him. She gave him Edge inside Hell in a Cell, and reinstated him. She hopes that all of that will lead the Undertaker to forgive her, and accept her apology.

That leads Taker to saying he didn't come out for an apology, he came for souls. And THAT lead to La' Familia getting their butt's handed to them one by one, as the Undertaker stood in the ring glaring a hole through a scared Vickie Guerrero who still uses a wheel-chair, yet manages to walk and run if need-be. That brings the show to a close.

Overall Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of the Championship Scramble match, when Raw announced it and added Kane, J.B.L., Batista and John Cena. (four names that are well deserving of Championship opportunities) Now I have to put up with a secondary one for Smackdown, with Shelton Benjamin, The Brian Kendrick, M.V.P. and Jeff Hardy. It's truly sad just because I'm the most hyped for Kendrick, and the guy unfortunately hasn't done enough (yet) to really deserve this shot.

Jeff Hardy against Triple H. in a single's match really would've worked just as good, if not better. Shelton Benjamin being in this match is even more of a joke than Kendrick, mainly because he already has one title and needs to be defending it. M.V.P. is a nice option, but (and maybe it's just me) I get the feeling that M.V.P. is in a ditch right now. He's just went completely stale overnight it seems, and I don't know.. it just doesn't seem like he's the future everyone (myself included) thought he was going to be.

Is Michelle McCool ever going to defend that title, or is it literally just more of an achievement? Like a Slammy, only even more dorky looking? And this push that Maria's getting is wrong, just plain and simple. Natalya needs to be switched to Raw, in place of possibly Jillian Hall. Or Kelly Kelly, or Layla. Hell, Kelly Kelly is more of a worthy Champion than McCool is, and that's the truth!

Triple H's Championship run might be coming to a very quick ending. I say this because it's getting very stale and boring. He doesn't have any major opponents, short of Edge or the Undertaker, both of which are wrapped up in each other's issues, so Triple H. is kinda left as the odd man out on a brand full of mid-card talent. I'm quickly thinking the move to Smackdown might not of been such a great idea.

I suppose because of the recent string of unfortunate injuries to Umaga and Mr. Kennedy, it's to be expected on why Triple H's run is suddenly stale and boring, but isn't the ideal goal of a Champion suppose to be to have the ability to make any Championship match, worth seeing? Again, I'm MORE hyped to see Kendrick in the Championship Scramble, even in a losing effort, than I am to see Triple H. have the title at all.

Finally, I think the Undertaker is going to replace Edge in my original idea match for Unforgiven. A 4 on 1 Gauntlet match. I'm assuming it'll be Taker against La' Familia, in which if Taker wins he'll get Vickie Guerrero in the ring, for like 5 minutes or some odd number. Furthermore, if that happens I'm completely sure Edge will return and go full-FACE in helping Taker win, to see Vickie get what she "deserves" then end up completely screwed by never getting another title shot, short of winning the Rumble. (which is more and more possible right now, for Edge)

Overall, the show revolved around the Championship Scramble, and that really sucked considering half the matches involved E.C.W. talent as well. (shows how deep Smackdown's newly drafted and restocked rosters really apparently are) I give it a 3 outta 10, only because Kendrick was on it. :lmao:
Lets get this Train Wreck a-rollin'

Darkshot77's Review of Raw 7/25/08:

First off, Cole IMO did an OK job today. I think it was because he took JBL's advice and had a few shots before he went on out. But I digress. We start tonight with pyro and a match...what a strange new concept.

CM Punk vs. JBL-This was a solid match and a very good opener both traded hits and punk pickes up another clean victory...against JBL, so who gives a damn. Despite this being a good match and the best match of the night this did nothing for Punk and less for JBL. But a good match none the less.

Then we learned that Cena is injured and is out of the scramble. And that he has a herniated disk in his neck. What botherd me most about this whole thing are the smarks who cheered when they found out Cena was injured and cheered. From the looks of it now it semes legit because this is all of a sudden and if it was a work it would have been introduced last week not this week. But what pisses me off the most were the cheers. No one and I mean NO ONE deserves a legit injury in this business. I hate Batista, alot, but he dosen't deserve a legit injury, and if this was him I would not cheer. Its rediculos he is hated that much. They need to get off their lazy ass and realize that even when he was champ they still watched. Sooo in Cena's words. STFU

Kane cut a weak promo

Short meaningless segment with Primo ensues...yay...

Kelly Kelly v. Beth Pheonix w. Santino-I have seen worse divas matches in recent memory so this wasn't half bad. Beth Bleeds, and Kelly rolls up after Santino distraction. This promotes Beth to attack Santino...Hey creative nice job doing what you always do, fuck up storylines.

Charlito v. Primo Colon-This match had more comedy value than both Santino segments. I was suprised that Hass accually wrestled like Carlito. Primo wins with a cross body. Isn't it great Charlie Hass has more screen time as Carlito than Carlito :lmao:

Michales promo for an unsanctioned match. To tell ya the truth I really wasn't paying attention all that much. But what I did see was a great storyline get even better.

Simply Whiteboys (I got a new name for them every week) v. Lawler and Duggan-Cole, while better, is still an idiot. He said if Lawler and Duggan won they would be in the title hunt :headscratch: I really need to add anything. Any ways Dibiassi won with the million dollar legsweep. this leads to Cryme Tyme and Priceless promo leading to an Unforgiven match. I guess this is good.

Santino v. Kofi Kingsaton for the IC Championship- Its a Santino match. So it sucked. Beth interfered and tripped Kofi causing Santino getting a pin...uhhh :wtf: When dose a trip count for a pinfall!? The announcers tried to sell it as him landing on Santino's knee...weak.

Then we learn that Cena is replaced by Ray be it. This dosen't change anything except gaurentee two people who won't get the title. and another thing with the announces saying the deck is stacked against the champ and that he as a low chance of winning all but confirms that Punk will retain. Period.

Then we get to the main event Batista v. Kane-Never thought I'd see the day Batista and Kane would trade off holds...this is a dark day for wrestling. Both looked very out of their element. This match ended in a clusterfuck of steel and knees all in all a weak ending to Raw.

Final Thoughts
This Raw was OK and better than last week, Unforgiven seems to be shaping up real well, and things are looking up...I hope

out of 5 starts RAW Receives 2 1/2
IMO, Raw has just been a big bore as of late. I feel that all the divisions are sort of stale and we just had a draft not too long ago.

CM Punk vs. JBL-This was a pretty decent match, but we've seen it like 4 times in the last month. This feud is very stale and they need Punk to move on. At least Punk was booked credible in this match, and he got a clean pin. The fans also seemed fairly interested and it made the match better. Punk just really needs a new feud and hopefully the scramble will create that.

Kelly Kelly v. Beth Pheonix- Again not the worst diva's match ever, but we have seen it already too many times as of late. Kelly countinues improving, but is still very green. You have got to give her credit as she has improved more than Leyla, Ashley, & Maria all who have been there longer. Santino costs Beth, the match and their post match bickering helped.

Team Priceless Vs. Lawler/Duggan-This match shows how poor the tag division is. They need the commentator and an old guy to job to them. The match was as good as can be expected having Lawler/Duggan in it. After wards cryme time makes an appearance and challenges the to a match at unforgiven. I like this feud but after it where does the division go? With only 2credible teams is this feud going to last months, because Cryme Time's act gets tiresome after a while and I dont want this feud to overstay its welcome.

Santino v. Kofi Kingston for the IC Championship-Again not a bad match but we have seen it before. Kofi shows off his skills/charisma while Santino shows what a good comedy character he is. Santino wins by interference by Beth. I really think their setting up a feud between these two where Beth becomes IC champ, but I hope not. Beth is great, but she needs to help the womens division and I see a Candice/Beth feud.

Kane v. Batista-This match was a bore to me. Both wrestlers, wrestle a very boring style and pitting the two together doesn't make it better. Ok, so I take it they are not trying to build Kane as an unstoppable monster since he ends up getting destroyed after trying to destroy Batista. The booking of Kane has been really poorly done, IMO. They turn him heel, yet they are making him look weak. Kane as a weak heel doesn't work. He is obviously just a jobber to the stars but if he isn't scary, it just doesn;t work.

The only thing that I liked on Raw was the Jericho/HBK promo. These has really been booked good, but I sure hope it ends soon so both can help liven up the mainevent scene. A punk vs. Jericho feud would work really good, IMO since they seem to work well together but Punk has to be made to look like Jericho's equal in the feud are it will fizzle out.

I don't want to complain, but it's just my personal feeling about Raw. It's probably just because none of my personal favorites are on the show anymore, and Im just tired of Batista/Kane/JBL. I really like Punk as champion as long as he is booked right. I cannot wait for Melina to come back.....
TheOneBigWill's 'take' on Monday Night Raw, August 25th, 2008:

The Matches:

1. Non-Title: C.M. Punk v. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield: We don't get an opening segment, as we go straight to action. Since moving to Raw, Punk left the channel and the brand that originally helped push him into 'so-called' stardom. This is Punk's return, apparently, to the channel that helped make him. :rolleyes:

I'll admit this match was a bit more enjoyable to watch than their p.p.v. contest, and Punk still hasn't changed one bit. I spent most of the match trying to figure out how to get into enjoying Punk and his reign, since it doesn't seem to go anywhere and I think I've come to the strong hard conclusion that it just isn't possible. Punk is a great athlete for the Intercontinental division, and watching this guy against Jericho, Regal, Kingston, Dykstra, Benjamin, Hardy(s), and other mid-card-kinda Main Event level players is entertaining and good. But against the Kane's, Batista's, J.B.L.'s and other big men of the W.W.E.. Punk just looks like a child, trying to fight off a drunken Parent.

All in all, again, this match was better than their Summerslam showdown, and it ended with the same result. I had to laugh at that as well, because Punk's only Main Event level victory's come off J.B.L. He's defeated the guy 3 times now, twice fairly and once with outside issues. But none the less, Punk's Main Event career is being made off beating J.B.L., while J.B.L. must of clearly pissed someone off to be the only guy that has to constantly lose to him.

2. Non-Title: Beth Phoenix v. Kelly Kelly: I have to be honest, outside of the out come I was very surprised this wasn't a Championship match. I'm assuming they'll rematch for Unforgiven. Kelly Kelly really has come on as a diva's wrestler. She isn't a 'Lita' or 'Trish' by any stretch, and she'll never be that great I wouldn't imagine.. but she's definately found her learning curve and she's adapted nicely. (A lot better than McCool)

Beth gets her nose busted, and possibly broken, early on in the match. The only other note-worthy comment is Kelly went for her twirling backflip, and that's how the match came to end, as Santino tried helping by pulling Beth out of the way, only for Kelly to stop short and roll Beth up, picking up the non-title victory. After the match, Beth beat the crap out of Santino, to thank him.

3. Charlito (Haas) v. Primo Colon: I'm instantly not sold on Carlito's 'brother'. (unsure if he is, or it's a gimmick, I'd assume he is though) I'm also suddenly thinking Haas has found a way to get both air-time AND job on a constant basis. It looks like he's stolen Stevie Richards old gimmick, of trying to rip-off other people's gimmicks.

I fully expect Charlito to appear next week as possibly "Chantino", "C-Lo Haas", or even "Chane", or "Chatista". This really is gimmick gold if you can find someone funny enough to work it, but I'm not sure if Haas is that person. All in all, I'm remotely happy they've found something for him though, because of Haas' background in the sport and the death of his brother. While his career hasn't and at this point never seemingly will reach anything high, at least he's doing what he loves.

As far as Primo goes, well.. he was right when he said he's not his brother. His brother was a lot more entertaining in the ring. Primo's tights are horrible, his gimmick seems too.. old school and unwanted. And even if he's not trying, tying himself with being related is only causing him more harm than good. His finisher was a cross body block, which tells me they haven't "assigned" him one yet, and that also tells me they don't foresee using him a lot.

To be honest, I would've rather this match been Carlito v. Primo Colon, a battle of the brother's would've been great for Raw. (even if Carlito's on SD)

4. Non-Title: Wall Street v. Jerry 'The King' Lawler & 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan: A month later we end up getting this match-up, and the stupid thing is.. some of us (namely me) are still waiting on Hardcore Holly to return and attempt revenge on Cody. This match is about a week or two late, and a whole crowd short. It wasn't entertaining in the least, and the only interesting fact is I'm sure both Lawler and Duggan have worked (I know Duggan has) matches with each of their Father's, so that just makes it even worse to think how mismatched and out of place this match truly is.

In the end, DiBiase gets the finish with his updated version of the Million Dollar Dream, into a Russian Leg-Sweep. I love that finisher, but he needs to use it more often. They also need to get a Tag Team finisher, in my opinion.

After the match, Cryme Tyme addressed them from the crowd and basically said they took the titles so they could gain a title shot. Wall Street agrees to a showdown at the p.p.v. which in today's Tag Team division, this is a Mania sized match-up, so I'm instantly awaiting it.

5. Intercontinental Championship: Santino Marella (c) v. Kofi Kingston: Santino is the new 'Punk' of the midcard division. That's it in a nutshell. If Kingston were going to win the Championship back, it could've and easily should've been here.

Instead, Kingston jobs out to Marella in the end, and from what I gathered, the p.p.v. match (assuming one will be signed) will be Santino Marella v. Beth Phoenix, for the Intercontinental Championship. It's the new Chyna/Eddie Guerrero storyline, which is funny and sad all in one.


Mike Adamle/Cena Injury: Adamle comes out to announce that John Cena apparently injured himself against Batista at Summerslam. (even though the following night, he was in a handicap match) The injury is being played off regarding a disc in his back, but I think the real one might be regarding his neck. The funny thing is, I think Adamle said "Cena's suffered a herniated disc in his necks. Yes, "necks".

All in all, I don't know if this injury is real or not, but to be honest it would make sense to pull him from the Championship Scramble, because Cena and Punk in the same title match.. with Punk being the guy they're pushing, just doesn't even feel right. So it makes perfect sense that Cena's being pulled. Injury or not.. it was fate and common sense that brought this decision forth.

Kane: I honestly can't even remember this interview. I'm going off the report on Apparently Kane explains how pain isn't a bad thing, it can be a good thing. And what Batista did to Cena is nothing compared to what he's done to Mysterio. The announcer's later in the night mentioned that Kane said something about "being beautiful" but they didn't report him saying anything like that, so I don't know.

Adamle/Primo Colon: Adamle instantly mocks Carlito, by telling Primo he's got a bucket full of apples and the ol' cabana. Primo says he's nothing like his brother, then says Carlito's a jerk to everyone. (slap in the face, is it?) Adamle finds something amusing, and when Primo asks, Adamle explains he'll find out before his match. I have to admit, if Primo is the brother of Carlito, all this is is W.W.E. finding out how much muscle they have to turn Family against Family in promos and storylines. Sickening.

Also, before the segment ended, H.B.K. comes in. He says he wants Jericho, and Adamle says Jericho isn't in the building yet. H.B.K. goes to leave, and Adamle mentioned Rebecca's name, asking how she is. Shawn stops, looks like he's about to kill Adamle, then just walks off.

Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho: Shawn starts off his promo by addressing anyone who's concerned about Rebecca. (like most fans even care) He said she's hurt, but after being with him for 15 yrs. she's tough and she'll be okay. (Alright, HBK-aholic, this is your cue.. I didn't think they were together 15 yrs. I thought it's only been like 11 at most, 97/98-08 what's the real story?)

Shawn continues with saying that the reason he didn't send in a letter to retire, but instead wanted to publicly do it was because after 20 yrs. in the business, he feels he's deserved the right to come publicly say thank you to everyone who's supported him. He said it was hard, and that's why Rebecca was with him.. only to get punched in the face for her troubles.

H.B.K. said when Jericho disrespected them on the following Raw, he knew he wasn't leaing. (shocking development there, I NEVER fucking saw that coming) Chris Jericho appears on the tron, apparently not in the building tonight. Jericho explains that he's not there, because of what he would/could do to H.B.K. Jericho goes on to say that H.B.K. only wants another match, to bring Jericho down. H.B.K. fires back by saying he wants it, because the things he wants to do to Jericho, would usually place him in jail.. but in a ring, it's legal. Shawn says he'll do anything to get it, sign anything, agree to anything.

Jericho agrees to the match, roughly after H.B.K. taunted him by mentioning Becca being stronger. Jericho demands that Shawn not allow his Family to watch, because it's going to be brutual. H.B.K. says he isn't looking to steal the show, he's just trying to get an eye for an eye. He then says he'll never forgive Jericho, leading them into Unforgiven. Cue commercial.

Batista: Batista basically does nothing more than claim he has respect for Cena and hopes he returns healthy and quickly. He then says tonight, he's facing one of the guys that'll also be in the Championship Scramble, but it won't be about titles.. it's personal.

All in all, I was looking forward to this match, and Batista's been on a roll, but his promo ability still has it's holes.

Adamle/Cena Replacement: Another not so surprising move, and a major let-down for me, because this was a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE opportunity to bring in the one guy that's name has been floating around, regarding a big return. Sid.. fricken.. Vicious. The idea of a Sid Vicious/Kane or Sid/Batista feud could be ate up with a mark-sized spoon. Instead, we toss little Rey Mysterio into the match.. and suddenly, you take out one HUGE Main Eventer in John Cena, toss in Mysterio.. and Punk's odds of winning go up greatly, as well as the overall match looking more in Punk's favor now.

If you step back and look. Punk has faced all of them before. Batista, Kane, J.B.L.. the only guy he hasn't faced is Mysterio, and that's a match-up that would be worth seeing Punk in. So this match just instantly got better, all because they removed the one guy that eclipsed everything Punk ever will be.

Main Event: Batista v. Kane: This match wasn't nearly as good as I'd hoped it'd be. I don't know what to say regarding it, other than while I was watching it and noticing Kane working over Batista's knee, I kept thinking.. "I wonder if they'll have another injury angle take Batista out too". I say that, because Batista is the second biggest star in the Scramble, and without him, arguably Punk really would be one of the bigger names in the match.

At any rate, the ending was a thrown out match after Kane blasts Batista with the chair across the knee several times. Instead of playing completely injured and out of action, Batista fights back and hits a spear. Then he takes the chair and returns the favor to Kane's knee, which has Raw going off the air with both men clutching injured knees. (ironically, both clutching their left knee, which is always the signature injured limb - I still never got why.)

Overall Thoughts: Raw had a nice pace of action tonight. Good flow, nice mix of stupid-pointless matches, yet each also had their own little meaning. I pretty much summed up what I thought in each match description, but overall I'll give some cliff notes.

Primo, to me, likely won't make it beyond next year's cutting block. Charlie Haas has more chance or remaining with the company than Primo, and even though the guy just debuted, the fact is you can tell a lot about a person from their debut. Whether they'll make it or not. I just don't think Primo will.

I have to admit while I'm impressed more and more each week by Kelly, I'm not interested in another match-up with her against Beth, especially on Pay per view. I'd be more interested in seeing Beth Phoenix v. Santino Marella, for the Intercontinental title.. with both of them playing "I love you, I love you not" silly mind games throughout a 5-10 minutes match. Just the idea of Beth demanding Santino to lay down, then Santino getting giddy with doing it, only to roll her up is hilarious.

Can anyone truly explain to me. John Cena gets pulled, and Mysterio's been "missing" for about 7 weeks now.. so why'd Adamle put Mysterio in as the replacement, if noone's seen or heard from Mysterio to know if he can even go for that type of match? Doesn't that kinda just ruin the whole storyline? Wouldn't it of been better to have Mysterio show up at the p.p.v., costing Kane the match, then having the story explaining how he "escaped" and wants revenge?

Instead, they make it instantly seem like Kane toyed with him for a bit, then randomly forgot about him to the point that he just.. let him go.. now Mysterio's getting a title match. Pointless.

I'm torn on whether or not to believe Cryme Tyme will win the Tag titles come the p.p.v. This reminds me of when the Highlanders first came in, challenged the Spirit Squad, then lost in the end. (ironically, it was at an Unforgiven) I'm thinking the whole point Cryme Tyme even 'have' the titles right now, is to just push their gimmick of stealing.. but in the end, wouldn't it be better served to have Wall Street cheat to retain? Then on the flip side, I doubt it'd hurt either team regardless of which direction they took this with.. and Cryme Tyme seem to have that whole Michael Hayes crap playing out on their side, so it wouldn't shock me to see them win and the streak of African American Champions increase. (sorry, but anyone who doesn't think that's a prime reason is blind.)

I have to admit, an "Un-Sanctioned" match instead of a blindfold match will be more entertaining. And to be honest, this is something I was thinking H.B.K. needed right now. When he originally returned in 2002, it was in an "un-sanctioned" match against Triple H., and H.B.K. claimed he wasn't out to steal the show.. yet he did, and it was arguably his best match. I think Jericho replacing the Game, this is going to be nothing more than a repeat with different moves.. but in the end, I bet it turns out very similar, with tables, chairs and ladders all playing into this contest. I can't wait.

Do I even have to bother anymore with explaining how much of a flop-fluke Champion Punk is? The guy is fucking opening the show. He only wins when he's opening or mid-carding, anytime he's Main Evented, I can't recall when he's won (since J.B.L. - in fluke fashion) outside of a Tag contest in which his partner's carried him. You know, stupid idiot Punk marks claim I'm being blind, but I fail to see how I'm blind, when I'm proving my beliefs with facts, and all Punk Bastards are doing.. are replying to me saying "you're blind because you just hate him being from R.o.H.". Wow.. nice rebuttal. No wonder you're a Punk Bastard, your debates over the subject are as flukish as his title reign.

In the end, like I said Raw was good. It had all the key elements and nicely timed segments/matches. I'd give it a 7 outta 10.

Primo, to me, likely won't make it beyond next year's cutting block. Charlie Haas has more chance or remaining with the company than Primo, and even though the guy just debuted, the fact is you can tell a lot about a person from their debut. Whether they'll make it or not. I just don't think Primo will.

I think you should give him a LITTLE more time to prove what potential he does have then burying him and claiming he's not going to become anything based on his debut match. Its nice to claim you can "tell" someone's not going to make it, but I'm not buying that. No one was impressed with Santino in his first month or so in the company, now look at him?

Can anyone truly explain to me. John Cena gets pulled, and Mysterio's been "missing" for about 7 weeks now.. so why'd Adamle put Mysterio in as the replacement, if noone's seen or heard from Mysterio to know if he can even go for that type of match? Doesn't that kinda just ruin the whole storyline? Wouldn't it of been better to have Mysterio show up at the p.p.v., costing Kane the match, then having the story explaining how he "escaped" and wants revenge?

Instead, they make it instantly seem like Kane toyed with him for a bit, then randomly forgot about him to the point that he just.. let him go.. now Mysterio's getting a title match. Pointless.

Cen'as legitimately injured, so this wasn't some planned thing. They just found out about his injury, they had to "scramble" to play around it and replace him somehow, so I don't really judge the decision too harshly based on the fact its last minute and they have to do what they have to do with what they have. Cena was meant to be in that match, he can't be now. I also don't think it makes that little of sense with Mysterio. Kane's never claimed he captured the guy or locked him away somewhere, he said he attacked him in the parking lot and he broke his spirit. There hasn't been enough specific details to say what he did to Mysterio, or where Mysterio's been.. he may have just been at home, injured and lacking the spirit to come back. Now he's coming back, obviously to get some revenge against Kane and he'll be in a match with Kane to play off that. Give it a week to play out before bashing it so much, storylines are meant to build.

I'm torn on whether or not to believe Cryme Tyme will win the Tag titles come the p.p.v. This reminds me of when the Highlanders first came in, challenged the Spirit Squad, then lost in the end. (ironically, it was at an Unforgiven) I'm thinking the whole point Cryme Tyme even 'have' the titles right now, is to just push their gimmick of stealing.. but in the end, wouldn't it be better served to have Wall Street cheat to retain? Then on the flip side, I doubt it'd hurt either team regardless of which direction they took this with.. and Cryme Tyme seem to have that whole Michael Hayes crap playing out on their side, so it wouldn't shock me to see them win and the streak of African American Champions increase. (sorry, but anyone who doesn't think that's a prime reason is blind.)

I don't think Cryme Tyme will win the Tag titles just yet, and not at Unforgiven. Nor do I personally think they really Need the titles, as they're already over with the fans and their gimmick is used better with them stealing the titles then winning them and being champions. Its much more benefitial, in my eyes, for Dibiase/Rhodes to have the championships and I think they'll keep them for a while longer, but the feud may continue past Unforgiven.

Do I even have to bother anymore with explaining how much of a flop-fluke Champion Punk is? The guy is fucking opening the show. He only wins when he's opening or mid-carding, anytime he's Main Evented, I can't recall when he's won (since J.B.L. - in fluke fashion) outside of a Tag contest in which his partner's carried him. You know, stupid idiot Punk marks claim I'm being blind, but I fail to see how I'm blind, when I'm proving my beliefs with facts, and all Punk Bastards are doing.. are replying to me saying "you're blind because you just hate him being from R.o.H.". Wow.. nice rebuttal. No wonder you're a Punk Bastard, your debates over the subject are as flukish as his title reign.

It makes no sense to claim that you can't remember the last time he's won and then downplay and discredit the times he has won that answer your question. He's won against JBL, he won by disqualification I believe against Batista, he's won in a tag match (and how he was carried makes no sense and sounds just like you being biased and picking him out of a TEAM to claim as the weakest link). What are these facts that are proving your beliefs? I'm not a Punk fan, nor have I paid attention to any debate of yours about Punk, but I do think he's a nice change from the same old champions we've seen for the last three years.. over and over again.
I think you should give him a LITTLE more time to prove what potential he does have then burying him and claiming he's not going to become anything based on his debut match. Its nice to claim you can "tell" someone's not going to make it, but I'm not buying that. No one was impressed with Santino in his first month or so in the company, now look at him?

It's not always "seeable". I mean, I doubt many people viewed a guy named "Edge" with the gimmick he had, being one of the best heel's in the business today. I doubt a lot of people viewed someone who debuted as "The Ringmaster" being one of the most known names in the business to this day.

But Santino is a bad example as well. Santino was a flop as a face, and the only saving grace he's ever had is his mic skills. He's still a horrible wrestler, and even his matches (as a 2-time Intercontinental Champion) are joking to watch.

Jake said it best. Santino has the title because he's making it look like he feels it's the World Heavyweight Championship. But that doesn't mean Santino himself is anything worth being a Champion.

I'm fine with giving Primo more time.. but as is, right now.. this gimmick won't get over anymore than D.H. Smith's debuting Raw gimmick, which I have no idea what it even was.

Cen'as legitimately injured, so this wasn't some planned thing. They just found out about his injury, they had to "scramble" to play around it and replace him somehow, so I don't really judge the decision too harshly based on the fact its last minute and they have to do what they have to do with what they have. Cena was meant to be in that match, he can't be now. I also don't think it makes that little of sense with Mysterio. Kane's never claimed he captured the guy or locked him away somewhere, he said he attacked him in the parking lot and he broke his spirit. There hasn't been enough specific details to say what he did to Mysterio, or where Mysterio's been.. he may have just been at home, injured and lacking the spirit to come back. Now he's coming back, obviously to get some revenge against Kane and he'll be in a match with Kane to play off that. Give it a week to play out before bashing it so much, storylines are meant to build.

First, Kane DID explain that he "kidnapped" Rey, and had spent the previous couple of weeks torturing him. He said it in a promo the week after revealing the Mysterio mask. He said he brought his spirit, and his will. But never eluded to just "letting him go" or whether Mysterio "escaped" or not.

Which lead many, myself included, to go along with why he was saying "is he alive or dead". Not in the physical sense, but in the mental sense. Did Kane torture him enough to the point that even though he got away.. did Kane do the trick.

And Mysterio being in this match isn't good for multiple reasons.

1. It's a Championship match, which over-shadows the feud. It's a match revolved around the title, and whether or not Punk will retain and continue proving he's worthy.

2. It would've helped both men more in their feud, if Mysterio would've interfered, and cost Kane the match. I'm not saying having him pinned, but definately distracting him long enough to explain why he wasn't involved in stopping the finish, or the finish itself.

It's wishful thinking to assume Sid Vicious could've been brought back into this, and he wouldn't of deserved it anymore. So Mysterio WAS likely the only alternative.. but even still, it's unfortunate for how it might hurt their storyline.

I don't think Cryme Tyme will win the Tag titles just yet, and not at Unforgiven. Nor do I personally think they really Need the titles, as they're already over with the fans and their gimmick is used better with them stealing the titles then winning them and being champions. Its much more benefitial, in my eyes, for Dibiase/Rhodes to have the championships and I think they'll keep them for a while longer, but the feud may continue past Unforgiven.

I agree that Cryme Tyme are a better team without the titles than with. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, even for being 2nd generation stars, still aren't as over as Cryme Tyme. So it'd serve more of a purpose for them to defeat Cryme Tyme and regain their "never lost" titles.. than to have them drop the titles for a second time, and seem even more like a flukish Tag Team.

However, because Raw only really has these two teams.. Cryme Tyme winning isn't out of the possibility. That's the unfortunate nature of having a weaken division.

It makes no sense to claim that you can't remember the last time he's won and then downplay and discredit the times he has won that answer your question.

The point I'm making is, as a World Heavyweight Champion.. your goal is to be the Main Event. Maybe not every week, but almost every week. And Punk's only been in the Main Event, twice, in single's matches. Once against J.B.L. (his first night) and last week against Jericho. Maybe there were more, but I don't recall them.

That means they believe there are bigger storylines, and other Superstars who gain more viewers than Punk does.. so he goes on first, or middle of the show. The ideal goal of a product is to push your best matches last, to keep your fans tuned in. If Punk was this "great" Superstar, wouldn't people of tuned out, the instant the first match was over?

He's won against JBL, he won by disqualification I believe against Batista, he's won in a tag match (and how he was carried makes no sense and sounds just like you being biased and picking him out of a TEAM to claim as the weakest link).

He's defeated J.B.L. 3 times. Once (due to Cena), the second and third times cleanly. (One on p.p.v., in the mid-card) The match at the Great American Bash against Batista was either thrown out, or awarded to Batista via Kane's interference. The following night, Punk was made to look like a joke because Batista had just been "destroyed" by Kane, and still almost won the title.. only for J.B.L. to interfere.

And what "team" victories has he won? Look who his partner's have been. I'm not trying to say he was the weaker link, I AM saying he was the weaker link.

What are these facts that are proving your beliefs? I'm not a Punk fan, nor have I paid attention to any debate of yours about Punk, but I do think he's a nice change from the same old champions we've seen for the last three years.. over and over again.

I'm not 100% trying to discredit C.M. Punk. I'll give him credit for being entertaining against select Superstars, and having decent to good matches against some as well. But the whole "fresh change" isn't working well.

Big deal, Cena, Batista and H.H.H. have all been in the title picture for years. So elevate someone who everyone believes SHOULD be there. M.V.P., Kennedy, Hardy even.. but to move beyond all of them, directly to Punk.. then keep it on him, just so you don't have to admit your failure in him.. it's like the X.F.L. all over again.
Cena's legitimately injured, so this wasn't some planned thing. They just found out about his injury, they had to "scramble" to play around it and replace him somehow, so I don't really judge the decision too harshly based on the fact its last minute and they have to do what they have to do with what they have. Cena was meant to be in that match, he can't be now. I also don't think it makes that little of sense with Mysterio. Kane's never claimed he captured the guy or locked him away somewhere, he said he attacked him in the parking lot and he broke his spirit. There hasn't been enough specific details to say what he did to Mysterio, or where Mysterio's been.. he may have just been at home, injured and lacking the spirit to come back. Now he's coming back, obviously to get some revenge against Kane and he'll be in a match with Kane to play off that. Give it a week to play out before bashing it so much, storylines are meant to build.

Whether it was a late minute moment's notice decision, if creative had any ounce of idea to preserve the Mysterio/Kane angle, they would of sent over Edge, who Punk had took the title from in the first place though Edge said he'd never be back on RAW again, but they could always script something for that. Edge has done all period on SmackDown and even if it was a one-time thing on RAW, it would have worked better than screwing things up and replacing Cena with Mysterio (nothing against Mysterio, love that guy). If you don't recall MisterRob, Kane proclaimed he had destroyed Mysterio beyond all human recognition which is the equivalent of someone in a critical damn condition (in hospital), thus, how is Mysterio suppose to be able to compete if we were told to believe by Kane's words which shouldn't be a lie because Kane is not characterized that way, how can Mysterio compete in such a horrid state? Kane said his spirit is broken caused from the amount of beating he gave him. This is all fucked six ways to sunday and when Adamle announced Mysterio's name, another damn let-down. Just watch, I bet you anything WWE will fuck this shit up.

Now, as for Monday Night Snooze, it was pretty less of a decent show I've seen from the RAW brand seen the draft.

JBL vs. Punk, four times in counting now have they squared off against each other. Come on, they are playing the whole thing out so many times? I don't wanna see no more Punk/JBL, tired of it now. Glad JBL got the win, I can only hope he will request no more matches and even after he loses at Unforgiven.

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly , hmm, I don't remember seeing this match. Punk and JBL had me doing something else while peeking in and out watching it before completely doing something else. Thus, I missed this match and don't really care, anyways. I wanna see Marella and Phoenix in a love feud.

Charlito vs. Primo Colon, Haas as Carlito? I'd say he pulled off the look. I swore it was Carlito, one of the best parodies in terms of dressing in a long time. Primo Colon, I like this guy. Can't make a call on his future from one match, but he did display some talent in the ring. Haas did a good job too. Nice to see Colon pick up the win and that's he's not like his brother Carlito, a jobber (at least not yet). Expecting Carlito/Colon feud soon.

Team Priceless vs. The Classic Old Folks, enjoyed this match, it was actually really good. Nothing like some classic wrestling from King and Hacksaw. Just think there should have been more false finishes. But at the end, Team Priceless wins which is predictable of course but yet, the right booking. Team Priceless though get more boring by the weeks, but they work well together as tag team.

Santino Marella vs. Kofi Kingston, Oh boy, well you know Kofi, always putting on a great performance even if his opponent is half a joke. But at the end was absolutely one of the most stupidest finish I have ever witnessed. Reminded me of "Finger Poke of Doom". I call this won "Knee of Doom". Fuck that shit finish. I'm worried now if that loss effected Kofi. I don't want to see him jobbed out.

Cena Injury/Kane Seg & Other Segs, read what I said above. But as for Cena's injury, ah poor thing. I mean, ah poor thing, RAW gets a break but only for a while. And just my point, Kane said he did worse to Mysterio than Batista did to Cena which means if Cena is out on injury, so should Mysterio be and even worse. Primo/Adamle seg was fine and even when Shawn came in and built some friction with Adamle. His segment time with Y2J was slow, smooth and classic. I loved that. Y2J/HBK should be an Unsanctioned match like HHH/HBK at SummerSlam 02. Batista's promo was okay, didn't quite hype a match up.

Kane vs. Batista, well, I switched my channel several times during this match after I thought this match could be good. Kane was so unfit-looking and Batista was just sloppy and disgusting. They moved quite slow and you could just tell the reaction of the fans were like, "Plz hurry up and finish, I wanna go home. Oh! Some chairs and great, the match is thrown out. Okay some excitement, but WTF, the show ends with both clutching their knees? I want my money back". I thought this RAW was half boring/half ok. So I rate it 5/10.
Well, my thoughts of last night RAW: (not all the matches /promos, no order in particular, for now)

-Primo Colon is getting a moderate-decent push while his bro is getting his ass buried to the center of the earth?? only on WWE Tv, folks. I wish to see more of Primo Colon, and eventually a "battle of the bros" program down the line. Other than that, I agree with Will: This guy unfortunately (for him) is not what the company is looking for, even if they need some latino talent for many purposes.
Funny note: Charlito! lol@Charlie Hass and props to him for keeping his job AND getting TV time.

-Beth Phoenix vs KellyX2:
well, well.. look at Kelly! besides of being one of Vince's favorite eye candies, she's becoming a decent wrestler! good for her and good for the biz! I liked this match, specially when Beth got busted open: she performed her gimmick to the perfection: a strong, savage woman who obliterate the competition. Add to that a touch of PG-Rated blood = instant Win. The cherry on the pie: Santino getting a beat! :)

-Santino vs Kofi:
Man, i feel sorry for KK. this guy has everything to make a big impact in the brand and was in a roll putting the IC belt in a good stand. But i guess that is useless when you have a comedy man like Marella. I mean, it's all about ratings these days, so I guess Kofi will have to wait more to get back that edge.
The match was performed adequately, not boring but not exciting, just the exact amount of back and forth action. Typical Santino match if you ask me.
The end was kinda lame, but hey, thats how the storyline is scripted.

Priceless vs...the king and Hacksaw?? i know that Jim Duggan makes it for some patriotic-oriented pops, but for the love of Gawd, put a t-shirt on that gentleman! I mean, at least have the minimum amount of decency and respect his legacy without embarrassing him. Honestly, Jim Duggan need to pass the torch (or the 2x4, whatever...) to a newer, fresher "american" face.
BONUS: YO! Yo, yo yo yo yo!!.... Yooooo!! It's all about the Money, money with one of my favorite tag teams! I dont know how merch sales are doing for them, but judging by crowd reaction in EVERY arena they step, they must sell very, very well...
It seems that Cryme time is finally getting the push they deserve, and i see a long, healthy ($$) program between them and Pricele$$, giving the tag belts the action it needs.

HBK - Jericho Confrontation:
WOW. What we've seen is some of the best promo interchanges in a long, long time. We are talking about veterans of the game here folks. Guys who instantly add thousands of PPV buys and sell out arenas. Jericho is at his best since returning, and i'm proud to see him evolving (again) to a full blown heel, which is his natural environment.
As always, HBK gives us a fair, but in the end, very interesting segment. His speech abilities are not near of a Rock or Austin, but dont get me wrong: his speeches are just...different. We are not gonna hear the crazy DX - HBK hyped kinda guy, but instead, we get the semi-obscure, always tragedy driven Sahwn Michaels of always. HBK as always been that way: Losing his smile? Great speech, Returning from a near career ending back injury? great speeches, Putting out of misery to one of the greatest of all time? no worries, HBK is like Anon: he delivers.
People need to enjoy and fully appreciate the ring psychology that these two guys are bringing. It's a clear example on how two main eventers should be combined without blowing it bad (*cough, Batista vs Cena, cough*)
Let the mind games begin.

Main event: Batista vs Kane:
lol@ Kane's new music entrance. If you are going to turn someone into a Nasty monster, make sure his music entrance doesn't sound like a local fair cheap attraction.
The match was your average slow paced match, considering how "battered" Batista was and Kane's lack of mobility. Both sold their spots well; Batista is improving in all aspects during his matches. Even if he kinda no-sold in the end, the action was really good, getting beat until Kane gets DQed and then the comeback with the spear, which IMO, looks better on him than in Edge repertoire.
some Chair action and RAW goes off the air.

Overall, This RAW was plain average. John Cena's injury came up in the worst moment, as i really wanted to see him in a long program with Batista, ending in a Brutal match at SS. Also, this brought Rey's addition into the scramble, which is a bad move IMO. Why wasting a spot on a guy who is just returning from a "brutal assault" and is supposed to be looking for revenge? The answer: Creative is getting lazy gain. Lets just hope that this trend changes before SS.

Out of 5 stars, I give this RAW a solid 2 and a half, lol.
Amy’s ‘take’ on Raw 08/25/08:

Match #1 CM Punk vs. JBL (non-title): Early on, Punk took control with a kicks, snapmare takedown, forearm shots to the face, dropkick, side headlock, armdrag, kick to the head, dropkick that sent JBL to the floor, a plancha onto JBL at ringside, then a high crossbody in the ring for a couple nearfalls. JBL skinned the cat on Punk then delivered a big boot, sending Punk to the floor as we cut to commercial.

Back from break, JBL controlled Punk with a side bearhug then hit a back suplex, suplex, clothesline, and elbow drop for a couple nearfalls. JBL put Punk in what has to be one of the weakest looking torture racks ever. Late in the match, Punk pulled off a tornado DDT then completed his comeback with punches, kicks, springboard clothesline, high knee/bulldog combo. JBL avoided the Go To Sleep and hit the Clothesline from Hell. JBL went for a chair at ringside but the ref stopped him. Punk scored the win via the GTS off the distraction.

A good long (13-minute) match to open the show (a rarity on Raw). I reckon Punk needed a clean win after last week’s loss to Jericho, but how telling is it that the only guys they let him beat cleanly are Snitsky and JBL? Cole really put over how Punk keeps finding a way to win and is making believers out of everyone. 2½ months into his reign and NOW they’re trying to get him over? Yet they’re still making him sound like a fluke, unworthy champion. Tsk tsk. And what the hell is the WHC doing in the opening Raw match? That spot's usually reserved for the divas or a squash. Guess we all know what WWE think of Punk and JBL's main event worthiness.:rolleyes:

GM Mike Adamle’s 1st Announcement: Adamle asked we turn our attention to the Tron as footage of John Cena vs. Batista from Summerslam aired. He said Cena suffered a severely herniated disk in his neck that may require surgery. Since Cena can’t compete in the WHC Championship Scramble at Unforgiven, Adamle promised to name a replacement later in the night.

Whoa, that’s news to me. I hadn’t heard any rumors about any injury and Cena put on a good, long handicap match last week.

Kane Promo: Kane said pain can be a beautiful thing. He said what Tista did to Cena can’t compare with what he did to Rey Mysterio. He said it gets him off to choke a man and break his spirit.

WTF was that? Just when I thought nothing could be worse than his promo last week, Kane spews more boring, incoherent crap. The Kane-Mysterio angle is getting lamer with each passing week. I have serious doubts it or Kane can be salvaged.

Backstage: Adamle apologized to Primo Colon for dissing him last week, but tonight he’s ready with the apples, cabana, etc. Primo said he’s a better man than his brother; he’s nothing like Carlito who’s a jerk to his own family. Shawn Michaels entered Adamle’s office to ask where Jericho was. Adamle said he hadn’t arrived yet and told Shawn to take all the time he needs. He asked how Rebecca is to which Shawn stared at him and walked off.

I’m not sure referencing Primo’s brother Carlito is the best way to help get this guy over.:headscratch:

Match #2 Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix (w/Santino Marella): At the start, Kelly tried a side headlock. Beth picked her up and deposited her on the top rope like she was nothing. Kelly got right in Beth’s face then applied a wristlock and hard kick to the face that busted open Beth’s nose. She manhandled Kelly a little. Kelly reversed the faceplant into a roll-up pin attempt. She hit a drop toehold. Santino pulled Beth out of the corner just as Kelly went for her cartwheel back handspring move. Beth was talking to Santino when Kelly rolled her up for the win.

For fuck’s sake. I guess it was only a matter of time before Kelly scored a win over Beth. Surprisingly good match, albeit short (2 minutes), and the best Kelly has looked to date.

Post-match Santino hesitantly climbed in the ring and explained he was only trying to help. Beth took her frustration out on Santino. He escaped up the ramp.

Match #3 Charlito vs. Primo Colon: A pre-taped Charlie Haas, disguised as Carlito, promo aired in which he said he spits in the face of people who look like mules and munched on an apple. At the start, Primo went on the offensive with a knee to the gut, reverse elbow, and hurricanrana. Haas took control with punches, knee to the face, clothesline, stomps while Primo was down, and chinlock. Haas got the apple from the corner and took a big bite. Primo landed a big left, knocking the apple out of Haas’ mouth, then hit a clothesline, dropkick, and monkey flip, knocking Haas’ wig off. Moments later, Primo escaped the backstabber and hit a high crossbody for the win.

Raw is just one big joke at the moment. How many comedy wrestlers does one show need? Santino, Noble, and Haas are the three stooges of Raw. It’s disappointing to see the latter two guys used in such a way as they’re more than capable in-ring.

Underwhelming debut for Colon in this 2½-minute match. I can’t help think his style would be a better fit over on ECW with the likes of Bourne, Crazy, and Chavo. Dude is much smaller than I expected.

Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho Promo: Following footage of the Jericho-HBK-Rebecca Michaels incident at SS, Shawn came to the ring and said his wife is hurt but she’s tough and will be ok. He said they watched Jericho blaming everyone (HBK, the fans, Rebecca) and taking pride in what happened on Raw last week. Shawn said he realized he wasn’t going anywhere.

Jericho came on the Tron and said it was good for Shawn that he wasn’t at Raw. Jericho pointed out the last time they met in the ring he destroyed Shawn and didn’t want to face Shawn again because he’d sue Jericho and the company. HBK said the reason he wanted a match is because in the ring he can legally do what he wants. He said he’d sign a waiver so there are no liabilities.

Jericho reminded Shawn what he’s capable of (his eye injury, Rebecca’s face) before accepting Shawn’s challenge to a match at Unforgiven. HBK said Jericho didn’t know the meaning of the word and he’d never forgive him. In closing, Shawn said he’s not looking to pin Jericho or steal the show, he’s interested in one thing only – “an eye for an eye.”

Another fantastic verbal exchange from these two to prolong the feud of the year and build to their Unforgiven match.

Match #4 Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. Jerry Lawler & Jim Duggan: Following footage of King slapping Cody last month, Lawler and DiBiase started off and traded offense the first minute. Rhodes tagged in and took control with a snapmare takedown, neck vise/armbar combo, suplex, and slaps to the face. DiBiase came back in and grounded King with a sleeper. Duggan got the hot tag and hit a bodyslam then a clothesline for a nearfall. Rhodes made the save. DiBiase hit the cobra clutch/leg sweep combo for the win.

Decent 3½–minute match that comes a month late. Now it’s just an afterthought and a big glaring sign of just how much the tag division sucks.

Rhodes & DiBiase/Cryme Tyme Promo: Rhodes told Cryme Tyme he hopes they’re listening because he and DiBiase are going to hunt them down. Rhodes said that championships aren’t stolen, they’re earned which is something those punks will never do.

Cryme Tyme’s music hit and they cut a promo from a skybox. Shad said it’s about time Rhodes/DiBiase put the titles on the line and challenged the champs to a match at Unforgiven. DiBiase asked why they didn’t use the proper channels but agreed to the match. Ted said he and Cody were going to take more than just their titles and it will be a priceless match. JTG said the match would be about that “money, money.”

Good segment to explain the stolen titles last week and setup their PPV match. Solid mic work by Rhodes and DiBiase as always. Shad should do all the talking for Cryme Tyme though.

Batista Interview: Grisham asked for Tista’s thoughts on his match with Kane. Tista first said he had nothing but respect for Cena and wished him a speedy recovery. Tista turned his attention to Kane, calling his Unforgiven opponent a sick, demented, twisted freak and said tonight it’s personal.

Decent promo by Tista. In order to get over the match being “personal” though, it’d have helped to at least mention Mysterio and their friendship.

Match #5 Santino Marella vs. Kofi Kingston (Intercontinental Championship): At the start, Kofi made two quick covers. He and Santino traded offense for a minute. Kofi missed a blind crossbody and Santino momentarily took control with an abdominal stretch. Kofi fought back and regained control off a hiptoss, dropkick, Russian leg sweep, and boom boom leg drop. Santino retreated from the ring and met the approaching Beth Phoenix on the ramp. She told him to get back in the ring and fight for his title like a man. Beth tripped up Kofi reentering the ring and he landed face-first on Santino’s knee. Santino scored the pin to retain the IC title.

Post-match Beth entered the ring and kissed Santino. He was ecstatic she wasn’t mad and gave her a kiss in return.

GM Mike Adamle’s 2nd Announcement: Adamle walked on the stage again and very matter-of-factly said that Cena’s replacement is former WHC Rey Mysterio.

Way to hype Mysterio’s comeback match there. Adamle is a total bore as GM. Watching paint dry is more captivating.

So Mysterio skips the midcard and is hot-shotted straight into the world title picture. I can’t say I agree with that. And what makes even less sense is adding Mysterio to the Scramble match when he’s supposed to be involved in the Kane angle. How can he be added to the match when he hasn’t been seen or heard from in weeks?

William Regal would have been my choice. Regal is the 2008 King of the Ring, which he won by defeating the current WHC Punk, yet he hasn’t been able to capitalize on that KOTR crown.

Match #6 Batista vs. Kane (Main Event): Early on, Kane went for Tista’ knee. Tista evaded Kane with a fireman’s carryover then applied an armbar, a side headlock, and a rear naked choke. Moments later, Tista clotheslined Kane over the top rope to the floor as we cut to commercial.

Back from break, Kane hit a low dropkick to Tista’s knee then spent several minutes working Tista’s knee both in an out of the ring, including the use of the steel steps and ring post. Late in the match, Tista hit a clothesline out of desperation then mounted his comeback with a bodyslam, drop toehold, corner clothesline, and spinebuster.

Kane went back to Tista’s knee then delivered several chairshots to Tista’s knee against the ringpost, resulting in the DQ. Tista hit the spear out of nowhere then grabbed the chair, delivering shots to Kane’s back then his leg against the post.

Solid, albeit a bit long (15½ minutes) match. Tista did a decent job selling the knee until the very end. I’m actually ok with the DQ finish here as it served a larger purpose as it looks like the knees of both man may be a factor in the WHC Scramble match.

Overall Thoughts: Raw sucked again this week but not nearly as bad as last week’s show. Wrestling-wise, it was a much stronger show with six matches, four being of solid/good quality. Promo-wise, Jericho and HBK delivered again. However, Kane’s promo bombed, Adamle is a bore, and Raw needs Santino’s comedic mic work. Storylines plodded along. Kane-Mysterio is a total mindfuck. All in all, just another passable Raw – nothing great, memorable, or must-see.
August 29, 2008

Lol what the hell was that at the end of SmackDown!? The lights go out and Vickie is screaming off the last air left in his lungs? Where the hell is this thing really going with Taker and Vickie? I can only assume Edge will play the superhero in her life just before her deathwish. I mean, obvious right? Where else could this go? Edge and Taker is still on. The end of SmackDown was just dumb though, but not as bad however as when Regal cut a championship match off air.

Anyways, SmackDown! was pretty good. The Benjamin and HHH match wasn't as good as people thought it would be. The match was too focus on arm submission and was basically just a decently worked match. At the end, thought Benjamin was getting a fluke victory courtesy of Khali appearance or that he might win in some other fashion, but Triple H had to take that win. Benjamin still poses a threat though towards Unforgiven so that's good.

All in all, show was good, matches were watchable. Liked SmackDown this week.
I saw HHH/Shelton match from this God, that pedigree which finished the match was one of the very worst I have EVER, EVER seen, and I've seen Trips hit some bad ones. Watch it from the side-on angle if you can, it was awful. Unbelievably fake-looking. If Trips is going to do this regularly, he needs a new finisher.

Apart from that, this was a decent match. Shelton looked very strong, which is nice. He's done well with the US belt. That's twice the Game has had his arse handed to him recently by the midcard champ. Jericho whupped him on RAW a while back and Shelton came perilously close to doing the same here. Maybe he's not such an egomaniac after all. He still had to win this one, though. And cleanly. Ah, well.

Sorry, enough Triple H ruminations. What was going on with Vickie screaming at the end? The obvious answer is Undertaker coming for her soul - but that may just have been the return of a truly demented man who's been driven over the edge...let's hope so!
HK's Assessment Review Corner Blog Doohickey (SmackDown, August 29, 2008)

Okay, so it's that time of...Friday again and SmackDown is "live" on my Zen Vision:M. Aussie TV rippers have proved themselves of use once again. I may just spare their lives for another week. Anyway, it's 4 am and I'm ready for some blue-collar pretend-fighting. Let's get to it.

A bell tolls...and the immortal Undertaker appears before a raucous (Wilkes-Barre?) crowd. I'd have chills, but after the 296th time, it loses its effect. Strange. Anyway, our usually silent deadman grabs the stick, for a change. His voice, that of death personified, tells Vickie he's coming...FOR HER SOUL. Religious zealots, you'd better turn off your TV right now.

After a strange backstage segment with Vickie getting locked inside her office (I didn't see that coming.) another summary vignette for one Ron "R-Truth" Killings airs. I like these. Clichéd, but they do the job. Especially as warmup for our next bout...

Match #1: R-Truth vs. Kenny Dykstra

The debuting R-Truth comes out to a modest pop and looks pretty damn well conditioned. Definitely not K-Kwik, this guy, although he's still got the "moves." Kenny Dykstra appears and gets some mic time in on how jealous he is of Ron Killings and how he didn't have any buildup when he joined WWE. Dykstra is pretty damn good on the mic. Anyways, the match starts.

Actually a pretty balanced match-up. I like debuting guys not having to do complete squash matches. R-Truth looked pretty badass man, with a lot of spinning yet effective moves. Dykstra held his own and proved why he's earned his spot on the roster. R-Truth picked up the win with a really innovated Scissors Kick. I'm just surprised we didn't see the spinaroonie...anyway, very good debut for R-Truth here. I don't see him becoming a main eventer in a while, but he'll be a great upper midcarder and potential US Championship holder in the near future.

*** 1/2

Match #2: Michelle McCool & Maria vs. Maryse & Natalya

Next up is some Divas action, but sadly not the kind you'd most want with four girls in one place. Err, yeah. Anyway, not much to speak of here - typical generic work from McCool and Maria, and some improvement from Maryse, for once. Natalya looked the most impressive here, as usual. Maryse got the win with a decent-lookin' DDT. Some post-match ballyhoo and we're off to the next bout with no particular memories that will stick out from this match.

** 1/2

Match #3: Jeff Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter

Our next match has quality written all over it. Jeff Hardy is one of the best workers in WWE, and MVP is not one to wrestle a bad match as well. Extremely good match, with a believable, tangible animosity between Jeff and MVP. Heh, what is it with MVP and the Hardy brothers? Both guys get in heavy offense and have many near-falls, leaving me on the edge of my seat, which would be my bed. Jeff took a really bad bump off the turnbuckle that sort of looked like a botch but then again, didn't. Looked frickin' nasty. I was pretty sure it'd be over, but no.

After even more great action, Jeff finally locked in the Whisper in the Wind (or as JR would call it, the Swanton Bomb) and the Swanton Bomb (or as JR would call it, Whisper in the Wind) and got the pin. Afterwards, who would appear but Shelton Benjamin, who hit the weary Jeff with his Paydirt. He also got revenge on MVP for hitting him some time ago. Ah well, he got some heat for it at least.

Fantastic match. Just goes to show ya, we had two future world champions in that ring. MVP is really getting his momentum back on track, and Jeff Hardy is back on that level he was around the Royal Rumble.

**** 1/2

Match #4: Jesse and Festus vs. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder

Oh joy, it's always fun to have the worst WWE Tag Team Champions ever appear on our screens for some burying. Festus got in some crushing forearms and unrelenting (although strange-looking) offense on Hawkins & Ryder, before...WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL It's the Big Show. Big Show was visibly pissed and crushed Hawkins, Ryder and Jesse inside the ring. He then stated he would not be overlooked again. I'm a bit glad he's not in the Scrambled Eggs match though, he's a good worker and mic man, but whenever he's in the ring, he always has good odds of winning due to his size. I don't like that. The Scrambled Eggs match as of now is more unpredictable and appealing to me.


Match #5: Victoria vs. Brie Bella

Time for another debut! Jesus, SmackDown sure are pilin' them up aren't they? But anyway, it was newcomer Brie Bella (known as one of FCW's Bella Twins) who would fight veteran Hardcore Holly, err, Victoria. Brie's pretty damn fine looking, plus her name is hot. Brie looked pretty damn good against Victoria and while I admit some of the offense was a bit sloppy, it's one of the best Diva debuts I've seen. At one point, she disappeared underneath the ring. Hmm, I was wondering if she was gonna get one of Charlie Haas' (or is that Charlito?) supermasks? Brie pinned Victoria with an inside cradle. The match did its job of being entertaining and a reasonably good showcase of moves. Good debut for Brie here. Question is, where's her twin sister?


Backstage Segment: The Brian Kendrick and The Art of War

After this match we got a promo from the one, the only, THE Brian Kendrick. Once more playing the enlightened heel character, he informed us that instead of battling his opponents in the Scramble match, he would study Sun Tzu's The Art of War. At one point, Ezekiel 25:17 talked. Man, he does not have the voice I thought he would. Extremely good promo and the "Man With a Plan" has amassed a pretty good amount of heat considering how little time has passed since he got his singles push. He's my Dark Horse in the Scramble match - he's become one of the most improved guys of the year and I really look forward to any time The Brian Kendrick appears. This man is the future.

**** 1/2

Match #6: Triple H vs. Shelton Benjamin

Ladies and's now time for our MMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIINN EEVEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNT! Champion vs. Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Shelton Benjamin. This reeked of awesomeness from the start, and I was not disappointed.

Triple H brought only his B-Game, but no heat on him for that as he can still work a pretty great match even if he brings only his C-Game. Shelton Benjamin brought his A-Game and together they created one of the best main events on SmackDown in 2008. Many near-falls and I was sitting on the edge of my seat. It pays off to be half a mark, I say. Just goes to show ya that Shelton Benjamin may be the premiere athlete in WWE, even if he doesn't get a good reaction from the fans.

Nearing the end who would appear but the "Great" Khali? However, this distraction lead to Triple H executing one of the worst delivered Pedigrees of all time. This was completely uneccessary, as if we'd think Hunter would let Shelton go over him anyway. This was a pretty stupid decision - to ruin this great match with Khali. Oh well. After that, Khali crushed Hunter with a Khali Bomb. Why's he even involved if he's not (thanks to God) in the Scramble match? Completely useless...although I hope that sickening gut feeling that somehow Khali and Big Show are gonna "replace" someone in the scramble match is not right. That would just plain suck.


Backstage Segment: Vickie, I hope you're not claustrophobic

After this match, we see Vickie again, sobbing inside her office. But incredibly unpredictably, the lights go off and our show ends on a disconcerting note with Vickie screaming her brains out. Is it the Undertaker, or is it...HIM? The plot sickens, err, thickens.

This week's SmackDown was a great show with really no boring moments or bad matches/segments. Although none of the matches were good enough to outbest Matt Hardy vs. Morrison on ECW for match of the week, the quality was really impeccable tonight. The storyline progression was also great. SmackDown once again entertain your ass. This is HK out.

Final Score: **** 1/2

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