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Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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The Bikini Battte Royal was pretty good. I thought candice was gonna win to advance the angle they got.

The 8-man tag match was fun especially when murdoch jumped from the top rope.. i thought it was a whale for a second LOLL

The Intergender match was ok. Torrie did pretty good and Carlito really nailed her with the backcracker.

The Main event was good. But i read that Lashley punched out Cena or sumthing?
Yes after Raw went off the air Lashley did punch out Cena, then procedded to hold the WWE title as if it were his. I wish I could have saw that, but besides that I felt RAW was pretty good. I loved Murdoch jumping off the top rope, which kept me laughing for quite some time. For some reason I also found the segment in which Umaga and Khali were yelling at eachopther to be quite humurous in itself.
I didn't see the intergender match as I used that time to go grab some snacks for what actually did turn out to be a pretty good main event. I loved watching Umaga eliver the Spike to Cena yet again. In fact I love anything bad that happens to Cena. Like I said before I just wish I got to see Lashley lay him out.
Jamie Noble & Daivari on Smackdown. Happy days. The match hasn't started yet but I just know WWE aren't going to make them look strong. There seriously missing the boat with Noble. Sure he's a midget but so was Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio.
Great episode of Smackdown this week!

Amazingly it almost seems as though the WWE has decided to rebuild its Cruiserweight division, this week being a prime example of the great action we can see from that division. Sweet as all hell to see Jamie Noble, I didn't even know he was still under contract to the WWE. Daivari I could really care less about, but still nice to see a fresh face. Opening 6 man tag was a great match that kept me glued to my seat for sure.

Edge-Benoit was one of if not the best Smackdown match I may have ever seen, and seriously made me think about Edge's technical skills in a whole new light. Awesome match that was truly about the wrestling and not about furthering a storyline as almost all of RAW seems to be. Fantastic match.

The rest of the night was iffy....Mark Henry still sucks...Boogeyman is still the biggest waste of space in WWE history...Batista still can't wrestle...but hey MVP was able to drag a decent match out of the guy though. MVP is truly impressing me as of late.

Overall a very good episode of Smackdown and a prime example of why I never feel like I've missed something if I don't watch RAW and I do if I don't watch Smackdown.
WOW!!!!!!! Who the hell was that photographer who snapped all these shots of the limo blowing up... Its like he had his camera ready on multi-shot to get vince getting in his limo... little did he know what he was gonna catch... and in the time of 11:07 and 11:20 sold the pics to WWE and was uploaded on there website... props to this photographer haha
I suppose it was an intresting show. But pointless. They could have done all the draft picks in 10 minutes. They then could have used the rest of the show to build up Vengeance. It is only 2 weeks or so away. The main event they made for Vengeance is intresting. But it's pretty pointless. How come Foley get's a title shot? Just because he's a former champion? He's hardly a challenger. When was his last victory? Saying that I do want him to win. The booking of the match is weird though becuse there's more faces than heels. Shouldn't the faces be outnumbered?
Amazing episode of RAW last night, one of the best I've seen in years, and thats mainly because of the genius of the closing segment.

I mean, when I saw the limo blow up, my jaw dropped and I was sitting there dumbfounded and speechless literally for about five or ten minutes. I immediately hopped up and said "HOLY SHIT DID I REALLY JUST FUCKIN SEE THAT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!" before realizing that my computer was in the midst of a reboot and I wouldn't be able to talk about this until this morning. Lemme tell ya, I had a tough time going to sleep after that excitement.

The matches were all good, especially Carlito-Punk (bit short) and MVP-Santino. Everything was just built perfectly to a head on that show.

About the draft...I'm both excited and angry with it. First off, WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU WASTE A DRAFT PICK ON THE FUCKING BOOGEYMAN?!?!??!? I know its (kayfabe) random, but still I mean jesus, of all the people to use, the fuckin' Boogeyman? Once I saw that I was just pissed, thinking to myself "Damn...that....really....sucks." So yay! Boogeyman to ECW! They sure got themselves an awesome pick there!

Khali to Smackdown....expected, could care less except that his giant ass is now going to be taking up valuable screen time that could be taken up by London & Kendrick or other midcarders who actually deserve the spot. Lashley to RAW was also predictable, though I wasn't 100% on that one. Thank god though, he's pretty much done nothing but be on RAW for the last 2 monthes anyways. He gets stripped of the ECW title---thank god. Now maybe we can see some fuckin' talent get used on ECW...speaking of talent...CHRIS BENOIT ON ECW?! That was straight outta left field, wasn't expecting that at all, but it'll definately add some needed credibility to ECW as well as give the potential for great matches with Benoit and guys like CM Punk, Burke, Cor Von, etc.

Then...Torrie fucking Wilson?! That made even less sense to me then the Boogeyman, they might as well have drafted the popcorn seller for RAW over to Smackdown, has about the same effect.

Then we got King Booker over to RAW, which will definately help the RAW title picture. I'm probably missing a few but meh, who cares.

One of the best parts was definately when Foley came out and announced he's going to be in the main event of Vengeance! That I am f'n souped out of my mind about. Foley back in the ring! Yee-haw! I'm sure he'll be eliminated in about five minutes, but meh we still get to see him wrestle again! FOLEY IS GOD!

And finally...Vinnie Mac...gets whacked. I can't even explain how unexpected that was, no one can honestly in this world tell me they were expecting that or even had that as a remote possibility in their heads. Man it was built so perfectly though! When his car exploded it was just like---WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED MAN?! VINCE MCMAHON IS DEAD?!??!

All I've got to say is DAMN good job last night WWE, that was one helluva trick and this storyline should be awesome and just the thing to turn around the WWE.

I tell ya, the WWE is looking real exciting after the Draft.
Great episode of Raw. I really love how there giving these younger guys a big push. The draft was perfect to make ECW watchable, and now there is someone who people could see Cena losing the WWE title to. I still think hes gonna lose it to Randy Orton.

The matches to decide the draft choices were all good, and i was especially surprised the best match of the night was either Carlito and CM Punk or Santino and MVP.

The whole Vince getting whacked thing is probably a media stunt, and a very risky one at that. But if it works it works. I think it's all about ratings and stuff personally, and hes gonna come back next week like "YOU ALL APPRECIATE ME NOW DONT YA" and act like he wasnt even in the limousine.
I think the draft actually went pretty well. Raw added more stars to the previously stale title picture. Now Cena has new possible feuds with King Booker and Kennedy when he returns. Don't really understand where Mick Foley comes into play here but the match has to be better than watching Khali vs Cena part 3.
Losing Lashley was great for ECW cause now they have the chance to give the title to someone new like CM Punk or Benoit.
I also think that with Smackdown losing 3 top stars that it will "hopefully" force them to start pushing new talent like MVP, Masters, and the cruiserweights into a bigger spotlight. There is too much talent in the cruiserweight division for it to not be pushed, even though I am probably being being too optimistic with them pushing the cruiserweights.
I am mixed about then ending though. I completely agree that Vince needed to get off tv for awhile. Between the DX angle last year and the previous Lashley angle there has been too much of him and was growing stale. I don't think they should have completly killed off the character though cause it can still be used.
well, for me was an AMAZING night, i need to see those ratings, man! everybody at the WWE Headquarters must be all trashed out after celebrating this... :)
Vince dead angle just shocked everybody, dont fool yourselves, nobody knew whats gonna happen, neither Ryan Clark and all the bunch of "reporters" knew it....
anyway, this leads to a new improved, and fresh era on WWE, and im not talking about Mr Kennedy..(wait for it...)Kennedy.., but the infinite possibilities after this, i mean, you cant kill Vince for good, why? HE IS A FUCKING MCMAHON, he needs the TV time, he lives for it... and from it. I agree that we had Vince shoved down our throats for a long time, but i rather see Vince in some stupid angle with Umaga, than see for example....Arrrmando Alejjjandro Estrrrrada..managing Umaga. Remember, Vince is the ULTIMATE heel, last night at the appreciation night, every guest proved it (that "bark like a dog" thing with Trish Stratus was sick...) and you cant dump him just like that... there has to be some way to bring him back (maybe as i read in a post, using the Undertaker to return from the hell...) but until then, they have created a magnificent angle, with a lot of suspects, new power struggles between Coach and ....Shane? bottom line: a Mega Soap Opera, but without the silly tears (unless Steph re-appears crying Daddy's death and after that she take control over everything....oh, wait...)

regarding the Draft movements, ill post later my toughts on the corresponding thread, but theres only one thing i can think of now: Is the brand new, title-stripped, Steel Superman capable of end the reign of the One and only original Superman?? i dont think so... why? Sssssssnitsskyyyyyyyyy.....(cheesy-crap suspense music begins....)
RAW last night was a good show due to the interpromotional matches and I was glad to see MVP pick up the win over Santino. The three way match was a joke as you could tell Batista would win that match. The Edge and Cena match was not great but a good opener though they would not let Edge get a clean win.

The draft pics were taking so long and you could guess who wa sgoing where but benoit to ECW was a bit shocking but least he can be world champ over in ECW. And Kennedy to RAW was shocking but it was understandable as he has done all he can on Smackdown, just hopefully he doesnt ger buried on RAW.

The ending was great actually didnt see that coming but it can lead to some interesting storylines and cant wait to see what develops.

Overall RAW i give a B+
Hi, I'm from the UK, watched Raw last night after a night out (about 2am our time), was a little bit drunk and thought "did i actually just see Vince get killed?!"

woke up this morning and thought it was a dream until i checked out wwe.com. I really wanna know where they're going with this, couldn't they have just had Vince injured for a bit if they wanted the Mr McMahon character off the air for a bit? Are they gonna hold a fake funeral and memorial service on SD/ECW this week?

Although it was a random incident which hopefully may bring back the unpredictability from the Attitude era WWE desperately needs, but I'm so shocked and appalled frankly, that I may go over to TNA. I wanna see wrestling, not movie plots and the whole thing kinda fucked me up for a bit, imagine what kids watching on tv or in attendance will think of it?!
Well, I guess they trademarked the King Booker name again. It's good to see he'll stay a heel. Although we may get treated to a Lashley vs. King Booker feud again (did that ever really have resolution), this will be a fresher RAW now. Orton may be in the doghouse, and I'm betting he's the one getting pinned at Vengeance, I could see Lashley taking the WWE title at Vengeance, and either him or Cena turning heel. They're probably setting up Cena vs. Lashley for SummerSlam. (In the thread 'Who do you want as your champions for the Summer', I actually predicted this scenario, only with Batista instead of Lashley). Funny how uneven it seems though, unless Kennedy comes back as a heel, that the top faces of RAW will be John Cena and Bobby Lashley, with Shawn Michaels and Ken Kennedy (based on the Edge attack and the pops he gets) directly behind, and the top heels are only King Booker and Randy Orton. Umaga doesn't seem close, and Johnny Nitro, Shelton Benjamin and Carlito haven't made the move up yet.

As for Foley, I can't see him back to a full-time schedule, hence why I don't think he'll win. In fact, he might be the guy they use for Lashley or Cena to turn heel (beating him up during and after the match).
Well, the draft aspect of the Draft was stupid. I liked it much better when they went after some of the top pics first like in real sports. Besides, who gives a flying rat's ass where Khali, Boogeyman, or Torrie Wilson are going to end up? I know I sure don't. As for the one draft pick I liked? Benoit. I honestly didn't think about it, but seeing him in ECW might prove fruitful. The second pick? Kennedy. I hope that Kennedy can make enough of a leap talent-wise to match the overness of his gimmick. Otherwise, we've got another Cena on our hands, that will be all gimmick and no substance.

As for the finale? I don't even care at this point. Even if the car bomb was real. It has no important bearing on the show as a whole. Sure, the mainstream press will help. I wouldn't ever deny that. This isn't going to help the shows make better title divisions and hold better matches. It's a cherry on the top of a sundae that has a turd floating in it.

The booking for the matches was pretty irrelevant in the end, but the matches were at least worth watching.

MVP made Santino look loads better than when he has to stumble around with that walking steroid Masters. Also, it was really cool to watch CM and Carlito go at it.

I would've liked less backstage crap like the whole dumb Ashley bit, and more screentime for this match, but I'm pretty much used to getting f'd in the ass when watching WWE television by now. The booking order was also a bit disjointed. I don't like Cena, as everyone and their dog knows, but I would've booked their match at the end of the show should he have to be in it. This is one of the problems that they still haven't fixed because they think it'll help the quarter-hour ratings (but obviously not the cumulatives). It makes it much harder for a midcarder to go get crowd response when the main eventers actually go before them. Hey, Vince! The key word to better booking? CRESCENDO! Learn it, ********.

Khali was fed another ECW member in Balls, pretty much negating any credibility that brand will ever have (what was the fucking point of bringing that show back, anyway?).

Lashley and Benoit did pretty good. The styles mesh well and I can tell that Benoit brings out a much better level of performance in Lashley. I also enjoyed the shooting they did at the beginning of the match. Lashley is for real when it comes to legit wrestling. Too bad that isn't all that's needed (especially when you have the vocal timbre of an eight-year old).

Whoever thought that Snitsky and The Miz was a good choice to put on this event needs to have their sex organ removed with a spork. Crap. Just crap. Ladies match? Next. The battle royal was pretty good, but it was booked very illogically. They didn't even split into teams like they should've. The commentary team tried to save it, by rationalizing their competitive egos, but that is basically putting a band-aid on a bullet-hole. Seeing Orton win was good. However, just like before, they used ECW as a whipping boy, pretty much negating credibility for any of their stars involved.

On the whole, the wrestling saved this one for me, as it was definitely a B+ effort. The rest of it was still $hit and it deserved every increase in the ratings it didn't get.
alright so, i just looked at the Smackdown superstars page and there is a profile for King Leonidas from 300. uhm...has anyone else noticed this?
mark henry vs funaki: i cant tell you, i was getting some food.
That segment with the "fed" agent Beck, is one of the worst waste of tv time in recently history....
The best match of the night; Matt hardy vs finlay, both are great wrestlers and gave a great solid match. Matt is almost ready for a main event, a couple of good wins after Vengeance and we could see matt in the main event at the GAB, thrust me.
Main event was shit, poor Edge and MVP couldnt carried the piece of crap Batista and Flair. Im a fan of Flair, but Frankly, he's done wrestling, he could be a excellent manager though, or maybe SD or RAW GM.

sidenote...I support Chris Jericho's choice on not getting involved with the WWE right now, this angle is not helping anybody (but the shareholder$$, and even them are kind of :blink: )why? because in the case of a Chris Jericho return, i think he would be sent to SD.(WOW, imagine the feuds with Edge and Mysterio!!!)
Week in and week out Matt Hardy just keeps giving us a ver solid and good match up.Something that is lacking over at Smackdown and sometimes at raw.I definetly think that Hardy can go somewhere big eventually down the road. Overall, this Smackdown was ok.
SAN ANTONIO – WWE.com has learned that during a hard-knuckled, in-ring war with Cryme Tyme on SmackDown, WWE Tag Team Champion Domino suffered a broken nose and a possible broken orbital socket.

well either the wwe keeps the out of action or they drop the titles. Shame too cuz they had a good run going.
They won't let them drop the titles as a broken nose doesn't take long to recover from. They might not in matches in the next few weeks but they can do promos.
Did anyone else see that promo for Jesse and Festus? Yeee-Hawww! The Hillbillies are Back!
If they kept joey Mercury wrestling for a while, they sure can do it again with Domino... A shame that these two teams cant wrestle more often, it would be a great feud for the belts.

So, is July, and i don't see any sign of Mysterio returning, and frankly, im getting bored of SD just because that piece of shit Batista, OMG why dont he just give up!!??
I give this weeks raw a D+, the wwe have condemned us to what will be pretty much a spectacle of shit wrestling , superman vs steel superman , also having kennedy lose to supercrazy in his return match made no sense to me , im probably gonna regret saying this but im actually rooting for cena to beat lashley. really ther wer only 2 gd things on raw this week , randy orton beating hardy and dissing the dream , and umaga (lesser of two evils) finally beating santino marella.
The reason I think Kennedy lost, is because he still rehabbing from his shoulder injury.

Segments of this week's RAW were good, especially the Carlito/Sandman promo. Matches were ok, I liked how Shelton Benjamin reversed the back body drop into a DDT.
Oh yeah i forgot about the carlito sandman promo , that was pretty gd with the apple and beer , the match ending was pretty stupid tho , i dont get why they cudnt just have carlito get a clean pin with the backcracker or a pin with a roll up and holding the ropes
OMG I can't believe Smackdown's main event was a no contest between Eugene and Deuce, with The Great Khali destroying both men. Ha Ha.

Overall I thought Smackdown was a mixed bag this week. As usual it doesn't disappoint in terms of wrestling quality, e.g. Matt/MVP & Flair/Finlay, but it seemed to have lacked that final ingredient. (probably due to the draft though every SD will seem like this for the near future) Kenny Dykstra and Chuck Palumbo made their SD debuts against each other, while The Major Bros and Chris Masters also made their debut. The Cruiserweight division also seems to have gone into hiding again with the burial of Jimmy Wang Yang, honestly after the last few weeks he and the other Cruisers have seen some action in the ring and then they have him squashed when he is supposedly the no.1 contender and the champ wasn't even on the show. Batis/Khali & Edge/Kane feuds will only be short ones so i'm not really bothered about them. Will the Hillbillies ever make their in-ring debuts? Rey is confirmed to be back on SD and hopefully it will be at GAB.

Overall i'll give SD a 7/10
cant wait till Rey comes back, SD will really start to step up again

thought this week i was really impressed with MPV/Matt... the match was awsome, i didnt know matt could actually wrestle that much o_O.. i knew he was good but he really impressed me, anyway, the match was great, best match of the night, i thought matt would keep getting beatin most of the match but it was more 50-50.. really good, hope matt faces MVP at GAB and they start a good feud

flair and finlay i didnt enjoy at all, sorry but i think flair is way too old to wrestle, for his age hes actually in good shape and all, but the guy should retire already, its fun to watch him come out and remember the good old days, but in ring its hard to watch...

kenny dykstra i thought would be better in ring, but it was his first match, lets see what he can after a couple of smackdowns, chuck palumbo was good to see, i missed him, had a pretty good match

chris masters also impressed me, he did some cool stuff, though it was on jimmy wang yang.. i wanna see if he could do the same stuff on batista or lashley

oh and i guess the Cruiserweight division, as metioned, is going on hold again, why would a no.1 contender for the belt job like that? or maybe they felt they needed jimmy wang yang to carry him...

as for the feuds

batista/khali - gonna suck... its actually going to be worse than cena and khali

Edge/Kane - i dont know, i like both and i guess it could be a pretty good feud, if kane goes back to his old self and use more moves, if not edge is gonna have to carry him most of the match...

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