Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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i think all are great ideas, but i guess is the wrong thread.. :)

i cant believe how Lashley was today, that was like "B*nt over Bobby, or you wont see the ECW title again" i think all this Lshley - Vince angle is gonna end with Lashley switching to Raw Permanently (Like now, but without the ECW logo on the intro)
BTW, I can feel the Tag belts changing hands on Judgment day...
i think all are great ideas, but i guess is the wrong thread.. :)

i cant believe how Lashley was today, that was like "B*nt over Bobby, or you wont see the ECW title again" i think all this Lshley - Vince angle is gonna end with Lashley switching to Raw Permanently (Like now, but without the ECW logo on the intro)
BTW, I can feel the Tag belts changing hands on Judgment day...

you know now that Vince has officially put Lashley in a rematch with him, umaga, & shane that pretty much gauentees that tomorrows ECW title match with RVD and Vince, is going to have Vince come out victorius, which was already a given but still, my geuss is that Umaga will interfere and take out RVD
i hope edge does cash in because i dont think anyone would want to see the belt back on Batista. -__- wwe is starting to go downhill:john cena vs. khali, rvd leaving, most main eventers injured, and oh john cena is champ.
i think all are great ideas, but i guess is the wrong thread.. :)

i cant believe how Lashley was today, that was like "B*nt over Bobby, or you wont see the ECW title again" i think all this Lshley - Vince angle is gonna end with Lashley switching to Raw Permanently (Like now, but without the ECW logo on the intro)
BTW, I can feel the Tag belts changing hands on Judgment day...

You're right, I can smell a tag title switch as well. Cade & Murdoch finally deserve a run with the titles, and above that, they're ready.

Also, with all the recent injuries to the main event players, I would imagine that Jeff and Matt would be needed in the main event scene, or at least to replace high-midcarders that might be getting a push.
Raw was okay, i think Edge will be cashing in that MIB friday night and win the WHC and give a much needed boost to Smackdown!

Anyways what was up with the finish to RAW, i was expecting more then they just go off the air after Khali hit Cena in the head with the WWE title, shoulda had him atleast go into the ring and destroy everything in sight. I don't know weak finish which hasn't been too uncommon as of late, but still lol
Yeah the finish was definitely weak. Anyone else find it ironic that Edge gained the MITB pretty much the same way he cashed it in? I actually think Cade and Murdoch will job at JD, because, like someone else said, TYhe hardys are that establishged team needed to get the division hoppin again. I would kinda like to see Cade get a suingles push, maybe for the IC Title, or maybe even get a short Main Event run, possibly on Smackdown. I know one thing, imma be checking the spoilers for SD to see exactly how the WHC situation plays out.
Last night's RAW wasn't as good as I thought it would be. The matches were less than 5 minutes a piece or so. Best match had to be Khali vs. HBK in the no holds barred match. Only because we saw a lot of action and it was given the most time. I only tuned in to find out something I already expected. I wished Vince made his title defence against Lashley one on one in a no holds barred match. I hate handicap matches for some reason. I can't see a title change between Hardyz and Cade and Murdoch. I just think there going for a long term tag feud while they build up another contender.
Raw was pretty Good Last night

Candice Michelle is improving
Umaga beat the holy hell outta the highlanders
but where's estrada? what happened to him??

Shawn did a good job trying to beat the Great Khali
It was about time Carlito ditched Torrie. Probably at Judgement day its gonna be Flair vs Carlito ad most likely Torrie will somehow get involved.

Is Mr. Kennedy face now? Cuz he is a pretty Good face. I'm pissed Edge won. If he wins the title again, i'm going to be pissed. Give it to someone else
I wasn't very impressed with RAW last night. The Divas match was fun to watch simply because of all the wonderful bouncing around. Umaga's match was totally pointless, did anyone at all anywhere think that he would lose?

Estrada was injured figure4 by Lashley on ECW like a week or two ago.

Khali-HBK was shit. HBK tried his best to make Khali look remotely bendable, but he did nothing for it. Only remotely exciting thing was the double chokeslam through the table, and even that was sloppy as hell.

I loved the promo by Carlito though, WWE is finally realizing how good of a heel he can be, and how terrible of a face he is. I'm looking forward to the Flair-Carlito program for sure. It's also time he dropped Torrie, sure she's fun to look at, but she really doesn't provide any help at all. If only I hadn't failed spanish I might've understood the second half of his promo. Great stuff though, I'm really starting to become a big Carlito fan.

Kennedy and Edge...not at all what I was expecting. I was expecting that Edge would just beat the crap out of Kennedy and they'd say Kennedy got injured and the match never started, therefore giving a reason for Kennedys abscene and keeping his title shot. Was not expecting Edge to win, but honestly I'm liking it. He's obviously going to grab the WHC belt over on Smackdown, I'm doubting their really going to give it back to Batista already, and with how badly the Smackdown scene is hurting he'll be a great addition until Kennedy returns. Don't worry Kennedy fans, this man WILL get a title reign, it's not a matter of if but when.

Main event was crap. What do you expect from a two minute long semi-match with Orton and Cena? Horrible way to end the show with Khali holding onto the title. They might as well just give Eugene a title shot these days.
Ok well frist i have to say that RAW was utter crap. The opening segment was just dragged on way too long I thought. I mean really who didntthink that lashley was going to attack Coach i mean common Vince said you cant touch him, shane or Umaga so of course Coach was gonna get his ass whooped.

The Diva match was ok just becuase well i love women in tights :D

The HBK and Khail was utter crap, but the only good thing is that it will allow HBK some time off that is much desired yet again bad timing. Poor HBK the guy cant get a break for some much needed time off. That was so sloppy and i'm just glad that HBK didnt job to Khail.

I loved the promo by Carlito though, WWE is finally realizing how good of a heel he can be, and how terrible of a face he is. I'm looking forward to the Flair-Carlito program for sure. It's also time he dropped Torrie, sure she's fun to look at, but she really doesn't provide any help at all. If only I hadn't failed spanish I might've understood the second half of his promo. Great stuff though, I'm really starting to become a big Carlito fan.

X, I have to agree with ya there as Carlito is a great Heel and if he keeps his mouth in check this could be his golden oppertunity againts Cena after his Flair feud. Well i know spanish and lets say he basiclaly went off nothing great but just added to the promo

Kennedy and Edge was really a downer as I know that Kennedy is hurt but I though they could have better sold Kennedy getting hurt. Though great to see Edge win the MITB as he desereves to the the champ for a long time.

Main event crap just crap need i say more i mean Khali comes down and does the only that he can maybe do right.

Crappy show with only good things being Carlito heel turn and Edge winning MITB.
Alright well I was at RAW monday night and after Khali walked off with the belt Edge came out and cashed in his money in the bank for a title match while Cena was destroyed and he ended up losing. So what the hell is going on with him still having his money in the bank for Smackdown? This isn't making any sense
Alright well I was at RAW monday night and after Khali walked off with the belt Edge came out and cashed in his money in the bank for a title match while Cena was destroyed and he ended up losing. So what the hell is going on with him still having his money in the bank for Smackdown? This isn't making any sense

You have any evidence of that claim? It was probably just a bonus match you saw. The internet definately would of reported if that had happened.
That was a bonus-dark-match for the title, Edge said that in addition to his new MITB shot, he was scheduled to a title match vs Xena, but he DID NOT cash the briefcase (do i need to explain this by now??) Obviously, Vince's Pet won the match.

About the Carlito promo: he said to Torrie something like this: "you are garbage, you are nothing but an obstacle, you worth nothing, you are useless, dumb blonde... the poor woman didnt knew what was happening...
and yeah, im sure she will be involved in the Flair vs Carlito feud.
I know that Edge is supposed to be a heel, but why is it that they have him win the belt the same way he won it the last time? Having Henry come down and hurt Undertaker, its like I have seen it before...wait I have seen it before.

Well shall see if Edge will be able to defend the belt and he should since he will be facing Batista and you know that Henry will be getting involved.
Why did he win the title like that? Because it's the best possible thing for his character....

Edge is known as a master opportunist, how else would you want him to cash it in... sure let's announce it in advance and allow the champ to prepare. That would make no sense.

Edge sees an opportunity and he takes it... doing it this way is genius. Taker is on the shelf for a while but through this...

1) sets up mark henry's return, which was greatly done.
2) sets up a feud with henry and taker when taker gets back.
3) Allows batista to still have a claim on the championship and gives him a little bit of sympathy with the fans after coming so close yet again.
4) Allows the Batista/Taker feud to continue in the future, which I think has been the feud of the year so far.
5) sets up edge/Batista and Henry/Batista in the short term.

etc etc...

basically, Smackdown is set for the summer, which would allow one of their bigger stars to move to RAW to fix the title scene there.

They went from being screwed with all the injuries to fixing everything in the course of about a week. it was very well done.

Another thing... we all expected something like this to happen on smackdown, but it still surprised and excited a lot of people, and generated a ton of buzz. Good job WWE.
This weeks Smackdown I thought was one of the best in weeks, and I'm really starting to enjoy Smackdown as an actual wrestling product when compared to the squash matches and shitty feuds on RAW. The opening tag match with Hardy & Benoit vs. MVP & Finlay was great, though not nearly as good as last weeks Hardy-Kennedy encounter (which was one of the best Smackdown matches I've seen in years).

It looks like they might finally be pushing Matt above the tag and low card divisions, possibly even into the main event. He continues to impress the hell out of me and I've come to the conclusion that he is a much better wrestler then Jeff, though I still love Jeff's style and believe if pushed right he could easily be in the same spot Cena or Christian Cage is.

Michelle McCool vs. Jillian...what were you expecting? Horrible, absolutely painful to watch these girls completely screw up EVERY SINGLE move they attempted. Garbage.

Then we've got the guarantee pretty much at this point that Vickie Guerrero will be coming to Smackdown. While I appreciate her struggles and it's time for a new GM on Smackdown, she needs to stay the fuck away from wrestling. She is so annoying it actually makes me feel ill. The Hillbillies show up for their match next week, yee haw! I did some research and it turns out one of the guys is Terry Gordy's son! I'll have to give him a chance in that case.

The Paul London-Domino match was great, though a bit short. I would've gladly had them cut out some of the main event time for more time for this match, great action for what it was. London & Kendrick continue to amaze me every time they go out there and you can definately tell that HBK must be damn proud of them.

Dave Taylor and Kane...meh. Decent midcard fare, nothing special. Nice to finally see Regal & Taylor back on TV atleast. Kane deserves a better feud at this point though.

And then the main event. Batista seems to be improving slightly over the last few monthes thank god. With his Wrestlemania match impressing me and this match here being much better then your usual Batista fare, I'd say the man might actually be starting to give a shit about his in-ring work. Good cage match for what it was, with a great finish that really made the whole match seem more brutal then it probably was.

Mark Henry seemed to come out of fuckin' nowhere and I don't think the crowd could've cared less that he showed up. Unecessary.

And then came Edge. Great entrance. I had read someone say that his pop was huge, so I gotta ask: Did WWE edit his pop to help out his heel character more? Because the crowd didn't sound too excited when he came out when it aired.

Thank god for this though, it was really needed. Edge winning the title was excellent and this whole show was one of the best I've seen in awhile. Let's hope its a continuing trend on Smackdown.
Was it me or was last nights Raw really bad to watch minus the mainevent? I'm a huge HBK fan but what was the point of having him beat Edge last night. They have no interest in ever giving HBK a title if they did they would of given him the title against Cena at WM. It made Edge look like a weak champion. They spent all last week pushing him by making him take the MITB and the World Title and within one night made him look awful.

Next I hope they end the Cena and Khali feud on Sunday because it is awful. Between them they have 5 moves and neither one can cut a promo if their life depended on it.

Finally am I the only one who is sick of the Bobby Lashley vs Vince feud? Vince needs to take a few months off and get off the TV. If ECW is so poor that they need Vince as their champion then it is time to get rid of it already.
last night while watching raw i had the following thoughts:

Val Venis vs Carlito

What rock did Val crawl out from underneath? Anyways what happened to him to make him a gimmickless jobber? He was (imo) successful in the attitude era with his porn star gimmick and he could wrestle a decent match.He was IC champion back when it halfass meant something unlike the IC title of today. I would rather see Venis get more tv time than Lashley or Cena .Venis can wrestle a hell of a lot better than those 2 and he doesnt use the same clothesline,clothesline,clothesline redundant combos like them;he has variety in his moves.

The great khali:

Wtf.This guy is getting a monster push when a)he cant cut a promo in english and b)he cant wrestle for shit no matter what language u tell him that in.It really makes me wonder why (imo) a talent like Venis is a jobber ,who could main event given the oppertunity/push/gimmick,and Khali is being presented as the next,next,next big thing.(next big thing cena,next next big = lashley)

Lashley vs Coach as the advertised main event.

Wtf were they thinking? Like people really give a shit about lashley. The 'impromptu' main event hbk vs edge,in his final raw appearance, was an awesome match and if advertised might have gotten the ratings up.People would tune in for that sort of match.Edge is on fire right now and hbk has been a fan favorite for a long time now.However i dont see why they had edge lose to hbk given his 'streak' last week.All that did was make edge look weak going over to smackdown fulltime and HBK look like he should have be raw's champion instead of Cena that way there would be 2 respectable champsout of 3 instead of 1 and 2 chumps.

I think i m gonna switch to smackdown now that edge is on it and get away from the forcefed cena/lashley bs
last night while watching raw i had the following thoughts:

Val Venis vs Carlito

What rock did Val crawl out from underneath? Anyways what happened to him to make him a gimmickless jobber? He was (imo) successful in the attitude era with his porn star gimmick and he could wrestle a decent match.He was IC champion back when it halfass meant something unlike the IC title of today. I would rather see Venis get more tv time than Lashley or Cena .Venis can wrestle a hell of a lot better than those 2 and he doesnt use the same clothesline,clothesline,clothesline redundant combos like them;he has variety in his moves.

The great khali:

Wtf.This guy is getting a monster push when a)he cant cut a promo in english and b)he cant wrestle for shit no matter what language u tell him that in.It really makes me wonder why (imo) a talent like Venis is a jobber ,who could main event given the oppertunity/push/gimmick,and Khali is being presented as the next,next,next big thing.(next big thing cena,next next big = lashley)

Lashley vs Coach as the advertised main event.

Wtf were they thinking? Like people really give a shit about lashley. The 'impromptu' main event hbk vs edge,in his final raw appearance, was an awesome match and if advertised might have gotten the ratings up.People would tune in for that sort of match.Edge is on fire right now and hbk has been a fan favorite for a long time now.However i dont see why they had edge lose to hbk given his 'streak' last week.All that did was make edge look weak going over to smackdown fulltime and HBK look like he should have be raw's champion instead of Cena that way there would be 2 respectable champsout of 3 instead of 1 and 2 chumps.

I think i m gonna switch to smackdown now that edge is on it and get away from the forcefed cena/lashley bs

I couldn't agree anymore. Maybe it is time to start watching Smackdown over Raw because at least it is a little less predictable and it actually will get interesting with Edge. Vince made a big mistake moving Edge over because now the only people who can actually wrestle on Raw is HBK and Orton.

I never thought I was going to say this but I want John Cena to win on Sunday because I hate to see the belt go to the only other person that is worse then John Cena. Also how many more times do we have to see HBK vs Randy Orton. I have a feeling this ppv is going to have a very poor buyrate.
Was it just me, or was the WWE title larger then normal? It seemed to make the Great Khali normal while Cena looked as if he was a child next to it.
Well, pretty much the whole episode was a joke, except for when Orton hit the ring and kicked HBK in the dick. Hey, Gewirtz and McMahon! I have a great idea how we can establish the credibility of our new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge! On his last night on Raw, let's have him do a clean job to a "concussed" burnout like Shawn Michaels in a match that won't do anything in the end for anybody! It'll not only make Edge look awesome, but it'll also make the WHC and Smackdown look like a credible show! Whad'ya think? Oh, that's right. It was a f*cking stupid idea.

This episode was crap. When I wasn't fast forwarding I was either yawning or bowing my head in disgust.
Why is it that every single week seems to be an exact duplicate of the last Raw week? How many times have we said that? Too many, and I for one am beyond tired of it. McMahon and them must sit around scratching their heads saying "why are our ratings sliding dramatically when we've got showcases like Lashley/Coachman and Khali/Cena?" Matches like Venis/Carlito and Coach/Lashley are unbelievable wastes of airtime and we've been seeing them for too long. SD has its problems, like sticking random people in tag matches every week, but even they have more variety than Raw does right now, as evident from this week and the past year's worth of shows. Things that are actually decent on Raw are being outweighed by mindless, nonsensical bullshit that has been shoved down our throats for years, and matches no one wants to see and really, are degrading this tattered company even further.

Raw was at one time, a show where you would be excited to watch, to see what was going to happen, but ever since Cena came in and began his seemingly-endless reign as champion, McMahon has made Raw less interesting and indifferent every week. Now, we get ridiculous segments with Khali yabbering on in some language and getting some guy to make up a promo for him on TV, which is laughable. Compound that with a Coach match that took up about 20 minutes of airtime, backstage promos included, that went for a minute. It's way past the time when we could say that Raw is running out of ideas, because whatever brains there are behind the show is definitely not evident right now. Raw is meant to be the A-show, but when SmackDown is showing better wrestling and looks more stable, you've got to wonder what the hell is going on with this show. All these comments come from seeing one show you may think, but really, these thoughts have been plaguing the minds of everyone with an idea of how truly awful the WWE has gotten. Did we even get anything out of this week's Raw? I couldn't find it, because most was just stuff we've seen for months, and the 'feud developments' were just stuff we saw last week or the week before that.

The biggest problem I found with this week's Raw was the booking in the main event. Whoever had the brains to put Michaels over needs a good, hard kick in the nuts as Kasey would say. We prayed week after week that Cena would lose to someone when the odds were stacked against him or he had some 'injury' or something, yet they put him over against the odds week in and week out, and they wonder why no one with a right wrestling brain despises him. This was the same with Michaels this week. Everyone would rather see Michaels go over someone than Cena, but it was the fact that it was Edge, a man who needs as much credibility as possible right now and deserves it. He's going to be carrying a show for months, yet he jobs pathetically to Michaels, a man who a. 'had a concussion', b. is not going to be in the main event or champion c. only has a match with Orton at Judgment Day and d. Doesn't need the fucking win in the first place. Sure, making Edge look like a weakling is what they've been doing for years, but this was just the limit for me. At least a God damn DQ loss would have been decent, but the match was all about Michaels fighting the odds and winning with an easy Superkick in a boring finish, when it should have been all about the new World Heavyweight Champion's final match on Raw. While I doubt that will be his final match on Raw as they seem to be spreading the wrestlers to all different brands a lot lately, it still should have all been about Edge, yet the face goes over, crushing a guy who damn sure does not need that happening to him. What harm would it have done if HBK lost? Much less than it did for Edge to lose.

Enough about that match and onto the rest, which I will heap into one big part, because utter garbage deserves to be heaped together. It's honestly like the WWE is just wasting time on TV right now. There is so many breaks between matches, yet the actual matches are 3 minute rushes. Make sense out of that. I like the direction that the Hardys and Cade.Murdoch are going in and it has got a little focus back on tag team wrestling, and I am sure that after Cade jobs to Matt Hardy next week, we will see the beatdown we've been expecting. Murdoch has got some skills, but he just doesn't know how to use them effectively in matches. He needs to learn to get some variety into his matches, not just elbows and headlocks coming every minute. 3 minutes is too short for me, and they could have gone 5 or maybe 7 to make it credible, and cut out some 5 minute backstage segment we don't need. That's something the WWE need to work on, among many other things that are ridiculously out of whack right now, and that is the match length. Other than that, I thought that absolutely no match had purpose or interest from me, and I honestly don't want to recall much of what I saw. A truly terrible, terrible Raw, and it's so boring now that I think I'm going to turn more attention to SmackDown. Hopefully, Edge can get a win over there because it doesn't look like he will ever get anywhere on Raw when Michaels and Cena are around.

This Raw gets a D average for me this week, nothing more, nothing less.
Could this have been the worst Raw ever?

4 Bobby Lashley matches!

Another boring Cena/Khali segment!

The only redeeming qualities were the Orton segment which wasn't anything special and seeing The Worlds Greatest Tag Team and Nitro/Kenny attacking the Hardys. I am really holding out that this will begin some type of faction but I seriously doubt it. Looks more like a 4 corners tag match in the future....possibly at ONS.
dont know if was the worst, but one of the worst for sure!!
i really, REALLY was expecting to see somebody walking down the ramp during the Orton segment, at least a video of HHH!! that would be the coolest thing ever! XD he's gonna start the legend killer angle again, but with WHO???Foley?done, Flair?with Carlito, HBK? =), every single legend is out of reach, unless they bring back Jericho ASAP, or start playing mind games with HHH video packages, i dont know...
the hardys are doing fine in the tag division, i dont see them splitting soon.
shelton benjamin on the mic again. now we know why he's not on the main event, LOL!
Candice Michelle: i bet that she's the new women champ, Vengeance
In the horizon, i only see dark clouds for RAW... and Cena winning with a FU at ONS(which is the same thing...)
wow another floater for the toliet.I think the most entertaining part of the show was listening to Cena get his ass booed oh so aggressively.

My thoughts:

How can wwe make RVD get taken out by that punk Orton?I say Orton is a punk because of him thrashing his hotel room not too long ago,and i m sure the orton fans will respond with 'rvd got arrested for pot' and that's not even on the same level.Trashing your hotel room is such an immature act,getting arrested for pot is just wreckess :p This was probably the last appearance of RVD on wwe tv until his contract expires or he resigns(if that's still a possibility). I know both of them have both been shitlisted by wwe for their actions but this to me would of been main event material had RVD not looked like he was really into the match.Also whoever wrote out the results for raw on the main page what were u smoking? That was the saddest rko i ve ever seen.This match could of been a decent main event had it not been for b.s. politics.

The advertised main event was (surprise surprise) a big crock of shit as we've all come to expect.I think out the 5 people in the match Shane-O-Mac was probably the most skilled and entertaining 'wrestler' involved.Granted he didn't get a whole lot of ringtime,Shane-o-Mac has proven (imo) to be an alright wrestler,not the greatest,but still better than Khali ,Umaga,Lashley and Cena.While on the subject why have they tried to humanize Umaga?
Umaga used to be a 'wild samoan' ,animal-like that needed a handler.Tonight he walked up to Khali and tried to bitch at him in (my assumption)Samoan about him being tougher or somesh*t,like he was suddenly not a 'monster'. Then Khali bitches back at him in Indian and i m left wondering why are these two in a main event and featured matches for ppvs? Who buys this sh*t?
It's no wonder wrestling is in a decline.

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