Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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take that crap spinning belt off him andreplace it with a proper one then pack himm off to sd
I found raw this week to be slightly entertaining. The Battle Royal had me thinking, because I knew regal would win, but i couldnt find him in the ring after a commercial so i thought Sandman would bring Extreme to RAW and make it interesting, but then Regal came in and won. That was a pretty good twist, even though i would love more extreme rules matches in the WWE. I thought the Cabana was pretty good, but not funny to watch more than once. The Vince stuff seemed nothing like acting, he seemed to actually be pissed off at the media and all that, which he probably really is, i enjoyed that. I think the Cena-Umaga match was pretty awkward, but to see the Umaga face turn was awesome to see, I am looking forward to see Umaga in a tag match with Cena. The whole King stuff was kinda obvious, but I still wanna see how the storyline will develop with HHH next week and the weeks until Summerslam. I am hoping to see HHH in some way or another on RAW tonight. I wanna see him maybe via sattelite? We'll see, but i dont expect him to actually be @ MSG. And Last but not least, the last part with Vince was EXTREMELY clever and hilarious on the part of the WWE. I think the way they redid the limo scene to make it seem like Vince would once again explode, was AMAZINGLY done. I was cracking up. But the illegitimate child storyline has me excited, but at the same time im nervous that this storyline will turn out to be crap, but hopefully the WWE wont let us down, and they better get this show back to the top with Monday Night Football coming back. I am looking forward to RAW tonight in the most part though.
Big Wizzle's Weekly Review RAW 8-13

Opening- Just a regular Vince promo. Nothing special alot of heat from the crowd. Things got better when Steph came out (by the way she was lookin damn good) They are teasing Kennedya already. Everyone pretty much knows so i'm kinda hoping they pull a shocker out of their ass but its doubtful. O well. Ok segment.

Kennedy vs Sandman- Short match. I'm tired of the entrances interuppting Kennedy on the mic. Damnit enough is enough. Let the man say Kennedy!. Anyways at least Kennedy is being used finally. Bad ass finisher too. Better off the top rope.

The genetic jackhammer was hammerin' women at an early age we found out. WOOO!

Gangsta's vs Redneck's- OK tag match. Glad to see Cryme Tyme actually being used as well as the champs. Seems as if WWE forgot about the tag divison. This should carry on to SS. Should be a decent match as well as a decent feud. Alright segment too but damnit they sold it to a Cena fan:twak:

The Weekly Squash-*YAWWWNNN* what a bore. Snitsky is shit and can't wrestle beyond 2 minutes. Shit Wrestlers. Shit match.

We then find out Cody is the Trojan Man of WWE and Vince is sueing Trojan:lmao:

WWE Idol- I love Jillian despite her horrible voice. She looks damn good as well as Maria and Lillian. Damn that Santino calling Lillian a prostitute. An alright segment. Regal/Simmon/Foley= great comedy and entertainment. Santino=Shit.

Trojan Man vs Haas-A bit sloppy. I've learned Cody loves dropkicks like Randy loves headlocks. Cody has work to do in the ring Haas should stick to tagging. I expect Cody to face Shelton next week. Shelton loses to Trojan Man and I'll go nuts Sheik style. Normal Raw match nothing great.

Royal Crowning- Good segment but damnit why Trips why did you not show up. Damn I was close to marking out but Trips no show's. Good buildup for the match at SS just needs Triple H to return to make it better. I'm sure they are wanting good buyrates so they will save it. O well. Lawler took a hell of a beating. OK segment.

Johnny Boy/Bulldozer vs Carlito/Orton- Predictable. Cena gets beat around by the heels for 10+ then pulls out 3 of his 5 moves of doom and gets the hot tag to Umaga to clean house. Shit ending. Same usual tag matches.

Vince's get's the boot from Linda- Wow what a way to end RAW YIPPY! that will have me tuning in next week*sarcasm*. Dumb Ending for a decent RAW.

The Good: Cryme Tyme back in the title mix.
Steph/Lillian/Jillian/Maria all looking damn good
The crowd booing the hell out of Cena.
Royal Crowning..was done quite well
A few funny backstage segments and entertaining WWE Idol

The Bad: Snitsky Squash...pointless waste of time.
No Trips:(

This week's RAW was way better than last weeks snoozer. Bad ending to the show though and Cena always ruins the moment or night.

Overall- B-
I'm truly happy with Raw this week. I have to admit, for the first time in well over a month.. I actually was excited to tune in to watch tonight.. knowing mostly that they wouldn't debut McMahon's son.. but yet wanting to see exactly what happens to continue the storyline. So this is my take on tonight's event.

First off, the Vince/Stephanie promo was great. Especially when she announced that it could be a him, or her (dispite Micheal Cole botching it by stating it was a son) & that (shocker, shocker) they were possibly at ringside & definately a pro wrestler for the company. I was a little uneasy about Mr. Kennedy being it, but I (along with most of MSG) went absolutely crazy when McMahon came face to face with Mr. Kennedy when he was exiting the ring.

The matches tonight were lack-luster, at best: Kennedy v. Sandman, Snitsky v. Robbie, Lispy (Cody) v. Charlie.. not exactly the best line-up for a night of otherwise great promos.

I liked that Cryme Tyme is being brought back in. Sad that WWE's Tag Team Division sucks right now.. Cade & Murdoch haven't even defended their Tag Titles (to my knowledge) since Vengeance in June. I'm pretty sure thats over a 30 day strip-stipulation.

I loved the backstage skit with Ron Simmons & JBL. "WHAM!" (I loved that song - "wake me up, before you go go" so I went crazy when I knew he'd say WHAM! too)

I also have to admit, I'm LOVING Santino as a heel. He, to me, has great mic skills with butchering the language as well as making the fans hate him. After all, it isn't THAT hard. hahaha

WWE Idol was great, not as great as the dating game.. but still.. I hope for more game-show/reality skits to come. Next week may be the Simmons/Maria date instead of a game-show/reality skit.

They finally announce Triple H. v. King Booker.. & whoever couldn't see Jerry Lawler "crowning" Booker is clearly not a wrestling fan.

Last but not least.. Main Event.. honestly, I didn't pay much attention, cause I'm not a Cena fan, Umaga as a face sickens me, & outside of Orton.. it was a total waste of Main Event space.
I thought it was funny how people were expecting Triple H to return because most likely the news reporters had the assumption he needed to make an appearance first to set up his match at SummerSlam as well as the assumption just because he made his return at MSG after his previous torn quad means he will do the same this time. I never seen the WWE confirm he was suppose to show at RAW. As a matter in fact, is it hard to understand he is suppose to return at SummerSlam?

I found this week's Raw pretty fun.

- The opening segment was alright. I liked how the crowd was chanting Kennedy which it wouldn't surprise me that with the WWE knowing the crowd acknowledges the spoiler of Kennedy being McMahon's kid, I wouldn't doubt the WWE will make a huge 180 turn and name it someone else. Vince starring into Kennedy's eyes was awesome.

- LOL Mr. McMahon became sexual active at the age of 12? Then all of the sudden Ric Flair comes behind and starts throwing some "WOOOOOOOOOO's". Brilliant!

- It seemed as if some didn't like the massive Randy Orton promos, however it makes me happy to see he is getting pushed for his talent despite the fact he is a trouble maker and hopefully this "push" will lead into a WWE title win at SummerSlam.

- Santino sucks like always. Backstage segment was hilarious..... WHAM!

- Kennedy vs The Sandman was interesting. Kind of random to see the two wrestle but I guess they wanted two bleached blond haired guys going at it.

- The WWE Idol was excellent. Mick Foley, Maria and William Regal as the judges. Of course, Maria was the soft one and Regal was the one who over judged. The segment really stood out for me because I got to see Nikolai Volkoff sing with Sheiky Baby trying to get the crowd to keep quiet like old times then The Iron Sheik getting pissed off they were cut off LOL. Of course the shoot on Santino was excellent on how he can't wrestle.

- Cody Rhodes vs Charlie Haas. The match wasn't as bad as people claimed it was which IMHO the main thing that made the match boring was the dead crowd for this match.

- LOL Cody giving Vince a Trojan and claiming he wants to sue Trojan. Gotta love The Coach's continuous Vince McMahon ass kissing..

- Randy Orton cut a good promo prior to his match. After the commercial break, he teamed with Carlito to face Umanga *cough* I mean Umaga and John Cena. The match wasn't that bad at all. I loved the crowd how the women and children (the high pitched voices) were chanting "Let's Go Cena" and the men (lower pitched voices) were chanting "Cena Sucks". I wish the ending of the show would have been more "surprising".

Overall, pretty good Raw. I wasn't expecting Triple H to return so I wasn't disappointed.
I found Raw this week a little disappointing. Not so much as in past weeks, but I was a little let down with HHH not appearing. Everyone was looking forward to it. I guess the reporters do not know what they are talking about. Every article that I read on Raw before it aired talked of his return. Don't beleive what you read!
I found Raw this week a little disappointing. Not so much as in past weeks, but I was a little let down with HHH not appearing. Everyone was looking forward to it. I guess the reporters do not know what they are talking about. Every article that I read on Raw before it aired talked of his return. Don't beleive what you read!

Yeah.. a lot of people may of been expecting it, but noone should've been let down by it. WWE never promo'd him returning then. The ads they ran continually said SummerSlam is where he'll return. And the only thing "I" was shocked by, was how WWE didn't decide to screw the fans worse by making his return.. a promo return on a ppv instead of a match. So I'm happy he'll wrestle, but I wasn't shocked with him not being at Raw.. as it was never advertised, except by the same "reporters" that probably ramble on about WWE being responsible for what wrestlers do outside of the business, in their personal lives.
i thought raw this week to be interesting.some decent matches good promos and so on. i wasnt shocked that hhh didnt return it did say he'll return at summerslam not raw on the 13 of august. i knew he would fight booker, o sorry king booka...... but overall i beilieve in was a good raw but not great but it sure wasnt the worse i've ever seen.... keep it coming vince mamahon staring at mr kennedy now thats cool and priceless.
Well...Well...Well. The Monday before the PPV. Usually the most exciting RAW of the month because of the hype for the PPV. Haha yeah maybe 8 years ago*sarcasm*

Opening- Orton delivers a solid promo,Until The Boss makes his way to the ring and announces his son is a dude..(Kennedy). Promo was going well all until Cena came out and bored me with a Batista type 5 worded promo. Vince pwned him on the jokes which I thought were quite funny. Cena should stick to slapping. He does it better than he can wrestle.

Decent segment.

Divas Tag Team action- I wouldn't know as I never watch. Interesting to have a divas Battle Royal for SS. I hoping Victoria can win and somehow make it back to RAW and grab the gold. Doubtful more than likely someone like Michelle McCool....Yes Creative is that dumb...*Yawn*

The Weekly Vince backstage snooze- Once again they are teasing Mr.Kennedy IMO for all of the marks they are sorta just giving it away.:lmao: at Venis and Davari.

Shelton vs Trojan Man- Sickening,Literally made me sick to my stomach that Shelton is jobbing to a Green newbie. It's a shame that so much talent is just wasted. Boring. I hate Cody he's got alot of improving to do and Jesus,Get this guy some good lookin' ring gear. Shelton jobbing in 2 minutes=SHIT!!!:cuss2:

Rednecks vs Londrick- Just something to get the Cryme Tyme feud going with the Hatjacking. I really didn't pay attention to the match but the finish looked sorta botched. No Rednecks vs Gangsta's at SS I suppose since we have to have the goddamn divas...Boring NEXT!

King Bookah! promo - Always the best part of the night any week. King Bookah is a god when it comes to playing this character. "James","Jerome",Tazwell,"Loyal subjects""SummerSlam Games"...That's classic. Another great Bookah promo to build up the match at SS. The whole HHH returning thing was predictable but o well. I'm glad he didn't return to a weak pop like that one. King Bookah pwns JR.

Carlito's Cabana- Well I learned Umaga likes looking at nuts. Mr.Kennedy does another good promo as well as Carlito. The Triple Threat should be great and I'm damn happy we got it.

Kennedy vs Carlito- Not a bad match,not very good either but it was a good back and forth slow match. An ok finish I guess as long as I get that 3 Way IC title match I would have been happy and I did so it's all good. I can see Kennedy possibly winning that one but I think in the end Umanga probaly retains....Carlito...No chance.

DAMN!-Nuff said.

Snitsky vs John Cena-:lmao: Wow, I didn't watch this match and from reading results it looked piss poor. Same Ol' Cena routine. Gets beat around all match and just about when he pulls out the 5 godly moves...BAM! RKO. Thank you Randy.You rule. Just too bad Cena will retain at SS.

I seen this going as either Cena would win to make him look even more like Superman before he lost at SS or RKO doing what he did to make it look like he owns Cena and theres not a damn thing Cena can do to stop him. The 2nd one happend so Cena once again will overcome all odds. Boring.

The Good: I get that Triple Threat IC Title match I wanted.
Simmons..He steals the show with a limited vocab. Amazing.
King Bookah,Randy/Vince/Cena promos were decent.
Carlito/Kennedy-At least it went past 3 minutes

The Bad: Snitsky/Cena-I didn't watch but i'm sure the veiwers got a piss poor match...I'm almost certain we see this feud again..Yawn

The Ugly: Santino...Shut up already.

I was pretty bored and sleepy during this show. So that means it didn't have excitement and good matches which means it is a typical WWE RAW.

Overall- D-...Thank you Ron Simmons!
Woohoo, first time posting in this thread, so I guess I'll divide it up like the person above me with the Purplelicious MVP signature.

Orton/Vince/Cena Promo-I have to say I enjoyed the "Triple Threat" Promo, as I like to call it, very much. I think Randy played up his role to perfection. The way he talks about how it's his "destiny" to win the WWE Championship at SummerSlam gives the match an other-wordly (is that a word?) feeling, and that's not a bad thing. I always love to see Vinnie inject some humor into any situation. And boyo- what a slap from John Cena!! I like how Cena didn't talk much (not that I don't love listening to him talk), and just got down to buisness!

Divas Match- Wheeeeeeee!!!!! A divas match! Finally, I was going into Raw Diva Match withdrawal. A short match, that should've been given more time, because these four female wrestlers could really tear it up. Highlight of the night for me was seeing Mickie kick Candice- you go girl! Let's hope Melina, Beth, Mickie, and Jillian are the last four left at SS in the diva battle royal.

Backstage with Vinnie..Mr.McMahon- I love how Vinnie met different wrestlers in the hall way. Val Venis, was hilarious as always, and Mr. Kennedy looked especially interesting.

Shelton Benjamin vs Cody Rhoeds *scream like a fangirl*- As much as I love Cody (I can't help it, he's cute) I wish they'd give the boy some character, some personality. He's got an amazing future. Shelton vs Cody feud would be a fine feud to see.

King Booker's Crowning- King Booker is truely a genius- he can create a feud with an invisiable Triple H!!!! Okay so this week we had an imposter Triple H, but I'd rather consider him invisiable. It's not like the "Tarzan" wannabe (where's Jane?) talked much... or at all for that matter. Poor JR... he always gets picked on. :( I LOL'd at King Booker calling JR, Jame and Tazz, Tazzwell.

Carlito's Cabana- Carlito might just be using King Booker's idea... talk smack to an opponent who can't talk back! I love it! Almost as much as I loved seeing Umaga (haha Umanga) throw the bucket of apples. In all seriousness it was good to see Kennedy and Carlito interacting. These guys could do very well with their own individual feud. Umaga was eloquent as usual.

Kennedy vs Carlito- A good match! I liked it, but I wish it they could've punched less and done... more (yeah it's vauge). I think the part at the end where they pinned each other was very unique, and I'll be looking forward to their match against Umaga at SS.

Snitsky vs John Cena- I can't comment on it much, since I only saw the end where Randy Orton RKO'd Cena twice (bad Randy... ruining John's handsome face). I suspect that with Snitsky's acne probably hypnotising John Cena to a state of shock that the match didn't go very well. Too bad.


Melina/Vince Segment- The whole Vince/Melina thing kind of freaks me out, but hey I think Vince and Melina interact very well (and not in that way, get your mind out of the gutter). Melina for Women's Champion!!

The "Date"- I love how they're occupying Santino's time, while he's recovering with these hilarious segments. That guy coming up to table and reading off the piece of paper for Santino made me laugh my butt off.

The Good: I think most everything on Raw was good. Specifically, Carlito vs Kennedy, the Divas Match, King Booker's promo, Vince/Cena/Orton promo, The "Date," Carlito's Cabana.. I could go on.

The Bad: Eh, nothing was really that bad. Maybe the Cena/Snitsky match, but I haven't seen it, so I can't say.

The Ugly: Snitsky... I mean come on. He has Backne for goodness sake!! The man needs some Clearasil. Get those pores a working!!

Overall: B+. Raw this week was a great way to build up to SummerSlam.

Flames Out
IMO raw had its high point and its low points the worst part about that was that there was no middle ground and that seems to be raws problem lately

High points

opening promo- Orton was great talking about how winning the title is his destiny and mcmahon was funny but the best part was cena didnt get into his ever popular comedy routine

King Booker-like someone said earlier hes so good he can be in a good feud with triple h without him even being there

Cryme Tyme-love these guys funny segments each week they need the TITLES! TITLES! YEAH! YEAH!

Carlitos cabana- good to see carlto and kennedy they seem to have good chemistry together everyone played there part well i liked umaga snapping and kicking kennedy.

Carlito/Kennedy match- Fairly short but a solid back and forth match and very smooth too. like i said earlier Carlito and Kennedy seem to have good chemistry. liked the finish good to see both of them competing for a title even though they deserve world title shots.

Low Points

shelton losing to cody- he deserves better cody looks decent but shouldnt be beating shelton this early

main event- slow match snitsky is really bad and many people probably liked the finish but i hated it because it means that cena will probably win well triple H will hopefully take the sledgehammer to him soon and take his title too.

Raw this week was ok it set u summerslam nicely but was kind of boring
overall i gave it a C
I have no clue what WWE is doing after watching RAW last night

1) After Booker had a full month of heat on Trips, they finally have a match at SSlam, but the night after they dont evan have contact with each other?

2) Umaga turns face for SSlam match just to turn heel the next night, and attack a guy who was on a 30 day suspension, and it now looks like he will get a title shot right away?

3) Why Cena vs Booker?? There was absolutly no build up: We should have seen Cena and Trips vs. Orton and Bookah

4) Why not keep feud going with Kennedy and Carlito and Umaga?

I thought the whole mimmicking the Michael Vick dogfighting thing was totally classless on the part of Vince. I was embarrassed.

Yeah, the main event was just kind of weird for me. Booker just kind of let Orton have his way with Cena after awhile. Booker really served little purpose.
Undoubtably, the best part of RAW was Mr. Kennedy failing to grab hold of the mic properly. Then saying "I meant to do that".

Although, the Vince/Carlito/HHH segment was entertaining for a while. Kind of dragged on a bit, and was entirely predictable. The main event was pointless, but Cena's Dad sold it very well indeed! That's if it was his Dad, not some actor.
Everyone IS Definitely Correct , Raw Was Meaningless , And Had Very Little High Points

The Punt Being One Of Them , That Was Amazing , Best Punt Yet !

My Question To All Is Simply , With This Steroid Outbreak On Every Channel And Orton Being Said As One OF The Old Purchasers , Will Orton Be Drained Of Any Opportunity For A Title , So WWE Doesnt Get The Blame Of Rewarding ExUsers The Title....And Get Punked Again By Cena....Or Will The Storyline Continue On Raw?

Cant Wait For This Monday !
Best part of raw this week daivari and jillian singing before their match, funny as fuck. The rest of raw was stupid, they were just writing people out who were suspended, whereas they should have just either left them off the card alltogether or say they were suspended. And Cena putting the stfu on regal was stupid, regal could out wrestle cena anyday, and it is just insult to injury when he uses Regal's signiture move against him. Ahh well at least he deservidley got booed for it... the ****.
Yeah i didnt find raw this last monday to be interesting, it was actually quite boring because they were just writing off people who got suspended, i.e Umaga, Regal, and Santino. I loved though when Santino came to the ring and then Sandman came and beat him all the way up the ramp with the Kendo stick, because seeing Sandman every once in s while is good. I thought it was interesting how Cena put the STF-U on Regal because, it was a dose of his own medicine. I wasnt fond of Umaga getting hit with the sledge hammer because it made Umaga look weak IMO. I myself was glad to see the IC title switch though even though it was made for the suspension. I was bored of the Mcmahon segment. I enjoyed the tag match between londrick & WGTT even though everyone knew Londrick was going to win.

All in all a pretty terrible RAW because seeing all the stars that got suspended was boring.

Positive, watching Sandman destroy Santino.
Negative, Hearing Jillian and Daivari sing and watching Umaga get destroyed by HHH.
I actually quite liked the McMahon segment even if it was a bit predictable, apart from the very end of it. that guy who came out was hilarious the way he carried on talking instead of letting Vince say the who the hell are you, I hope he's on RAW next week he was ace!

I was actually impressed with the IC match though am sick of them going to a commercial break during a match and especially one for the title. It was interesting about the Marella beatdown because he's been wrestling the house shoes in South Africa so he's not suspended, I don't know why they didn't have simmons beat him down.
Out of curiosity-who were the fans chanting "you can't wrestle" to at the end of tonights show (9-17) seeing as both Randy and John didn't wrestle all that much-I'm going to go with Cena, but I thought that was an interesting chant
IMO this Raw was not very good. John Cena vs Marella, come on? Terrible. the Vince Coach and Hornswoggle segment was was. Vince trying toput him up for adoption was also good, this story line is interesting right now.HHH and VInce was actually very? Was she magically delicious was lame but very funny IMO. I didnt like the fact that HHH has squashed every body especially Londrick. Cody Rhodes coming to save the day was dumb because Orton just killed him. The Cena daddy Cena and Orton thing was alright at the end. The staredown was actually good. But the flag on pole match was dumb because it was basically punches and no wrestling whatsoever. Boring and a waste of tv time. The womans match actually impressed me, Candice looked good or atleast decent in the ring for once. The office of the Green was funny and coaches theme song makes everything better. The best thing of the night was Jeff vs Shelton, it was actually a good match, should have been a match at Unforgiven, but o well still a good match nonetheless. Now the Bad HHH squashing the world the flag match, and Santino and Cena? give me a break. But without the Segments and the IC match this was quite boring.
Yep, RAW was boring and lame again tonight. I watched NWA Anarchy online today and it was better than RAW! That is B-A-D!

A lot of people seem to think that things will pick up when the suspended (cough-cough) superstars come back. I hope so but let's face it, they are all mid-carders on that list. And, when you stop to realize that mid-carders are actually carrying a promotions show, that can't be good news.
After this week im even more angry that Im not going to Raw next week to see the cage match, bummer. but Raw was not very good this week I liked hornswaggle and Vince and the IC title match but besides that there was nothing that good about it, still hoping they get agood show in Milwaukee next week at least my brothers going
Wow Raw seems to be picking up and WWE seems to be upping it's game so to speak.
Me thinks the penny has finally dropped with Vince and he's giving us what we want, entertaining matches and decent feuds.
I just hope they manage to clean the rust off the cage in time for next Monday.... It's been a while lol.
I know we're supposed to suspend realism when we turn on Raw for those two hours every Monday night, but are you kidding me? How hard is it to find some wire cutters? The referee had the whole damn commercial break to go backstage and get something that would easily cut through the handcuffs.

But my biggest problem with the realism is how the hell are we supposed to believe that John Cena Sr. (another problem, why do they feel the need to not mention John Cena's father first name?) can get in that much trouble for getting involved, but Orton gets REWARDED for pulling a fan out of the stands and assaulting him? Why didn't 'Mr Cena' say "ok, if you strip my son of the title I'm going to sue the WWE for everything it's worth, get you fired, and have Orton put in jail for assault."???
I know we're supposed to suspend realism when we turn on Raw for those two hours every Monday night, but are you kidding me? How hard is it to find some wire cutters? The referee had the whole damn commercial break to go backstage and get something that would easily cut through the handcuffs.

But my biggest problem with the realism is how the hell are we supposed to believe that John Cena Sr. (another problem, why do they feel the need to not mention John Cena's father first name?) can get in that much trouble for getting involved, but Orton gets REWARDED for pulling a fan out of the stands and assaulting him? Why didn't 'Mr Cena' say "ok, if you strip my son of the title I'm going to sue the WWE for everything it's worth, get you fired, and have Orton put in jail for assault."???

Thats some good points..but never forget whom your dealing with(Vince "over the top"Mcmahon) he has to find some way to keep the orton/cena rivary hot

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