[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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Wow. I don't even know where to start. I could write a college thesis on all the things you just said that were wrong mate.

First of all, Cena hasn't used his rapper thug gimmick in about three or four years now, he's been "The Marine" clean cut good guy for all of that time. Then you assume that most people on here are white, that most wrestling fans are white, and that because they are white that's why they don't like someone acting like a rapper? I'm as white as could be but I love rap music, and there are millions of other white people who like rap music. It's not a race thing at all so don't even try to make it like that.

People don't like him not because he tried to act hard, infact most Cena haters preferred that gimmick to his new one, people hate him because he's been shoved down our throats worse then Hulk Hogan was and has yet to show us any reason at all as to why he should be champ. The guy has only been wrestling for seven years, and he becomes the world champ in the biggest wrestling federation on the planet in only his fifth year in wrestling. Most wrestlers aren't even called up into OVW after five years. People don't hate the guy because of his gimmick, they hate him because he has shown absolutely no passion for wrestling. People talk all this bullshit about how Cena loves wrestling so much and has a passion for it like no one else, well if he loves wrestling so god damn much why didn't/doesn't he take the time to actually learn more then seven moves? You think if you cared so much about something you'd strive to be good at it.

And your argument that he has improved? Actually quite the opposite, atleast in Cena's early years he was able to hold a semi-decent match (example: his debut against Kurt Angle in the Angle Challenge) but has steadily gotten worse and worse in the ring.

People aren't going to remember him as one of the greats, they're going to remember him as being the biggest turd the WWE ever tried to shine and polish and convince to it's audience that it's gold. Sorry Vince, but crap is crap no matter how many T-Shirts it sells.
Xfear, xfear, just because the things i said don't apply to you doesn't mean it doesn't apply to other people. I don't have time to do a survey of all Cena haters, I'm sorry.

We argued yesterday--sure Cena is not a great wrestler. But at this point and time, a champion who women and children can love is what's working for WWE. It won't last forever--probably not even the rest of the year.

And I'm sorry that Cena developed a massive following so early that they decided to give him the WWE Title. There ain't much we can do about that, huh? And if I recall correctly The Rock won the WWE Title within a year, it took The Undertaker only a year in WWE to win the title, so there is nothing wrong with somebody rising to championship status quickly in their careers.

I gave you the match listing yesterday--you REALLY need to check these matches out I would be glad to view them with you. If you really think that none of these matches are good, then damn there's not much else I can tell you.

This is a business, and that's the bottom line. Sure the old school fans of today won't give two shits about Cena at the end of the day, but the bottom line is that his legacy will be remembered, and I'd like to be there to tell you I told you so when that happens.

Another thing: WWE tried to give RVD and Edge the ball last year but neither one of them could do it. Orton is long overdue to take the belt but he keeps fucking up behind the scenes. The last time they gave the best wrestler the title--Chris Benoit--the ratings tanked terribly. You think it's a coincidence that USA became the number one cable network over the past few years? Come on, pal, wake up and smell the coffee.

The fact that Cena gets such a huge reaction is what's important, regardless of whether it is love or hate. Cena=business and that's all that matters. Vince McMahon doesn't give a damn about me or you or anybody else in the Internet world. So you can nitpick at Cena's skills all you want but until he gets to Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg in-ring status he'll be the man. Live wit it!

And the biggest turd WWE tried to shine and polish? Bigger than Warrior, Goldberg, JBL? Oh man, you really need to spend like a day on youtube.

Much respect, of course.
I Hate The Marine Gimmick
I Hate the spiner title more than any thing els in the WWE
I Hate the way Edge 2 time champ and Orton 1 time champ cant beat cena in a 2 on 1
I Hate all his cloths and merchandise he should come out not tring to shove his murchandis down our throughts
And finly I hate that advert that says dont try this at home with Cena ther talking if that isnt shoving down our throughts I dont know what is
Even the italians hate him i dont uunderstand what there is to like about him except a stupid gimmick because hes such a crap wrestler. I can almost guarantee he'll get booed outa RAw in the UK next week as well.
yea its pretty sad when even the fans outside the USA boo Cena, i figured Cena would get lots of cheers in Italy cuz his name is Italian, but i was happy when my Italian family booed him, anyways, this whole week is a tour of Europe, this monday coming they're in London, if Cena gets booed, then damn, i gotta say this is a world wide hate they have on him...hey, this tour of Europe is just wat the WWE needs, maybe Vince will get a wake up call and realize its not just in the USA that people dont like Cena, maybe this tour will hit him on the head and see that he needs a new WWE champ. (yea im just dreaming that last part)
Cena doesn't suck. In the ring, he's no mat technician, but the boos don't mean anything, everybody gets booed, sure not as much as Cena, but nobody illicits the reaction that he does. Cena would suck if nobody watched him...and I'm sure most of the haters still watch him every Monday night.
Come on now figure4 we've been having this debate quite a bit already, so I'm just going to direct all further questions to the quote in my signature.
You're right my friend, I gave you my very best argument possible but it wasn't enough to change your mind. I just don't think that Cena is that bad to the point where his matches are unwatchable, and like I said, even the haters are watching too. I think everybody is free to love and hate who they want, I just think that the whole 'can't wrestle' thing is a little tedious, ya know?
Xfear, xfear, just because the things i said don't apply to you doesn't mean it doesn't apply to other people. I don't have time to do a survey of all Cena haters, I'm sorry.

If you don't have time to do the survey don't make broad generalisations. because you canmake an Ass out of yourself for doing so and being provn wrong.

We argued yesterday--sure Cena is not a great wrestler. But at this point and time, a champion who women and children can love is what's working for WWE. It won't last forever--probably not even the rest of the year.

Actually the Target demographic for the WWE is 18-34 year old males, the same that TNA is after, because they are the most lucrative market out there in relation to wrestling. If it attacts outside of that demographic it has done its job. Your right in saying that it won't last forever, Hulkamania is still going and that should have died years ago. But Cena wil be in the mai event picture in years to come no matter what we say about it.

And I'm sorry that Cena developed a massive following so early that they decided to give him the WWE Title. There ain't much we can do about that, huh? And if I recall correctly The Rock won the WWE Title within a year, it took The Undertaker only a year in WWE to win the title, so there is nothing wrong with somebody rising to championship status quickly in their careers.

The rock was roughly 3 years before he got the Title, but that was as a Heel, not as Rocky Maivia, he also had a pedigree of having Wrestling in his family so he would have known more about the Wrestling side than Cena did when he started. I know Cena's father is involved in Wrestling at some level. the Undertaker had been Wrestling before 1990 when he went to the WWF, he was wrestling under the name Mean mark Callous, but his reign when he won the title from Hulk Hogan was not really that long, compared to Cena's where in 3 years he has had the belt the majority of time and was in feuds with some of the best wrestlers in the world.

I gave you the match listing yesterday--you REALLY need to check these matches out I would be glad to view them with you. If you really think that none of these matches are good, then damn there's not much else I can tell you.

I watched his match against Lesnar in 2003, he showed promise then, but since then he hasn't improved a single Iota. So it is tough to defend Cena here.

This is a business, and that's the bottom line. Sure the old school fans of today won't give two shits about Cena at the end of the day, but the bottom line is that his legacy will be remembered, and I'd like to be there to tell you I told you so when that happens.

Does anyone remember the reign of Antonio Inoki, no. do they remember the Sgt. slaughter title reigns I doubt it. They will however remember this because Cena had that much time on top of the pile without actually being able to put a decent match together Crowd control wise, even Hulk Hogan knew how to control a crowd well.

Another thing: WWE tried to give RVD and Edge the ball last year but neither one of them could do it. Orton is long overdue to take the belt but he keeps fucking up behind the scenes. The last time they gave the best wrestler the title--Chris Benoit--the ratings tanked terribly. You think it's a coincidence that USA became the number one cable network over the past few years? Come on, pal, wake up and smell the coffee.

Edge was the Highest ratings earning Champion in the last five years, He was successful as a Heel, he had a kid crying when he won the title on RAW in tat triple threat match, which quite possibly would have happened anyway at Saturday Night Main Event. But RVD was only ever going to have the WWE title for a short amount of because it was to set up the ECW Heavyweight title. RVD did smoke away his Title though but that was due to getting busted by the cops. Orton hasn't fucked up to bad in the last Year, but the Steroid thing will be still there and he will get his shot towards the end of the year.

As for USA becoming the #1 cable network in the US is because Raw is on there not just becaus John Cena is champ, There was a huge drop off in Spike's ratings after WWE left so it is wrestling fans in general following RAW and not Being Cena fans.

The fact that Cena gets such a huge reaction is what's important, regardless of whether it is love or hate. Cena=business and that's all that matters. Vince McMahon doesn't give a damn about me or you or anybody else in the Internet world. So you can nitpick at Cena's skills all you want but until he gets to Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg in-ring status he'll be the man. Live wit it!

And the biggest turd WWE tried to shine and polish? Bigger than Warrior, Goldberg, JBL? Oh man, you really need to spend like a day on youtube.

Much respect, of course.

Your right the reaction he is getting is keeping him as the Champion because Controversy creates cash, but common sense would dictate that if the guy is getting Booed than he should be turned to be a Heel, it doesn't matter really but that is common sense. Im pretty sure he has gotten to the level where his lack of moves is criticsied to the same degree as Goldberg.

JBL can actually wrestle, so why include him, he deserved the title by the end of his run at th very least but as for th bigest turd that WWE tried to shine that would fall in the order of Ultimate warrior, Cena and then it goes on. Goldberg was WCWs fault and we all know that.
Number one, I can say whatever the hell I want to say. It's a broad generalization to say 'only women and children like John Cena', but that gets thrown around here all the time.

Number two, do not talk down to me about the target demographic of WWE. The point I'm trying to make is that 'the man' in WWE can come in all shapes and sizes and can appeal to a variety of different audiences. Many years to come? Shiit Cena will be out in a few years headed down The Rock, Trish, Stacy's road of moving on to do other things.

Number three, go read 'The Rock Says' and then re-evaluate the statement about how long it took The Rock to be THE MAN. 3 years my ass. Maybe 2. And in his surge for the title the first time, he WAS billed as a face and he turned heel the actual night he won the title. Sure, Cena's initial reign was long, but with Triple H battling with Ric Flair at the end of 2005, they had to keep the strap on Cena in order to set up Cena-Triple H for WrestleMania 22, which was a pretty solid match, in my opinion. When Undertaker won the belt the first time, they just wanted to stall the title for a little while so that Ric Flair could win it at Royal Rumble 92. Ya know, I know a little bit about this game too.

Number four, it's pretty much obvious that if you don't like Cena it is hard to watch his matches with a truly unbiased opinion. Every wrestler has a routine that works for them. For example, we all know Hogan's comeback--hulk up, big boot, leg drop, brother, pin. We all know Bret Hart's comeback too--atomic drop, clothesline, backbreaker, fist drop from top rope, sharpshooter. Every wrestler is predictable, dude. So why does Cena's comeback generate so much hatred?

Number five, crowd control wise Cena can only do so much, with sooo many people hating his guts and judging his wrestling skills. Honestly, some of his biggest spots have gotten a lot of love from the crowd--the FU through two tables on Edge, the catapult to RVD through the chair, choking out Umaga with the ring rope, FU-ing the Big Show. So, in a way, he does know how to work the crowd.

Number six, the main event at WrestleMania has to be the best match they can possibly put out there, and around the time to start building that, Orton fucked up, and Edge is recently recovered from his jaw injury, and plus Triple H got hurt and WWE had to insert HBK in there to steal the show. So, Cena had to keep the strap. And do you really think people tuned in for the Live Sex Show to watch Edge? I'll shut up now, because if I keep going with that comment then I might get banned.

And number seven, this is a new age in wrestling, the reaction Cena illicits is definitely a first for a face champion. Sure, the fans are getting tired of seeing this guy, but given the circumstances, he's really handled himself well and put forth some respectable matches, whether the haters want to give him credit or not. IT WILL NOT LAST FOREVER! I'm not in any way shape or form trying to say people should like this guy, just that his in-ring work is not so poor that you do not even want to watch the product.

Nonetheless, you made some very good points, and I respect your opinion. But I think that you should respect mine as well. And by the way, I love JBL. I'm just saying that he had a long title reign, too. Why? Because they needed to build up an upstart to take the title from him at Mania 21. And who was that? Cena. It's a continuous process, Cena's time is coming. He will have to set the stage for somebody one day, but it is up to WWE to decide who that somebody will be. Around 3 years is the max amount of time for previous leaders of the WWE-- Stone Cold (1998-1999, 2001) Triple H (2002-2004), Cena (2005-2007). His time is running thin, don't worry Cena haters.
First off I wasn't trying to talk down to you about the demographic thing, I was just pointing that out because noone stated that anywhere in this thread to my knowledge.
I was being economical with numbers, I couldn't remember exactly when the rock started in 1996, He had the WWE title by 1998 survivor series. Actually I go into matches Unbiased as I can possibly be. I can see good in Khali. I just found that match and was interested in seeing it, well John cena showed more promise then, in that one Match, than he shows in his matches now. It is my opinion on this but take a look at the match and then look at his latest offering from Cena, Cena sold in that match, he didn't at WM23, there is a major problem if he doesn't sell on the biggest stage of them all and yet can work in title match a few years ago and look pretty good at it as well.
Thats just it they were spots, even Hogan, who I think is overrated well beyond what Cena is, controlled the crowd without resorting to big spots like that. the Edge and Umaga ones were supposed to be cheered in that way because Cena is a face, Was the RVD thing in ECW at ONS or in any of the original WWECW tv episodes because, he got ripped for doing anything when he was on them.
TV ratings don't lie when it comes to it. Edge did get a whole lot more Ratings on average over his reign than Cena has over his.
Actually Orton was only on the end of that total screw up a week or so before Wrestlemania so they wouldn't have done anything with him anyway. Edge wasn't going to be involved because of theprogram that they had last year between the two. Shawn Michaels did get put in there to steal the show to bad the other end of the match wasn't held up by Cena, No selling on a convincing attack on the knee would not make the match a mainevent calibre match, he has been in wrestling for 7 or so years he should have known better than to no-sell an injury.
Cena has put forth few credible matches as the Champ, some of his matches with Edge, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho were the only ones who have managed to pull good matches out of Cena while he has been Champ. But I do applaude Cena for how he handled himself during ONS II where he was getting booed out of the building.
What your saying in that last bit is interesting but not completely true, Stone Cold isn't there anymore because he is to banged up to stay in the ring, but Triple H is still able to get the stuff done and could be the top guy again if he didn't need to take so much time off, 2 years ago a major part of the year was taken off. so it is arguable to say the least that Cenas time at the top is coming to an end because Cena still is a young man and will have future title oppourtunitys to be champ.
I Hate The Marine Gimmick
I Hate the spiner title more than any thing els in the WWE
I Hate the way Edge 2 time champ and Orton 1 time champ cant beat cena in a 2 on 1
I Hate all his cloths and merchandise he should come out not tring to shove his murchandis down our throughts
And finly I hate that advert that says dont try this at home with Cena ther talking if that isnt shoving down our throughts I dont know what is

I hate that he has made HBK and HHH two of the best wrestlers to step in the ring look like chumps at the last two Wrestlemanias and I hate that they keep shooving him down our throats each week. Vince listen to all the boos and get him out of our faces already.
Shadowmancer, if Edge would have kept the title for the entire year than I'm sure the ratings would not have been so high. If you can see good in Khali then you have to see good in Cena, and as far as no-selling the knee stomp at Mania, I do give you that one because he definitely messed that up. I don't know, that match was disappointing anyway because the Undertaker-Batista match was so good. As far as Stone Cold and Triple H's time being the man, Stone Cold kept walking out on the company every time he was presented a storyline he didn't like. In 2002 at Mania X8 AUSTIN was supposed to face Hogan in a dream match but Stone Cold didn't want to do it. WWE presented a program for him with Eddie Guererro but he didn't want to do that either and he refused to job to Brock Lesnar on RAW in a qualifying match for the King of the Ring (which I can partially understand since it had no hype and would make Austin look like a jobber). The point I'm trying to make is that WWE had no plans in 2002 to make him THE MAN again it was Triple H's turn to carry the company because they knew The Rock would be leaving to make movies full-time. And Triple H shined Batista up and made him look invincible in 05 so he could take some time off, and in 06 they brought DX back, and this year if Triple H wouldn't have got hurt DX would still be trying to make us laugh every week (most of the time unsuccessfully).

It's interesting because I honestly think WWE will move in a new direction, with a new top guy and I think the balance will start to shift soon as Kennedy gains a little bit more momentum and when Triple H comes back. Cena has been the man for three years now and I just think that its the cut-off point, his gimmick has been ran dry, and Cena haters are even getting tired of booing him. One difference between Cena and Stone Cold and Triple H is that Cena has still kept his body in amazing shape and hasn't gotten soft like those guys did (Stone Cold due to injuries and Steve-weisers, of course). Over the last year or so, Triple H got a little lazy with both his body and his in-ring work, he's still the best, just that back in 2000-2004 he was in phenomenal physical shape and he moved a lot faster in the ring.

What I've sed lately is that RAW has that group of guys like Cade, Shelton, Carlito, and Nitro guys who are just stuck in a mid-to-low card mode that they just will not give a serious push. I would like to see Cena without the title, he's had it long enough. And lets not forget he may not even retain it at Backlash, so it may be ending sooner than we think.
I honestly think that McMahon lets him keep the strap so that the average Cena hater will tune in weekly to see if he loses it. But all you haters keep on tuning in. You want to see some changes then stop watching. WHen business is bad things change. Honestly I think Cena is a good wrestler. Sloppy with his moves, but a good wrestler. Hell half the reason Cena is so sloppy is cause of his style that he portrays. I would not want to see Cena hit a suplex like Mr. Perfect. it wouldnt seem right. Every wrestler has a routine from Cena to Carlito to Jeff Hardy down to Ortons boring holds. Therre is nothing that WWE can do to make anyone like Cena so I suggest stop making suggestions because regardless you will always hate Cena. You're all just beating a dead horse with you comments.
Cena will get boo'ed in London, he was massacred the last time he was in the UK, i remember a fan chucking a phone or something at him too. He has literally no fans over here, his fans are basicaly limited to the east coast of the usa n thts it. And even there he gets mixed reactions most of the time, New York for example. He'll be made about as welcome as Gary Neville at Anfield tomorrow tho.
JoHn CeNa i$ Th@ B3$+ 3V3r!! cH@!N G@!NG G@nG 4 Lyfe!!

(insert sarcasm)
I'll be damned - Cena was actually cleanly pinned lastnight on RAW. :lol2: Think this could be a sign of things to come? (Backlash)

Don't get your hopes up about Cena losing at Backlash. There is no way that they are going to have him lose two matches in a row. My jaw almost fell to the ground that they let HBK get a clean pin on Cena. I hate to be giving bad news but if he was going to lose the title it would of been last night or at Mania. I can say confidently that Randy Orton will def not be winning the title on Sunday and look for him to tap or get pinned.
OK, OK, Like,love or hate him, you have to admit that Cena proved himself last nite in the WM rematch. He used some restholds, yes, but he put them all in the first half of the match. He didn't let up on the action. Granted, it's obvious that HBK is the better wrestler, but who actual sits there expecting Cena to b better than HBK? He was able to do something that the greats(Austin,Rock,HHH,Flair,Benoit,Angle) have also been able to do, and go for an hour w/o the crowd getting bored. Evryone plz give me your thoughts on the match. Especially Capt.Charisma... u annoy me. Not sure why, i mean i understand that evry1 has a right 2 there own opinion, but u annoy me. I think it cuz of the Christian Cage man-crush u got goin on there. NEways, lets hear ur thoughts people.Excelsior!!
P.S. I'm still waiting for Christian Cage to wrestle for an hour
OK, OK, Like,love or hate him, you have to admit that Cena proved himself last nite in the WM rematch. He used some restholds, yes, but he put them all in the first half of the match. He didn't let up on the action. Granted, it's obvious that HBK is the better wrestler, but who actual sits there expecting Cena to b better than HBK? He was able to do something that the greats(Austin,Rock,HHH,Flair,Benoit,Angle) have also been able to do, and go for an hour w/o the crowd getting bored. Evryone plz give me your thoughts on the match. Especially Capt.Charisma... u annoy me. Not sure why, i mean i understand that evry1 has a right 2 there own opinion, but u annoy me. I think it cuz of the Christian Cage man-crush u got goin on there. NEways, lets hear ur thoughts people.Excelsior!!
P.S. I'm still waiting for Christian Cage to wrestle for an hour

I agree Cena's not as bad as everyone says and he did prove that last night. It's this he has the title for too long and he never loses and fans want to see something new which there isn't anything wrong with. I just feel bad that Cena gets booed because Vince or the creative team can't use him right.
I just have two things to say about the match;

1 - Cena proved he can pull out a good, long match (at least against a good wrestler like HBK).

2 - It's about damn time somebody pinned Cena cleanly, without cheating in a 1 on 1 match. anybody remember the last time Cena lost without interference or cheating, been like a couple years, now if somebody would beat Lashley.
I agree Cena's not as bad as everyone says and he did prove that last night. It's this he has the title for too long and he never loses and fans want to see something new which there isn't anything wrong with. I just feel bad that Cena gets booed because Vince or the creative team can't use him right.

I'm not a Cena-hater, nor am I a Cena fan, but I'd expect at least one Cena-hater to suggest that HBK carried Cena through that entire match "just like he did at Wrestlemania"... But personally, he surprised me to some degree with that hour-long match, in that the fans were still into the match throughout it. If he was truly as bad as the IWC contends, he never would have made it through that match, or the last 30+ minutes of the match would have been done in an empty building because everyone would have left.

I'm not too sure everyone hates him just because he's had the title for so long.... There's probably more to it.... Let's look at Triple H. Triple H dominated the WHC for like 3 or more years straight. Yes, he lost it occasionally to people like Benoit, Goldberg and whatever, but he got title shot after title shot until he won it back, until he finally dropped it for good and dropped out of the title picture. Triple H was twice as ruthless in both retaining, and fighting to regain, the championship than Cena, in that heavy tools and/or stable members and/or GM and/or the McMahon family (any combination) firmly in his back pocket were all great help in most title defences and title shot matches. The only difference I can see is that Cena, as a babyface, is obligated not to start using chairs or sledgehammers or buddies to help him every match.... And after all this, Triple H remained respected to some degree even while being a monster heel, yet Cena is "the worst thing that's ever happened to wrestling, and always will be".. I don't know...

But, in the end, it's definitely time for Cena to drop the title and back away from the title picture for awhile. Overdue, actually... Long overdue..... Give him a new gimmick, turn him heel, whatever it takes to improve his in-ring image... Maybe even do an injury angle to take him off WWE TV for awhile to send him to OVW to develop a new gimmick with more and better moves.....
Well I didn't watch the match, so i'll reserve judgment on it until I find it online and watch it. The only thing I will say is that if Cena finally pulled it good match out of his ass, it's long over due. I don't think if he had one good match that it should erase the criticism he has justifiably earned over the last 2 years as champion. I'll watch the match when i find it, but remember, a blind squirrel finds nuts sometimes.
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