[Official] John Cena Thread

What is Your Feeling on John Cena?

  • I despise him!

  • I am not a fan of his

  • I don't like him or hate him

  • I like the guy

  • I am a Cena Fanatic!

  • I like him, but don't think he's a good wrestler

  • I don't like him, but do think he's a good wrestler

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If all this is true, you're saying Cena wasn't really injured and didn't have to cleanly lose the belt to someone? Jeez it really is getting worse at the WWE. Whether it was to keep an 'image' of him or not, this shouldn't happen and it gives off the impression he just won't cleanly drop the belt. Maybe he got used to it too much? Or maybe McMahon thinks this will suddenly make his like him? Not going to happen, it makes me think he's just a coward.

How if he loses one match would we percieve him as weak? Great wrestlers often lose yet we don't see it as that. This is an awful idea.

lol no VINCE didnt let him loose it cleanly, Cena doesnt write the storylines becca lol....and true, we (or his fanbase) may not veiw him as weaker if he loses one match, but we CERTAINLY would not veiw him as weaker if he DOESNT loose, you know??? and true, the greats do job, but not ones whose characters are built like Cenas. He is like the modern day Hulk Hogan, they cant, and wont, be having him loose often, and under normal circumstances. Its just how his character is built, its the way he needs to be booked for it to carry off belivabely. Im trying to say that the injury was a WORK, IE trying to be passed off as legit in kayfabe, not like Cena was faking it so he wouldnt loose, thats def not what I meant. Vince did it to keep Cena looking strong, and not having him loose his belt in a match, and to try and lessen the hatred some have towards him, by giving them EXACTLY what they all asked for, almost verbatum. People are just nitpicking him now.

Well, if it is a work, kudos to WWE for keeping it a secret. That's a rarity nowadays. And what I meant about Cena working his ass off, Becca, is that if it was a real injury, he worked hard through rehab to get back as quickly as possible. And Norcal, they posted videos and photos of the surgery on WWE.com. You could see, even before they went in, his muscle was shriveled up under his skin. I highly doubt this was a work.

Im tellin ya dude, its not possible. its called movie effects. they have surgeries and injuries all the time in movies, and tv shows. they can make anything look real if they want. thats all it was. of course they went to those lengths to protect and create a storyline as grand as this. He never got hurt. It was all effects. Like WWE.com is a profiecient, legit news source??? LOL...cmon now...they can make anything look anyway they want....and thats what they did....
Cena? How was he pushed hugely?

Very carefully, so he didn't break a nail. :p

Did you see that scar? it was visible... How was Cena pushed hugely, he never lost his title via pinfall he lost his title because he had to forfeit it so he is coming back to claim something he never lost.

How was he pushed though? Seriously did you just ask me that? Watch it. Watch it again. Tell me what happened.

Again it wasnt a big push, he came back and is going to feud for his title, ya no, he never did lose his title via pinfall?

Obviously, Jeez have you not worked out Cena can't lose the belt?

that is ridiculous, why has been champ for the better part of two years? tell me please?

Look at which thread you're in. I'm sure if you read other posts in this thread and others you'll find out my opinion. I aren't explaining it again just for you.

He never lost his title via pinfall. Jericho came back feuded for the title, HBK came back, feuded for the title. Cena never lost his title though therefore he has the right to be feuding for the title right away...

I never said he didn't. Of course he has a right to a re-match. Just not winning the Rumble immaediately.

Big names usually main event the biggest PPV of em all :thumbsup:

And he needed to win the Rumble to do that? We all know he'd have got his rematch anyway.

Why not? He never lost in the first place, and Orton was still champ, it was the perfect story line... Cena and Orton never finished their feud, and people were mad, now they should be happy because they are finally seeing the conclusion of their feud... Who knows, Orton was a beast chasing the title, maybe Cena will be awesome when chasing the title.

Well at least it isn't the same stuff we usually get. Maybe he won't win everything? Maybe he'll let Orton have a good run with the title? Nah I doubt it.

I dont know nothing about it though, but in all honesty, couldnt they have exaggerated his injury? It could have been torn, but not as bad as they said.

I honestly think they must have exaggerated this.
Very carefully, so he didn't break a nail. :p
if he could wrestle without breaking a nail more power to him

How was he pushed though? Seriously did you just ask me that? Watch it. Watch it again. Tell me what happened.
he wasnt pushed, he came in at 30 and won, he was the last person in, the competitors were tired for being in their longer, Cena won, he elimanated people to make him look credible. Cena won the rumble, he wasnt pushed, he is going after something that he didnt lose... Watch the whole Orton feud... Did Cena lose that belt by getting pinned?

Obviously, Jeez have you not worked out Cena can't lose the belt?
Big names don't lose like that. he can lose the belt, he lost it to Edge, and as many times he won it, he also lost it, whether it be forfeiting or getting pinned.

Look at which thread you're in. I'm sure if you read other posts in this thread and others you'll find out my opinion. I aren't explaining it again just for you.
because you know the answer and you dont want to admit to it... Why has he held gold for almost two years? I know, he is entertaining and the majority of the fans love him.

I never said he didn't. Of course he has a right to a re-match. Just not winning the Rumble immaediately.
So it would have been better for him to win the chamber one month later? He made surprise entrance, he is chasing what is rightfully he, its not like he entered first and outlasted 29 people

And he needed to win the Rumble to do that? We all know he'd have got his rematch anyway.
He won the match so the WM can have a huge main event.

Well at least it isn't the same stuff we usually get. Maybe he won't win everything? Maybe he'll let Orton have a good run with the title? Nah I doubt it.
that isn
t Cena's fault. Blame booking, he is handed the script and he runs with it.... He doesnt politic...If they want Cena to go over he is gonna go over, and orton can do nothing about it.

I honestly think they must have exaggerated this.
or because he is a good athlete, he became a master healer.
Those few on this site chose to admit it, Cena winning was the best possible scenerio coming out of the Royal Rumble.

Not only does the WWE now have there biggest superstar back and ready for Wrestlemania, but they shocked everyone in the process. I don't know how many times on this site people have said "I can't remember the last time WWE surprised me" or something along that line. No one can honestly say they saw Cena's return coming and that he would win the Rumble. Wrestlezone posted a poll that included Mick Foley, yet it didn't have Cena. Most people were talking Taker, HHH, or Batista. Well, we can still see Taker vs Edge as Taker can win the Chamber and from what I read, not many of you wanted to see HHH and Batista headline Wrestlemania, problem solved Cena wins.

Cena vs Orton or Cena vs Edge would draw as Wrestlemania worthy Main Event, so i don't see how this is bad.
if he could wrestle without breaking a nail more power to him


he wasnt pushed, he came in at 30 and won, he was the last person in, the competitors were tired for being in their longer, Cena won, he elimanated people to make him look credible. Cena won the rumble, he wasnt pushed, he is going after something that he didnt lose... Watch the whole Orton feud... Did Cena lose that belt by getting pinned?

He won one of the biggest matches of the year. However in recent years I'll say it has turned into more of just a boring match but it is a great idea all the same. But he won it, after no warm up matches, nothing. He just came in and straight away there's Cena. Now all we're going to hear about is how great he is for the next few weeks..Great (Y)

Big names don't lose like that. he can lose the belt, he lost it to Edge, and as many times he won it, he also lost it, whether it be forfeiting or getting pinned.

I'm sure he'll get it back very soon.

because you know the answer and you dont want to admit to it... Why has he held gold for almost two years? I know, he is entertaining and the majority of the fans love him.

Lmao, or maybe it's just because I have more of a life than typing out the same thing over and over. II've made why I dislike Cena very clear on this board, even in the Shawn thread where I'm sure I was debating with you..

So it would have been better for him to win the chamber one month later? He made surprise entrance, he is chasing what is rightfully he, its not like he entered first and outlasted 29 people

If he'd returned last night, been eliminated and then won the chamber after a couple of good matches I'd think he deserved it a hell of a lot mrore.
The thing is Brian, if he'd have entered first and done that I'm sure you'd have tried to find an excuse for that too.

He won the match so the WM can have a huge main event.

Earth to Brian. The WWE wasn't bad when Cena left. We still had good feuds and good matches. Everyone acts as if the ratings plummeted. Look at the figures they didn't. Therefore we could still have had a great main event.

that isn
t Cena's fault. Blame booking, he is handed the script and he runs with it.... He doesnt politic...If they want Cena to go over he is gonna go over, and orton can do nothing about it.

:rolleyes: Oh the poor soul, having to win things so often and be classed as the best by some people.

Seriously though, it's not Cena I'm blaming, I haven't used an attribute of his to explain why I don't think he should have won. I've said I don't think it was right because he'd only just returned. Obviously not up to him. And just in case you want to use some of that 'you only hate it when it's Cena' stuff, I didn't think it was right when Shawn or Y2J reterned and almost immediately went into title feuds.

or because he is a good athlete, he became a master healer.

Well if that was the case, I've already said I applaud him for it.
Those few on this site chose to admit it, Cena winning was the best possible scenerio coming out of the Royal Rumble.

Not only does the WWE now have there biggest superstar back and ready for Wrestlemania, but they shocked everyone in the process. I don't know how many times on this site people have said "I can't remember the last time WWE surprised me" or something along that line. No one can honestly say they saw Cena's return coming and that he would win the Rumble. Wrestlezone posted a poll that included Mick Foley, yet it didn't have Cena. Most people were talking Taker, HHH, or Batista. Well, we can still see Taker vs Edge as Taker can win the Chamber and from what I read, not many of you wanted to see HHH and Batista headline Wrestlemania, problem solved Cena wins.

Cena vs Orton or Cena vs Edge would draw as Wrestlemania worthy Main Event, so i don't see how this is bad.

Well Said, a lot of people on here are complaining that now it's 'obvious' that cena will win the WWE Title at 'mania, but then again, wasn't it 'obvious' that HHH was gonna beat jeff hardy at armageddon? Wasn't it also 'obvious' that HHH was gonna win the royal rumble? Remember, 'long term plans can always change' as is said everytime an article on possible main events for WM24 is posted. If last night proved anything, it's to not trust alot of these so called 'possible spoiler on such and such PPV' news stories.
He won one of the biggest matches of the year. However in recent years I'll say it has turned into more of just a boring match but it is a great idea all the same. But he won it, after no warm up matches, nothing. He just came in and straight away there's Cena. Now all we're going to hear about is how great he is for the next few weeks..Great (Y)
Other superstars have also won this match also... if their was build up the shock factow would have been gone, therefore it did its job.... were you shocked when he appeared? I know i was. He is the face of the industry, and he came back to win, t was a great build up and it played every single fan...

I'm sure he'll get it back very soon.
That is because he never lost it through pin fall or submission

Lmao, or maybe it's just because I have more of a life than typing out the same thing over and over. II've made why I dislike Cena very clear on this board, even in the Shawn thread where I'm sure I was debating with you..
this is ridiculous, this isnt why you hate John it is why you hate the booking... No one gives a legit reason on why they hate Cena, their reasons always point towards the booking....

If he'd returned last night, been eliminated and then won the chamber after a couple of good matches I'd think he deserved it a hell of a lot mrore.
How, stars usually dont lose on their return match?
The thing is Brian, if he'd have entered first and done that I'm sure you'd have tried to find an excuse for that too.
that would have been ridiculous, him entering first would have ruined the surprise factor for the end... Vince McMahon is not stupid, and this come back opens up some feuds.

Earth to Brian. The WWE wasn't bad when Cena left. We still had good feuds and good matches. Everyone acts as if the ratings plummeted. Look at the figures they didn't. Therefore we could still have had a great main event.
but why were they going from wrestler to wrestler without that long of feuds? Because they know they were missing a superstar who they could turn too week in and week out.... Ok their are reasons why Vince has backed away from the Orton vs HHH match, it has to be because he is scared it wouldn't draw. he is scared that he could lose some money, trust me, they missed him, or he wouldnt be back this quick

:rolleyes: Oh the poor soul, having to win things so often and be classed as the best by some people.
:rolleyes: he is the best in the business right now, he draws, yaddy yaddy yaddy. There is not a wrestler in that locker room who can match john in the ring. He is the best in the world today, and he will be the best until someone dethrones him... Cena is a good entertainer because of his passion, his physchology, his selling, and his ability to grasp the crowd... that is why he is the best, it isnt because he plays a super hero

Seriously though, it's not Cena I'm blaming, I haven't used an attribute of his to explain why I don't think he should have won. I've said I don't think it was right because he'd only just returned. Obviously not up to him. And just in case you want to use some of that 'you only hate it when it's Cena' stuff, I didn't think it was right when Shawn or Y2J reterned and almost immediately went into title feuds.
this doesnt make sense, he returned which opened up so many options for WM.... Cena vs Orton, HHH vs Batista, Edge vs Taker....If trips or Batista would have won it would have made one less good feud... See that Mr McMahon is no dummy.

Please watch this video and try to explain how "the majority" of fans love John Cena Brian. Please. I beg you. Sounds pretty 50-50 to me.

The WWE's biggest face shouldn't have any less that freakin' 95% of that audience cheering him. John Cena most certainly doesn't have that. You can say its a minority of fans who hate Cena (probably a lot more then you think) but even that large minority is proof enough that Cena is not doing his job correctly.

Austin...Hogan...the Rock....all of these guys had crowds eating out of their hands, with maybe 20 people out of 20,000 booing them. Thats what a real anchorship face should be doing here.

Triple H gets a better pop then Cena does. As does Ric Flair. Or The Undertaker for that matter.

I'm not saying Cena sucks (he's average IMO), but he's a failure when it comes to successfully putting over a character to the crowd and having them buy into it.
john cena is good in my opinion,but u r all getting 2 the same point.
And i garan-damn-tea you now cenas back wwe is gonna be bad again.Did u all not think it was amazing with no cena on the roster? i did

Please watch this video and try to explain how "the majority" of fans love John Cena Brian. Please. I beg you. Sounds pretty 50-50 to me.

The WWE's biggest face shouldn't have any less that freakin' 95% of that audience cheering him. John Cena most certainly doesn't have that. You can say its a minority of fans who hate Cena (probably a lot more then you think) but even that large minority is proof enough that Cena is not doing his job correctly.

Austin...Hogan...the Rock....all of these guys had crowds eating out of their hands, with maybe 20 people out of 20,000 booing them. Thats what a real anchorship face should be doing here.

Triple H gets a better pop then Cena does. As does Ric Flair. Or The Undertaker for that matter.

I'm not saying Cena sucks (he's average IMO), but he's a failure when it comes to successfully putting over a character to the crowd and having them buy into it.

By now, it's just standard to do the boo-cheer thing when exchanging blows in a Cena match. If it bothered Cena or Vince, it wouldn't be allowed to occur in every Cena match. They do it because during these exchanges, every damn member of the audience gets into it. And in CASE you didn't notice, The reaction to Cena went as follows:
Surprise return--Biggest pop of the night, not a single person on camera can be seen to be unhappy to see him there; Well, except HHH lol
Eliminates Carlito, Chavo,--standard pop for elimination of a heel
Eliminates Mark Henry on his own-- just as big a pop, if not bigger, than when HHH eliminated V on his own
Down to three faces-- well, there's bound to a mixed reaction here, but everyone was still excited to see these guys as the final three.
Trips and Cena trade punches- protocol boo-cheer response from the audience lol Vince has them eating out of the palm of his hand
Trips almost eliminates Cena-- Funny, I don't recall manic cheers
Cena wins the rumble- decent pop
Cena is announced the official winner, pyro goes off, Cena celebrates in the ring-- Good crowd reaction
Considering this was a NYC crowd, Cena got a Hero's welcome by most comparisons.
By now, it's just standard to do the boo-cheer thing when exchanging blows in a Cena match. If it bothered Cena or Vince, it wouldn't be allowed to occur in every Cena match. They do it because during these exchanges, every damn member of the audience gets into it. And in CASE you didn't notice, The reaction to Cena went as follows:
Surprise return--Biggest pop of the night, not a single person on camera can be seen to be unhappy to see him there; Well, except HHH lol
Eliminates Carlito, Chavo,--standard pop for elimination of a heel
Eliminates Mark Henry on his own-- just as big a pop, if not bigger, than when HHH eliminated V on his own
Down to three faces-- well, there's bound to a mixed reaction here, but everyone was still excited to see these guys as the final three.
Trips and Cena trade punches- protocol boo-cheer response from the audience lol Vince has them eating out of the palm of his hand
Trips almost eliminates Cena-- Funny, I don't recall manic cheers
Cena wins the rumble- decent pop
Cena is announced the official winner, pyro goes off, Cena celebrates in the ring-- Good crowd reaction
Considering this was a NYC crowd, Cena got a Hero's welcome by most comparisons.

Hey there! Thanks for not reading a single damn word of my post buddy!

The fact that there was even audible LOUD booing AT ALL in this match is a sign of his failure with the fans at this point. Thats just my opinion.

And if you call his entrance a huge pop, clearly you've never seen a huge pop. Austin in 1999 was a huge pop. Rock in 2000 was a huge pop. Hulk Hogan pretty much any time he enters an arena is a huge pop.

Ric Flair got a bigger pop then Cena that night. No doubt about it.
The WWE's biggest face shouldn't have any less that freakin' 95% of that audience cheering him. John Cena most certainly doesn't have that. You can say its a minority of fans who hate Cena (probably a lot more then you think) but even that large minority is proof enough that Cena is not doing his job correctly.

Austin...Hogan...the Rock....all of these guys had crowds eating out of their hands, with maybe 20 people out of 20,000 booing them. Thats what a real anchorship face should be doing here.
The Rock huh? I could have swore that the Rock was the one with "Die Rocky Die" chants...or got booed out of Wrestlemania 18...or Summerslam 2004.

As far as the crowd reaction, let's not forget that the Royal Rumble was in New York, a town that prides itself on being assholes. Take that Rumble to Los Angeles, and it may be different. May not be, but might.
The Rock huh? I could have swore that the Rock was the one with "Die Rocky Die" chants...or got booed out of Wrestlemania 18...or Summerslam 2004.

As far as the crowd reaction, let's not forget that the Royal Rumble was in New York, a town that prides itself on being assholes. Take that Rumble to Los Angeles, and it may be different. May not be, but might.

Yeah, that same Rock. Just like that same Austin who nobody gave a fuck about in 1996, and the same Hulk Hogan who nobody gave a fuck about in the 70s. The Rock started off as a no-charisma nobody just like Austin & Hogan did when they chanted "Die Rocky Die" (which were never as prominent as people seem to think they were). No shit he got booed at Wrestlemania 18, he was only facing the most popular man in the history of wrestling.

And the Rock wasn't at Summerslam 2004 Sly...so there's that.

Come on Sly, listen to the pop at the beginning of this video, and tell me it doesn't put Cena's to absolute shame.


Please watch this video and try to explain how "the majority" of fans love John Cena Brian. Please. I beg you. Sounds pretty 50-50 to me.

The WWE's biggest face shouldn't have any less that freakin' 95% of that audience cheering him. John Cena most certainly doesn't have that. You can say its a minority of fans who hate Cena (probably a lot more then you think) but even that large minority is proof enough that Cena is not doing his job correctly.

Austin...Hogan...the Rock....all of these guys had crowds eating out of their hands, with maybe 20 people out of 20,000 booing them. Thats what a real anchorship face should be doing here.

Triple H gets a better pop then Cena does. As does Ric Flair. Or The Undertaker for that matter.

I'm not saying Cena sucks (he's average IMO), but he's a failure when it comes to successfully putting over a character to the crowd and having them buy into it.

You're using an example of a crowd that's at MSG? Of course they're going to boo John- they're smarks (*cough* morons *cough*). On average John gets a nice pop just fine.

I don't think John has done anything wrong as a face. He always plays into his role really well. So well- that ya'll have already nicknamed it his "Superman" role (great name ain't it?). It's not his fault that some fans (a minority) have this inane idea in their head that just because John does not fit the TYPICAL IWC standard for what a "good" wrestler is, that must mean he's bad.

So John's crowd reaction isn't as great as the Undertaker's, Triple H's, Stone Cold's, Hogan's, AND the Rock's (wowzers you like to pile it on :p) crowd reactions? I don't think anyone here has said that John is the best wrestler ever in terms of crowd reaction, but he certainly is the best at the moment.

Go back and watch his past year of wrestling at PPVs, or even further back than that- go back to 2006 at Unforgiven or ONS (seriously some genius stuff he did there). Sure, the fans might not always have been cheering him, but you can't deny the reaction he gets every single time he comes out, whether it be a PPV or just Raw. And if you really want see the crowd eating out of John's hands, then go watch videos of him in India. Might want lower the volume before you do that though, the ovation he got was defeaning.

Flames Out
I was there last night and the Garden went into near meltdown when Cena's music hit. The reaction surprisingly was positive, the usual boo's really only became audible during the match but it was pretty much mixed. To be honest if it wasn't for Cena this whole ppv would of been lackluster. Alot of matches were let downs, esp orton/hardy. Piper got the second biggest pop of the night.
Yeah, that same Rock. Just like that same Austin who nobody gave a fuck about in 1996, and the same Hulk Hogan who nobody gave a fuck about in the 70s. The Rock started off as a no-charisma nobody just like Austin & Hogan did when they chanted "Die Rocky Die" (which were never as prominent as people seem to think they were). No shit he got booed at Wrestlemania 18, he was only facing the most popular man in the history of wrestling.

And the Rock wasn't at Summerslam 2004 Sly...so there's that.
I meant 2002, when he faced Lesnar. Tell me he wasn't getting booed there.

Come on Sly, listen to the pop at the beginning of this video, and tell me it doesn't put Cena's to absolute shame.

I would say it's probably pretty close to this...


Now, I'm not going to sit and say that Cena's in Hogan, Austin or Rock's league yet. But he's certainly not that far behind, and to say that Rock never got booed is blatantly false.
Hey there! Thanks for not reading a single damn word of my post buddy!
Well, that was a cold reception.

The fact that there was even audible LOUD booing AT ALL in this match is a sign of his failure with the fans at this point. Thats just my opinion.
In late 2005/early 2006 I might have agreed with you there about it being a failure. However, WWE saw it wasn't going as planned, so they changed those plans into the "controversial superstar" gimmick. They couldn't give a fuck if everyone is cheering or booing Cena, so long it's not x-pac heat, and trust me, I remember x-pac heat, so don't try and tell me that's what Cena's getting. Let me repeat what I said before. The reason they have Cena and his opponent trade punches is because that what the crowd wants to see, because they like to exchange the cheers and boos with each other. It's called interaction, and it adds to the atmosphere.

And if you call his entrance a huge pop, clearly you've never seen a huge pop. Austin in 1999 was a huge pop. Rock in 2000 was a huge pop. Hulk Hogan pretty much any time he enters an arena is a huge pop.

Ric Flair got a bigger pop then Cena that night. No doubt about it.
Austin and Rock wrestled until 2003, so what you're saying is that they lost thier luster after a few years. Hogan's pop has diminished over the years as well, but who's not gonna cheer a WWE Hall of Famer? John Cena in 2004-mid 2005 was also a huge pop. But a different pop as now. Cena has morphed from the face to the "controversial champion". And Ric Flair's pop is purely nostalgic. If Ric Flair wasn't HOF bound he'd be booed out of the building every single night for his poor performances. And if you can hear a pop over Cena's loud hip-hop music, then it's a huge pop. And over his music, I heard cheers. Lots of 'em.
^^Yes, a pop is a reaction, which is what the WWE wants there superstars to get. John Cena has gotten more of a reaction than anyone in the WWE, especially in the last 20 or so hours.

The same people who come on here and complain about Cena, can't seem to stop talking about him. The same people who bash Cena buy every PPV he main events. As Sly pointed out, merch sales and PPV buys have all increased with Cena at the top. He is the biggest draw and the hottest superstar in the company.
I meant 2002, when he faced Lesnar. Tell me he wasn't getting booed there.

I would say it's probably pretty close to this...


Now, I'm not going to sit and say that Cena's in Hogan, Austin or Rock's league yet. But he's certainly not that far behind, and to say that Rock never got booed is blatantly false.

I heard both of those pops, Sly, and considering one was a PPV, with 19,000 people, and the other was a talk segment on free TV, with a seemingly smaller crowd, it would seem to me that Cena in 2005 out-popped The Rock in 2000.
^^^^ First off, RAW averagely gets around 12-18,000 fans every event, so its pretty much the same amount of people that are at a PPV (discounting something huge like Wrestlemania) that are at RAW. It's not like they only go to special big arenas for PPVs or something.

And are you trying to tell me that you can't hear those loud boos mixed in with the cheers? I don't even hear a single boo out of the Rock's pop.

And to whoever said "funny the people who hate Cena can't stop talking about him", thats just one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. I hate President Bush, yet I still talk about him quite a bit. Further more, I haven't even gone into this thread in maybe 6 monthes. Because just like a John Cena match, it's the same old shit.

John Cena's not even a bad wrestler---he's really not. I used to think he was with that whole ridiculious "5 moves of doom" argument, til' I opened my eyes a bit more thanks to Sly and started being objective. But that same objectivity has me finding every time John Cena appears on a camera to be boring as all-mighty fuck. I get about as excited during John Cena TV time as I do watching the 700 Club. It's crap. And it truly is the "same old shit".

Why does the good guy ALWAYS HAVE TO WIN? Does anyone else remember the days in wrestling when the bad guys would occasionally win a feud? Wow was that a crazy idea huh.

How long has it been since Cena has lost a match via pinfall? Can someone name me that? It's been atleast a year and a half. I can't recall a single time he has been pinned since Edge won the title from him in 2006. Thats fucking ridiculious. Even Stone Cold, The Rock, Hogan and all the other greats lost matches in their time on top. They have to lose SOME GOD DAMN TIME or else there is no drama involved in the match. You're not on your seat thinking "Oh man who's going to win?!" because you know DAMN WELL who's going to win.

And that my friends disgusts me.
Yes, because it DEFINITELY would have been Cena's idea to fake the injury just to forfeit a title. Because the WWE would have had no idea that Cena, their top guy, was faking an injury.

Your post is incredible. I know you're saying that you don't think the injury was a work, but if it was, how can you blame Cena for it? Why would Cena be released for it? The only people who would have pushed for Cena to fake an injury to lose the belt would have been the WWE. So, why would Cena be a low person, a punk ass bitch, and released from the company. You don't make sense.

Why on earth are you being naive about this? You know, I'm not saying you were apart of it. But there was a group of individuals who claimed Shawn Michaels refused to 'job' to Bret Hart, so he faked an injury to get out of doing it. It seems to me, if that could possibly have any truth to it, then quite possibly this could too.

The only reason why YOU, refuse to believe John Cena wouldn't do anything so underhanded, is because you're too "mark-like" to believe your golden boy could ever be bad, or wrong.

Finally, for the record, what "I" said has been blown WAY out of purportion. I was replying to someone who thought the injury was fake. "I" never thought it was, and I never had a personal issue with Cena.. however, people don't want to see how I mocked the guy I was replying to, in saying Cena should be released if he ever did such a thing.. and you choose to believe in what I said to be true, instead of whether it could or couldn't be merely sarcastic.

Sly, I know you have amazing points anytime you post.. but please for the love of everything, do research on what exactly you're replying on, before you actually do. Because I feel you completely took everything I said, the wrong way.
Now, I like John Cena. I respect his in ring talent, and he has fantastic charisma, but I just think he is a little overrated. Sure, Cena was bound for greatness eventually, but he's overpushed. He has held the WWE Title a very long time, and it makes it difficult for any other Raw superstars to get a solid main event push. I didn't mind his first or second run, but after Edge got screwed out of a good run as WWE Champion when he had it coming for a long time, thats it started to get old. I'm not offend any Cena fan or Chain Gang soldier, but I think I speak for many wrestling fans out there. Sure, I don't approve of Johns push, but I don't go out and bash the guy, because I think he's a natural talent. Even if someone like Chris Jericho, who I am a huge fan of, got a Cena like push, it would get repetitive after awhile. It is nice to be in the spotlight awhile, but we need room for others to shine, and Randy Orton is getting his share right now. If nobody knows what I'm talking about, my ultimate example is this past sundays Royal Rumble. I am happy for John that he has recovered, but him winning the Rumble right off the back is exactly what I'm talking about. What about Triple H? as far as I know, it was supposed to be The Game that got his shot at Mania. Instead, it was John Cena, who has had a very good run as WWE Champion, while Triple H has yet to have a decent run as champ sense he lost to Batista back at WrestleMania 21. And his No Mercy run ment nothing to me, as it lasted VERY short(That even beat out KANES short run as champion). Or better yet, why not have let HBK win the Royal Rumble and go on against Randy Orton? and he hasn't held a major championship sense 2002, and HBK might retire shortly, so why not have let him take the night? Cena may be overpushed, but I respect him as a wrestler and always will. It just makes it difficult for other Raw stars to have a good main event push. But in the end, you can really blame WWE management for that, and not Cena himself.
^^^^ First off, RAW averagely gets around 12-18,000 fans every event, so its pretty much the same amount of people that are at a PPV (discounting something huge like Wrestlemania) that are at RAW. It's not like they only go to special big arenas for PPVs or something.

And are you trying to tell me that you can't hear those loud boos mixed in with the cheers? I don't even hear a single boo out of the Rock's pop.

And to whoever said "funny the people who hate Cena can't stop talking about him", thats just one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. I hate President Bush, yet I still talk about him quite a bit. Further more, I haven't even gone into this thread in maybe 6 monthes. Because just like a John Cena match, it's the same old shit.

John Cena's not even a bad wrestler---he's really not. I used to think he was with that whole ridiculious "5 moves of doom" argument, til' I opened my eyes a bit more thanks to Sly and started being objective. But that same objectivity has me finding every time John Cena appears on a camera to be boring as all-mighty fuck. I get about as excited during John Cena TV time as I do watching the 700 Club. It's crap. And it truly is the "same old shit".

Why does the good guy ALWAYS HAVE TO WIN? Does anyone else remember the days in wrestling when the bad guys would occasionally win a feud? Wow was that a crazy idea huh.

How long has it been since Cena has lost a match via pinfall? Can someone name me that? It's been atleast a year and a half. I can't recall a single time he has been pinned since Edge won the title from him in 2006. Thats fucking ridiculious. Even Stone Cold, The Rock, Hogan and all the other greats lost matches in their time on top. They have to lose SOME GOD DAMN TIME or else there is no drama involved in the match. You're not on your seat thinking "Oh man who's going to win?!" because you know DAMN WELL who's going to win.

And that my friends disgusts me.

I agree 100%

At this point, its completely naive and ignorant to expect them to not push Cena as one of their top guys. The bottom line is he is a major draw and he does make a lot of money in merchandise. I just dont think its too much to ask for him to not come across as an unbeatable Superman character. Now maybe that will change now that hes back, but considering what weve seen over the last couple years I have little doubts that we will continue to see the 'same old you know what' from Cena.
And to whoever said "funny the people who hate Cena can't stop talking about him", thats just one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. I hate President Bush, yet I still talk about him quite a bit. Further more, I haven't even gone into this thread in maybe 6 monthes. Because just like a John Cena match, it's the same old shit.

Are you comparing a wrestler to the President of the United States? This my friend is ignorance. Its not the same thing at all. Wrestlers are suppose to draw people to the sport, which Cena is doing. If 1,000 people hate Cena, go to a WWE show and boo him, the WWE is making money, and Cena is getting their attention. If 1,000 people hate the President, they can drop his approval rating by voicing their opinions. The President is suppose to keep citizen happy, Cena is suppose to draw you to his sport. He is obviously doing a great job seeing as everyone is talking about him.
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