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[Official] Hulk Hogan Discussion

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someone said this about Jarrett. This guy has never ever done anything worth while in the ring. The only reason his match with Angle was on the top ten of TNA 09 was the emotional storyline it was playin off of. He was a joke as a 4 Horsemen. His finishing manuever The Stroke, and any version of it for that matter, is lame.

But anyways, i do agree with some of the post sayin Hogan might be bringin in some of his old cronies. I could see Hacksaw endin up in TNA. RVD is already gonna be there and he is friends with Hogan, and Hall as well

I keep seeing surveys askin which show are you gonna watch. I saw Mark Madden write sayin he wasnt gonna watch TNA. I think us as wrestling fans are really gonna be watching both. Thats what i did during the Monday Night Wars, thats what im gonna do tommorow.
Even though it's a tad off topic I think this is a bit of a stupid claim, Jarrett has some rather good in ring skills and to be honest if he really wanted to have TNA so that he'd be the only champion He'd probably have made himself the champion far more often than he did, he probably wouldn't have played a major heel for the majority of his time in TNA either.

As for this interview, it's useful if only because it shuts the mouthes of the people who've constantly bitched that Hogan was going to destroy TNA. I've never really taken notice of the people who whinge about Hogan, but it's good to have him come out and squash the rumours about him that are constantly thrown around. Anyone with half a brain knew he wasn't going to be a full time wrestler, he knows his limits and he's learnt from the past. Hogan will help TNA garner more viewers and he'll add big name credibility to TNA. There is a far greater positive side to TNA gaining the extra exposure that comes with Hogan's name than there is a negative side, especially with Hogan doing everyone a favour and having interviews like this where he outlines his intentions.

While I agree with you, it's obvious the man can't go to a full time wrestling schedule, there is very interesting point in your post. You are acting like Hogan is the most straight shooting man you have ever heard. Hogan has never been the most trust worthy interview. Hell, by the way you make it sound I should still believe I'm going to see Austin tomorrow night as well.

I'm not saying Hogan is going to jump out tomorrow and wrestle and win the title, he isn't that stupid. I'm just saying it's ridiculous to act like him doing an interview and saying these things makes them true. He has shown himself to be very shady in the past with the way he handles situations. I think it's fair for anyone to question his real intentions.

I hope his intentions are genuine. He can definately help TNA's on air personality. The real man to watch is Bishcoff. He's the one who will be working creative. He's the one who can make or break it.
I'm getting a good laugh out of the "Hogan needs to prove" crap that's being spewed by some folks. Prove what? Everywhere he's gone has drawn huge money. Only one company ever beat the crap out of Vince McMahon and the WWF/E, and that was WCW with Hulk Hogan at the forefront. Sure, it eventually fell apart, but it's not like that falls exclusively on Hogan's shoulders. The WWF went to unknown levels with Hogan at the helm. The AWA started gaining real traction when Hogan was the biggest star there. Notice a trend?
Hogan is doing this for Nick. Watch after a little bit of time passes, he will bring in his son Nick, who is currently training, and has decided he wants to follow in dad's foot steps.
I'm getting a good laugh out of the "Hogan needs to prove" crap that's being spewed by some folks. Prove what? Everywhere he's gone has drawn huge money. Only one company ever beat the crap out of Vince McMahon and the WWF/E, and that was WCW with Hulk Hogan at the forefront. Sure, it eventually fell apart, but it's not like that falls exclusively on Hogan's shoulders. The WWF went to unknown levels with Hogan at the helm. The AWA started gaining real traction when Hogan was the biggest star there. Notice a trend?

I find it funny how all of these Hogan doubters are suddenly Hogan experts and are able to give us details on his character and how he operates. Either some of these guys posting grew up with Hogan or are psychics. What's funny is these guys have only read reports on news-sites from second and third-hand sources yet they feel they know enough about Terry Bollea, the man to predict his every action. No, forget Hulk Hogan, these posters know the characteristics of Terry Bollea the man and can continue to give you first hand details on what the man's motives and what his next moves are.:lmao: I hope all of you passing judgment on a man you don't know personally are living perfect lives:lmao:

The fact remains is that Hogan has signed a contract to work with TNA to take them to another level. The fact remains that he's the sole reason why TNA is having their big 1/4 show. The fact remains is that he has taken promotions to other levels. The Hogan haters sit here and say he's bringing in his "old cronies" to hold back guys when they fail to mention other guys like RVD, Anderson, and Heyman coming along. The fact is that TNA is trying to put on a show and possibly bring back old wrestling fans and trying to pull all stops and bring back some excitement, which Hogan has done perfectly since the signing. All the Hogan haters spewing nonsense can stick it like Hogan said when he first turned heel at Bash At The Beach in 96.
I've read some of Hogan's interviews leading up to his 'on-screen' debut with TNA, and so far, he's mostly saying all the right things, but I'll believe what he says when I actually see it.

It's been somewhat reassuring to see that the guy doesn't live in a complete bubble of self-aggrandizement and that he understands the anxiety and skepticism many TNA fans have about his intentions in TNA.
Though Hogan was not the primary reason for WCW's downfall ( I think everyone knows by now that was a group effort ), he remains tied to the failure, just as Bischoff, Russo, and any of the inmate running the asylum back then.

The fear all along with Hogan has rested on 1.) not knowing just how much power Hogan would have in TNA, and 2.) Not knowing where his TRUE intentions lie.

I agree that everyone may have jumped the gun declaring TNA's automatic demise and assuming Hogan and his cronies would overtake Impact and win all the titles and alienate the fanbase for their own glory.
It was never stated that Hogan would be even a part-time in-ring competitor, and with the exception of Scott Hall and X-Pac ( who appear to have only a short-term deal anyway), the rumors of Hogan's past associates showing up have see unfounded.

However, it's never been disputed that Hogan would have at least have a major stake in creative control, which is where problems would still arise.
Sure Hogan is saying all the right things about pushing the younger stars and updating the Impact zone, simplifying the storylines and all that.
He could be a changed man who's on somewhat of a redemption run with TNA and doesn't want to make the same mistakes that were made before.

But, he could also be astute enough to know that he might have quite a few people to win over, so saying all the right things leading into his arrival wouldn't hurt.

Whether fans of Hogan like it or not, he does have something to prove to many TNA fans, who know their pro wrestling history and don't want to see their little engine that could derailed because Hogan couldn't keep his ego in check, AGAIN.
Sure, Hogan's obviously been a massive draw over the years; but TNA isn't the WWE ( or even WCW ) at this point when it comes to resources and name-brand recognition.
TNA is in an uphill battle to establish their identity and relevance to a new mainstream audience, but if it turns into the Hulk Hogan show, there's danger of all this effort being for nothing.

I think if you read his interviews lately, but the most part, he sounds like he at least has a progressive vision for what TNA should be. And that's good.
But the biggest problem, in my opinion, is that Hogan might be under the impression that he can just walk into TNA, and with his vision and advice alone, and they're going to be sparring for ratings dominance with Vince in Co. in a year, or even less.

In general, we're in a downcycle for pro wrestling in terms of mainstream popularity, and with MMA always looming as the more hip, 'real' alternative to pro wrestling, the audience that TNA probably wants to lure with their TV-14 product ( the 18-35 males ), is going to be harder to grasp than ever.

The truth is that given how much of a head start the WWE has in the market share, and the history and lineage the WWE has to fall back on when compared to TNA, things are probably going to take longer than that for TNA than Hogan could be willing to accept.

Personally, my fear is that Hogan may come in with the right intentions and try to do all the rights things, but if things don't happen soon enough for him ( as in ratings don't increase two-fold, house show and ppv numbers don't rise dramatically, etc), he may give up and think that he has to completely take the reigns in order for things to succeed. And that may lead to his cronies showing up and Hogan thinking numbers will only go up if he has the title and so on. And then of course will lead to the depush of the young stars and me not wanting to watch Impact and so on.

Of course my hope is that Hogan and all the key players involved in WCW's untimely demise have learned their lessons and don't want to be liable for another collapse, all past grievances have been discussed and everyone knows their role now and wants to put the past behind them for the sake of TNA.
But who knows what really goes through all these people's minds?

Anyway, what I want to see the most out of Hogan and TNA is consistency with this grand ideas.
I don't want AJ or Joe to win the TNA title, but then the reign is short and essentially meaningless;
I don't want the X-division to be showcased, but only once and a while, and without storylines as a backdrop;
I don't want Kurt Angle or Mick Foley seemingly changing from heel to face, vice-versa every 3 week;
I don't want claims that 'TNA is wrestling' but the there's only 20 minutes worth of wrestling on Impact.
If there going to be a real alternative to the WWE, and they want to start now, the have to say what they mean and mean what they say; and Hogan especially needs to do this.
Hogan ONLY draws when he is fresh. And right now he's as stale at month old fish. Did Hogan draw at WM7? NOPE. Did Hogan draw at WM8? NOPE. Did Hogan draw at WM9? NOPE. Did he draw at WM 18 yep, sure did. Hogan isn't a god, he won't sell every time, every situation.

When he joined WCW he was getting shit ass ratings, couldn't sell out a 15,000 person arena. His crap with the Beefcake as Zodiak didn't draw dick. He didn't draw until Hall and Nash showed up. So they are, as much as I hate them, to be credited with WCW success right along side Hogan.

And why the fuck is it when somebody likes WWE they are a goddamn shareholder, or if you knock Hogan, you must be a hater. That's complete and utter fucking bullshit

I had more shirts and more merchandise and ordered more PPVs and watched more Nitro and WWF because of Hogan than anybody. Still doesn't change the fact he is a selfish prick. Still doesn't change the fact he doesn't sell anywhere NEAR like he did before. And STILL doesn't change the fact that he has NEVER given a shit about a company before, only what's in it for him.

And RVD and Anderson? Look. I'm the biggest mark for Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennnnnnnnneedddyyyy than anybody. Same as RVD. But they don't sell. TNA needs guys that can sell. Guys that can put asses in the seats. If they want to remain a 2,000 person arena federation then RVD is excellent as is Anderson. But if you want to attract those fifteen thousand seat centers, or 2.5-3.5 ratings you need guys that can make people pay to see them.

That's not fucking hating, or being a shareholder, that's using common sense. You think if somebody that doesn't watch TNA turns it on tomorrow and sees old ass gray hair Nash and fat slobbering drunk Hall beating down TNAs tag team division, you think that's going to make them want to watch next week? You think Jarret and Foley and Hogan is going to make people people pay to see the next PPV? Are you that naive?

You really think Hogan is going to sit in the back twiddlin his thumbs instead of shoved down our faces ala nWo? He is Hogan. He isn't going to change. He has been the best at times, and downright bad at times, but the good outweigh the bad and he isn't changing. Same with Vince. I hate the damn midget and Cena shoved down our throats, but he is making a ton of money off them. HE ISN'T CHANGING.

Hogan knows AJ and Joe aren't going to take TNA to the promise lands. I can tell that, and I haven't been in the business a day, much less 30 years.

Only thing I am super stoked about is Angelina Love returning tomorrow. THAT, that will make me tune in. Cause she actually sells, no much, but more than anybody else. She actually draws in more people that anybody else. She's TNA's best asset. No pun intended. I want to see the X Division match. Ya know fresh stuff. Not Hogan who was happening 13 years ago. Or Nash and Hall. Or Jarret or NEVER has drawn a single fucking dime. Or Foley who ONLY draws if he pretty much loses a limb.

Those are facts. Not opinions, not hearsay, and fuck sure not hating.
I hope that these things he's saying are true. I'd like nothing better than to see him help put TNA and guys like AJ Styles onto another level. However, I'm not going to believe it until I see it. I don't claim to be an expert on Hulk Hogan, I don't claim to know what's in his heart or any of this shit, I just base how I feel about the guy based on what he's done in the past and said in interviews.

In the interview with IGN.com, he's saying all the right things, the things that people want to hear. Hopefully, he means everything he says. However, I'm not going to just take Hogan completely at his word because he has a tendency to stretch the truth sometimes. Sometimes, he's been known to flat out lie in some of his interviews. Hogan has said in recent interviews that he taut Vince McMahon everything that he knows and that Impact is going to pull a 3.0 in the ratings tomorrow night. I'm not saying this to hate on Hogan, but those are a couple of bullshit statements if I ever heard any.

We'll just have to wait and see what ultimately happens. I hope I'm proven entirely wrong about Hogan in this situation. I hope he means what he says. I'm not going to believe it, however, until I see it.
Hulk coming into the company will give it the 3 month jump start, then hopefully happens from their. But the article is a nice read. Hulk has some good points on how WCW was able to move into big arenas and leave the small stages behind. Overall, Hulk is nice thing for TNA to help move into that bigger market, but where is the long term deal? Where is an actual promoter that knows how to push the realism envelope? nWo angle won't work cause it's been done to death. Big Stables aren't TNA's thing. Hulk Hogan and Bischoff are smart, but TNA needs... Rupert Murdock's capital with those two guys.
This is what people have to understand. Hulk Hogan built 2 companies. Hulk Hogan has been on top for 25 years. Hulk Hogan is the biggest star, name and icon in wrestling history. You cannot be that successful if you do not know what you are doing. You cannot be that successful if you do not have a good feel for the business. He has been around for so long, done so much, 12 major worlt titles, Main evented 10 wrestlemanias (more than anyone in history), drew bigger buyrates than anyone in history, he is responsible for the biggest television rating in wrestling history - SNME February 5 1988, he has made more money than anyone in wrestling history, he worked together with Vince to build the WWE, and is the reason that it is as big today as it is. He took wrestling into the mainstream. I can go on all day about this mans accomplishments. Are we supposed to believe that from all of these experiences in the business that the man does not know how to run a company and how to turn a company around? He does what is best for business. He will put guys over when they deserve to be put over. Lesnar deserved it. So did Angle. Rock. HHH. Goldberg. Warrior (so we thought) etc etc. If Hogan gets in the ring again, which i believe he will, it will be promoted right. He may have to get in the ring again to draw viewers. Hogan wrestling always draws HUGE numbers. He may have to get a short run with the title to give the title more meaning, to draw ratings and to drop it to an up and coming star to give him a major push. There is nothing wrong with that. He knows what needs to be done to draw ratings and he will do that. He did it before in WCW and kicked Vince's ass. He did it in WWE for 10 years and out every other territorial wrestling company out of business. And both times, the success of the company rode on Hogans shoulders. He has done reality shows, cartoon shows, movies, commercials, appearances, worked with major celebrities and entrepreneurs throughout his life. He knows what he is doing. No WWE superstar could go out and do their own tour in Australia and have 30000 people come out to see them. No wwe superstar could have thousands come and see them for a special parade. No wrestlign superstar is more well known that Hogan.

I believe he will do what is necessary. Btinging Hall and Xpac in is great. Why? He can put the NWO back together. Great way to get ratings. Hae a few young guys join the NWO and they become stars overnight. He knows how to give the proverbial 'rub' - Many have given it to him, and he has given it to many. He knows how to breathe life into a character - His character was the epitome of 'larger than life' for 25 years and still is. He knows how to promote things and build storylines properly. Why? He has been involved in the biggest storylines in wrestling history. He knows about merchandise, licensing, teasing the audience, making them come back for more.

He is the sole reason that the Monday night wars have restarted if even for one night only. all of this hype, all of this talk and promoting for 1/4 - you can thank Hulk Hogan. Bret Hart returning? You ca thank Hulk Hogan - because if Hogan wasn't coming back, Vince wouldnt have crapped his pants and done the emergency 'lets bring Bret back'. Already he has done good things. He is responsible for TNA gaining major, MAJOR awareness and credibility, simply because his name is attached to them, and he has made the competition work harder to develop better storylines.

He made WWE #1. He made WCW #1. He will make TNA #1. It is that simple. Viewers will follow him. Talent will follow him. Employees will follow him. Media will follow him. He will be successful. TNA needs the older guys along with the younger guys. You need a combination of lettuce and tomatoes to make the salad work. Older guys give the company star power and credibility, and fans can relate to them, they know who the older guys are, they are familiar with them and they give the company that sentimental, nostalgic feel which makes for the biggest matches in wrestling history. Take the old guys out, that fan base is gone. Hold the new guys down, the company hits a plateau and thats all she wrote. They need to use both the old and the young guys to create a program that it entertaining on a variety of levels.

I believe Hogan can and will do that.
Hogan made WCW my fucking ass. He was pure shit, worse than shit before Hall and Nash came along. Remember his year long feud with Beefcake? They wrestled at WCW's Wrestlemania. He didn't draw DICK in WCW until Hall and Nash showed up. And what did Hogan do? He drew for 2 years, then he didn't draw shit. Why? Cause nobody wanted to see his ass have the belt every time.

People got sick and tired of the lame ass nWo. And now YOU want to bring it back yet again, filled with out of shape, gray haired, alcoholics. That's wonderful. THAT will reel in the viewers.

Don't believe me, that his bullshit is already starting.....what the fuck is Bubba doing having a TNA contract for reporting. Why the fuck is that happening. Is he going to sell? Shit no. Is he going to wrestle? I'd hope not, so why is he hired and why will he be in 4 segments tomorrow? I hope that's a joke.

If you think, and any fan of wrestling thinks Hall, Nash, nWo, Bubba and Xpac are going to help them achieve ANYTHING, your more delusional than Dixie Carter.

And another thing, if I'm to believe the bullshit that he made WCW, then you better believe he tore the sumbitch down then. At the end of the day, WCW is gone, Vince is making more money than he can spend and Hogan is reduced to working for a company that can't pull in a simple 2.0 rating. Hogan isn't beating Vince again, maybe the next Rock or Austin or HHH or Flair might. But those are rare gems and nobody in TNA can draw like them, so TNA is fucked
just reading that interview gave me some sort of assurance that Hogan is being sincere with his words in regards 2 his vision of where he wants 2 take TNA, what surprises me is the fact that he's willing 2 work with Russo, which could very well be a matter of Hogan being older, wiser & kowing how 2 handle the situation if it were 2 happen again.
I'm eagerly awaiting the NEW Monday Night Wars. I'm sure this will be a matter of history repeating itself with the WWE & TNA vying 4 ratings. as 4 Hogan making moves 2 get benefits 4 the wrestlers, this should've been done a VERY long time ago, but that's what happens when U have a tyrant like Vince McMahon running things.
So now Vince is a tyrant and Hogan is the modern day Jesus Christ. Really? I don't remember anybody being forced to work for Vince. I sure as shit don't remember Hogan and Nash being forced to DESTROY WCW thus giving wrestlers only one place to showcase their talents.

I don't remember Heyman being forced to mishandle ECWs finances, thus leaving WWF as the only option. I don't remember that.

Remember this. WCW would have still be alive and kicking if Nash and Hogan didn't shit on everyone below them. You want to blame somebody? Blame those two. The finger poke of doom killed WCW. And those two men could care less
So now Vince is a tyrant and Hogan is the modern day Jesus Christ. Really? I don't remember anybody being forced to work for Vince. I sure as shit don't remember Hogan and Nash being forced to DESTROY WCW thus giving wrestlers only one place to showcase their talents.

I don't remember Heyman being forced to mishandle ECWs finances, thus leaving WWF as the only option. I don't remember that.

Remember this. WCW would have still be alive and kicking if Nash and Hogan didn't shit on everyone below them. You want to blame somebody? Blame those two. The finger poke of doom killed WCW. And those two men could care less

LOL. If it wasn't for Hogan (and Nash et al.) WCW wouldn't have become a viable alternative to WWF. It wouldn't have become the top company (over Vince's WWF).

And, as always, no, the Fingerpoke of Doom did not destroy WCW. According to the ratings, it actually helped. Thanks for playing, though. Kthxbye.
this is very huge and epic! Hogan will bring Back wrestling to tv and thats what the industry needs not the PG crap that the WWE is giving us!
Yes, this night has been epic for TNA with the debut or returns of Jeff Hardy, Flair, Hall, Waltman, Val Venis(Sean Morley), The Nasty Boyz, Orlando Jordan, and of course Hogan!!! I haven't been able to switch over to the boys up north more than three times. Wow, this whole night has just given me goosebumps, as not only a life long wrestling fan, but a lifelong wrestling nerd (I know nearly anything u would want to know and more) I know that this night is truly going down in history, and i have a feeling TNA has just seen the start of it's rise to being number 1!!!!
The WWE can't hold a CANDLELIGHT to TNA's wrestling. Just pure phenomenal and TNA and Hogan have a major opportunity on their hands. There's only so much a Bret Hart can do. Once that dies down, TNA will have the fire, the legends and by FAR the best young talent in the business. It won't happen over night but they are on their way.
The Band aka NWO segment was too long, thank god Eric Bischoff came in and saved the segment. The rest of the guys promo's were really bad. It just seemed like they had trouble remembering their lines.

Eric Bischoff came off like he is the guy who really is running the company now. I do think it would be a good thing if he actually was. I dont know about having Hogan as the man in power is a good thing. Bischoff out shined Vince on the mic and the segments tonight, just like he did back in WCW.

I do like some of the names hogan brought in. Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore, and Orlando Jordan could really beef up the X-Division.

I think hogan / bischoff is on the right track, bring in nostalgia guys like Ric Flair and the Nasty Boyz. Ric Flair can be a mentor to these young guys, seriously that is what TNA has been lacking. The Nasty Boyz are not exactly the best thing going these days. However they have a notable history with Team 3D, it would be good to have a short term feud between the two teams. Then have the Nasty Boyz be the tag team jobbers after that.

Hogan is not going to wrestle, that is one thing that is clear. He could barely move his legs. At least this will keep him away from the title. I do like his new theme music, it appears to be a rework of the NWO theme song.
I'll say it here once, and only here. Someone quote it. I was wrong.

I was one of the many thinking it was going to be Hogan circa 1997 all over again, bringing in his buddies and the nWo, and he proved me wrong. He's really trying to put over the product, and he wants to push the guys that need to be pushed.

He duped us all, bringing in guys like the Nastys and Hall and Waltman, just to show that they weren't going to be part of the new TNA. The only thing I really disliked, was Hogan trying to be the good guy, giving the boot to Jarrett. Jarrett is the founder of the company, and the long time fans of the company know this and love him for it. It backfired too, since the crowd was chanting "Bullshit!" over Hogan's promo, and cheering for Jarrett.
I'm really unsure what they want Hogan to be or what he himself wants to be.

I thought was a great show but they made Hogan seem heelish near the end.

I might be overthinking it but part of me believes they are planting the seeds for a pretty fast Hogan heel turn. I think he'll play a character similar to what a lot of smarks think of him as.. egotistical, he'll put his friends over the talent.. this was hinted by the security guards kissing the nasty boy's ass after they realized he was friends with hogan and allowed him to trash a lockeroom.
I just read this article from UGO.com, a guy interviewing Hogan, and this part in particular stood out for me:

CR: No legdrop in Australia sucks balls, Hulkster. C'mon man, how are you going to wrestle on TV again and not damage your legacy? Or is your legacy invincible like Shatner's?

HH: Well, brother, I have the Vulcan Death Grip if I have to. The thing is, brother, I don't have a deal to wrestle. I'm coming in as the "Vince McMahon" to run this thing. I've already told Dixie Carter that we may have a problem if I'm doing my dissertation or I'm calling everybody out and I have everybody in the middle of the ring. Or I'm talking to a certain wrestler and all of a sudden the fans start going "Hogan Stinks! Hogan Stinks!" then we've got a problem. You got to give the fans what they want, brother. And I don't have a deal to wrestle but like when I went to Australia. You know I didn't do the legdrop. I've had back surgeries this year. The thing is there are a lot of guys that'll go "I wouldn't do this past my prime. I wouldn't embarrass myself." And I totally agree. And I've gone past when I've should have quit. When I wrestled The Rock at WrestleMania 18, well, I've shouldn't have been out there then, my body's so beat up. But the difference between those guys and me is the fans have been with me for thirty years. They are so loyal. They don't care if I'm a step slower or that I can't body slam Andre the Giant. And for some reason the older I get, the more beat up I get, the fans are so loyal, they're more forgiving...I could probably drag a leg or go down there in the wheelchair and the fans will still cheer for me. They have so much respect because they know this business is in my blood. Brother, I shouldn't be in the ring wrestling. But I tell you, when I crawled into that ring in Australia...it was insane. The fans are so crazy about seeing me do the old Fred Sanford. You know the stumble around the ring crap.

CR: Yeah, I guess it's true. You're going to be 90 years old and we're all going to want to see you in the ring one more time.

HH: The more bald-headed I get. The farther down the Bozo (the Clown) ring goes. The more crippled up I get - it's almost like the fans are behind me more than ever now. After what I went through the last couple of years...I've lost my family. I've lost everything. The people. They are behind me. They want to see get back on my feet. It's pretty wild how compassionate the people are.

And brother, if it doesn't work, I'll be a great security guard at Target.

That right there, is a guy who loves the business of wrestling. Just like you guys do. That right there is the real guy, no bullshitting. All beat up, can barely move, still about the fans, still about wrestling, still about the love of the business.

People throw around the word "hasbeen" a lot around here, unfortunately. But these guys put their bodies, and sometimes their lives, on the line every week to make us happy. Some of em are more successful than others, but these guys give it all they got. They work for years to make you happy and you call them hasbeens? Come on, they deserve better than that.

Hogan's got flaws. Just like you and I. But if there's anything we can all agree on, it's that he's into wrestling just as much as you and I are, and wants it to succeed just as much. And for that you should give him a chance.

He could no more quit wrestling than someone to tell the guys on here that have been watching their whole lives to quit watching wrestling.

Flair's the same way.

And JR is too.

And who could blame them.
Good read. I wish what Hogan said here came into play with his politicking backstage and how he operates though. I wanna believe all he's been saying with pushing the young talent, but by young talent does he mean who's already at the top like AJ and Joe? Or is he referring to young talent who have yet to reach the top like The Guns,Morgan,Hernandez and ect? I'll take working with Hogan anyday over that douche Triple H who has managed to out Hogan Hogan when it comes to pulling out the creative card. I actually am giving him the benefit of the doubt with this whole TNA thing because I want TNA to succeed and compete with WWE.
Hogan doesn't want to help anybody, only himself. You give him a chance, hell give him a couple, could care less.

I'm more of the "Show me first" type. He's full of shit, has always been full of shit and will remain full of shit until he shows me otherwise. Everybody wants WWE to have competition, and wants TNA to be that. Yet everybody fucking forgets if it wasn't for old fuckstick Hogan and his ass buddy Nash we might still HAVE WCW and this wouldn't be happening.

I don't feel sorry one bit that Hogan is all crippled and broke cause his gold diggin wife broke him. It's called Karma. His comments on the whole Nick crash shit saying that the kid got what he deserved because he was a homo just showed what a vile piece of fucking garbage this man is.

Like I said, give him a chance. But if he controls TNA it will go down just like WCW did. Doesn't bother me one damn bit. I have no stock in either TNA or WWE.

If TNA wanted to compete all they needed was to fire Russo, get Bischoff and Heyman and let those two do they do best. Restrict who Eric could sign and let him create something.

Instead we got the Outsiders at the next PPV and can be looking forward to Nasties vs Dudleys.

Fuck Hogan


"And brother, if it doesn't work, I'll be a great security guard at Target. "

There's Hogan right there in a nutshell. Making jokes. Well guess what you crippled fucking nothing, if you fuck up TNA and "It doesn't work out" a lot of good men, just like WCW, will be out of a job. But you don't give a shit cause you will always have your reality TV shows or you could ****e out your skank daughter again who can't sing worth a shit. Fuck Hogan
Hogan doesn't want to help anybody, only himself. You give him a chance, hell give him a couple, could care less.

I'm more of the "Show me first" type. He's full of shit, has always been full of shit and will remain full of shit until he shows me otherwise. Everybody wants WWE to have competition, and wants TNA to be that. Yet everybody fucking forgets if it wasn't for old fuckstick Hogan and his ass buddy Nash we might still HAVE WCW and this wouldn't be happening.

I don't feel sorry one bit that Hogan is all crippled and broke cause his gold diggin wife broke him. It's called Karma. His comments on the whole Nick crash shit saying that the kid got what he deserved because he was a homo just showed what a vile piece of fucking garbage this man is.

Like I said, give him a chance. But if he controls TNA it will go down just like WCW did. Doesn't bother me one damn bit. I have no stock in either TNA or WWE.

If TNA wanted to compete all they needed was to fire Russo, get Bischoff and Heyman and let those two do they do best. Restrict who Eric could sign and let him create something.

Instead we got the Outsiders at the next PPV and can be looking forward to Nasties vs Dudleys.

Fuck Hogan


"And brother, if it doesn't work, I'll be a great security guard at Target. "

There's Hogan right there in a nutshell. Making jokes. Well guess what you crippled fucking nothing, if you fuck up TNA and "It doesn't work out" a lot of good men, just like WCW, will be out of a job. But you don't give a shit cause you will always have your reality TV shows or you could ****e out your skank daughter again who can't sing worth a shit. Fuck Hogan

Yeesh, someone needs some anger management therapy.

Of course everyone should give Hogan a chance. Just like Nash said on Impact, every company Hogan has been a part of for any prolonged period of time has risen to the top of the wrestling world. Not only that, he made wrestling a job where not only the top guys could make a comfortable living doing it. Most of todays wrestlers are rich men thanks to Hulk Hogan. But who cares about that, right? But ^^^^ that guy would prefer that these guys scratch out their livings in high school gyms "for love of the game." Ridiculous.

Did he do it for himself? Hell fucking yeah he did. The injury is all about selling yourself. Nobody was doing anything for Hogan, he did it for himself. The AWA was holding him back, and he went and got himself over, sold his own merchandise. But guess what, the things that worked out best for Hogan also tended to work out pretty well for everyone around him.
Its not as if we have a choice to give Hogan a chance - he's here now, and we have to hope he'll get this right. What TNA need to do is remember that Hogan isn't the be all and end all - yes he can bring a lot of much needed attention to TNA, but Hulkamania has a habit of swallowing things whole, and TNA have to avoid that.

It is, after all, Total Nonstop Action and not Total Hogan Action.
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