[OFFICIAL] Batista HQ: Unleash The Animal!


Mid-Card Championship Winner

Ladies and gentlemen (Mostly genetlemen), this is the year for the New School. To the best of my recollection, the last three years has seen WZ crown Tournament Champions who were major players during the WWF's down time in the mid-90s. Yes, a couple of them have aged well, and who doesn't love Bret Hart? However, the lack of respect given to the New School is, at times, appalling. The refusal of many wrestling fans to let go of the past and leave the late 90s behind is disturbing, and gives an immediate advantage to everyone in this competition from the Attitude Era and before. For every fan who, like me, enjoys today's crop of Cena, Batista, Edge, Orton, Punk, and so on, there're five who abhor our continued enjoyment of contemporary professional wrestling. This year, we are subservient to them no longer. This year, we make a stand. It's time for us to show people that the New School has earned it's place in wrestling history.

Why Batista?

Cena's a great choice, but the fact is that Batista has maintained his desired reaction in a way John Cena can only dream of. Batista has proven himself to be a larger draw than Edge and certainly Randy Orton, and could out-match both in any sort of kayfabe related debate. Punk? His best days are ahead of him. Don't even bother.

If you want someone who came along in shocking fashion and had a meteoric, unplanned rise to sustained success, look no further than Batista. In that way, he's this generations Steve Austin. There was no blue-print to build Batista into a franchise-maker, yet he's become a cornerstone of the largest wrestling company in the United States.

Looking for a great worker? You're talking about Batista, the man who carried Undertaker to big man vs. big man matches of greater quality than the Deadman's been able to have in ages.

Looking for a draw? You're looking at the man behind WrestleMania 21 and WrestleMania 23 (the latter producing the highest buyrate in the history of WrestleMania). You're also looking at the man who drew top notch numbers in his rematches with Triple H and is part of what casuals would have seen as the top match of this year's WrestleMania, Batista vs. Cena. That show is already projected to be a record breaker.

You want kayfabe glory the likes of which no logical person will be able to trounce in nine out of ten possible matches? Batista is this generation's man for that.

Add onto all of that the fact that Batista is having an extremely hot run as a heel right now, and you've got an extremely viable contender.

Where's the weakness?

If you're thinking there is none, you're on the right track.

Back Batista for the 2010 WrestleZone Tournament Champion. Join the winning team. Solidify this generation's place in history.
If Batista faces HHH anywhere in this tournament, be prepared for others saying that Batista has never lost to HHH but HHH is due for a win.
The same Randy Orton that Batista defeated at Armegeddon 2008 and squashed at Extreme Rules last year? Yeah, I like Big Dave's chances. Batista, while injured, squashed Orton to win a match nobody thought he would and put a huge dent in what was meant to be Randy Orton's banner year. You can't come up with a proper counter-argument to such wholesale ass-kicking.
"He was a heel at the time and here, have some good faith rep." There's my counter-argument, motherfucker.
Batista is a very dominant heel. If this tournament is kayfabe, and it is, honestly, there is no way Batista does not make a run.

He doesn't waste a lot of time with punches and kicks. He uses power moves, and then tstays on his opponenet. He doesn't take risks. To beat him, you need to have some space, and no one gets that space. His ring psychology is amazing. He knows his weaknesses and covers them up with his offense.
If Batista faces HHH anywhere in this tournament, be prepared for others saying that Batista has never lost to HHH but HHH is due for a win.
Is this the same king of "due" that Dolph Ziggler was owed last summer against Rey Mysterio? If so, I don't think it'll make a damn bit of difference. Triple H simply isn't up to snuff. Big Dave refined his game by beating Triple H from pillar to post and put him out for a quarter of a year as a result. "Due" doesn't enter the equation.
Of course, there is one more man that is needed to complete this trio. The one man that Batista fears. I'd tell you who he is but, rather unfortunately, he is not currently visible.
Batista is a very dominant heel. If this tournament is kayfabe, and it is, honestly, there is no way Batista does not make a run.

He doesn't waste a lot of time with punches and kicks. He uses power moves, and then tstays on his opponenet. He doesn't take risks. To beat him, you need to have some space, and no one gets that space. His ring psychology is amazing. He knows his weaknesses and covers them up with his offense.

But FTS, what happens if he comes up against somebody who does a bunch of flippys?

Imagine the squash if Bourne somehow got into this tournament and has to face Batista in the first round.
Is this the same king of "due" that Dolph Ziggler was owed last summer against Rey Mysterio? If so, I don't think it'll make a damn bit of difference. Triple H simply isn't up to snuff. Big Dave refined his game by beating Triple H from pillar to post and put him out for a quarter of a year as a result. "Due" doesn't enter the equation.

You remember what happened with Undertaker vs. Edge last year. Edge never beat Undertaker without help yet that didn't mean Undertaker would win in a one-on-one non-gimmick match. If people feel HHH is a better wrestler than Batista, then they are going to vote for HHH.
You remember what happened with Undertaker vs. Edge last year. Edge never beat Undertaker without help yet that didn't mean Undertaker would win in a one-on-one non-gimmick match. If people feel HHH is a better wrestler than Batista, then they are going to vote for HHH.

Yeah, people are ******ed like that.
Of course, there is one more man that is needed to complete this trio. The one man that Batista fears. I'd tell you who he is but, rather unfortunately, he is not currently visible.
If you're talking about John Cena, you're going to find that he's one of the only men who can contest a 50-50 toss-up with David of DC. Since 2005, Batista has shown true vulnerability against only two men. Those men are John Cena and Undertaker. However, what makes those contests especially interesting is that Undertaker and Cena didn't display their hallmark dominance in their encounters with The Animal. Batista handed each of them one of their only clean losses in recent times. He even went as far as to break Cena's neck.

What's more? Shawn Michaels, a man who has made a reputation of taking Undertaker to the limit and is one of the only other men to defeat Cena clean in recent years, was broken damn near in half by Batista in one of the most decisive, one-sided losses of HBK's career.

The destruction Batista lays on men who get one up on Cena and Taker puts him over the top in battles where he seems to be on even footing with someone.
If you're talking about John Cena, you're going to find that he's one of the only men who can contest a 50-50 toss-up with David of DC. Since 2005, Batista has shown true vulnerability against only two men. Those men are John Cena and Undertaker. However, what makes those contests especially interesting is that Undertaker and Cena didn't display their hallmark dominance in their encounters with The Animal. Batista handed each of them one of their only clean losses in recent times. He even went as far as to break Cena's neck.

What's more? Shawn Michaels, a man who has made a reputation of taking Undertaker to the limit and is one of the only other men to defeat Cena clean in recent years, was broken damn near in half by Batista in one of the most decisive, one-sided losses of HBK's career.

The destruction Batista lays on men who get one up on Cena and Taker puts him over the top in battles where he seems to be on even footing with someone.

Kozlov and Hardy have beaten Undertaker clean more recently than Taker. They could argue that.
A cursory reading of his Wikipedia page shows that he once lost to Arn Anderson. You know, the guy who was never able to move beyond the enforcer role the in the same impressive and generation defining way that Dave Batista was able to.

I don't like Mr. Muta's chances. If he can't take Arn Anderson, he isn't that "great" when he's standing across the ring from 290lbs of the baddest ass that DC has to offer.
I'll definitely be backing Batista depending on who he is facing, but most likely he'll have my support throughout most of this shindig.
If you're ready to strongly back Batista, feel free to use my sig or any other picture of The Animal for the duration of his stay in this tournament. The more you can do to take away the stigma surrounding Batista get him over as the choice of this generation, the better.
Batista has my vote, depending on who he faces. I've always liked him, but no more so than when he's been a true destructive force. The epitome of "The Animal".

When hes on a role, he can defeat anyone soundly. The only problem here is, he becomes kinda one dimensional in the fact that he doesn't reserve energy. He goes balls to the wall, and when his tank is empty yet his opponent's isn't.. he often loses. He also loses focus too easily.
I'll need examples of this. Because I normally find that when his tank is nearing empty, his opponent's tank is normally getting there as well. This is usually a result of the bountiful ass-kicking they've received. The only real defeats Batista has had as a main eventer, coming only against two men who he's matched and defeated cleanly in other contests, have come from them throwing one final big move before Dave could. He was still swinging. Fatigue, if you will, didn't factor into it. Extending Dave to the point where his tank is empty has never been a strategy used to successfully one-up him.

As for losing focus, I can think of two occasions where this happened. Once against your boy, Edge. The other time against Shawn Michaels. In rematches, Dave showed that he'd learned from his mistakes. On SmackDown following Vengeance 2007, he beat Edge clean in a manner that Edge could never hope to replicate. In addition, he followed up his mistake of mercy at Backlash 2008 by giving Shawn Michaels one of the best ass-kickings he's gotten since his comeback.

I'm not seeing it. But Team Batista does appreciate the support.
I'll be supporting Batista just because he reps his filipino heritage. Is that a good reason to vote for him? Fuck no. Do I really give a fuck? No sir I do not. Coco, you got my vote.

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