Official: Ask DigitalNight Thread

Hi Digital Night! I was wondering if youre still doing sigs. If you are, could you please make me two? Green rep and credit will be given and my undying gratitude as well :D
I am a big fan of your work so i was wondering if you could give these sigs a try:

1) A sig of David Otunga. Could you have his name there as well "c'mon man just google me!" in the sig.

2) A sig of the beautiful people of TNA on one side and Maryse, Eve Torres and Kelly Kelly on the other side. Could you have "Divas" and "Knockouts" on their respective sides as well as "God, I love wrestling" somewhere in the sig? If possible could you make their pictures as sexy as possible? LOL Thank you!
Hi Digital night would you please make me a image with Desmond Wolfe in the Middle and Beer Money at either side of him please with the words 'You want some come get some' going across please. Thanks :)
I totally do not check the requests anymore. I thought people forgot about me. I'll put something nice together for you when I get home from work in the morning. For now, it is time for slumber. Sorry about that NextJ.
Wow a great sig maker like you DN should definetly have more requests. If you have the time could you make me a Wade Barret sig. You can put anything you want in it but I know you'll make it awesome. Thanks a lot if you decide to make it.
Next Jericho:
Hey digitalnight can I ask for some of your time? would you be able to make me a sig with Khali? Like If you can make it with him holding the WHC title? One with the WHC, one with him looking mad, and a third image with him looking mad? Maybe these three?

If you can use this with a scratchy black backround?? Thanks in advance

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