[Official] 2nd Bi-Annual Rock Tournament Spam Thread

Besides the fact that D-man has been included and once again the early rounds are blighted with generic Americans nobody this side of the pond has heard of, this thing looks very interesting.

I'll be judging on "being a frontman" not just "singing talent" because then you may as well give it to Pavarotti or someone, besides people not singing in the "traditional" sense is far more appealing to me and dominates the music I listen to.
Few suggestions that are pretty much no brainers but Les Claypool and Flea for the Bass category ;)
I'm really angry that Hayley Williams isn't on there. She has an awesome female voice, and I think she compares to Pat Benatar.
I'm pretty happy with the final list overall but one thing I dont understand is how do James Hetfield, Dave Mustaine and Tom Araya make it in but not Joey Belladonna.

For those who dont get why this dosent make sense, the big four of thrash metal are commonly known as Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax. James, Dave and Tom are the singers of Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer respectively and they made it in yet Joey, the most well known lead singer of Anthrax, did not. Makes no sense to me.
I'm really angry that Hayley Williams isn't on there. She has an awesome female voice, and I think she compares to Pat Benatar.

Dude you think Hayley Williams is one of the greatest vocalist of all time . I don't accept the excuse that you are 14 because I'm only 17 and my my music collection spans back to the 70's. Yes I like Paramore but I think only a select few artist from the past 20 years deserve to be on this list.
Dude you think Hayley Williams is one of the greatest vocalist of all time . I don't accept the excuse that you are 14 because I'm only 17 and my my music collection spans back to the 70's. Yes I like Paramore but I think only a select few artist from the past 20 years deserve to be on this list.

No offence but you are the sort of person who annoys me relentlessly.

So what if you are 17 and have music that goes back to the 70s? Does that make you taste in music any better or worse than the person you were attacking? No! If that dude wants to suck on Hayley Williams tits all day, it makes not one ounce of a difference.

You may like music that is older or have a history of music under your belt but please don't sit there and be all high and mighty about something that is completely subjective.
Noah DID try and get various members of I Fight Dragons on the list, though. I love IFD too, but come on.
I love you armbar. I've never been more serious in my entire life about telling someone that.

I will support any member of Maiden in any category. It's a shame because a fucking fantastic fucking bassist like Harris will lose to fucking Flea. I'd love to see a Geddy Lee vs Steve Harris bassist final.
I again propose that Lady Gaga replaces D-Man, just because he specifically wanted Lady Gaga not to be in.
I will support any member of Maiden in any category. It's a shame because a fucking fantastic fucking bassist like Harris will lose to fucking Flea. I'd love to see a Geddy Lee vs Steve Harris bassist final.

This, Steve Harris is gonna be my second choice in that category behind Cliff Burton, if either of those two go out to Flea I will be pissed.
Even with my clear Gaga-ism aside, I wouldn't be upset if she was in or out. Personally, I obviously think she should be in but I can also see why people don't want her in because has only released two albums in two years. Still a young career.

I will vote to advance D-Man as long as I don't care for his opponents.
I would say they are correctly rated, they are generally regarded as one of the best metal bands ever that is hardly underrated. On a semi related note i'm seeing them live early next year.
I would say they are correctly rated, they are generally regarded as one of the best metal bands ever that is hardly underrated. On a semi related note i'm seeing them live early next year.

As a band they aren't underrated but each member is underrated by themselves. When you talk about all time great metal bands, Iron Maiden will always be brought up. When you talk about all time guitar teams, bassists or drummers though they don't get nearly as many mentions.
Actually now that I think about it that is a good point, apart from Bruce Dickinson none of them really get as much individual respect as they deserve, infact I would think many people couldn't name all of the members without looking it up. Since where talking about Maiden what did you think of "The Final Frontier"?
Actually now that I think about it that is a good point, apart from Bruce Dickinson none of them really get as much individual respect as they deserve, infact I would think many people couldn't name all of the members without looking it up. Since where talking about Maiden what did you think of "The Final Frontier"?

It's good. It's classic Maiden and everything you'd expect it to be, nothing more and nothing less. They haven't really attempted anything different in many albums so I got what I was expecting. Seventh Son is the last album I thought they truly did something different and I actually liked that album while a lot of people didn't. Different isn't always good though and they've stuck to a formula that has become their niche and it works good every time.
X and I will be agreeing on the names that are completely ommitted being just an insane number. Jello Biafra probably being one of them.

As for Drummer I will put Brann Dailor from Mastodon up there as a contender.
Rob Halford of Judas Priest should definately make the frontman category...

...and even though it didn't work last time; it seems as if we do have more metalheads on the forum now, so I'll nominate Chuck Shuldiner of Death and Yngwie Malmsteen for the guitarist ctaegory, and Pete Sandoval from Morbid Angel for the drummer category.

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