Do you fit into the other category I mentioned then?
Obviously I do since I would later mention that I didn't; still, it doesn't take away from the fact that I'm not a stoner, and you said only stoners recognize Hendrix's greatness.
Hendrix was revolutionary in how he used his guitar, not what he played with it. If people use that kind of argument for him, I can support it.
I agree with you, but that's why I think so highly of him, as I'm sure most of his fans do.
The difference between guys like him and Clapton is Clapton can still hold his own with the best guitarists of today, Hendrix would make annoying sounds with his guitar for 20 fucking minutes.
Well, I think that's an unfair assumption. You never know where Hendrix would have gone if he lived. He definitely would have made improvements in his playing as the years went by, there's no doubt in my mind about that.
Can someone who actually plays guitar come in here and understand what I'm saying please?
So you have to actually play an instrument to have an opinion on something when it comes to music? I know how to use my ears, man, and I find it odd you're bringing this line out even when I haven't (nor had a chance to) argued against what you said yet (not that I will since like I said, I agree).
...hence why I said people that DON'T get Rush...not the people that do. When people don't like Rush, and I have this conversation many times, they often literally say "I just don't get it". They are definitely good enough to appeal to the masses but they have always had a strong following of actual musicians who appreciate the small nuances in their music like time signature changes and key changes etc etc.
You also said this:
"I've always said D-Man that the only people who really appreciate Rush are musicians."
Tell me who they're full of fail please. I guarantee I can make a very strong argument for any artist I pick.
Because you're making assumptions why people like someone, and you're also using the "I play an instrument" card already. This shit will not work in the tourney. In fact, it's only going to turn people off from your position.
Just use your intelligence and the actual music when it comes to your arguments, not "holier than thou" tactics because you actually know how to play the guitar or drums.