NXT: Non-Wrestling Moderator

Ironically, when I was e-mailing with D-Man about this idea, he took Eminem and I said "fine, I'll take either Elvis or Ozzy and shit all over you." Or something to that effect. We started debating a touch but both got sidetracked by work.
I think Michael Jackson is easily the best choice. I am looking forward to people changing my mind.
I'm looking forward to seeing the OP. It's a weird choice because he wasn't a controversial musician, he was a controversial person.
I would go with Kurt Kobain or even John Lennon.

Kobain was filled with controversy and drug filled rages, his head was all over the place eventually ending his life.

Lennon was an anti political figure, so do the math on that one.

Either of these two are golden, but you can choose any as long as you push your point across which i believe everyone here can do.

Good Luck guys...
Someone should have choose Tupac.

I agree 100%. I don't think there was anyone more controversial when you consider music, lifestyle, and death as a combination. Manson probably has the music part on lock and Jackson probably has the lifestyle part but Pac was extremely controversial in all aspects.
Or you could have just choosen Big Lurch, that dude's crazy as fuck. But no one knows who he is, so that might not have worked too well.
Surprised no one picked GG, I suppose he just isn't as well known. Eating your own feces on stage may be seen as pretty controversial by some.

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