NFL Week 3 LD

Yeah.. :disappointed: I'm so fucking thrilled right now, that Brady just helped my opponent's WR trio complete a 2 fucking TD day between all of them.

Boldin - 100+ yds 2 TDs (27.90)
Moss - 2 TDs (18.20)
Wallace - 100+ yds 2 TDs (24.90)

Yeah.. I'm really glad Brady is deciding this is Moss's week to shine. :banghead:

EDIT: My entire team has 75 pts.

His WR trio has almost that alone. Man am I gonna get killed.

Oh my bad I thought you said Brady was on your fantasy team.
Oh my bad I thought you said Brady was on your fantasy team.

:lmao: Brady IS on my Fantasy team, but I took Welker over Moss - because on average Welker is the dump underneath guy, and Moss is the hit once in a blue moon deep down field every 3rd game guy. LOL

Brady isn't getting as many pts as Moss is, to keep it close.
Clausen almost fumbled the game away for us.....

EDIT: Rosario just took a HUGE hit, flipped massively, and still came up over a yd short.

And we also just likely lost an OLmen for the season - he's on the field, not getting up. Unsure who right now.
This is why I don't play fantasy football.

Pats are driving up the field pretty nicely right now. Nice little scramble by Brady for the first down.
Woooah woah woah there Billy boy, calm yourself, no reason to get all riled up. Brady is always a sure thing, don't see why you would possibly even contemplate trading him off your fantasy team. Pat's are up 14-13 right now in the second, but you've completely underestimated the Bills, they're a good young team that's only going to get better.

Not to mention they're kinda rivals, granted it may not be as hot of a rivalry as say NE/NYJ but still rivalry non-the-less, and rivals tend to play each other pretty tough...
34 on TB is a complete douchebag. He breaks off a 40 yd screen play, then taunts. You fuckin jagoff you're down by 22...
This is why I don't play fantasy football.

Pats are driving up the field pretty nicely right now. Nice little scramble by Brady for the first down.

I LOVE Fantasy Football. But it's so nerve-racking at times. Really makes you understand how much star players don't produce in-and-out like you think they would.

And the injured Panther was Wharton. Injury Prone Wharton.
34 on TB is a complete douchebag. He breaks off a 40 yd screen play, then taunts. You fuckin jagoff you're down by 22...

:lmao: That reminds me of the Raven 4-7th stringer WR in the preseason, who showboated into the endzone on a TD catch.

Showboating is good - but sometimes you gotta make sure it's not pointless and makes you look stupid in doing it.
3rd touchdown pass for Brady, Pats are up 31-23. Now, defense, please?

Brady just brought me up by 3 in the league where I'm being anal-raped by my opposing team's WRs. And Nugent just bombed a 50 yd FG - to give me 5 more pts!! WOOO!

EDIT: Son of a bitch - he somehow just retook the lead 110.90-108.25.
When you're more than 10 yds away from a first down, on 3rd, and you have 2 LBs just sitting in zone 5 yds between you and the first down.. as a QB.. WHY DO YOU TRY RUNNING, only to slide 5 yds short?!
Clevelands winning.. hahaahahahahahahaahahhaahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahaahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahsahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah
Welker got a few first downs on that drive but this new kid Gradkowski got the catch. Welker's been having a solid game so far.

4 catches for 45 yds. He needs either a TD and 25 more yds, or 2 TDs to average out what he normally does for me.

And congrats. Your D finally got an INT. (I'm still dropping them. :lmao:)
Our O-Line is bullying this TB line... Yeah, I haven't said our oline and bullying in the same sentence in about 5 years.

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