NFL Week 3 LD

Chill bro, haters gunna hate.
I know, and I know I can't change his mind, regardless of whether I'm right or not (which I feel I am 100% right on this one). I just have a hard time letting stuff like that go. And do I want him to eat a heaping pile of crow after the Sanchize tore apart a GOOD D. He's showing that he's matured as a QB, and is becoming the real deal.

And I really replied since he (probaly accidentally) Green repped me saying "Jets blow. Sanchez Blows. Seriously" after I red repped him telling him to "quit while you're only really behind. Seriously." He said they blow, and the QB fucking dominated Miami. The Jets will most likely be 3-1 after Buffalo next week (he'll probably pick Buffalo for some reason, too) heading into Favre v. Jets on a Monday Night.
Sorry to tell you this Will, but that's 1 quarter MORE then ANY OTHER PLAYER WITH THE SAME LEGAL ISSUE. The fucking Media killed the Jets for NO REASON. No team in the NFL suspended a player for a DWI/DUI until the legal issue is completely resolved. NONE. And even if Braylon would have accepted deactivation, the NFLPA would still fight it, since it's collectively bargained and he can't waive those rights.

And I'll complain just as hard toward all the other teams who have dumbass players who get drunk and drive; for not suspending them for 'x' amount of game(s).

1 Quarter is nothing but laughable. Even if they were the only team to do it, all they did was make a mockery out of the situation. To make matters worse - it could be argued that Edwards was a star of the game - making the TD that reclaimed (and ultimately kept) the lead for the Jets to put the game away.

Stallworth was suspended for a full year for killing someone; and I'm still furious that he wasn't outright fired, and booted completely from ever playing again. He fucking KILLED someone, while driving drunk.. and he gets to take a year long break. Uhm, no, he needs to go to jail.

Edwards may not have done anything near that bad, but driving drunk in NY; it's a damn miracle he didn't fucking hit anyone. I can't imagine how he missed with as crowded as I'd imagine NY to be. So, 1 Quarter - in comparison to Stallworth's year for drunken manslaughter. No, you as a team, and as the NFL, need to make a statement.

He should've been suspended for at least 1 full game, 2 if you really want to drive home the point that it was beyond stupid what he did.

Big Ben is gone for 6 weeks, 4 on good behavior, for being "accused" of raping someone and getting put in that situation. He was never even found guilty (mainly because its easy to rape people when you have tons of star power to cover that shit up, but besides that. :lmao:) and yet still suspended for one Quarter of the season. And you're gonna tell me Edwards drunk driving, putting people in danger by doing so, and he's only gonna miss 3 series of playing time. Uhm, no.

Also - I don't dislike Sanchez. He has bad games, everyone does. He threw a ton of INTs last year - it happens to even the best of 'em. The important thing that people don't want to remember is; he comes back from those bad mistakes and makes up for them by winning his team games.
It's week 3. Get your dick back in your pants.

And if Stafford had a competent line and great D like Sanchez does he'd be great too. So no, you don't win. I don't like handing guys things after 3 games. He needs a bigger sheet then what he has before he gets a ton of praise from me.
This is why we can't have nice things.
yeppers. People can't admit when they're wrong. It's too bad.

So tonight, the Packers play Da Bears. I can't see the Packers losing this game. Da Bears have been impressive thus far, but the Packers are just better. In fact, they might be the best team in the NFC. Now if only the Green Bay defense can get negative 20 fantasy points, I might be able to win this week in one of my fantasy leagues.
I personally thought Chad Henne looked better then Sanchez last night but both were impressive. The AFC East is probably the best division in football.
yeppers. People can't admit when they're wrong. It's too bad.

So tonight, the Packers play Da Bears. I can't see the Packers losing this game. Da Bears have been impressive thus far, but the Packers are just better. In fact, they might be the best team in the NFC. Now if only the Green Bay defense can get negative 20 fantasy points, I might be able to win this week in one of my fantasy leagues.

If Sanchez does this for an entire year I'll admit I'm wrong. But it's week 3. You can't jump to any conclusions after 3 games, especially since one was beyond pathetic, playcalling or not.
I always love the My Wish stuff. I like that they reaired the Packer one at Halftime.

Hows the first half been? I've been watching RAW. I will likely make the move now though, cause I could care less for the last hour of RAW this week.

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