Next jericho

Crashin, shut the fuck up, you useless piece of shit, what is the point of you being here, youve been here for four years, and you haven't done shit, I have done more in my four months ********. I'd bet that half the people here want you gone
Crashin, shut the fuck up, you useless piece of shit, what is the point of you being here, youve been here for four years, and you haven't done shit, I have done more in my four months ********. I'd bet that half the people here want you gone

As I said if you have a problem with me, put me on ignore. Otherwise DO NOT COMMENT ON EVERY ONE OF MY POSTS. And for your information NOBODY FUCKING LIKES YOU.
You can't even insult somebody you stupid fuck. go *********e to John Cena. And it's boner you piece of shit.

Who was that to Crashin me or beast because I hate Cena and a typing error is not that bad but why insult it huh?

Doug Crashin you are a stupid piece of shit who needs to get a job so you can move out of your mum's basement you bum piss off or mess with me again because I want round 2.

Beast you are sound with you saying something in my defence you are awesome.

A warning to anyone that wants to take the shit out of me because I am ready to make more comebacks.
If I wanted some comeback, I would ask your mum for mine. You're the next Jericho but you don't like to use capitals? jericho looks way neater then jericho
Who was that to Crashin me or beast because I hate Cena and a typing error is not that bad but why insult it huh?

Doug Crashin you are a stupid piece of shit who needs to get a job so you can move out of your mum's basement you bum piss off or mess with me again because I want round 2.

Beast you are sound with you saying something in my defence you are awesome.

A warning to anyone that wants to take the shit out of me because I am ready to make more comebacks.

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: What's that? a 12 year old insulting me? You insult the very name of Chris Jericho. You can't even form a coherent sentence nor how to use a big word.
I'm going to go ahead and rep this guy. Just so when he red reps me it actually does something rather then just being a gray dot. Hopefully.
edit: Oh my god I'm simply orgasming while waiting for his reply. it's taking that long it must be a good one.
guys, cut him some slack, he is a 12 year old, sure, he shouldn't be here, but he is, I really don't think it is quite right for a 26 year old to be abusing a 12 year old like that, just don't doug
I'm going to go ahead and rep this guy. Just so when he red reps me it actually does something rather then just being a gray dot. Hopefully.
edit: Oh my god I'm simply orgasming while waiting for his reply. it's taking that long it must be a good one.

He's into the red zone so it would be a gray dot unless you rep him a few times.
goddamn it. It took him that long to work out how to spell that many words? Yet he completely forgot me. :( Bathturd I is heart broken.
I'm going to go ahead and rep this guy. Just so when he red reps me it actually does something rather then just being a gray dot. Hopefully.
edit: Oh my god I'm simply orgasming while waiting for his reply. it's taking that long it must be a good one.

Why would I red rep you in the cage??

Thanks for the green rep I really need some of that and you can have some.
You said thank you? I need you to use those comebacks you're loaded with. Personally I like it when the bitch swallows, I don't like it when they give me a refund.
Listen you piece of slimy excrement . My dad's been dead for 5 years. DO NOT INSULT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN OR I WILL FIND YOU.

actually my dad's alive. just fucking with the dudes head
Ewwww it's Gray and its Slimey get it off of me.

Get him Ferb.
I was more referring to that I wanted to flame you. Just so you could say you were flamed at least once!
I been flamed. But this guy was full of good comebacks. Maybe I was just not good enough for him

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