WrestleZone Fantasy Baseball League

How's everyone feeling now that most every team has played a game? I'm feeling pretty good leading Showtime 6-3. My pitching is killing it, as expected, and I still have Lee and Kuroda coming up. My offense has disappointed a little - I'm relying on average a lot - but it makes sense since everyone's been playing against the best pitchers for every team.
I'm happy with my 7-2 lead over Megatron, but I'm not sure if that's going to carry me through the season. I'm relying heavily on a few great outings from my pitchers, and while it looks like my pitching staff has control, it doesn't look like I'll be getting many wins from the strikeout column.

My offense is also troubling. No homeruns and no big RBI performances yet. I am pleased with my average (.279) and stolen bases (2), though.
My ERA is through the roof, but I'm leading Red Skull in the 2 categories I wanted to focus on for all of my teams this year: runs and batting average. And somehow I'm leading in saves, despite not caring in the least about them :shrug:
I wish this week went through all of next week instead of accounting for only about 3 games for each player. However, most times my pitching staff would be winning for me (1.50 ERA and .88 WHIP) yet J has slight leads over me in both. Also I might be in the market for trading my one closer (Valverde) since i probably won't win saves very often with only 1 closer and will sacrifice that category for others (Wins/K's/WHIP). Anyone want an extra closer should PM me.
Also I might be in the market for trading my one closer (Valverde) since i probably won't win saves very often with only 1 closer and will sacrifice that category for others (Wins/K's/WHIP). Anyone want an extra closer should PM me.


C'mon people, 40-50 saves don't just fall off of trees here.
I'm waiting for hurricane season to hit. Something to shake up everyone's roster by having a few all stars playing on the east coast being swept up by winds and taken to Europe or somewhere where they don't play baseball. Sound Plausable?

How's everyone feeling now that most every team has played a game? I'm feeling pretty good leading Showtime 6-3. My pitching is killing it, as expected, and I still have Lee and Kuroda coming up. My offense has disappointed a little - I'm relying on average a lot - but it makes sense since everyone's been playing against the best pitchers for every team.

That was you in the first round. *shakes fist* damn I love your pitching. All things considering, I'm having fun and hoping I can put a little more attention towards my team before I become way way out of the running.
A little disappointed about progress this week. I honestly thought I matched up really well JGlass and would have a good week, but all his guys are hot and a lot of mine are ice cold (Red Sox, I'm looking at you fuckers). On paper I would have expected to take AVG, HR, RBI, R, K, ERA, K (pitchers), saves, walks, WHIP, and wins. As it stands I'm leading only three of those categories. Kudos to you, sir. Right now I'm hoping for a break even week which seems feasible. AVG may be a lost cause at this point but there are five days left. Halladay, Lee, and Kuroda starts are all great chances at wins and should surrender fewer walks than JGlass's crew. I would think League and Myers can still get me a save this week. Ideally I can win most of the pitching categories and walk out of this one with minimal damage. Only Wednesday though. Not panicking yet.
Wouldn't you know, the day I bench Ortiz, he hits two RBIs?

Dagnabbit. Loney better make up for this shit.
Wouldn't you know, the day I bench Ortiz, he hits two RBIs?

Dagnabbit. Loney better make up for this shit.

Wouldn't you know, the day I bench Jason Bay, he hits a homer with two RBIs?

Dagnabbit. Austin Jackson better make up for this shit. Michael Morse is totally fucking up my fantasy team with his injury.
Big Papi, I'm sorry I ever said anything bad about you. I love you. Don't ever change.

5 RBIs. 4 hits. 1 HR. <3

EDIT: Holy shit, the Red Sox are on fire today.

Red Skull and I should form a tag-team called "The Unreliable"

And then Red Skull should go back to making his Boot This!

and then Harthan should post his.

I started making another Book This!, Ring of Rage, but abandoned it after writing 2 matches lol. I should probably stop joining these things, I always forget about them, just like the Fantasy Football league.

One day Intergalactic Wrestling Warfare will return though. One day.
Whats up with these ridiculous trades between LJL & Harthan...???

I'd suggest hitting the old Veto button if you don't want Harthan loading up on another unbalanced trade.
...I traded with who now?

If you're talking about Avila for LaHair, that's JGlass and LJL.

I also don't think the trade is unbalanced enough for veto. I'd rather have Avila than LaHair, but JGLass has a surplus of catchers and is in desperate need of a first baseman. Meanwhile Ianetta is on the DL for sometime and LJL needs a catcher. If I was JGlass I'd have tried to do it for Perzynski, personally, but as it stands it's not staggeringly unbalanced.
...I traded with who now?

If you're talking about Avila for LaHair, that's JGlass and LJL.

I also don't think the trade is unbalanced enough for veto. I'd rather have Avila than LaHair, but JGLass has a surplus of catchers and is in desperate need of a first baseman. Meanwhile Ianetta is on the DL for sometime and LJL needs a catcher. If I was JGlass I'd have tried to do it for Perzynski, personally, but as it stands it's not staggeringly unbalanced.

I'd also have come talking to me about Loney, but that's a different matter entirely.
My pitching sucks. Although streaming 2 rookies that got rocked fucked my #'s up a bit and probably cost me in a category or two.

My hitting rocks my socks, though. If I can keep taking one or 2 pitching categories and all the hitting I'll be happy.
...I traded with who now?

If you're talking about Avila for LaHair, that's JGlass and LJL.

I also don't think the trade is unbalanced enough for veto. I'd rather have Avila than LaHair, but JGLass has a surplus of catchers and is in desperate need of a first baseman. Meanwhile Ianetta is on the DL for sometime and LJL needs a catcher. If I was JGlass I'd have tried to do it for Perzynski, personally, but as it stands it's not staggeringly unbalanced.

My bad, converting fantasy names to WZ on the fly can be a little iffy.

Lahair is currently a top 75 ranked player, where Avila is floating around 400 or so, Avila has only had one good season, which was last year; Lahair is getting his first opportunity and is tearing it up. Just seems like a really unbalanced trade.
...I traded with who now?

If you're talking about Avila for LaHair, that's JGlass and LJL.

I also don't think the trade is unbalanced enough for veto. I'd rather have Avila than LaHair, but JGLass has a surplus of catchers and is in desperate need of a first baseman. Meanwhile Ianetta is on the DL for sometime and LJL needs a catcher. If I was JGlass I'd have tried to do it for Perzynski, personally, but as it stands it's not staggeringly unbalanced.

Thank you. It was very much a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" situation. I needed a first baseman and LJL had absolutely no options behind the plate.

I'm not going to lie to you, the trade favored me, but isn't that what everyone is trying to do? LJL had to bite the bullet to get a decent catcher, otherwise he'd be starting someone's backup everyday in hopes of him getting the start. Meanwhile, I get a firstbaseman that I might be able to play over the likes of Luke Scott.

Also, I have 4 pitchers that are starting today. Ridiculous. But if all 4 of them have good games, I should be able to rally and beat that lousy Canadian, Showtime.

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