Fantasy Football

Some people have different a timezone though. I'm fine with 11:45 though.
Some people have to be up at 6:30 in the morning in order to get to work the next morning though, and can't be staying up until 2 AM to draft a fantasy team.

Do it that late on a Friday/Saturday, fine, but on a Thursday, no.

and you wouldn't have a problem with it. You're 13, and you don't have school the next day because it's summer.
I'm 15 and school starts August 29th. I still don't have a problem with it, why should they change the draft time just so you are comfortable. If everyone else agrees, fine. But what ever is the most convenient time for the majority of everyone else, I say we should do that. I agree though, I would prefer to have it over the weekend, but I'm really fine with anything.
I just saw the date of the live draft and I won't be able to be here since I have to work that night which sucks because I'm off that Saturday and Sunday.
League one has been filled up. Now that we have that out of the way, we need to decide on a draft date. Right now, league 1 is scheduled to draft on 31 August (a Wednesday) at 9:30 PM eastern time. For Ty and LJL, this would be 8:30 PM. If the weekdays don't work for a majority of you, I'm amenable to moving the draft to a Sunday.

Let me know so we can set the date in stone by the end of this week.
If we're doing it at the end of August, I should be good for whenever. Any sooner and it'll have to be after midnight on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
League 2's draft date is now set in stone: Thursday, 25 August 2011, 10 PM EDT. This is the most intimate league (I have 2 spots left if anyone still wants in). FYI, since I'm dealing mostly with people who have played FF before in this league, draft selection times are 45 seconds rather 90 seconds.
I'll join league 2. What's the ID/pass?
check your PM box. Or just read this quoted post by TDigs.

All right guys, here's the second league:


Theo and GD already asked about spots on here, so I'm down to five spots in this league (I got five still available in the 14-person league). When you sign up for this league, MAKE YOUR WZ USERNAME YOUR TEAM NAME. Afterwards, I will PM you to tell you that it's all right to change your name to whatever you like.
I'm already apart of one league, but unfortunately didn't get in quick enough to join the other. I had some personal issues going on the past 2 weeks and couldn't get on in time to join.. but if any other leagues are being made, let me know and I'm down for them.
I'm already apart of one league, but unfortunately didn't get in quick enough to join the other. I had some personal issues going on the past 2 weeks and couldn't get on in time to join.. but if any other leagues are being made, let me know and I'm down for them.

If you and tdigle can work on a way from ejecting me from League 2, I'd be happy to give you my spot. I'm already in League 1 and a league with some friends from high school, so a third one will almost certainly be too much for me haha.
I've been thinking about starting a league on but really don't want to have to deal with all the commissioner bullshit, Will you did two leagues on there last year, & can just re-activate one of them, if you want to do that I know a couple people at work that would join if the other people from those leagues don't want to do them again.

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