Greatest Things Ever Said On WZ

Rarely comes a time where I read something and just plain don't have a word to say. Not even somethng stupid.... Well, that Castillo kid just left me at a loss.
That Castillo dude's post is even funnier when you look at the rest of that thread, everyone else is having a serious ass discussion about rape and this kid just busts out an absolute gem.
FUCK YES!!! Finally found the Shango's story

Papa Shango said:
OK, kids, you're about to hear a story only three other people know about. One is the girl I was with, and the other two are my two best friends that I tell everything.

Me and this girl were drunk and fooling around while my roommate was out. We were fucking hammered, I seriously can only think of one other time where I was that drunk. We wanted "toys", so we're looking around to see what we can play with. She comes across the vacuum cleaner.

Now, before I continue, allow me to describe this vacuum cleaner. My roommate is a bit of a clean freak to begin with. Throw in that his mother is an even bigger clean freak. So we had this really fancy European vacuum with several extensions and buttons, all written in a foreign language (because it's SO difficult to write ON, or even that weird symbol universally recognized as POWER). And also, because he's a clean freak and I couldn't give a shit,

So we finally figure out how to turn it on, and I won't get graphic, I'm using it on her, and she's clearly loving it. However, for some reason, I still feel the need to say something along the lines of "Do you like that?"
"Oh, yeah."
"Yeah. See for yourself."

And she rams the hose down onto my dick.

It was one of the most painful things I've ever felt. It was like I was getting a BJ from a garbage disposal. So I start screaming my head off. She tries turning it off, but being shitfaced and trying to read what appears to be Latvian, she cannot find the off button. So she just starts pushing everything.

She then presses "Steam vac".

As painful as that one moment was, I swear it very well may have saved my cock. I had what could only be described as a divine moment of clarity. For three seconds, I do not feel the least bit drunk. I am completely sober and thinking clearly. And I realize to pull the cord out of the wall.

My cock had a hickey for a week.

Go read teh rest of the thread, there's bound to be loads of great shit in there
I don't know about you but I found this quite funny. From the same thread as that Castillo kid

Originally posted by FromTheSouth:

"I've found over time that whenever my penis feels good, my heart doesn't seem to complain as much."
I think this qualifies. It was in Hamler's thread asking if he should buy his chick a star for Christmas.

Did the girl say she wants a star for Christmas? If so, then get her one, if she didn't, then don't. Get the girl what she wants, and that will ensure you of getting a chance to pee in her butt.

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