Yes, yes, we all know your bias. Let's hear your three paragraph rant on why Rey Mysterio sucks.

(Ilu Dave <3)
Eugh! I hate these kinds of replies but here goes.
That's usually entertaining for those watching. Who doesn't want to see you bang your head against a brick wall?
A time like this? A time like what? A time when smackdown is in dire need of main event faces? The only people who are face and could believably carry the championship come Fatal Four Way were The Big Show and Mysterio. I would have preferred Show, but Mysterio was the second best choice.
How about a time like when Smackdown is going through a bunch of fundamental changes that make it absolutely different from the show we see on Monday night? How about a time when Smackdown is the place to be when you are a younger talent all thanks to the easier main event scene? Any of those doing anything for you?
As for Mysterio being the best choice, you must be kidding me right? Mysterio is holding the Championship for two reasons right now. Firstly, to stroke his ego. Since he won the Championship, people have commented on how he should be nowehere near the main event and should be in a similar position to people like The Undertaker and Triple H
You know, putting over younger talent? Secondly, he is holding it because of the clout he holds backstage and when Smackdown is a show renowned for being the better show for young talent, that is a great example to set, isnt it?
The problem is, there isn't a younger face that is main-event ready yet. At least, not on Smackdown. Kofi? No, not quite, and he already had the IC title. Christian? Heh, not with the way they've been booking him. I can't name a single face other than Show that is ready for the belt.
Are you actually trying to tell me that Rey Mysterio is a more credible Champion that the Big Show or Christian? Doc, I love you. But that is just obscenely untrue. The Big Show is the polar opposite of Rey Mysterio. He is a dominating character that doesnt have to play off the underdog gimmick. Do you know why? Its because he is never the underdog. People expect to see people like the Big Show wearing the straps and dont bat an eyelid when someone that dominating does.
As for Christian, if he got half of the booking that Rey Mysterio does, he would be a better replacement for him. Christian is a much better talent that Rey Mysterio from top to bottom. He is better in the ring, he is better on the mic and whats more, he looks like a Champion. Once people get sick of the underdog angle, they will realise that Rey Mysterio is a transitional Champion. Mark my words.
What a silly thing to say. He has put on excellent matches with Jericho and Punk and others for the past year and a half.
In your opinion, sure. Personally, I think Rey Mysterio has a magical connection to my remote control because every time he starts to wrestle, I somehow change channels. See how opinion works both ways?
Bazillions of cheering fans would disagree with you.
Yeah and being in the majority makes you automatically correct
The reality of the situation is that I have no connection to Rey Mysterio. He is single-handedly putting me off Smackdown with his endless droning on about being the underdog. Are you saying that he is not flogging a dead horse with his gimmick?
Oh no, they lose one viewer! No one watches Smackdown, so I'm sure you'll make a huge difference refusing to watch.
Thats a kind of dick thing to say, Doc. I expected better of you
And I hate Jeff Hardy too. Youre point being?
Wait wait wait wait. If all he has is his ring skills, how can they only make up a small part of the Rey Mysterio package?
Because the majority of Rey Mysterio is made up of repetitive, boring BS, thats how. I am of the opinion that Rey Mysterio is
Crap, for lack of a better phrase. I thought his matches his CM Punk were only good because CM Punk was in the ring. CM Punk is an infinitely better face than Rey Mysterio is. Is it too far out of the question to make CM Punk a face again to claim the Championship. Or is it too far of a stretch to give a heel the Championship after Jack Swagger. Hell, both Punk and The Big Show were in that Fatal 4 Way match and either of those guys could have had a feud with Rey when they won it.
No, this is not about Rey Mysterio and whether he was deserving of the title or not so I will move on. The fact of the matter is that Rey Mysterio is boring. Doc, I urge you to think of a boring superstar and I will bet that I cant argue that he is not. At the end of the say, Rey Mysterio is polarising crowds now and if it wasnt for the masses of children that flock to see him, you would hear it. He IS the John Cena of Smackdown and people, not just me, are growing bored of his same old routine. A gimmick that is done to the death is boring and that is what he has become.
Well then, you are ignorant. But hey! That is only my opinion.
I can see your point here, but that's not Rey's fault...that's the commentators' fault. That's the writing staff's fault. That's Vince's fault. It's also what sells. Everyone likes an underdog story. Kids love Mysterio, and we can appreciate him for his ability to put on great matches.
So, who should I blame Doc?
Should I blame Vince McMahon or should I blame the writing team? Or should I blame the guy who is happy to tag along with the same recycled angle that he has been using for years and years. My point being that there is more out there for Rey Mysterio. Look at people like Kaval. Kaval is a small guy but you dont hear him harping on about being the ultimate underdog, do you? At the end of the day, the person who is performing is always going to be culpable and that is Rey Mysterio.