Most Boring Main Eventer

In my honest opinion, the most boring main eventer over the last couple of months has been Rey Mysterio. I just feel he has no place in the main event right now, and he's not entertaining to watch anymore. I've grown tired of his flips and the Ultimate Underdog tag line every time he's in a championship match, they need to drop that and start talking about how he's just as credible, talented, or better then some of these guys he goes in the ring with. I don't care how small the guy is, he's not the underdog anymore considering most of the roster has seen or been in the ring with him.

I also feel he didn't need the championship, they should have kept it on Swagger as beating those other 3 guys would have helped his shit reign look decent. I'm just tired of Mysterio, period. The guy's knees have been operated on more then Hulk Hogan's back, maybe that's a sign to retire?
Yes, yes, we all know your bias. Let's hear your three paragraph rant on why Rey Mysterio sucks.

;) (Ilu Dave <3)


Eugh! I hate these kinds of replies but here goes.

That's usually entertaining for those watching. Who doesn't want to see you bang your head against a brick wall?

A time like this? A time like what? A time when smackdown is in dire need of main event faces? The only people who are face and could believably carry the championship come Fatal Four Way were The Big Show and Mysterio. I would have preferred Show, but Mysterio was the second best choice.

How about a time like when Smackdown is going through a bunch of fundamental changes that make it absolutely different from the show we see on Monday night? How about a time when Smackdown is the place to be when you are a younger talent all thanks to the easier main event scene? Any of those doing anything for you?

As for Mysterio being the best choice, you must be kidding me right? Mysterio is holding the Championship for two reasons right now. Firstly, to stroke his ego. Since he won the Championship, people have commented on how he should be nowehere near the main event and should be in a similar position to people like The Undertaker and Triple H… You know, putting over younger talent? Secondly, he is holding it because of the clout he holds backstage and when Smackdown is a show renowned for being the better show for young talent, that is a great example to set, isn’t it?

The problem is, there isn't a younger face that is main-event ready yet. At least, not on Smackdown. Kofi? No, not quite, and he already had the IC title. Christian? Heh, not with the way they've been booking him. I can't name a single face other than Show that is ready for the belt.

Are you actually trying to tell me that Rey Mysterio is a more credible Champion that the Big Show or Christian? Doc, I love you. But that is just obscenely untrue. The Big Show is the polar opposite of Rey Mysterio. He is a dominating character that doesn’t have to play off the underdog gimmick. Do you know why? It’s because he is never the underdog. People expect to see people like the Big Show wearing the straps and don’t bat an eyelid when someone that dominating does.

As for Christian, if he got half of the booking that Rey Mysterio does, he would be a better replacement for him. Christian is a much better talent that Rey Mysterio from top to bottom. He is better in the ring, he is better on the mic and what’s more, he looks like a Champion. Once people get sick of the underdog angle, they will realise that Rey Mysterio is a transitional Champion. Mark my words.

What a silly thing to say. He has put on excellent matches with Jericho and Punk and others for the past year and a half.

In your opinion, sure. Personally, I think Rey Mysterio has a magical connection to my remote control because every time he starts to wrestle, I somehow change channels. See how opinion works both ways?

Bazillions of cheering fans would disagree with you.

Yeah and being in the majority makes you automatically correct… Right?

The reality of the situation is that I have no connection to Rey Mysterio. He is single-handedly putting me off Smackdown with his endless droning on about being the underdog. Are you saying that he is not flogging a dead horse with his gimmick?

Oh no, they lose one viewer! No one watches Smackdown, so I'm sure you'll make a huge difference refusing to watch.

That’s a kind of dick thing to say, Doc. I expected better of you… Seriously.

Neither did Jeff Hardy.

And I hate Jeff Hardy too. You’re point being?

Wait wait wait wait. If all he has is his ring skills, how can they only make up a small part of the Rey Mysterio package?

Because the majority of Rey Mysterio is made up of repetitive, boring BS, that’s how. I am of the opinion that Rey Mysterio is… Well… Crap, for lack of a better phrase. I thought his matches his CM Punk were only good because CM Punk was in the ring. CM Punk is an infinitely better face than Rey Mysterio is. Is it too far out of the question to make CM Punk a face again to claim the Championship. Or is it too far of a stretch to give a heel the Championship after Jack Swagger. Hell, both Punk and The Big Show were in that Fatal 4 Way match and either of those guys could have had a feud with Rey when they won it.

No, this is not about Rey Mysterio and whether he was deserving of the title or not so I will move on. The fact of the matter is that Rey Mysterio is boring. Doc, I urge you to think of a boring superstar and I will bet that I can’t argue that he is not. At the end of the say, Rey Mysterio is polarising crowds now and if it wasn’t for the masses of children that flock to see him, you would hear it. He IS the John Cena of Smackdown and people, not just me, are growing bored of his same old routine. A gimmick that is done to the death is boring and that is what he has become.

Not seeing it.

Well then, you are ignorant. But hey! That is only my opinion.

I can see your point here, but that's not Rey's fault...that's the commentators' fault. That's the writing staff's fault. That's Vince's fault. It's also what sells. Everyone likes an underdog story. Kids love Mysterio, and we can appreciate him for his ability to put on great matches.

So, who should I blame Doc?

Should I blame Vince McMahon or should I blame the writing team? Or should I blame the guy who is happy to tag along with the same recycled angle that he has been using for years and years. My point being that there is more out there for Rey Mysterio. Look at people like Kaval. Kaval is a small guy but you don’t hear him harping on about being the ultimate underdog, do you? At the end of the day, the person who is performing is always going to be culpable and that is Rey Mysterio.

Eugh! I hate these kinds of replies but here goes.

How about a time like when Smackdown is going through a bunch of fundamental changes that make it absolutely different from the show we see on Monday night? How about a time when Smackdown is the place to be when you are a younger talent all thanks to the easier main event scene? Any of those doing anything for you?

As for Mysterio being the best choice, you must be kidding me right? Mysterio is holding the Championship for two reasons right now. Firstly, to stroke his ego. Since he won the Championship, people have commented on how he should be nowehere near the main event and should be in a similar position to people like The Undertaker and Triple H… You know, putting over younger talent? Secondly, he is holding it because of the clout he holds backstage and when Smackdown is a show renowned for being the better show for young talent, that is a great example to set, isn’t it?

Are you actually trying to tell me that Rey Mysterio is a more credible Champion that the Big Show or Christian? Doc, I love you. But that is just obscenely untrue. The Big Show is the polar opposite of Rey Mysterio. He is a dominating character that doesn’t have to play off the underdog gimmick. Do you know why? It’s because he is never the underdog. People expect to see people like the Big Show wearing the straps and don’t bat an eyelid when someone that dominating does.

As for Christian, if he got half of the booking that Rey Mysterio does, he would be a better replacement for him. Christian is a much better talent that Rey Mysterio from top to bottom. He is better in the ring, he is better on the mic and what’s more, he looks like a Champion. Once people get sick of the underdog angle, they will realise that Rey Mysterio is a transitional Champion. Mark my words.

In your opinion, sure. Personally, I think Rey Mysterio has a magical connection to my remote control because every time he starts to wrestle, I somehow change channels. See how opinion works both ways?

Yeah and being in the majority makes you automatically correct… Right?

The reality of the situation is that I have no connection to Rey Mysterio. He is single-handedly putting me off Smackdown with his endless droning on about being the underdog. Are you saying that he is not flogging a dead horse with his gimmick?

That’s a kind of dick thing to say, Doc. I expected better of you… Seriously.

And I hate Jeff Hardy too. You’re point being?

Because the majority of Rey Mysterio is made up of repetitive, boring BS, that’s how. I am of the opinion that Rey Mysterio is… Well… Crap, for lack of a better phrase. I thought his matches his CM Punk were only good because CM Punk was in the ring. CM Punk is an infinitely better face than Rey Mysterio is. Is it too far out of the question to make CM Punk a face again to claim the Championship. Or is it too far of a stretch to give a heel the Championship after Jack Swagger. Hell, both Punk and The Big Show were in that Fatal 4 Way match and either of those guys could have had a feud with Rey when they won it.

No, this is not about Rey Mysterio and whether he was deserving of the title or not so I will move on. The fact of the matter is that Rey Mysterio is boring. Doc, I urge you to think of a boring superstar and I will bet that I can’t argue that he is not. At the end of the say, Rey Mysterio is polarising crowds now and if it wasn’t for the masses of children that flock to see him, you would hear it. He IS the John Cena of Smackdown and people, not just me, are growing bored of his same old routine. A gimmick that is done to the death is boring and that is what he has become.

Well then, you are ignorant. But hey! That is only my opinion.

So, who should I blame Doc?

Should I blame Vince McMahon or should I blame the writing team? Or should I blame the guy who is happy to tag along with the same recycled angle that he has been using for years and years. My point being that there is more out there for Rey Mysterio. Look at people like Kaval. Kaval is a small guy but you don’t hear him harping on about being the ultimate underdog, do you? At the end of the day, the person who is performing is always going to be culpable and that is Rey Mysterio.

CM Punk a better face than Mysterio? How can I take you seriously now? Punk was horrible as a face in 2008-2009 and they woke up and finally decided to turn him heel. You don't hear Kaval being the underdog yet but trust me you will if he stays with the WWE for a while. Everybody from Chris Benoit to Eddie Guerrero has used the underdog angle for a long time.

If you want somebody that is stale and repetitive, look no further than Edge and Orton. Edge has been living off the Ultimate Opportunist gimmick for five years and it got boring after the first year. He came back as a face and that failed with an uninteresting feud with Jericho and he turned heel and is having an uninteresting feud with a boring Randy Orton.
Hey Yo!

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say Rey Mysterio. Now i got respect for the man, but goddamn these past few years he's been as stale as shit everytime he is the underdog, he has to overcome the odds he's title run was so shitty because of these reasons. The problem with Rey Mysterio is that everything he does comes off to me as been there done that seen this seen that get what i mean. So yeah Rey Rey is booooorrrrinnnng.
As far as the Undertaker is concerned, I feel like nothing could be further from the truth, as far as him being boring, but then again, I love the Undertaker as a heel, and that probably would be a good idea, except, the WWE doesn't have many top faces to put him up against. John Cena would be an awesome choice though, just because I can't really recall if or when John Cena has fought the Undertaker.

they did but Cena was a rapper and taker was a biker.

but the most boring is Rey Mysterio, dont get me wrong I like mysterio in the ring but he bores me on the mic.
This should be fun. :)

Yes it should.

Oh don't get me wrong, I completely agree. However, I was looking at it as though they needed to put it on a face for whatever reason.

Which they didn't need to do. At all.

Again, I agree. however, he is in no way boring and if he must be in the main event then there are plenty of reasons he deserves it.

Yep he's popular in the ring and at the merchandice stand. He's also a moaner backstage, and giving him a title reign tends to shut him up.

Again, agreed. But blame management for giving Swagger such a shit reign. I can only hope his next one is better.

Agreed. What's done is done. Hopefully he, like Sheamus gets a decent title reign at a later date.

True, it is all subjective. But I just don't get how ANYONE can think of Rey as "boring" by any stretch of the imagination.

Well, watching him get his ass handed to him before pulling a 619 the fuck out of nowhere for no plausible reason can get dull.

Indeed. However, if it had to be done, there are plenty of ways to justify it.

Yes there are.

The thing is, though, and this is all I was trying to say...Jeff became a multi-time world champion without mic skills. Even the biggest fan of him is less delusional than your regular Morrison mark (;)) and can admit that Hardy's mic skills are...lacking, to say the least. And just like Rey, he didn't need mic skills. He had a connection with the crowd and an exciting moveset, and it worked. Just like Rey.

That wasn't a shot at me for being a Morrison mark was it Doc? I KNOW his mic skills are shit. I also know that if he tried, he could become passible on the mic (which he was at times last year). And just to stray off topic for a moment, who's to say that Morrison can't do the same?

Back on topic, I agree that Rey connects to the crowd beautifully. However, my point was that Methro's title campaigns were usually fraught with difficulties which kept him ticking over nicely and would, imo have been better for Rey than just handing him the title.

Agreed. Maybe I should move to Conetticut and try to get a job as a WWE booker.

But here's the thing: Barrett has mic and ring skills, ability to connect with the crowd, and a killer look. That is the whole Wade Barrett Package. Mysterio on the other hand has ring skills and ability to connect with the crowd. That's the whole Rey Mysterio Package. They're differently shaped packages, not a single square Pro Wrestler Package.

See what I mean?

I do. However, it does mean that Rey is missing something that other wrestlers have (i.e. mic skills). Sure, that doesn't matter for him because he can get over great if he never opens him mouth. However, it does mean that (A) he shifts alot of the work in a feud to his opponent and (B) that if you're into promos, that Rey ranks low in that department.

It's not my favorite move as a finisher, but it's a great set-up move when you consider anyone's feet smashing into your face at high speed is enough to daze you long enough for him to jump on you.

WHen it's usually used to set up for a seated senton (which inexplicably works as a powerbomb counter too. Even if you sandbag it). The 619 is also the least consistently sold move in the WWE. It annoys me on many levels.

I completely agree with this statement. Now he has the title, they need to drop the Ultimate Underdog story. However, when he was chasing the title, the storyline worked perfectly well.

How long was he chasing the title before this run? A month?
Which they didn't need to do. At all.

Oh, I know. Just playing Devil's Advocate.

Yep he's popular in the ring and at the merchandice stand. He's also a moaner backstage, and giving him a title reign tends to shut him up.

Right, I know all about the politics. But he's also a consistent hard worker, massively over, and his first reign was fairly shit.

Well, watching him get his ass handed to him before pulling a 619 the fuck out of nowhere for no plausible reason can get dull.

This is the same argument that can be said about basically any face main eventer. It's what sells. You're supposed to want to see big comebacks for the good guys.

That wasn't a shot at me for being a Morrison mark was it Doc?

Oh, absolutely not. You are the least delusional Morrison mark I know. You're fairly intelligent when it comes to discussing the strengths and weaknesses of your favorite wrestlers. Always.

Back on topic, I agree that Rey connects to the crowd beautifully. However, my point was that Methro's title campaigns were usually fraught with difficulties which kept him ticking over nicely and would, imo have been better for Rey than just handing him the title.

True, true. Oh well.

Agreed. Maybe I should move to Conetticut and try to get a job as a WWE booker.

I'll join you.

I do. However, it does mean that Rey is missing something that other wrestlers have (i.e. mic skills). Sure, that doesn't matter for him because he can get over great if he never opens him mouth. However, it does mean that (A) he shifts alot of the work in a feud to his opponent and (B) that if you're into promos, that Rey ranks low in that department.

Valid points. However, think of the Undertaker/Edge feud from 2008. Edge carried that feud by himself (with help from Mick Foley <3) just by delivering promo after promo whereas Undertaker was nowhere around. If Rey goes against someone like Punk, or even Swagger, he won't need to talk.

It's Paul Heyman booking. Find out what draws. Minimize weaknesses (mic skills). Accentuate strengths (in-ring action). Keep your talent happy. Go out of business

WHen it's usually used to set up for a seated senton (which inexplicably works as a powerbomb counter too. Even if you sandbag it). The 619 is also the least consistently sold move in the WWE. It annoys me on many levels.


How long was he chasing the title before this run? A month?

Try longer. Rey vs. Taker at the Rumble, anyone? Plus there's always that subtext whenever he goes out to face...well, pretty much anyone, that his first reign was shit. And he's always used to pad out multi-man matches or qualifiers for multi-man matches. There rarely may be full-blown title chases, but the subtext is there.
Oh, I know. Just playing Devil's Advocate.

Good to know

Right, I know all about the politics. But he's also a consistent hard worker, massively over, and his first reign was fairly shit.

Hard worker? I really dont see how. Yes, he is massively over, but if it werent for the PG rating, he wouldnt even be world champion right now. His first reign WAS shit. Why? Because Rey Mysterio hardly ever works a good match. Am I really supposed to believe that if he dropkicks a superstar, they are just going to stay dangling on the second rope while he hits the 619?

This is the same argument that can be said about basically any face main eventer. It's what sells. You're supposed to want to see big comebacks for the good guys.

I do, just not with Rey. He has had too many "big" comebacks, his underdog gimmick is getting old, boring, and repetitive. Look at other small guys in the WWE, Evan Bourne, and Kaval. Do you see them with an underdog gimmick?

Oh, absolutely not. You are the least delusional Morrison mark I know. You're fairly intelligent when it comes to discussing the strengths and weaknesses of your favorite wrestlers. Always.

Alright, I have no clue what this is about, but I will say that whoever said Morrison is a main eventer is an idiot.

Valid points. However, think of the Undertaker/Edge feud from 2008. Edge carried that feud by himself (with help from Mick Foley <3) just by delivering promo after promo whereas Undertaker was nowhere around. If Rey goes against someone like Punk, or even Swagger, he won't need to talk.

There is a difference, Edge is way better than Rey Mysterio. Edge is alright on the mic, he actually knows what to talk about, as opposed to every single Mysterio promo, which are just about him overcoming the odds to beat somebody bigger, or about respecting your heritage. If Mysterio were to go against Swagger, he would need to talk because Swagger isnt that good on the mic, and if I'm correct, with the exception of The Undertaker, all faces talk during the rivalry.

Try longer. Rey vs. Taker at the Rumble, anyone? Plus there's always that subtext whenever he goes out to face...well, pretty much anyone, that his first reign was shit. And he's always used to pad out multi-man matches or qualifiers for multi-man matches. There rarely may be full-blown title chases, but the subtext is there.

That match was the same Taker/Mysterio match that we usually see when they face each other. Taker dominates throughout, Mysterio makes a comeback, eventually loses. In fact, thats the same match that he has with everybody. His first reign was shit. Why? Because Rey Mysterio is shit.

Sorry Doc, I had to put in my 2 cents. ;)
Hard worker? I really dont see how.

Well, gee, he's been putting on good matches with people like Chris Jericho and CM Punk this past year? His matches with Dolph Ziggler were good, and his match with Morrison was fantastic. And a match takes two people to make it a great match. Both men have to give it their all to make things look good.

Yes, he is massively over, but if it werent for the PG rating, he wouldnt even be world champion right now.


Seriously, PG has fuck all to do with it. There are no other faces other than Big Show who could have won the title at that point in time. You're just looking for an excuse to bash the PG era.

His first reign WAS shit. Why?

Because he was booked terribly?

Because Rey Mysterio hardly ever works a good match.

LOL. Yeah fucking right. Morrison/Mysterio for the IC title. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio in the Hair vs. Mask match. Any of his matches with Chris Jericho last year.

Just stop.

Am I really supposed to believe that if he dropkicks a superstar, they are just going to stay dangling on the second rope while he hits the 619?

Yes. It's called willing suspension of disbelief. Am I supposed to believe that Cena can get someone to stay down for all his five-knuckle shuffle posturing? Yes, because I don't question it. You're supposed to take some things as they are in order to enjoy the program. Don't overanalyze everything.

I want someone to dropkick you and have you land on some ropes. It'll hurt like fuck and you'll need time to get your bearings...enough time for someone to drill his feet into your face.

I do, just not with Rey. He has had too many "big" comebacks, his underdog gimmick is getting old, boring, and repetitive.


Look at other small guys in the WWE, Evan Bourne, and Kaval. Do you see them with an underdog gimmick?

Um, yes?

Alright, I have no clue what this is about, but I will say that whoever said Morrison is a main eventer is an idiot.

A great Potions teacher once said "Don't talk about things you don't understand".

There is a difference, Edge is way better than Rey Mysterio. Edge is alright on the mic, he actually knows what to talk about, as opposed to every single Mysterio promo, which are just about him overcoming the odds to beat somebody bigger, or about respecting your heritage.

Yes, I know. If you could actually read, you'd have noticed that I was saying that whoever is feuding with Mysterio should pick up the majority of the mic work.

If Mysterio were to go against Swagger, he would need to talk because Swagger isnt that good on the mic,

Disagree. He can cut a decent promo. Better than MYsterio. He's not in the top echelon but he knows what's up.

and if I'm correct, with the exception of The Undertaker, all faces talk during the rivalry.

Randy Orton vs. Edge.

That match was the same Taker/Mysterio match that we usually see when they face each other. Taker dominates throughout, Mysterio makes a comeback, eventually loses. In fact, thats the same match that he has with everybody. His first reign was shit. Why? Because Rey Mysterio is shit.

And that...has absolutely nothing to do with what I said! :)

Sorry Doc, I had to put in my 2 cents. ;)

when they gave rey the belt over any of the other 3 guys in the match, i was shocked and appalled. he is one of the most stale and boring wrestlers in wwe, and is only carrying the belt cause kids love him. its obvious he gets the cena treatment.

reys act got tired after he won the royal rumble, fuck i was sick of it in wcw when he beat kevin nash. shit, way to make wrestling look even more preposterous than it already does. the booking on smackdown has been shit recently anyways, they dont even know how to book a new champion like swagger and now his reign will be looked on as a joke.
Hands down, Jack frikin Thwagger. Unlike "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, his mic skills dont make up for his lisp. Neither do his sub-par in-ring skills. I dont understand why everyones hating on rey. I agree hes gotten a little stale since his debut in 2002 but he knows how to add excitement into a match nonetheless sell. Thwagger looks like hes just in for the paycheck.
For Smackdown, I'd say Rey Mysterio. He's gotten stale for too long to be worth too much.

For Raw. I'd say Cena. I don't hate him, but he is boring as one can be.
I'd say most boring main eventer, Mysterio. He was good for a time, but now, he's a WAY past his prime "Poor me, I'm the underdog, please everyone you need to have faith in me, I'm doing this for so-and so.." I'm sorry, but if he's a main eventer, either get a manager, or just get out of the ring. I'm over his antics anymore. The fact that I even cheered Swagger over him at one of their matches made me wake up.
i agree with Mysterio, i think a lot of people have lost their flair with him.
also to do a RAW one, Edge. dont get me wrong, i like his in ring work, but he needs a little re-vamp on the character, the rated-PG superstar aint cuttin it for me anymore.
Well, count me in aboard the Rey Mysterio Failboat.

He definately has gotten very boring. Yesterday, he cut a horrible promo with Drew McIntyre. I mean, usually I laugh when people do a horrible job, but this was not even worth laughing. Rey Mysterio is better in Tag team division with another high flyer. Rey-rey needs a partner like the late great Eddie Guerrero, where they can feed off each others' energy. I never really accepted Rey as a main eventer (promo wise).
id said mysterio comes out talks rubbish saying 619 and all his words in mexican and the kids love him tbh i hate him and he should put the young guys over and stop crying backstage
Cena, can't stand him. He's boring, I hate his shirts, his stupid wrist bands and I really hate his promos

Now I wish undertaker would go back to ministry taker, but I don't think he's boring now...
I can't see how anyone doesn't like Ministry Taker, I mean how he put steph on his symbol for an unholy wedding was great.
It was his darkest character. He had the best story lines, and one hell of a wardrobe.

and Ortan boring with no good promos ever? How about when he took that b*tch Steph and ddt'd her and sealed it with a kiss while Triple H was handcuffed......I still watch that you you tube.
Me and my husband screamed when he did that, out of happiness lol
I like the legend killer, I love the viper, he's mostly the reason to even watch half the time.
Well that's easy: John Cena. He has the same wrestling abilities he's had since he was 5. Just watch his home videos. He only added 5 moves to his set when he joined the WWE. His mic skills are boring and only serve to reveal his lack of charisma. He's had the same gimmick now for over 5 years. He held the WWE title longer than he should be allowed to. He's not cool or interesting and hes sensitive to even the weakest criticism. He's never improved his in ring ability, nor tried. He's hated more than any wrestler ever. (Even though he's a face.) He has never been a heel since winning the title and turning into the "superman" gimmick. He's rated PG for poor gimmick. He has never been outside the WWE(territories/other companies) If he was in any of them he would have never made it to where he is, so the WWE is partly to blame. He started a de-revolution by turning WWE PG. He's had more screen time than desired. The list can go on and I'm sure your tired reading by now.
Damn it people, stop making me defend John Cena! i really dont like the character he is, but i also have a bigger dislike from wrongness.

He's hated more than any wrestler ever. (Even though he's a face.)

i believe X-Pac holds that title my friend..

He started a de-revolution by turning WWE PG.

i pin Vince and Linda for this more then John. Cena just does what he's told, he may be the Poster Child, but he aint the brains behind it. ever seen the Wizard of Oz? well vince is the one behind the curtain there
Originally said by Stone_Cold_Randy_Orton in the neg rep he gave:

1)X-Pac was never booed like Cena(nor as long).
2)Cena mentioned it to Vince and also supported Vince in it.

ever herd of a thing called "X-Pac Heat"? it didnt matter what promotion the guy was in, or if he was Heel or Face, he got heat. look at the invasion storyline. he got more heat then anyone he went up against. (and he was on Team WWF!) why? because people didnt care about him, and no one wanted to see him. Cena only just started getting that only because his character is stale, not because of him as a wrestler. want proof? look back at his Run as US champ during his Rap gimmick on Smackdown, Cena was getting HUGE pop's from the crowd. just as much, if not more so then now.

and for the Cena gave the PG idea to vince part.. where's the link to show this? i want to see proof that this was not Vince and Linda's doing to not only make the product more kid friendly, but help ensure the safety of their stars. where have you seen someone say "oh PG was John's idea, he told vince to do it"?

you people make no fuckin sense. freak out when anything bad is said about Cena, even when they are things BACKED UP WITH PROOF, yet the one time i actually say "actually, that one isnt his fault" and you flip out and spit some bullshit line like that without backing it up with ANY links to anywhere with proof of the matter.
Rey Mysterio has got to be high on anyones list. His promo's are shit, He got his 1st world title as a sympathy vote over eddie, and his 2nd as a favour (I understand SD was running low on Main Eventers when he was supposed to take a holiday so they offered him the WHC to postpone it for a bit). He is just too small to be taken seriously. I just can't see him posing a realistic challenge to Kane, Taker, Big show etc.
Also, Thwagger just gets on my nerves. Another dull, drawn out boring promo. His in ring work is better than almost everyone, but I just can't care about him when all I hear is the same I'm...the...all...american...american..blah...blah...blah.
Randy Orton I think is great in ring, just a whiny bitch out of it, and again, his promo's.....shit. If someone drops you funny or potentially dangerously, speak to them about it, don't go to management to get them fired. and learn to alter the tone of your voice when you speak. Monotone never helped anybody.
Batista was shit as well. Crap promos, crap in ring, crap overall.
Xpac - I thought he was good in ring, Just could not do anything to get him over. No-one cared for him, which ultimately, it doesn't matter how good you are in the ring, if you cant work a mic, you're in trouble! (JoMo take note) (I know Xpac wasn't a bona fide main eventer, but he has been mentioned here in this thread).
I've never liked Edge, Always thought he was boring. He had some great moves, but a spear to finish? After some of the moves he hits that don't get the job done, a spear does?? Really? I remember watching him hit (the first time he ever did) one on Jeff hardy when he went for the poetry in motion, The impact was great, got a big pop, but immediately both me and my bro said he will start using that as a finisher now, and its a shit finisher. Steady regular move, not a game winner.
Rant over.

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