Most Boring Main Eventer

Um, sir, I have been watching wrestling longer than you've been alive and my opinion is that Randy Orton's current character is the most boring main-event character the WWF/E has had since 1985 when I started watching.
And my opinion is that it doesn't matter how long you've been watching compared to how long someone has been alive.

What's "stupid" is someone pretending that they're the only one with the correct opinion on a subject such as this one.
Completely false. If you are in a debate, why would you give any substance to an argument you don't believe? That would be silly.

I had not missed a Monday night wrestling show in over 21 years. Randy Orton put a stop to that streak with his complete lack of dimension as a character and his even more stunningly boring promos.
Really? 21 years? How is that even possible when Raw only started in 1993 and the WWE didn't have a Monday show before that?

I stand by my opinion that he desperately needs a manager, or someone else that will speak for him, because the man just does not have it on the mic.
Sure he does. Perhaps you don't understand the concept of "in-character", but that doesn't change that Orton does a solid job on the mic. He rarely messes up, delivers his lines correctly, and does so in the realm of his character, which is that of a borderline headcase, who could snap at anytime. Remember the whole IED thing? Orton plays that character to a hilt.

Stop me if every Randy Orton promo doesn't sound like this:

"John Cena...(long dramatic pause)...You're constantly out there running your mouth and making jokes, John Cena. You think that this is all fun and games, John Cena?...(another 'dramatic' pause)...Well, John Cena, this is NOT fun and games, John Cena. This is serious business, John Cena, and I'm gonna show you, John Cena...(yet another pause)...(serious face)...just how serious I can be, John Cena."
You do realize that Orton doesn't actually write his promos, he just delivers them, correct? As for the pause and such, considering the crowd eats up those pauses everytime, and it furthers his character, why not do it?

WWE's most boring Main Eventer?...I would have to say that Its Shawn Michaels. I say this because seeing him come back after a 5 month hiatus after wrestlemania and seeing the same old tired moves time and time again and stealing other wrestlers submissions (Ric Flair's Figure 4 leg lock, Bret Hart's SharpShooter, and Benoit's Crossface), and the same old sorry shoulder block the way that he gets up after that? Its pathetic to see him floundering and flopping around the ring now. This time, in his return, his ring rust was very apparent. I really don't see why the WWE keeps bringing him back. I know that he is still hurting because his back never fully healed after he injured it, And i know that he is a future WWE HOF'er but still, Its like the WWE bringing back Hulk Hogan time and time again only to see his "Fury punches", pumping himself up then setting up for the Atomic Leg Drop. Its like Shawn Michaels is the new Hulk Hogan.
Exactly. Add on top of that the fact HBK seems to be completely uninterested the majority of the time when he works, and coasts through a lot of matches. About the only time he's willing to turn it on is when the spotlight is shining completely on him.

HBK is by far the most boring main-eventer.
Personally, I can't stand Orton, and if it was WWE presents What Tastycles Wants To See, he wouldn't be on it. However, his purpose is to be annoyingly boring and intense, I assume, so calling him boring is saying that he is doing his job properly. I don't know, I couldn't be more bored by anyone than I am by Orton, but I don't think that is the collective reaction, so maybe I am missing something.

As for who is actually the most boring, well in the last 12 months the most boring main eventer by far was Kozlov, and the fact he has been demoted to the ECW midcard is indicative of that to be honest.

I see people saying HBK, I'm not sure I agree. While he is clearly coasting, I'm not sure that he's been poor whilst actually in the main event, at least not in my recollection, but he doesn't try when facing the likes of Ted DiBiase, like we saw this week.

I don't actually think there are any across the board boring main eventers in WWE today, because they wouldn't last there very long, though personally, I would say Orton.
The Big Show or the Great Khali win my votes (does Khali still count as a main eventer?). I mean the big show can still entertain me in a match because the bigman thing hasn't worn thin on my just yet but Khali is terrible and both really need managers and to be banned from even holding a mic.

On that same note, props to the WWE creative team for putting one of the worst speakers in the Big Show with one of the best in Jericho.

Just My Opinion
Whoa... what the hell is everyone talking about when it comes to Randy Orton? I am no mark for the guy or a fan of his at all, but I appreciate what the man has done for the business thus far in his career & so far deserves to be in the main event.

His current persona of being "The Viper" compliments him so much. The way he can move in the ring, slither around & make his body move in positions makes all his matches that more interesting. I mean, any normal slow match between two main event stars would ordinarly have the crowd start to yell "boring" throughout the match. The way Orton moves around in that ring & his expressions that go along with make the match that much more emotional on a basis, much more passion goes into the match. When he delivers a punch, it makes you feel like he has delivered a knockout blow. When he stomps on you sadistically & delivers the knee so elegantly, it makes you feel like the match could be over.

As a wrestling fan, I specifically analyse every wrestler & how they contribute to the ring. Orton's mic work may not be the best, but it gets him by. His in-ring work always keeps me on the edge of my seat due to his wrestling style he brings making you feel with the moment. He makes you become apart of the match & apart of the show. You feel like you are him & his opponent. Watch his match with John Cena at Breaking Point & rewatch Orton completely torturing Cena. It makes you feel Cena's pain & it makes you feel how sadistic & meniacle this man is.

Saying Orton is boring is wasting a vote on a superstar whom deserves that title a lot more. He may have bad points about him, but he does not equate to a boring main eventer.
For me the most boring main eventers would probably be HHH and John Cena.

I know they shift merchandise and and sell tickets, but I have seldom been entertained by HHH and I have never been entertained by Cena.

This goes for in ring action and promos.

DDP would have to be up there as well.
Well I wanted to say Batista for obvious reasons but since you made him off limits i'll go with....


His character has become real stale over the last few years. His promos have been slipping for years and he's not getting any more agile in the ring. He needs a character revamp. A heel turn is exactly what he needs to freshen up his character. Unfortunately it's probably too late in his career for that. I would love to see the return of the American bad ass "Big Evil" version or even His Ministry of Darkness persona. I'm tired of hearing him threatening to take peoples souls and for them to Rest in Peace when he doesn't actually do those things anymore

Stealing my avatar...bad move :p

I don't know how you can say the Undertaker is the most boring main eventer when you have someone like Batista in the main event. My goodness is he boring, promo wise and ring wise. I still don't grasp the appeal with him, nothing exciting at all.
Big Show counts as a main eventer, doesn't he? He would definetly be the most boring in my book. He had some decent matches with Cena around Wrestlemania, but other than that, he hasn't done anything of interest lately. He really is pretty forgettable on the mic, and most of his in ring work is subpar.

I know that the fact that he's bigger than everyone makes it harder for him to work the same as "traditional" wreslter (who aren't 7 feet), but that doesn't mean he isn't boring, which he is/
Slyfox proves his wisdom here look I'm a Orton mark but I know his flaws and I understand if you criticize his work just let it be legit. I swear if I have to hear the stupid promo argument when it comes to Orton again I'm going to lose it, people he doesn't write his promos jeez he delivers them in a way that enhances his character. He executes his mic work solidly not spectacular people have far to high expectations there will NEVER be another Dwayne Johnson people so stop asking for pure excellence on the mic.

Orton does his job as good if not better than anybody else he gave Cena some great exposure for his title win albeit he didn't need it but still it doesn't hurt to look good.

He also sent Batista off with some momentum and pretty much stole the show from Batista he made him look great and legit heading back to Smackdown.
I think it's pretty obvious that Shawn Michaels is the most overrated main eventer of all time. He's always been a Ric Flair wannabe in my book.
Really? 21 years? How is that even possible when Raw only started in 1993 and the WWE didn't have a Monday show before that?

Completely false. If you are in a debate, why would you give any substance to an argument you don't believe? That would be silly.

You do realize that Orton doesn't actually write his promos, he just delivers them, correct? As for the pause and such, considering the crowd eats up those pauses everytime, and it furthers his character, why not do it?

Before Raw, the WWF had a show called Prime Time Wrestling on Monday nights that aired from 1985 to 1993. It was mostly hosted by Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan. Raw replaced that show in 1993. So yeah, 21 years IS possible.

In terms of "a debate", I was trying to be respectful to the Southwind's opinion that he likes Randy Orton and not trying to say that he was wrong for saying that he liked him. MY OPINION is that I DON'T like Randy . Neither OPINION is wrong, because, if they were, then they would be FACT and not OPINION. Get it?

I don't care who writes his promos, I think he sucks at delivering them, and him constantly repeating his opponents names gets really old.

So let me say this one last time:
IN MY OPINION, Randy Orton is the most boring main-eventer that I PERSONALLY have ever seen in my 24 years of watching wrestling. And that time DOES count for something, because I've seen a lot of main-eventers come and go. That was the reason I pointed out how long I'd been watching.

But thanks for butting in and taking everything I said out of context.
If I can't pick Batista, then hands down for me, it is Edge.

Edge has done the same song and dance routine for 4-5 years now in this "Ultimate Opportunist" character, and it has been ran into the ground. I know he will be returning as a Face, though so at least that will breathe some new life into him.

And although I like Orton, my interest in his character took a severe drop when they ditched the IED gimmick. That, in my opinion, damaged him in the eyes of the fans, because I just don't sense the interest level in him today compared to when he was playing that particular character to perfection.
It's by far Batista. He is one of the most boring ME guys to come around. He is beyond stale, and has no character. But he's off limits.... That makes no sense.

This I have to go with Taker. While I love him, he has become boring and stale, and doesn't do near as much as he use to. He has been with the same gimmick for over 5 years, while it's classic, it is also old. I am ready for him either to leave, or to switch it up. Some may criticize my point. (Takerfan) But I feel it is time for him to switch things up. Not his attire, nor his ring moves, gimmick wise something needs to change. He has become bland and predictable, more so than anyone in wwe. (Yes, I said more so than Cena....) Until so, I have to go with 'Taker.

After that I would say Cena. He does need to change things up. As he's been going with this character for nearly four years. I could list everything but that's a waste of time as you all now his faults better than I.
It's by far Batista. He is one of the most boring ME guys to come around. He is beyond stale, and has no character. But he's off limits.... That makes no sense.

This I have to go with Taker. While I love him, he has become boring and stale, and doesn't do near as much as he use to. He has been with the same gimmick for over 5 years, while it's classic, it is also old. I am ready for him either to leave, or to switch it up. Some may criticize my point. (Takerfan) But I feel it is time for him to switch things up. Not his attire, nor his ring moves, gimmick wise something needs to change. He has become bland and predictable, more so than anyone in wwe. (Yes, I said more so than Cena....) Until so, I have to go with 'Taker.

After that I would say Cena. He does need to change things up. As he's been going with this character for nearly four years. I could list everything but that's a waste of time as you all now his faults better than I.
While I agree with your points about Batista and Cena, I do not agree with your point about UnderTaker, because UnderTaker has gotten old. So with him getting older, he pretty much has to slow down. And yeah, his storylines have pretty much been the same, the wrestler in the program with him would say "I am not afraid of you Undertaker!!! and then when the lights go out and they have that blue effect on the screen, they are seen cowering like mad in the ring and put their hands to their heads and open their mouths as if they were to scream. Then they would get out of the ring as fast as possible only to see Taker either behind them or come up on the titantron, then he either chokeslams, last rides, or tombstones them or gives a whole speech about how they should be afraid followed by the REST IN PEACE and that 'Knife across the throat' gesture. thats followed by taker getting on one knee and rolling his eyes to the back of his neck and raising his hand up and sticking out his tongue like if he is gene simmons from kiss.
Thats as predictable as he is. It is stale and boring now.
To me it's either HBK or Edge and I'm leaning slightly towards HBK. Unless it's Wrestlemania, he doesn't seem interested for half the matches he wrestles in which is very few. You can tell he doesn't care half the time and he seems to be coasting for the time being. He has interested me in a match since around 2005.

On to Edge, I've never found the appeal of him to be honest. Sure he is the Ultimate Opportunist and always does his thing in the final minutes of the match to sneak out a win, but he always bores me before that. I've never found anything he does in the ring that makes me think that I want to keep watching him. I'm not going to say he's good because of the people he works with but he was good in 2002 and 2003 when he was facing Angle and Guerrero. I enjoyed watching that Edge but this Edge not so much.
Randy Orton's voice is really boring but his character development has won me over. I like he's viper like style now and his slowly losing his mind gimmick

CM Punk is really boring atm.

It's hard to nail down one over the history as there's been alot of them
Big Show - always been pretty boring and pointless
JBL - i found really boring as a in ring heel and commentator
MEM - anyone in the current MEM (wasn't always the case but i'm just going with current)
Sting - alot of his career
Stone Cold - His paranoid wimp heel character
Chris Jericho - since returning has been very snooze worthy.

I don't agree HBK doesn't seem to care? he always puts on a good match regardless of who it's against abnd despite his numerous persistant injuries and obvious pain he still puts his body on the line in every match whether it's a PPV or RAW and i also might add that he is always helping guys get over.

I won't deny Edge can be pretty boring on the mic but in ring he's not that bad, it's the character of Ultimate Opportunist that is boring not Edge himself

but thats your opinion and you are entitled to it.
Well for me even though he is off limits I don't care i'm picking Batista. The reason being hearing him talk on the mic is quite boring because how he speaks is like a student in front of a classroom giving a speech: awkward, stumbling over his words, and doesn't really know how to show emotion in what he is saying. His matches are average at best. The only person who can make him glow in the ring somehow is The Undertaker. I haven't seen his recent match with Jericho but from what i've heard it was shit, and his match with Orton from this past Monday made me shake my head in shame. His matches are not entertaining, he has no personality so I don't find him interesting at all, and he just has good physic that is it.

An honorable mention goes to Randy Orton, don't get me wrong I like Orton as much as the next guy but, his recent work since his last 2 WWE title reigns has been minimal. He hasn't really put on great matches, in fact he slows them down and makes them boring. Just look at the I Quit match from Breaking Point a prime example. His promo from Breaking Point was also one of the best promos he has done in a long time, which in my opinion says something.
personally i think the most boring main eventer is roidtista. his promos r straight up terrible and are always along the lines of, "im gona kick your ass," to who ever hes talking about. he gets injured and when he gets back from one he always has to get revenge on who ever "hurt" him and then hes in the title hunt. cant wait till he retires.

undertaker to me is getting boring but i always liked him more than roidtista. i would love to see him go heel but i kno like everyone else said it wouldnt make sence cuz hes gona retire soon. his promos are all the same and he always does the same lights go out and then appears thing. it just gets old.

hbk RIGHT NOW is boring when hes with dx. when hes with HHH in dx he plays the "idiot" of the group and it gets really boring really fast. i kno that he might retire soon too, but i would love to see him go heel like the rock did in his last few months. the last time hbk was heel was when he fought hogan at summerslam in 2005 and i thought he was fantastic at it.

cena, would love to see go heel too but i kno that wont happen. he cuts good promos but his skills arnt that great, but i can deal with him.

hhh is getting extremely boring when hes with dx and when hes not with dx. all hes done the past 2 years is feud with cena and orton over and over again except when he was on smackdown for a little with edge.

big show and kane r both very old and very boring, hate both of their characters and they are getting very slow in the ring and wwe should just get rid of them (khali too)

edge, randy orton, y2j, christian, and cm punk in my opinion are the best main eventers right now

as for people who theyre grooming for main eventers:

morrison- love him, hes got charisma and is good in the ring
the miz- he owns, love his "im the miz and im awesome" catch phrase, except i hate his new look, he definitely looked better out of a speedo
mvp- hes just recently i noticed hes slow in the ring and hes not very good on the mic as a good guy, i think he was much better as a heel
dolph ziggler- great in the ring, ok on the mic, kinda looks like mr ass (hopefully hell be better)
ted dibiase- hes really good in the ring, mic skills are pretty good
carlito- i dont think hell be a main eventer but as of late i love his new look, hes funny on the mic and hes great in the right, i think if he got rid of the apple gimmick and some new music people could take him more seriously
I would have to say that it is randy orton, i didnt used to think that before 2009 but his new character its boring to me, his character is indifferent...and his promos are boring ...he has no attitude, he doesnt give me reason to hate him, the two biggest heels right now are jericho and orton compare the heat they receive between them.
i know people r gonna give hate but right now i hate William Regal. his look makes him look like a full on drug addict and he just pisses me off. but if that doesnt count i would go for...Big show because he is just so slow and boring
I really want to know who you guys think is the most boring main eventer in the WWE right now... and I'm not talking about Triple H, Cena, or Batista, I'm talking about other guys like Orton, Michaels, etc.

My pick goes to Orton. I don't understand why everyone loves this guy, cuz he's a heel? His character is incredibly boring, from his mic skills to his chinlocks and foot stomps in the ring. I mean, when was the last time we saw Orton light up an area by putting on a ****+ match? ...I'm not a Cena fan but I do not think he deserves any shit when you're comparing him to Orton. I respect the man to death but I just find no interest in his character.

1) Orton is that slow and methodical because he's wrestling an older version of heel wrestling. He goes that slow and is that monotonous because he's legitimately putting the crowd pops into the hands of the face he's squaring off against. It's not his fault half the crowd cheers him like jackasses.

2) I can't see why people constantly shit on Cena. He is consistently over, and can tell a story in the ring like few others. He and Orton were able to put Miz/Dibiase over while still having them lose. Who else can do that by telling a great story in the ring? Fucking Shelton Benjamin?


The most boring, honestly, would have had to have been a tie between Lashley and Batista. They are both built as big men who can't do much of anything else. Cena is consistently built on his strength, but at least he has a god damned character. Batista is the man who has shitty insults and is constantly out because of being injured, and Lashley is the man who looks really good, but doesn't have a charismatic bone in his body. Not a single, solitary bone in his body.

Then, you look at their wrestling. They're okay for power wrestlers, but I think people like JBL and Cena do markedly better with the same style.

Their mic skills are/were shit, their wrestling little more than horrendous. Not just because they're power wrestlers, either. Because they couldn't tell a story if it came up, sat in their lap, and auto-turned the pages when they got done with the last sentence.
I agree with everybody who has said Orton. I get it, people are defending him by saying that he's supposed to talk slow and look half dead all the time to get heel heat, but it's still boring as hell and I don't look forward to any of his matches any more because of it. It's not like the gimmick works very well anyway, since he's getting more cheers every week. The only upside to the current "viper" character is that nobody can ever claim that the gimmick is getting stale, since it is based on him being stale in the first place.
Edge is a interesting choice the general IWC usually likes him but to me he's been the same guy since NYR 2005, that's a long time with the same gimmick folks. Look I like Edge a lot but that injury was the best thing for him CM Punk has taken his place as the top SD heel. Edge will come back as a face and my love for his character will be rekindled

HBK is my main vote he is boring even in DX which revolves around comedy his promos seem dragged and over acted, yup he can put on a good match...... when he wants to which isn't often he normally just doesn't care in my eyes.

Everybody knows Batista is the worst ME I'm just bringing up two other guys that deserve the honor.
Edge is a interesting choice the general IWC usually likes him but to me he's been the same guy since NYR 2005, that's a long time with the same gimmick folks. Look I like Edge a lot but that injury was the best thing for him CM Punk has taken his place as the top SD heel. Edge will come back as a face and my love for his character will be rekindled

HBK is my main vote he is boring even in DX which revolves around comedy his promos seem dragged and over acted, yup he can put on a good match...... when he wants to which isn't often he normally just doesn't care in my eyes.

Everybody knows Batista is the worst ME I'm just bringing up two other guys that deserve the honor.

Edge's gimmic is boring? REALLY? hahaha Triple H and Batista's gimmics are way worse than Edges.

Batista has been the exact same after he left Evolution up to now, the Animal, I barely do any work and win matches Batista.

and Triple H has been running on the same tank of gas for what 10+ years. I am the Game, I refuse to do the job

I agree with the point on HBK, he sucks in DX and is far better when he's alone, Triple H brings him down.
While I agree with your points about Batista and Cena,


I do not agree with your point about UnderTaker, because UnderTaker has gotten old. So with him getting older, he pretty much has to slow down. And yeah, his storylines have pretty much been the same, the wrestler in the program with him would say "I am not afraid of you Undertaker!!! and then when the lights go out and they have that blue effect on the screen, they are seen cowering like mad in the ring and put their hands to their heads and open their mouths as if they were to scream. Then they would get out of the ring as fast as possible only to see Taker either behind them or come up on the titantron, then he either chokeslams, last rides, or tombstones them or gives a whole speech about how they should be afraid followed by the REST IN PEACE and that 'Knife across the throat' gesture. thats followed by taker getting on one knee and rolling his eyes to the back of his neck and raising his hand up and sticking out his tongue like if he is gene simmons from kiss.
Thats as predictable as he is. It is stale and boring now.

Yeah, you just made my point for me... How about you give me something that doesn't make him predictable.... Once you do that I'll respond, but really you made my argument. That is all he does. Same thing that we have seen for the best 5 years... Same old same old. Get something new...
Look I was trying to go outside the box instead of picking popular choices your obviously an Edge fan and I respect you defending him, I'm a big Orton fan and will defend him as well.

It's just Edge has had the same shtick for a long time granted not as long as Trips, HBK and Batista but he's been the ultimate opportunist since 2005 that's a long time in this game.

Like I said though he will be a babyface upon return Smackdown has a new number one heel and Edge will be freshened up when he's back and I can't wait.

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