Cena Cena Cena Cena Cena and more Cena.
I'll catch hell for this but oh well. Did Cena work his ass off to get where he is? Yes he did and I will give credit to him where credit is due. But from his 2nd match (his 1st does not count because Kurt Angle made him look like a star), Cena's ring skills and overall ring ability have not improved in the slightest bit.

Seriously, leave the forums. If you truly believe this, then we don't need people with your knowledge of wrestling around here bringing us down.
John Cena has blossomed from a limited worker in his early days to the best worker in the company, BY FAR. No one is as versatile as he is, and no one has put on as many good matches as he has over the last three or four years.
Saying Cena hasn't improved, or that he is undeserving is ridiculous.
Don't be. He sucks.I'm sitting here stunned that I've seen Shawn Michael's name on this thread.
Bullshit. JERICHO was superb. Michaels was a whiny mopey little bitch who acted like a 3 year old who just got his toy taken from him.His recent programme with Jericho was superb,
Bullshit again. JBL made HBK watchable. If it was the other way around, then how come HBK was getting booed? JBL was literally getting HBK booed.he made JBL watchable for a while,
The only match of the year he's had since his return was 2007 when he won it with John Cena. And that was the match that Cena carried the offense, not Michaels.and the man has match of the year EVERY F**KING YEAR!
No he didn't. He was on the sidelines while Hogan, the nWo, Rock and Austin shaped the industry. He did jack shit for it.He help shape this industry
The irony in this statement is amazing.So many fans nowadays have no idea whatsoever.................none!
This should be good.Well kids now u all have to listen to me.

And you are clearly flaming. It's never a good idea to flame a moderator.Anyone who thinks HBK does not deserve to be in the Main Event is clearly an idiot.
You're right. Generally it's accepted practice to allow a guy who wants no business doing anything for the company other than what suits him to be in the main-event, even when it's a proven fact that as a main-event draw he's terrible and he's completely disinterested in the ring. Generally it's a good idea to let that same guy NEVER put over anyone for a title except for his friends, to act like an ass, and to be rewarded for it.There is no question that he deserves his spot
Yes, generally those are the people who "deserve" a spot. Are you kidding me? Do you actually watch wrestling?
I know exactly what this thread is about.I'm stunned that so many people are having a pop at HBK on this thread, remember what this thread is about... it's asking whether DESERVE to be in the ME.
HBK doesn't want to promote the company, doesn't want to win a title, doesn't want to work house shows, doesn't want to put other talent over clean for titles, doesn't look interested in working aside from a couple big dates a year, and doesn't even draw flies to shit.
How does someone like that deserve to be in the main-event?
Bullshit. He doesn't want the title, because he doesn't want to do the work that comes with being champion. He just wants to show up on Monday night, collect his paycheck, and go home.If anything it has annoyed me that they won't put the strap back onto HBK because he is too modest and wants to give the new talent their shot.
And, for someone his age, that's fine. No problem. But that doesn't mean he deserves to be in the main-event for it.
He couldn't even wrestle Mr. Perfect and make it look good.Hinkey1 put it best when he said that he could wrestle a broomstick and make it look good!
Oh really? Because Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, and Triple H have all said that Cena is a good worker and has deserved everything he's gotten.When you have people like Cena (Who has been told by many wrestlers in the back) that he can't wrestle a damn ! a damn people !!!
So, who are these "wrestlers in the back"? And tell me what exactly makes their opinion more credible than Flair, Hogan, Jericho, Angle and Triple H.
We won't miss you.I swear to god, I could quite literally explode right now..........
LOL..if it wasn't for the Hell in a Cell with him and HHH, this would be the most over glorified piece of shit match ever.He had match of the year at Summerslam with HHH in street fight
Yeah...or in 2003, either way.he's carried Hogan to his first decent match in DECADES

How did he carry Hogan? Do you even know what it means to carry someone? Acting like an ass, completely overselling everything is not what carries a match. If Hogan wasn't the great professional worker that he was, that match would have bombed. That match was decent thanks to Hogan, not HBK's whiny ass.
If you consider overrated spotfest matches to be "tearing it up", then sure. It wasn't even the best match on that card, MITB was.he tore up Mania with Angle (Match of the year)
I sure hope you're talking about from WM 19.Jericho (match of the year)
That match was terrible. People only praise it because Benoit won the title. The match itself was flat terrible and a waste of my time watching. Hell, it wasn't even a Triple Threat match, it was a revolving 1-on-1 match. One guy would roll in the ring, at the same time another rolled out. It was some of the laziest match booking I've ever seen.Benoit/HHH (match of the year, seeing a pattern here yet????)
AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAalso Flair (Match of the year!)
I bet you have a shrine in your bedroom to HBK don't you? You must if you think the match with Flair was anything other than awful.
Coming from the person who thinks HBK is actually worth a damn anymore, I can't help but laugh.Fans like you shouldn't be allowed on here, forum or not, free speech or mot, all you do is make yourself look like a complete tit, and it's embarrassing to read, it really is. You are beyond help......