Who's The Most Undeserving WWE/World Heavyweight Champion?

The championship reign of Kane's is more annoying though. I mean Kane was a great big man! Scary as hell, unstoppable and not one dimensional like most big men, but his championship reign was a joke! One day and then given back to Austin. If that wasn't bad enough, Kane hasn't had another run since then. I don't get it.
Kane himself is NOT undeserving, but that reign certainly was.

I couldn't agree with you more. Kane is the exact opposite of what we are looking for in this thread. He NEEDS another title reign before his career ends.

Undeserving champion? Rey Mysterio. I like the guy, but his reign didn't work because he was just TOO small. Eddie, Jericho etc. did not look as small as Rey does. It just didn't work for him, it wasn't believable. I guess he's undeserving because he should never have been considered good enough, and it was only from the fallout of Eddie's death that he got one. It could have easily happened to Chavo had he had a better push prior to his uncle's death.
People say Eddie and Rey were underserving. What makes them undeserving? You can’t blame them for the way they were booked. People would easily assert that Benoit was deserving, but I’d like to think that Eddie, Benoit and Rey are almost from the same crop. I personally think Eddie was more deserving than Benoit…and I’m not saying this due to the tragic events involving Benoit.

Eddie was champion in an interesting time in WWE. The brands were completely separated. I think if there was a bit more interpromotional involvement, then Eddie would’ve been in better feuds and matches…like with HBK for instance (a personal dream for me).

Rey indeed was the charity case champion as Randy Orton coined him. But at the same time, I think he deserved it. So what if he’s small. People thought Bret Hart was too small to be champion when you have guys like Hogan and Warrior as champion. Rey and Eddie worked their asses off and they were more than deserving. They were over with the fans and excellent workers.

I look at drawing power, ring work, work ethic, charisma, skills, and sensibility in the reign.

My list…

Bob Backlund (1994)
Realistically, do I need to say more? His last reign was before I was even born. He hadn’t done anything major in over a year…and the last big thing for him was him looking like a jobber to Razor Ramon at Wrestlemania 9. But for storyline purposes…I understand.

Diesel (1994-1995)
I liked Diesel…but I was 9 then. Outside of being HBK’s bodyguard, I don’t think that Diesel really established himself as a main eventer. Nash was over…barely…but he was never a great worker. He was supposed to be the next Hogan…but it failed. He was more believable chasing Shawn for the title.

Vince McMahon (1999)
Triple H had become a believable heel and everyone wanted to see him knocked off his pedestal. So the sensibility and shock value of Vince of all people doing winning the title was pretty cool (considering they were feuding). But a promoter being the flagship does nothing more than cheapen the title.

Triple H (2002)
Triple H being awarded the World Heavyweight Championship kinda messed my perception of how they really view that title…even to this day. I hate to see anyone be awarded any title. That’s just like a sports team with a great record being awarded the championship. That cheapens everything and pisses a lot of people off. I can understand it for storyline purposes, but I don’t like it.

Shawn Michaels (2002)
Shawn’s World Heavyweight Title reign was unnecessary…but I understand why they did it. The guy had wrestled 2 matches in 4 years and now he’s champion? His “ring rust” was pretty noticeable too!

Goldberg (2003)
Goldberg had a World Heavyweight Title in WWE? You almost forgot too, huh…LOL.

Hulk Hogan (1993 & 2002) (5th and 6th reigns respectively)
His 1993 reign was a slap in the face to Bret and Yoko in my opinion. Politics.
His 2002 reign was one of those feel good nostalgic moments for old fans…but it was nothing but politics as far as I’m concerned. Yes, Hogan was and is an icon. Yes he was a draw. But truthfully, most of Hogan’s reigns were due to him politicking. What did he do to deserve a title run in 2002…aside from a memorable match with The Rock. Lets not forget about “THE FINGERPOKE OF DOOM” either…

The Rock (2001-2002)
As much as I am a devoted fan of The Rock…he did NOT deserve a WCW Championship or WWE Championship. It made no sense. He went away, filmed movies, worked a busy but limited schedule, and now he’s champion? Doesn’t make sense.

The Great Khali (2007)
Nuff said…

JBL (2004)
I think JBL deserved a title run. He was over as a heel and he was (and still is) great at it. But a year!? No.

CM Punk (2008)
I like Punk. He’s a great guy in and out of the ring…but he just wasn’t ready. The scenario was awesome though…but he just wasn’t ready.
Well i'll be agreeing with rpevious posts but here goes
David Arquette. WTF?
Khali - AUGFEUIHALIUEFHO:Je - WTF did he say? made Andre the Giant look coordinated
Rey Mysterio - Totally unbelievable
Jeff Hardy - total joke

could say John Cena but that would be too easy, and then i'd have to lump Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan in there for bugger all in ring skill.

I disagree in theory with Vince winning the title, which btw was via winning the Royal Rumble not beating Triple H. At the time he was heavily fueding with Austin so it was all part of the storyline to stop Austin from winning at all costs. anyway atleast Vince has a wrestler build and can fight regardless how old he was.

Sgt Slaughter was once again part of the storyline, who better to have as a heel champion then an American turncoat during the Gulf War era a guy i might add that was a Hulk Hogan like "All American" world champion in the early 80's. and low and behold the "Ultimate" American Hulk Hogan recaptured the title off him at the Great American WrestleMania.

Another possibility is, Warriors title run was a joke after the initial buzz of beating Hogan so they wanted to take the title off him and give it back to Hogan and for whatever reason they didn't want to do a WrestleMania 6 rematch and then as above the Gulf War was goin on so art imitates life, US vs Iraq/Iran

Least thats my take on that situation
Funny that Jeff Hardy just got brought up after all these other names have been thrown around countless times. I personal have always been a fan of hardy's despite the fact that his mic work is horrible. Guess I just thought you'd all tear him apart.

As for my opinion I'd have to say BIG SHOW was probably one of the worst champs of all time. I remember going to a house show when he was champ and his fight with the big boss man not only stunk the place up, but, it was also one of the first matches to take place. that night HHH and The Rock headlined. Now THOSE were some real champions.
im gunna say the big show in 99 for sure. a weak substitute for the injured austin gets the belt for a month and a half. his only ppv title defence was a mid card match against bossman which was largely forgettable. a poor title regin imo.

i also think hbks regin in 97-98. now even tho the montreal screwjob is 1 reason i think another reason is i do think the belt shud hav gone to austin. it was his feud with bret that largely begun the usa vs canada angle. it would have been a better more logical ending to brets wwe career.

Also any of sids runs as champ. never a fan of him as champ and didnt really see any drawing power there. but aside from bret, taker n hbk i guess they were a lil stuck 4 choice at that time!
the answer to this is quite simple: the most undeserving champ to me was the not so great khali. i mean come on, this guy can barely move. compared to his moves, hogan's finisher is exciting to watch ;)

This includes anyone who's ever won the WWE Championship or the WWE's version of the WHW Championship since its 2002 inception.

i know it's a little off topic, but back in wcw, the most undeserving whc was david arquette, who wasn't even a wrestler.
Here are my picks for most undeserving champs.

Triple H's 5 World Heavyweight Title reigns- It amazes me on how the hell did he get to hold that title 5 times. I don't think he truly deserved to hold that title as I think him & his backstage politics were the reason why he held that title 5 times.

JBL- His nearly 10 month reign was just awful. He got only one match(the fatal 4 way match with Taker, Booker T & Eddie), his ring work was terrible & I think he is the only reason why his matches as champion sucked. Hell even Angle couldn't carry his fat ass to a decent match.

John Cena's reign as World Heavyweight Champion- I know that him winning the title was supposed to be a good feel moment but I can't stand the way he won it. Even though the reign wasn't that bad, I just didn't like the way he won it.
HOGAN in wrestlemania 9....what a f'n cheater this guy always was you talk about an oppertunist he almost killed bret harts career before it truly got off the ground.
GREAT KHALI aka the pujabi ginger bread man..jesus christ..what were they thinking this guy sucks and should be limmited to fighting animals like grizzlies and giraffes
BIG SHOW just a time filler because austin was hurt..weak
and CM PUNK...yeah yeah i know..i know but he wasn't ready...i like the way he won it kinda..but the way he lost it proves he wasn't ready...
Without A doubt the most undeserving champion was The Great Khali

First of all this guy can't even speak english!!! His character is awful and his ring work is non existant. without a doubt Khali is the absolute wost possiable choice as a champion
I'm tired of Kane being fucked around with. He's done nothing but be loyal to WWE and was suppose to be this unbeatable Monster and that faded away like every thing they put him in.
This Vacated fella, he's held the belts a total of 10 times, yet no one knows who he is. A truly undeserving champion, indeed.

On a serious note it has to go to the Great Khali, terrible in the ring, and he once killed a guy by botching a move, who's idea was it to make him WHC? A terrible, terrible champion who did not deserve this one bit whatsoever.
C.M. Punk: The W.W.E's answer to "Oh shit, we suddenly have two Champions on the same show. Fuck, what do we do?"

I don't think there's ever been a more worthless, pathetic excuse for a World Heavyweight Champion. I mean, as I stated the prime reason he even became a Champion is because they had to suddenly figure out how to get a World Heavyweight title back to Raw, without it being a totally weird reason. So they had Punk cash in the MITB to do it. Then they tried pushing him as credible, and he got as much "cred" as Heavyweight Champion as Adamle did as General Manager.

Secondly, Punk almost single handedly ruined the Money in the Bank cash-in issue. I mean, is it SO HARD to believe that not everyone who wins that match, is automatically going to become Heavyweight Champion? If anything, I think Punk would've gotten more credibility if he would've been the first guy to LOSE via cashing in, instead of winning like everyone else, only to become the worst Champion in recent memory as a result.
This is easily Jeff Hardy. He didn't deserve the belt when he recieved it and it was a kindly risky buisness move. A few short months prior to obtaing the belt, he was irresponsible and reckless. He was absent at several schedualed events and was on drugs (probably justifies his absences).
I agree w/ a lot of the ones mentioned, particularly Hogan, Khali, and Backlund. And primarily, HHH. I'm sure there are more out there, but Hogan didn't need to keep getting the belt and HHH is this era's Hogan. Getting the belt just because you can just cheapens the sport and Trip's current reign is no exception. They can find interesting enough storylines for him w/out making the Championship belt look like a cheap hooker your CEO buddy buys you on a whim on a drunken Saturday night. I'd go so far as to say that HHH constantly getting titles from daddy-in-law is as shameful to the sport as David Arquette winning a title. But back on track, I think everybody has covered it pretty nicely.
Bravo, bravo! To the defenders of Booker, CM Punk, Jericho, RVD, Eddie, Rey, etc., that's exactly what I thought when I saw those names referred to negatively. They all had cred and deserved their reigns. And yeah, maybe Cena's becoming the poster child and a modern day version of Hulk as far as his image towards the populace goes, but I think he's deserving of it. He's the consummate underdog and is believable in his role. Hulk was just a twit who couldn't be believable if he tried. (See-acting career) And back to regarding the names that showed variety, it was nice to see the belt on somebody who's name didn't have a couple of H's in it.
I'm going with Edge. Not all of his reigns, but now its getting ridiculous. It feels like he wins and loses it every month. I won't be surprised when he drops it back to Cena at Mania.

If thats no good enough I will go with Rey and The Great Khail.
Rey for the obvious reason that he looked terrible as champ.
Khail b/c he just is terrible.
The most undeserving Champions in my mind are;

The Great Khali - I think WWE put the belt on him at this time because quite frankly they had NO ONE else on Smackdown at that time. Also I think at that time WWE were unsure on how long Khali would last in WWE because of his knees, if you ever see Khali walk you can tell why.

CM Punk - Punk is a great wrestler sure, but he had been in WWE little more than 2 years before he won the World Championship, I wasn't fussed about him being ECW Champion, because lets face it thats really about the same league as the US or Intercontinental title.

There are a few who I didn't like as Champion, but to be honest I don't think that anyone else is undeserving of being the World or WWE Champion.
The most undeserving Champions in my mind are;

The Great Khali - I think WWE put the belt on him at this time because quite frankly they had NO ONE else on Smackdown at that time. Also I think at that time WWE were unsure on how long Khali would last in WWE because of his knees, if you ever see Khali walk you can tell why.

I disagree there. Khali wasn't the best one to put the belt on at the time I agree there.... but no one else? Edge vacated the title because he got injured by Kane, who he was in a feud with at the time. They shortly afterwards awarded Orton the wwe title when Cena got injured during their feud, why didn't they just give the world title to Kane because it was a similar scenario? Perhaps Kane didn't want it, I dunno.

Anyways my pick is REY MYSTERIO!!!!!!!!!

Why do you ask? Rey is a CRUISERWEIGHT! If he got the wwe championship then maybe it would have been more believable, but COME ON, you expect fans to believe that a CRUISERWEIGHT could win the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship?

I have not been able to STAND rey ever since then. Which reminds me of No Way Out just recently, I have never rooted for Edge so much before because I was going to riot if Rey won the world heavyweight title AGAIN, ugh....

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