Who's The Most Undeserving WWE Main Eventer?

It's a shame that a few people let their dislike of a wrestler cloud their judgement of things.

HBK is the greatest in ring performer EVER. And it's been said by Vince, Jim Ross, Jericho, Gerry B, Foley, Flair, HHH, Nash, both Outlaws and I could go on for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time, and whilst some may be his friends, there are other who couldn't stand him yet still say, business wise, he's IT.

He may not, week in, week out, be what he was but for a man of his age, he can perform when he wants to and looking back over his career, he's untouchable.

I reckon we may even get Bret Hart to admit this, if we ask reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nicely.

Anyone who doesn't see this (the Bret bit aside) either has issues stopping them, or is just being argumentative for the sake of it. Let's all deal with these issues so we can agree, you'll all look so much better for it and you'll feel liberated knowing that you have finally faced the truth.

It's out there.............................grab it with both hands!!!
Please tell slyfox96 to look at this!!!!!!!!

i agree with you completely. Ted dDebase was on of those legends who admitted that hbk was the best despite his dislike of him. so i was watching WWE 24/7 the other day and i watched WWE Legends: Texas, during this show Jim Ross, Gene Oakerland, Michael Hayes, Dusty Rhodes and Bill Watts all simultaneously and unanimously agreed that HBK was without a doubt the greatest big match performer in the history of the business! this is for slyfox96. you used a statment that jericho said about Cena where he said tat cena is a tremendous worker and every main event hes been was good. you also implied that by me disagreeing with this statement suggested that i though t i knew more about wrestling than Jericho. well you can go ahead and eat your words buddy because jericho called shawn michaels the "greatest wrestler of all time" another quote ' when it comes to is to me hes the total package charisma, match quality, innovation, match quality, interview style, pionneering moves ive seen everyday, moves ive never seen before, all of it, yeah man to me Shawn michaels is the greatest of all time" Jericho also called HBK" lika the mozart or McCartney as far as being an artist. hes like and rembrandt, a genius at what he does! and hes a genius at painting a picture, or writing a song and only few people in the history of the world as an artist has ever been up to the level of performance that Shawn michaels does when hes inside the wrestling ring. that's his form of artistry and hes the best at it!" wow Jericho basically called Shawn Michaels Jesus so ars you implying that you know more about wrestling than Jericho Mr. fox96/ because if thats your position you can and will be torn into shreds! and i dont know if you pay attention sly but ur Idol cena calls HBK " the appitimy of big time, he is what the marquee is about, hedelivers every time he out there" wow your god worships the man you hate the most thats pretty awkward situation for you isnt it? also you speak of flair and Tripl H given cena props are you aware that flair called HBK "the gretest performer of all time" while Triple h says of Hbk ' when people ask me whos the best i been in the ring with/ i say Shawn and its not even close'" damn will Cena ever somebody say that about him? i doubt it so basically every point you tried to make for cena is actually a much sharper point for michaels ouch your views be completly out shadowed by the people you tryed to use to make your points has to hurt the pride of westlezones favorite poster. i will mercifully end the slaugher of slyfox69 oops 96 with this ; you look at all the variables,and look at it objectfully how do you not say that shawn michaels isn't the greatest to ever live?'" sly have you looked ate the variables? apparently not? because apperently been the biggest draw or selling the most tee shirts to kids make you the best when the wrestler you boast about and the three wrestlers whos words you tried to use to prove such a lame theory clearly think other wise. ps when Vince ,who is by the way the creater of the WWe and ruler of th wrestling world says ;your in a category all by yourself" theres really not any arguoing agianst it sorry sly. haha i wonder what he would say about cenas carrer/ :the biggest draw i ever had, no sorry thats Hogan, The best worker weve ever had, no sorry that michaels ,hmm well cena was Cena' thats probably the best He will ever get period just not up to the caliber of a performer that michaels is period sorry to crush you sick dreams buddy. .. .. .. .well actually im not you walk around like you gods gift to wrestling and like your better than everybody else on this site, when it was just proven you dont know too much apparently because each quote you used for cena the same wrestler had a stronger counter quote for HBK ut hey i dont know maybe some internet loser knows more about greatness than Cena, Jericho Triple H and the other hundreds of people i can name that are actually are or were involved with wrestling knows? highly doubt it but you may be smarter than you made yourself sound?

by the way Screw you and your little moderator spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and dont forget to look at the variables sly, objectively!!!!!

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