Most Boring Main Eventer

Its a tough one

Ill go with Batista but he isnt the only stale/boring main eventer im bored of around

Apart from CM PUNK there is no one else who is a fresh main eventer at the moment it really is a boring time to be a wrestling fan espicially since Taker and Batista are back on smackdown

Triple H gets a shout out more stale than boring, Big Show has always been boring if he counts as a main evneter

I love Edge and HBK but both need freshning up luckily Edge will be a face when he comes back so problem sold unfortunatly Michales is doing the lame DX routine

Orton has faltered since mania more times than not and Jericho is wasting his time tagging with Big Show

There is a lot of competion but if I had to choose one id go with Batista with a honourable mention to Big Show,Taker,HHH,Cena (heel turn problem solved) and I wont defend Jericho and Orton because I can see why people think they are boring at the moment
Whoever says that 'Taker is boring is ridiculous! Sure we have seen him do his thing a million and one times, but when he comes on everyone is either glued to the T.V. set or on the edge of their seat and if you say that you aren't then you are either a new fan of the WWE or you are lying. I am going to go with lying. So if most people are glued to the television or on the edge of their seat, how is that boring?

The most boring main eventer, IMO, is Batista! I know, most people expected me to say Cena, but he is second on my list, for I hate Batista as much if not more than I do Cena. Batista lulls be to sleep everytime I see him. If it isn't his horrible mic skills then it is his horrible in ring ability. Batista is like the Ultimate Warrior of this age! Everything about him except for his look is horrible!
Whoever says that 'Taker is boring is ridiculous! Sure we have seen him do his thing a million and one times,
Exactly. As a result of this, his act is stale.

but when he comes on everyone is either glued to the T.V. set or on the edge of their seat and if you say that you aren't then you are either a new fan of the WWE
Wouldn't new fans like it more since they haven't seen it a million times already?

or you are lying
Not being a blind mark doesn't make anyone a liar and remarks like that are offensive to those who hold the very legit point of view that Taker is boring.

From his slow walk to the ring, to use of the chokeslam and and Last Ride that NOBODY actually believes will lead to a win, to promos that make people cringe and "spooky" antics that make me embarassed to be a wrestling fan, Taker ranks quite high when it comes to boring and tired main event acts.
Exactly. As a result of this, his act is stale.


Wouldn't new fans like it more since they haven't seen it a million times already?

My point was that to the many of us that have been watching WWF/E for a very long time, his act is legendary. New fans wouldn't feel the same about him that older fans do.

Not being a blind mark doesn't make anyone a liar and remarks like that are offensive to those who hold the very legit point of view that Taker is boring.

Score one for me. I offended Coco, whatever will I do?

From his slow walk to the ring, to use of the chokeslam and and Last Ride that NOBODY actually believes will lead to a win, to promos that make people cringe and "spooky" antics that make me embarassed to be a wrestling fan, Taker ranks quite high when it comes to boring and tired main event acts.

The Chokeslam and Last Ride are ten times more believable than an advanced firman's carry suplex which is what John Cena's finisher is. You might find those things boring but at this point in my life of being a wrestling fan, his act is legendary and I will never tire of seeing it! Just like abunch of you people would mark out for Hogan if he came back runnin wild on the WWE. 'Taker is last outlaw of the WWE, the last of the over the top gimmicks and he is legendary. Not to mention that he put's on better matches than most on the roster. Even if I wasn't a, how do you say it, "blind 'Taker mark?" I would still find him loads more entertaining than Cena or Batista!
My point was that to the many of us that have been watching WWF/E for a very long time, his act is legendary. New fans wouldn't feel the same about him that older fans do.
So what you're saying is he's coasting on the past and the only reason people care about him is longevity. He's the farthest thing from important or fresh in 2009.


He's boring as a result of that. He needs something new.

No, I don't mean a minor change in tights or pyro.

The Chokeslam and Last Ride are ten times more believable than an advanced firman's carry suplex which is what John Cena's finisher is.
What the fuck are you on about?

Honestly, this point is absurd.

I said the chokeslam and LR don't lead to convincing falls. I'm right.

The FU/AA ALWAYS leads to a convincing fall.

You lose.

You might find those things boring but at this point in my life of being a wrestling fan, his act is legendary and I will never tire of seeing it!
You personally eating it up with a spoon doesn't mean a spade isn't a spade and it doesn't mean Undertaker isn't boring and stale.

Not to mention that he put's on better matches than most on the roster.
Too bad he only gives one or two matches a year that are really worth watching.

Wow, what a great talent! It's hard to keep up with how totally exciting and fresh he is!
So what you're saying is he's coasting on the past and the only reason people care about him is longevity. He's the farthest thing from important or fresh in 2009.


He's boring as a result of that. He needs something new.

No, I don't mean a minor change in tights or pyro.

Yes he is coasting on the past. Just like HBK or HHH. Just like all wrestlers with any sort of longevity do! Hogan did it for years, Flair did it, Piper did it. All wrestlers with longevity do it. If Cena and Orton are around in 5 to 10 years they will do it. What exactly is your point?

What the fuck are you on about?

Honestly, this point is absurd.

I said the chokeslam and LR don't lead to convincing falls. I'm right.

The FU/AA ALWAYS leads to a convincing fall.

You lose.

I lose? How? How does the FU/AA lead to a convincing fall? Does it convince you? How does Cena, getting his ass whipped for 90% of the match and then doing 5 moves, one of which is firman's carry, lead to a convincing win? You are wrong!

You personally eating it up with a spoon doesn't mean a spade isn't a spade and it doesn't mean Undertaker isn't boring and stale.

I'm not the only fan that eats it up with a spoon. I'm actually in the majority of fans when it comes to loving 'Taker. You just saying that he is boring or saying why you don't like him, doesn't mean or prove shit to me. I'm still going to like it.

Too bad he only gives one or two matches a year that are really worth watching.

Hey you are actually right about something. I could care less how much he actually works. He has earned whatever schedule he gets. When he does wrestle, however, it is always entertaining and fun to watch.

Wow, what a great talent! It's hard to keep up with how totally exciting and fresh he is!

A better talent than Batista or Cena.
Well Khali is now out with knee surgery so I guess he doesn't count so I'm going to go with Kane. He hasn't done anything relative as of late or in the past year. The guy can cut a promo but he's gotta mix it up a bit and add something to his skillset.
im going to say (go figure) cena. BUT only the new "this is my life, its all i got, im super cena who cant be beat in a normal match CLEANLY" Cena. as said many times before on almost every forum, he does like nothing all match, then BOOM, out of no where win.. hmm.. almost like hulking up in a way?.. :suspic:
No one.

Each current main eventer has redeeming qualities that make them interesting in thier own ways. Let's run down the list, shall we?

John Cena
Excellent on the mic. His promos really liven everyone up, and he can really be funny at times. He puts on good matches and has recently really been putting over the Nexus. He doesn't ALWAYS win, like so many delusional IWC members think. And even if he wins a lot...he's supposed to. It's his character. He's supposed to be one of the best of the best, so it wouldn't make sense for the best of the best to lose all the time.

Refreshing and unique, in both look and mic skills. I find him to be VERY entertaining. He's different from your average power guy and definitely has that intangible "it" factor. He's funny in his own way, and a blast to listen to. A fantastic young talent that deserves his spot, no matter what the haters say.

Randy Orton
One of the hottest things in wrestling. While he may be boring on the mic, in the ring he's explosive. Ever since being turned face, Orton has sped up his moveset about four times, and I like it. He's capable of putting on good matches and working with people. I hope Miz and Orton get to feud sometime soon.

Triple H
Like him or hate him, the man is good on the mic, in the ring, and deserves all of his accolades. He's just talented. He also put Sheamus over in a big way, first by recommending him for a main event push and now by letting Sheamus take him out of action for so long.

Good on the mic. I'm not really a big fan of his, but he's a good heel, great at getting under the crowd's skin.

Chris Jericho
The man who can go from losing to Evan Bourne to being in the world title picture in the blink of an eye. He has all the credibility in the world because of his mastery on the mic. He's willing to put over young stars and it's still an upset when he does.

Jack Swagger
Again, I'll count him. While his first title run was largely disappointing, I believe that by his second he'll be back to the cocky Swagger we know and love. The young and brash Swagger is great in the ring and has been known to cut some fairly nice promos from time to time, and he has the look of a beast. Seriously, it wasn't until I saw him live that I realized how huge the dude is.

The Big Show
Spectacularly underrated. He's hilarious on the mic when he wants to be, and for a big man he's still fun to watch in the ring. I hope he gets another championship reign one of these days. He deserves it.

Rey Mysterio
A hard worker that deserved a better title reign than his first. His matches have been consistently great these past few years, and he's massively over. Whether he faces Jericho, Swagger, or The Undertaker, he constantly delivers gold. I don't care about the politicking or how he never loses, the fact is he always puts on a great match and his not-losing never gets tiresome.

The Undertaker
A true legend. The man commands respect and admiration from everyone, and he gets it in spades. He can return at any time and always seem like a threat to the top champion, because he's just that damn amazing. He can also still go in the ring. Not as good as he used to, but he isn't bad at all.

CM Punk
The total package. ring work, mic work, it's all top-notch. One of the best in the company. He is a heat magnet and consistently puts on excellent matches. I look forward to his next title run.

All of the main eventers have something going for them, and I find none of them boring. If I had to answer your question, I'd say Edge, but even he isn't that bad. Main eventers are main eventers for a reason, and none of them are completely "boring".
Doc said it perfectly, there's not really any boring main event wrestlers right now, the current product of WWE is doing just fine and the main event wrestlers are all entertaining to their bit.

They all have their way of entertaining the crowd. Be it of heel alignment or face alignment, we all have some that we find entertaining. We all have someone that we cheer for when he gets on screen, heel or face.

Because of this, it's hard to say that there's a definite boring main event wrestler, because it's all an opinion.

But if I really had to say someone, I would say Edge as well, he was by far one of my favorites around the time before he got injured, when he was on Smackdown, now he's a heel on RAW and doesn't seem to thrive at the same level that he used to as a heel on SmackDown.

And Edge wasn't entertaining as a face on SmackDown this year, so it kinda hurts him as well, because it bummed me out a bit about him. But even with that, I still don't find him boring, he's working a decent feud with Randy Orton. And the fact that he's now going into Money in the Bank in the ladder match, only makes him much more exciting.
I don't think that people find the main eventers boring, just the programs that they are put into. People see John Cena vs anyone and they start complaining because *clears throat* "CZENA IZ ALWAYS IN DA MAIN EVENTS!!!1!" when he is always there for a reason. Whether you love him or hate him, you get into his matches. He is either booed or cheered, but it is always a crowd reaction. People complain that he has 5 moves, but he tells a story.
Rey Mysterio. Hands down!

The problem with Mysterio is that he has been going on about the same gimmick for the last five years and it is about as entertaining as banging my head against a brick wall. For me, he has nothing interesting to add to the main event and at a time like this, I don’t think he should be in the main event. When you look at what the WWE is trying to accomplish right now by pushing some of the younger and newer talent, Rey Mysterio just doesn’t fit the bill and I cannot say that I actually like to watch Mysterio. He is boring, bland and any other synonym that you can name.

Personally, it is not a matter of him just being boring, it’s that he has literally no charisma. The worst thing that the WWE can do right now is give him a long title run because I will simply stop watching the show. To me, he is as boring as they come and he hasn’t got the skills on the mic to carry him. Sure, he is better than most of the main event talent in the ring but that is only a small part of the Rey Mysterio package and also what makes up a pro wrestler these days. When you look at the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton, you cannot help but think that he is the most boring of the bunch.

I must have heard the “ultimate underdog” line over a thousand times and I am not buying it. It’s that simple. Rey Mysterio is good enough in the ring that he is never an underdog in the ring and that is what annoys me most. It must be like a slap in the face to Mysterio too. “Yeah, Rey! You are good in the ring and all but we want to have your height being the gimmick”. It just makes no sense to me and he cannot play this role without really getting on my nerves. Honestly, the main event picture would not miss him and neither would I.

He was nothing...w8..he was something...Muscle...

his mic work sucked, the face he made lmfao... he could work a good match, but needed someone to carry him through a match...he was better when he was quiet and just attacked people(evolution days)...

And I think Ortons character is really good at the moment, its suits him best and no one else..who else could pull it off..from a heel getting cheered, so why not make him inbetween...
Without a doubt in my mind, Batista. The man really had nothing going for him, except his looks, which IMO are pretty weird. He really couldn't work for shit, his mic skills were TURRIBLE. How this guy got any type of reaction, heel of face is mind blowing to me. Like x said, he got turned down at the WCW Powerplant, that, to me says it all.

So yea, Batista is by far the most boring, useless ME'r I've ever seen in my time watching wrestling.
Im going to get flammed for this


He does the same moves over again

He just bores me his gimmick is lame and so is his entrance hes whole running salute dice chopper looking action is disrespectful to those in the army. You know when watching a Cena match his is 95% likely to win it so why bother if they arent going to change things up. The Attitude Adjustment is lame and the STFU is like too obvious its you can see there is no pressure what so ever.
I would say Cena, but that's too easy. Rey only made it on the laurels of Guerrero and would've never made it past the IC belt if not for Guerrero's death. That is why he is boring. Also I'm going to throw in Chris Benoit. Tech wrestling is not my thing and I hated him ever since he debuted in 2000 (WWF). The only time I tolerated him was when he faced/feuded with The Rock in 2000
all of a sudden its the cool thing to do to pretend john cena is entertaining? you gotta be kidding me. him and orton are the most boring main eventers in wwe by far. all orton does is make faces and slap the mat, and all cena does is kiss the fans ass and talk about how he never gives up. rey is boring as shit too, most faces are for some reason.
Rey Mysterio. Hands down!

Yes, yes, we all know your bias. Let's hear your three paragraph rant on why Rey Mysterio sucks.

;) (Ilu Dave <3)

The problem with Mysterio is that he has been going on about the same gimmick for the last five years and it is about as entertaining as banging my head against a brick wall.

That's usually entertaining for those watching. Who doesn't want to see you bang your head against a brick wall?

For me, he has nothing interesting to add to the main event and at a time like this, I don&#8217;t think he should be in the main event.

A time like this? A time like what? A time when smackdown is in dire need of main event faces? The only people who are face and could believably carry the championship come Fatal Four Way were The Big Show and Mysterio. I would have preferred Show, but Mysterio was the second best choice.

When you look at what the WWE is trying to accomplish right now by pushing some of the younger and newer talent, Rey Mysterio just doesn&#8217;t fit the bill

The problem is, there isn't a younger face that is main-event ready yet. At least, not on Smackdown. Kofi? No, not quite, and he already had the IC title. Christian? Heh, not with the way they've been booking him. I can't name a single face other than Show that is ready for the belt.

and I cannot say that I actually like to watch Mysterio. He is boring, bland and any other synonym that you can name.

What a silly thing to say. He has put on excellent matches with Jericho and Punk and others for the past year and a half.

Personally, it is not a matter of him just being boring, it&#8217;s that he has literally no charisma.

Bazillions of cheering fans would disagree with you.

The worst thing that the WWE can do right now is give him a long title run because I will simply stop watching the show.

Oh no, they lose one viewer! No one watches Smackdown, so I'm sure you'll make a huge difference refusing to watch.

To me, he is as boring as they come and he hasn&#8217;t got the skills on the mic to carry him.

Neither did Jeff Hardy.

Sure, he is better than most of the main event talent in the ring


but that is only a small part of the Rey Mysterio package and also what makes up a pro wrestler these days.

Wait wait wait wait. If all he has is his ring skills, how can they only make up a small part of the Rey Mysterio package?

When you look at the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton, you cannot help but think that he is the most boring of the bunch.

Not seeing it.

I must have heard the &#8220;ultimate underdog&#8221; line over a thousand times and I am not buying it. It&#8217;s that simple. Rey Mysterio is good enough in the ring that he is never an underdog in the ring and that is what annoys me most. It must be like a slap in the face to Mysterio too. &#8220;Yeah, Rey! You are good in the ring and all but we want to have your height being the gimmick&#8221;. It just makes no sense to me and he cannot play this role without really getting on my nerves. Honestly, the main event picture would not miss him and neither would I.

I can see your point here, but that's not Rey's fault...that's the commentators' fault. That's the writing staff's fault. That's Vince's fault. It's also what sells. Everyone likes an underdog story. Kids love Mysterio, and we can appreciate him for his ability to put on great matches.
Orton is the most boring main eventer to me and has been for about three or four years. Even now that he is a face, he still does the same monotone promos and has the same boring in-ring style. I usually fast forward an Orton match now because I know nothing interesting is going to happen.
Jack Swagger. Gotta be honest, he feels like a forced Kurt Angle wannabee with much less charisma. He is good in the ring, and can improve still, but he just bores the total life out of me. Theres just something about him that . . . . . . bores me? I dunno.

Just my thoughts lol
Big fan of you Doc, and I agree with you re: Mysterio but I'll go ahead and debate you here.

A time like this? A time like what? A time when smackdown is in dire need of main event faces? The only people who are face and could believably carry the championship come Fatal Four Way were The Big Show and Mysterio. I would have preferred Show, but Mysterio was the second best choice.

Third best. Swagger retaining would have been best, then the two you listed. This is because Swagger needed the win more than Mysterio. Rey's great, hugely entertaining but he doesn't need to win any more. He's getting older and his knee is buggered. He quite simply is getting to the stage of his career where he should be putting guys over, rather than adding notches to his belt (or putting more belts in his notches. Whichever.

The problem is, there isn't a younger face that is main-event ready yet. At least, not on Smackdown. Kofi? No, not quite, and he already had the IC title. Christian? Heh, not with the way they've been booking him. I can't name a single face other than Show that is ready for the belt.

What's wrong with a face chasing the title, and the heel doing all he can (within and outside the rules) to keep it from him. Rey could eventually have won at Summerslam, but left Swagger looking better than he left Fatal Fourway.

What a silly thing to say. He has put on excellent matches with Jericho and Punk and others for the past year and a half.

agreed Mysterio is an awesome performer. But then, one man's five star classic is another man's boring restholdfest.

Bazillions of cheering fans would disagree with you.

Yes, Rey is very over. The fans would continue to love him if he was chasing Swagger rather than pinning him.

Oh no, they lose one viewer! No one watches Smackdown, so I'm sure you'll make a huge difference refusing to watch.


Neither did Jeff Hardy.

Not a fan of Junkie Jeff. The man did get phenominally over though. And he didn't exactly have a smooth run at becoming the WHC did he? I say Rey should have been uncleanly pinned by Swagger, who'd retain (even if there were extenuating circumstances) at MitB before having a good long match at SummerSlam where Rey could beat Swagger (and like HHH did to Hardy) put him over in the process.

Wait wait wait wait. If all he has is his ring skills, how can they only make up a small part of the Rey Mysterio package?

Same way Wade Barrett's in ring skills are a small part of what makes him a great pro wrestler. Look, Mic Skills and other such factors count too.

Not seeing it.

Nor am I tbh. Rey, if nothing else is very fin to watch. Even if I loath, abhore and detest the 619.

I can see your point here, but that's not Rey's fault...that's the commentators' fault. That's the writing staff's fault. That's Vince's fault. It's also what sells. Everyone likes an underdog story. Kids love Mysterio, and we can appreciate him for his ability to put on great matches.

I agree with him here. Rey, while fun to watch is not a good world champion. It's not his just his size, it's that the WORLD CHAMPION is being billed as an underdog. Let me get this straight, the best guy in the world at wrestling is an underdog? I'm sorry but once you're the best in the world you're not an underdog. Right now, the Chicago Cubs are underdogs (or at the very least, lovable losers). If they won the World Series, they wouldn't be underdogs any more They'd be the guys EXPECTED to do well. being an underdog works UNTIL you win the title. At that point you aren't an underdog any more. You're the top dog who SHOULD be beating all comers.
If you talking about the main eventers in past then I would have to go with Ultimate Warrior. Since you are talking about the main eventers today, I would surely pick John Cena.
No doubt he has love for the business. He has paid his dues and deserve to be in main event. Sure his wrestling skills are not that good but still its ok. I dont like his way of storytelling in the ring. He has same story in the match so its not entertaining at all. His mic skills are ok but these days he getting bore on mic too because of his same old shitty charactor.
Too bad can't chose Drew McIntrye, he has to be the most boring character on the roster net to Teddy Long.

Main Event huh?

ok it'd be between Big Show, Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio.

Big Show - overall is a waste of space (period) once in a blue moon he can pull out something entertaining

Chris Jericho - has the ability to be one of the best, but his current heel character wore thin along time ago and he doesn't even get any love in ring. Sure alot of that is him wanting to put over others (give him props for that)

Rey Mysterio. WHY WHY do we have to put up with him beating the odds time and time again, his mic work is boring, he talks like a little kid with a big mouth, his matches are non-believable

Tough Choice,,,, overall ill go with Rey Mysterio, he just doesn't cut it for me anymore and hasn't since they psuhed him to the world title the first time
This threads back again? Always fun stuff. After watching Extreme Rules yesterday and being struck by how much Edge sucked the life out of everything, I had to come here and talk about it.

Edge is not very entertaining, when it comes to the ring anyway. Making out with Vickie kept my attention, somewhat. The last Edge match that wasn't underwhelming? Not sure. Not many to choose from.

He needs to do something to be interesting again, or maybe he never was in the first place? Maybe a new haircut or a fancy bow or something. That'd do the trick.
Big fan of you Doc, and I agree with you re: Mysterio but I'll go ahead and debate you here.
This should be fun. :)

Third best. Swagger retaining would have been best, then the two you listed. This is because Swagger needed the win more than Mysterio.

Oh don't get me wrong, I completely agree. However, I was looking at it as though they needed to put it on a face for whatever reason.

Rey's great, hugely entertaining but he doesn't need to win any more. He's getting older and his knee is buggered. He quite simply is getting to the stage of his career where he should be putting guys over, rather than adding notches to his belt (or putting more belts in his notches. Whichever.

Again, I agree. however, he is in no way boring and if he must be in the main event then there are plenty of reasons he deserves it.

What's wrong with a face chasing the title, and the heel doing all he can (within and outside the rules) to keep it from him. Rey could eventually have won at Summerslam, but left Swagger looking better than he left Fatal Fourway.

Again, agreed. But blame management for giving Swagger such a shit reign. I can only hope his next one is better.

agreed Mysterio is an awesome performer. But then, one man's five star classic is another man's boring restholdfest.

True, it is all subjective. But I just don't get how ANYONE can think of Rey as "boring" by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, Rey is very over. The fans would continue to love him if he was chasing Swagger rather than pinning him.

Indeed. However, if it had to be done, there are plenty of ways to justify it.

Not a fan of Junkie Jeff. The man did get phenominally over though. And he didn't exactly have a smooth run at becoming the WHC did he?

The thing is, though, and this is all I was trying to say...Jeff became a multi-time world champion without mic skills. Even the biggest fan of him is less delusional than your regular Morrison mark (;)) and can admit that Hardy's mic skills are...lacking, to say the least. And just like Rey, he didn't need mic skills. He had a connection with the crowd and an exciting moveset, and it worked. Just like Rey.

I say Rey should have been uncleanly pinned by Swagger, who'd retain (even if there were extenuating circumstances) at MitB before having a good long match at SummerSlam where Rey could beat Swagger (and like HHH did to Hardy) put him over in the process.

I wish. :(

Same way Wade Barrett's in ring skills are a small part of what makes him a great pro wrestler. Look, Mic Skills and other such factors count too.

But here's the thing: Barrett has mic and ring skills, ability to connect with the crowd, and a killer look. That is the whole Wade Barrett Package. Mysterio on the other hand has ring skills and ability to connect with the crowd. That's the whole Rey Mysterio Package. They're differently shaped packages, not a single square Pro Wrestler Package.

See what I mean?

Nor am I tbh. Rey, if nothing else is very fin to watch. Even if I loath, abhore and detest the 619.

It's not my favorite move as a finisher, but it's a great set-up move when you consider anyone's feet smashing into your face at high speed is enough to daze you long enough for him to jump on you.

I agree with him here. Rey, while fun to watch is not a good world champion. It's not his just his size, it's that the WORLD CHAMPION is being billed as an underdog. Let me get this straight, the best guy in the world at wrestling is an underdog? I'm sorry but once you're the best in the world you're not an underdog. Right now, the Chicago Cubs are underdogs (or at the very least, lovable losers). If they won the World Series, they wouldn't be underdogs any more They'd be the guys EXPECTED to do well. being an underdog works UNTIL you win the title. At that point you aren't an underdog any more. You're the top dog who SHOULD be beating all comers.

I completely agree with this statement. Now he has the title, they need to drop the Ultimate Underdog story. However, when he was chasing the title, the storyline worked perfectly well.

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