Big fan of you Doc, and I agree with you re: Mysterio but I'll go ahead and debate you here.
This should be fun.
Third best. Swagger retaining would have been best, then the two you listed. This is because Swagger needed the win more than Mysterio.
Oh don't get me wrong, I completely agree. However, I was looking at it as though they needed to put it on a face for whatever reason.
Rey's great, hugely entertaining but he doesn't need to win any more. He's getting older and his knee is buggered. He quite simply is getting to the stage of his career where he should be putting guys over, rather than adding notches to his belt (or putting more belts in his notches. Whichever.
Again, I agree. however, he is in no way boring and if he must be in the main event then there are plenty of reasons he deserves it.
What's wrong with a face chasing the title, and the heel doing all he can (within and outside the rules) to keep it from him. Rey could eventually have won at Summerslam, but left Swagger looking better than he left Fatal Fourway.
Again, agreed. But blame management for giving Swagger such a shit reign. I can only hope his next one is better.
agreed Mysterio is an awesome performer. But then, one man's five star classic is another man's boring restholdfest.
True, it is all subjective. But I just don't get how ANYONE can think of Rey as "boring" by any stretch of the imagination.
Yes, Rey is very over. The fans would continue to love him if he was chasing Swagger rather than pinning him.
Indeed. However, if it
had to be done, there are plenty of ways to justify it.
Not a fan of Junkie Jeff. The man did get phenominally over though. And he didn't exactly have a smooth run at becoming the WHC did he?
The thing is, though, and this is all I was trying to say...Jeff became a multi-time world champion without mic skills. Even the biggest fan of him is less delusional than your regular Morrison mark (

) and can admit that Hardy's mic skills are...lacking, to say the least. And just like Rey, he didn't
need mic skills. He had a connection with the crowd and an exciting moveset, and it worked. Just like Rey.
I say Rey should have been uncleanly pinned by Swagger, who'd retain (even if there were extenuating circumstances) at MitB before having a good long match at SummerSlam where Rey could beat Swagger (and like HHH did to Hardy) put him over in the process.
I wish.
Same way Wade Barrett's in ring skills are a small part of what makes him a great pro wrestler. Look, Mic Skills and other such factors count too.
But here's the thing: Barrett has mic and ring skills, ability to connect with the crowd, and a killer look. That is the whole Wade Barrett Package. Mysterio on the other hand has ring skills and ability to connect with the crowd. That's the whole Rey Mysterio Package. They're differently shaped packages, not a single square Pro Wrestler Package.
See what I mean?
Nor am I tbh. Rey, if nothing else is very fin to watch. Even if I loath, abhore and detest the 619.
It's not my favorite move as a finisher, but it's a great set-up move when you consider anyone's feet smashing into your face at high speed is enough to daze you long enough for him to jump on you.
I agree with him here. Rey, while fun to watch is not a good world champion. It's not his just his size, it's that the WORLD CHAMPION is being billed as an underdog. Let me get this straight, the best guy in the world at wrestling is an underdog? I'm sorry but once you're the best in the world you're not an underdog. Right now, the Chicago Cubs are underdogs (or at the very least, lovable losers). If they won the World Series, they wouldn't be underdogs any more They'd be the guys EXPECTED to do well. being an underdog works UNTIL you win the title. At that point you aren't an underdog any more. You're the top dog who SHOULD be beating all comers.
I completely agree with this statement. Now he has the title, they need to drop the Ultimate Underdog story. However, when he was chasing the title, the storyline worked perfectly well.