Least favourite main eventer ever

I agree with alot of you guys on lame ass Cena he is by far one of the worse main eventers ever and for those losers who defend 5 moves lousey mic skills and millions of boos from the fans everynight for the top face of the company you guys are retarted.
I also agree with your pics of Diesel or Kevin Nash who was always one of the worse world champions n main eventers i have seen
Sheamus as well what has he proven what has he done to be a world champion end a career of a has been cruiserweight. Thats all i can recall Sheamus for since his arrival

But there is one former WWF champion main eventer that always sticks out for me who never deserved to be a champion and his name is your beloved HBK. Why you say well the first couple of reasons is because he wasnt the best wrestler at the time he hadnt proven anything at all to be a champion. He was I-C champ big deal alot of people who have been I-C champ and never wore a world title, and as a tag team wrestler the rockers were a copy of the rock n roll express and @ the time they were in the WWE they were one of the worse tag teams because they never won the rockers n the bushwackers won the same amount of tag matches as the rockers sure they won the tag titles for 3 days and thats only because LOD had just got there or else they would never got those belts. Now Shawns single career in the beginning wasnt tainted i never seen a guy get his ass whooped so much in an I-C match n lose by DQ n count out all the time to hold the belt to guys the only clean wins HBK had was against jobbers when he was I-C champion. Then he wins the shortest royal rumble in history to face his lame buddy @ the worse wrestlemania of all time what a wasted opportunity that could have been given to so many other talented wrestlers HBK mic skills were the worse too the HeartBreak Hotel was one of the worse interview segments ever thats why no one can remember a single segment HBK never deserved a main event spot in my opinion you guys can love HBK all you want there was always and I mean ALWAYS some one better than HBK who could have been a main eventer and champion
OMG, I can not believe you just posted that. Have you been doing drugs with Jeff Hardy??? Seriously. HBK the worst. That is the most ******ed thing I have ever heard. I will risk being told off by big brother by not justifying that post with a defence....idiotic
Wow , you cant be serious ? Randy orton has the wwe on his back , him and jericho are the only wrestlers that bring that " attitude era " style back to wwe .

BUt anyway! I would have to say edge , he sucks ass .. he doesnt do anything .. his gimmick sucks .. his spear looks less convincing every time he does it .. skip sheffield does the spear wayy better . And he's turning into matt hardy weak ass .

I am serious. :disappointed:

I don't get what's so edgy about Randy Orton. All he does is stay quiet with a dumbass look on his face and then "out of nowhere" (sarcasm) does an RKO on someone. He also tends to look like he's have Bone-itis in the ring. (Futurama)

Also Edge is a hell lot more entertaining in the ring than Orton. Orton is turning into an even worse John Cena in the ring. :banghead:
My least favorite main event guy would have to be Bob Backlund. Backlund was a training fanatic and was as strong as an ox and a legitimate wrestler, but unfortunately, had the personality of styrofoam. Every time I heard this man cut a promo, I would wince in pain, because he simply couldn't work the mike to save his life. I don't even remember being all that impressed with his in ring move set. I grant you, he could do a lot of things in the ring, all of which went along with his persona of the wholesome, prototype babyface. Maybe that's what I didn't care for about Backlund, his vanilla approach in the ring, even for a scientific face, and his overall lack of personality in general.
Big Show

I haven't seen his WCW work so I can't comment on that but his Title runs in the WWE have been lackluster at best. He's not that good on the mic and he's not that good i nthe ring. People only like him because he's huge. Right now he' s where I think he should be in the upper midcard or lower Main Event having good feuds and putting over others and not winning the World Title.
I have to agree with THTRobtaylor i never liked seeing Batista in the main events. I feel he was very stale and overated i only ever liked seeing him with Evolution and thats because HHH and Ric Flair carried him and Orton. The final straw for me was watching him in a cage match against Jericho and he really let the match down. Jericho was working so hard to get the match across and Batista just look clumsy slow and out of place.
I don't think Rey Mysterio is a bad main eventer i just think its massively unconvincing that he wins world HEAVYWEIGHT titles and takes down the guys he takes down. Also think the way he won the first title and how the death was used was terrible
Off the top of my head, I'm torn between two choices really: The Ultimate Warrior and Jeff Jarrett.

Overrated doesn't even begin to describe The Ultimate Warrior. Little to no psychology, terrible selling, the most basic of basic wrestling offense and screaming incoherant rambling to make up his promos describe Warrior as a pro wrestler. He's essentially the Rob Terry of the 80s to early 90s, minus the promos as I don't think I've ever heard Rob Terry mutter a word. Warrior was a draw, for some inexplicable reason, so I do have to give him that and he had a great look.

Jeff Jarrett is somebody that I've never felt belonged in the main event. Everything about him from his look to his overall abilities practically scream mid-carder for life. His times as WCW World Heavyweight Champion were little more than a joke and came when WCW was pretty much circling the drain. Jeff Jarrett was never meant to be THE guy in a company. I do respect Jarrett for the gamble he took with TNA. It takes balls to do what he did but, at the same time, TNA would've gone tits up a long time ago had it not been for Bob Carter.

In the end, I do have to say that I like Jarrett a lot more than Warrior. Jarrett may have been someone trying to fill shoes much too big for him, but he did try and I do believe he's a much better overall wrestler than Warrior. Warrior was the bigger draw, he did make money, but the guy was awful to watch and to listen to 99% of the time.
I gonna have to go with EDGE.

He is way more interesting when he is chasing the title because he gets all maniacal and i love that character he plays s excellently. But when he holds the title i don't know his interest wears off and he becomes just another heel.
Lawrence Taylor Wm 11... how was that put over diesel/michaels still pisses me off...... they would of got the same buyrate making it a mid card match.... as far as wrestlers go I'm going with Jeff Jarrett most overrated wrestler in history hands down
The only title Lex Luger should have ever won was the World's Most Boring Man. I just couldn't stand the guy in any persona or context. I found his ring-work to be dull and unimaginative as well. He had the right look for his era, and that was about it.

Giant Gonzales was slow and boring and lacked pretty much any semblance of charisma. And his fricking costume just gave me nightmares. If you ever have to stay up all night just youtube one of his matches and check out the costume. A body suit painted to look like a nude body. You're ugly, man, nobody wants a reminder of what you would look like naked!

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