Is Jack Swagger a legit main eventer?


Pre-Show Stalwart
When you think of someone who is a main event level worker you think of someone that, no matter where they are on the card, they elevate everyone that they work with. Only a main eventer can give a proper rub to a midcard wrestler to get them into the main event scene. There are a wide variety of wrestlers who have earned the distinction of being "main eventers" and in some ways Jack Swagger has filled that role. He doesn't push merchandise, he doesn't play to the fans, but he is a straight up heel and has been for nearly his entire career. A heel is meant to get over a face, the better the heel, the better the face appears, and the more money the face can draw.

So now to the question..."is Jack Swagger a legit main eventer?"

When Swagger debuted in ECW he went on an undefeated streak until he won the ECW Championship. When Christian returned to the WWE, it was his matches with Swagger that helped people realize that Christian was a bigger deal than when he left. Christian showed his main event chops, Swagger looked like a million bucks, it seemed unquestionable that Swagger would be a top guy.

When Swagger came to Raw, he instantly became a midcard force, working with the likes of MVP, Kofi Kingston, and The Miz. Not long after, Swagger won the Money in the Bank and defeated Chris Jericho at an opportune moment to become World Heavyweight Champion. After a short run and a slight character change, Swagger would lose the title to Rey Mysterio and return to being a force in the midcard.

Swagger then became the trainer for Michael Cole, who had nuclear heat, in his feud with Jerry Lawler and added an interesting dynamic to the build. Swagger then fell by the wayside, working with Vickie Guerrero as his manager and teaming with Dolph Ziggler. Though they were an often overlooked team, Swagger did defeat Zack Ryder for the U.S. Title when Ryder was still super over. Swagger then fell into a three month losing streak and a lot of people guessed he was soon to be released. Unfortunately, this is the time period that Swagger seems to be most remembered for.

After taking time off, Swagger returned with Zeb Coulter and returned to the main event scene, feuding for the World Heavyweight title for months. He would then take some time off for an injury and return to team with Cesaro; who had been taken under the wing of Coulter during his absence. Swagger and Cesaro both benefited from this pairing as Cesaro's run up the card started with the Real Americans. When Cesaro put on a classic with Sami Zayn on NXT, Swagger followed up the next week with another classic match.

Did working with Swagger, and looking like a star next to Swagger, give Cesaro the rub that allowed him to jump up the card? And, if so, does Swagger have a lot more legitimacy than most people are willing to acknowledge? He is the forgotten star, the consummate heel, the guy who is turning into a grizzled veteran and serving as a gate keeper for up-and-coming stars. Swagger has been placed in the role of a main eventer a lot throughout his career, but has it been enough to give him that career making credibility?
He doesn't connect with the crowd, it's that simple. He's a good worker, he's a big guy, but nobody cares about him. They have never cared about him.

And he's never "been placed in the role of a main eventer". Never. Holding the WHC or ECW title doesn't make you a main eventer. Only holding, or challenging for, the WWE Title makes you a main eventer. (Unless you are a decorated veteran like Triple H, Cena, Taker who don't need the belt to justify their greatness.)
I doubt it. He's had his opportunities too. He's ok as a mid carder. With his size and ability to move in the ring I think he is definitely an asset. And unless he screws up again outside of wrestling will probably be around for a long time. I could easily see him being a multi-time tag champion. I'd even go as far probably as putting him in an Elimination Chamber match for the WWE title. But that would be about as far as I'd take him unless something changes.
Jack Swaggers a great wrestler who can go in the ring with just about anyone... If anyone can push Swagger to legit main event status it would be a returning Kurt Angle but I really don't see that happening... I see Swagger being a midcarder for the majority of his career and eentually getting his long overdue title run years from now (a la Mark Henry)
And he's never "been placed in the role of a main eventer". Never. Holding the WHC or ECW title doesn't make you a main eventer. Only holding, or challenging for, the WWE Title makes you a main eventer. (Unless you are a decorated veteran like Triple H, Cena, Taker who don't need the belt to justify their greatness.)

Completely false. Look back on this very site ten years ago and you'll see posts and threads about how the WWE Championship was meaningless and the World Heavyweight Championship was the one that mattered. The majority of fans simply agreed with whatever Vince's mindset was at the moment. When he pushed the World title to the forefront, it was "the only title that mattered". When he changed his mind, lo and behold, the IWC changed its collective mind as well.

The titles worked best when they were equal, and I continued to see them as equal right up until the unification. Even the last few years, while the WWE Championship was placed by Vince onto his "chosen" stars, the World Heavyweight Championship was featured in better storylines and better matches. Being given a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship was being given a main event opportunity.
No, but thanks for asking. Anyways Jack Swagger was suppose to be the WWE's 2.0 version of Kurt Angle. The thing is Jack Swagger is no Kurt Angle. Sure they pushed Swagger pretty fast with with winning the WWECW title from Matt Hardy in his rookie year with the company. Within a year they had him win the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 26 with Swagger cashing it in on WHC Chris Jericho on the following Smackdown post-Wrestlemania. Jack Swagger is a solid upper-mid-card star at best. But no he is a legit main eventer, no matter how much we dig him in the sense.
No, Jack Swagger is not a main eventer. He has been given every opportunity to be successful/get over (even though he has found some degree of success during his time in the E), but to me, there are 2 things that stick out to me as to why he is not a main eventer:
1. His speech impediment - in the E, you have to have the gift of gab to be taken seriously. If you have the physique (Brock Lesnar), or something that the crowd connects with (Fandango's song, Cesaro Swing, etc.), you can mask it. Nothing in his moveset stands out, he's generic.
2. He is sloppy and clumsy in the ring. Great - he's big, young, and athletic. But that doesn't make you a good "superstar". For a while, he looked really out of shape, which led to even more botches, but he seems to botch on a regular basis (I'm not talking about an Alex Riley gutwrench powerbomb, I'm talking Irish whips, moves in the corner, punches, etc.)
Cesaro stepped up his game, and I'm looking forward to his push. The only way Swagger stays relevant is if Zeb stays with him as a mouthpiece, and if he gets another tag partner once Cesaro splits. Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes future endeavored soon.
Even the last few years, while the WWE Championship was placed by Vince onto his "chosen" stars, the World Heavyweight Championship was featured in better storylines and better matches. Being given a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship was being given a main event opportunity.

Has a Wrestlemania ever had it's opening match be the WWE Title match? No. Of course not. But the WHC match was the opening match multiple times.

The only time the WHC was more important than the WWE title was when that was the RAW Title. The Smackdown champion, regardless of what belt it was, always played second fiddle to the RAW guy.

Then when the Brand Extension ended, the World Title became a more blatantly inferior title to the WWE Title.

Swagger had a cup of coffee with the WHC when it was exclusive to Smackdown. He main evented a few matches on SD I assume, big deal. I'm sorry, that doesn't mean that he was a main eventer.
I think he could be. I didn't think he did a bad job when he cashed in his MITB briefcase and won some years back. People were really into it as well. But unfortunately with his personal problems in the past, that is probably why he's in the position that he's in.
I hate to say it but no. I think someone as legit as him could overcome almost and gimmick - just look at Angle. But I think they have used him so poorly for so long that people just won't take him seriously. Just look at the last few weeks leading up to Mania - he keeps costing Cesaro matches because he runs in to beat up his opponent. It doesn't help him as it shows that he is either a goof who can't control his temper and doesn't think or he is an idiot as he does that but doesn't totally destroy the opponent. Hard to get past those impressions and take him seriously. Don't think he will ever turn into a comedy act like Santino but I don't see him holding a singles title again.
The only time the WHC was more important than the WWE title was when that was the RAW Title. The Smackdown champion, regardless of what belt it was, always played second fiddle to the RAW guy.

Then when the Brand Extension ended, the World Title became a more blatantly inferior title to the WWE Title.

This is exactly the reason why you'll still buy into anything Vince tells you to buy into. Whatever Vince tells you to like, you love.
Is Jack Swagger a great wrestler? Yes. He is awesome in the ring and a believable big guy who can move for his size. Is Swagger a legit main eventer? Not yet. He has everything but the ability to connect with the crowd. He doesn't have a real character to exude that people can identify with. And until he can put the pieces together, he will be just another mediocre mid-carder who can go in the ring.
For me his Problem is he doesn't connect with the 'Universe'. The perfect opportunity was when he had his title shot last year at Elimination Chamber but then just days before he was stopped and charged with DUI. He could of been In a much better situation now than he is. To be fair to WWE though even after all the DUI stuff he weren't wiped and having to build himself back up. He was simply knocked down a level and had a storyline going with 'The real Americans' which has now came to a end. I think we will see him and Zeb feuding with Heymen and his new guy. Swagger could become something but you never know.
He had his chance, he chose to piss it away drinking. Now he "might" have a second chance, but I'd honestly think its a slim one.
No, Swagger is midcarder material. Great in ring but mediocre at best at promos and all other stuff. Good wrestler but no charisma and thats what is holding him to be better...

I like him since he debuted but lets be realistic, he isnt gona mainevent anytime soon. Though his feud with Cesaro now can be somewhat big. :)
He doesn't connect with the crowd, it's that simple. He's a good worker, he's a big guy, but nobody cares about him. They have never cared about him.

It's as simple as that. It makes Jack Swagger a career mid-carder, and there's nothing wrong with that. Plainly, there's plenty for Swagger to do, but he's not a legitimate main event wrestler, as has been proven by the two big-time pushes they've given him.

As a worker, he's effective, but so is Tyson Kidd and I don't see anyone asking whether he should be regarded as a top-line performer. Meanwhile, Jack has a "goofy" countenance and his only change of pace seems to feature anger, which comes across as forced and stilted.

In his initial run with WWE, someone got so excited about Jack that they installed him as world champion, wayyyyyy too early in his career. I've never been able to figure whether it was believed the guy was a can't-miss performer whom fans would rally behind or whether they figured they could force the fans to accept him as such by thrusting him to the top. Either way, it didn't work, making his second foray to the main event even more of a mystery.

His program with the Real Americans was useful, proving that he has a definite place in WWE, especially when operating as a supporting player in a team.

Keep him.....just don't pretend he's the second coming of Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan........or John Cena, for that matter.
No, Swagger is a talented wrestler but he definitely isn't a main eventer. He's never had the connection with the crowd or the mic skills to deserve a main event level spot. If you look back at all the World Champions (both WHC and WWE title) in WWE history, Swagger's name would be in the top 5 for sure.

He can be relied upon to deliver an acceptable match, nothing more than that. I highly doubt we will see him have another title run in the future, but he has his uses as a mid-card/ tag-team guy.
He has a uphill battle to climb, that's putting it very lightly. Smoking away a WHC run has to hurt the most, I can't imagine how totally POed the higher ups must have been after his arrest. Truly a SMH move.

He's a rare mix of size, agility, technical ability and power so as long as he doesn't anything else stupid he should have a solid career in the WWE. He's also young enough to hopefully improve his mic skills and maybe(but unlikely) rebuild the bridges he smoked down. But with most of the current upper tier not going anywhere anytime soon along with better prospects like Cesaro, Bray and Reigns, I doubt he's going anywhere near the main event.

It is interesting that they're willing to pay Zeb to stick with him though, so maybe there's something I'm missing.
Jack Swagger is a really good wrestler. I enjoy watching his matches, it's just there is nothing they can do to get him over; he doesn't have "it." There was a time when Jack Swagger was doing pretty good for himself as the World Heavyweight Champion, he was starting to get over...and then got arrested...
Jack Swagger is a top-level worker and he can be huge if WWE pushed him right. I have no idea why he is still a heel. He's been begging for a face turn for years. It's time for the people to cheer for the All-American American. I think that Hogan being back is a great way for Jack to eventually dump Zeb and team up with the actual Real American.
Jack Swagger is a top-level worker and he can be huge if WWE pushed him right. I have no idea why he is still a heel. He's been begging for a face turn for years. It's time for the people to cheer for the All-American American. I think that Hogan being back is a great way for Jack to eventually dump Zeb and team up with the actual Real American.

I'm trying to remember the last time someone got a rub from a legend successfully in that way. It sure didn't work for Miz when he was paired, however briefly, with Flair. Edge didn't really click all that great as face when he was linked to Hogan...he came into his own as a heel, and under his own steam. The point is Swagger is going to have to live or die by his own talent and ability to get over, and I just haven't seen anything really exceptional from the guy to get him there.
I compare Jack Swagger to Alberto Del Rio because to me they are in the same boat. Amazing wrestlers, but paint drying has more charisma than them.
I'm trying to remember the last time someone got a rub from a legend successfully in that way. It sure didn't work for Miz when he was paired, however briefly, with Flair. Edge didn't really click all that great as face when he was linked to Hogan...he came into his own as a heel, and under his own steam. The point is Swagger is going to have to live or die by his own talent and ability to get over, and I just haven't seen anything really exceptional from the guy to get him there.

It's worked a bunch of times like Batista and Flair or Hart Dynasty with Bret, etc.. Technically, last time I'd say it worked is Jack Swagger himself with Dirty Dutch. I don't think Jack should get over just by association with Hogan, but I think Hogan would be a good bookmark to cement him as a face. It will be hard to turn Jack face when Cesaro just beat him up and turned face himself, but I think that Hogan can be the guy that separates Jack from what Cesaro is doing.

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