What if Jack Swagger would have returned as a babyface?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Arda Ocal, formerly of The Score in Canada, recently conducted an interview with Sgt. Slaughter on The Layfield Report. Where the sarge brought wrestling fans to it's attention by reporting in the interview that the WWE was indeed going to have him manage the returning Jack Swagger, but as a babyface. He stated while Jack Swagger was away for those months "finding himself" Slaughter would have token Swagger under his wing by putting Jack in his bootcamp. And plans had it for Jack Swagger to return to WWE TV as the big babyface with Sgt. Slaughter. But plans of course later changed.

Jack Swagger returned still a heel with a big push ahead of him and with Zeb Colter aka "Dirty" Dutch Mantel as his manager & mentor. Things were looking up for Swagger unti'l he got caught up for a DUI for smoking weed in his car and other charges. Now faces fines as a penalty and the recent push for the WWE has now ended for Swagger due to his antics outside the ring. But the story of Sgt. Slaughter being the face Jack Swaggers manager sounds like it could have been a that could have been well played and an angle almost as good as when Ric Flair served Triple H's manager for awhile before starting the faction Evolution with Batista and Randy Orton. The road not traveled.

But think about it.
What nothing, either way he's as stale as a week old fish left to rot in the sun.
Slaughter or not, if anything Slaughter would've been worse, he's a lousy spokesperson the only thing Slaughter had going for him was he is a legend as a performer and entertainer he's pretty average at best. Least Dick is a great talker which Swagger needs , don't get me wrong he can wrestle but soon as Jack talks and that goofy look he loses most of his credibility

Jack would've worked as the current storyline no doubt was planned out but then he went and got busted for DUI whether he was guilty (which he was) or not they dropped any plans for him to go over which also leaves Zeb on hold too which is a shame, either way i'm glad Ziggler atleast got the chance to take another run with the title, admittedly he seems weak compared to the other main eventers but he is an entertainer first and foremost, Del Rio is no, Jack is not., Big Show is not.
He simply wouldn't have had as much impact. Swagger's character, along with Zeb Coulter, has generated some legit controversy with the whole anti-immigration view. Coulter has been a great mouthpiece for Swagger as well.

As far as babyfaces go right now, Swagger just doesn't really measure up. At this point; guys like Cena, Sheamus, Orton, Del Rio, Kane, Bryan, part timers who are sticking around for the time being like Triple H & Taker and a few others have WWE pretty well set for babyfaces at the moment. WWE wanted Swagger to make an immediate impact and he did. Most of the time, babyfaces just aren't able to generate that kind of juice right from the start.

Of course, WWE could have always brought Swagger back as a babyface and slowly turned him heel. But, Swagger had generally been damaged goods for so long that I don't think most people would have really cared all that much. So they brought him back and tried something that generated legit controversy, got a lot of people talking and almost immediately made him a credible heel in the WHC picture. Trying as a babyface would have probably taken a good 6 months or more before they might be really able to build Swagger up to a point where fans might want to see him in the WHC picture.
Slaughter or not, if anything Slaughter would've been worse, he's a lousy spokesperson....

That's true. It's ironic that while Swagger's "bad guy" spokesman (Zeb Coulter) delivers his messages in calm, measured speech, speaking in a manner anyone can understand, Jack's "good guy" manager would have been Sgt. Slaughter, who barked orders and threats, usually winding up in his taking a poke at whomever was bothering him. It would have been interesting to see what Slaughter could do promoting someone other than himself, but based on his history, his rabid style would serve him better managing George (The Animal) Steele than Swagger. Nevertheless, I can understand why Slaughter was considered for the role, and can certainly see his disappointment in not getting it.

As for Swagger..... I don't see him being any different as a good guy, save that he fights on the side of law & order instead of having a routine that preaches law & order. Really, Jack doesn't even use many dirty tactics as a heel, does he? He uses his technical wrestling expertise and lets Zeb Coulter provide the interference that turns things in Jack's favor. Slaughter's involvement would be more over-the-top, with him getting physically involved too often, imo.

Except for the happier expression we'd see on Jack's puss, I don't see that it makes a difference whether he's heel or face. Either way, he operates better with someone who can talk for him.....and he's marginally more interesting this time around because of that. In other words, the increase in effectiveness isn't due to him, but to his manager.

Of course, if Jack can stop putting obstacles in his own path, he'll be better off, no matter who's accompanying him to the ring.
Swagger is a pretty incredible wrestler. like as in, inside the ropes. what he really needed to get to the next level and stay there was a mouthpiece. for that reason, i think Swagger returning as a heel with Dirty Dutch was the better move. Swagger vs. Del Rio was enjoyable and adding Ziggler as the World Champion could have been amazing. unfortunately for Swagger, he got caught with the DUI.

Slaughter as Swagger's face manager could have been entertaining. but i see it as pretty one-dimensional. the obvious feud for when Swagger returned would have been against Cesaro for the US Title, especially since Cesaro kept saying that no American could beat him. enter the All-American American, as a face, led by Slaughter. could have been an enjoyable feud with some incredible matches, but i think it ends there.

Swagger returning as a heel with Zeb has more options. i'm hoping he stays in the main event with Ziggler, especially considering their history together.
This gimmick suits him very well. I was one of the people who thought he should return as a face - giving us something new. There was a potential feud with Ziggler, the guy who drove him away, that we are partially seeing now. Indeed, Ziggler/Swagger at WM29 for the world title could have worked if he returned as face.

A change to face may still come and it can be done very easily. Coulter can continue to run his mouth, offending people and making Swagger look bad until he snaps and distants himself from Coulter.
I think Luger's in a wheelchair. Maybe not still but he was at one point. I'm not trying to say he's not capable of managing him because he's in a wheelchair, simply that he might not be up for it health-wise.

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