Zeb Colter-post Jack Swagger

CM Steel

A REAL American
The wrestling legend known as "Dirty" Dutch Mantel has returned to the WWE as the character Zeb Coulter, former manager of JBL when he was known as "Justin Hawk Bradshaw" at the time. Zeb Coulter is currently managing Jack Swagger, who was recently arrested for a DUI and other things. Now with Jack Swagger being de-pushed once again from the main event scene. What will be of Zeb Coulter post their break-up whenever it happens?

Zeb Coulter is platinum on the mic in the ring or on a Youtube video. He has a silver tongue when it comes to making promos. Managers are something that the WWE lacks of. And if one could rate Zeb Coulter would be the number manager in the WWE right now. But we have to see what WWE 2013 brings us post-Wrestlemania. But where do you see Zeb Coulter in a role in the future in the WWE? A general manager or something?
He should continue to be a manager, toning up or down the rhetoric as necessary depending on who he's managing. He'd be the perfect manager for a small stable of midcard talent a la the Heenan Family. Guys who'd win tag and midcard gold, occasionally challenging for a world title.
I like the idea of Zeb leading a stable. He is a great mouth piece. Alex Riley would be a great addition to the duo. He is doing zip right now. As is Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins - as heels of course.
I think that when he is finally done with Swagger, I could easily see Zed going on and Managing somebody like Alex Riley or someotother younf tallent from NXT and helping to get them established on the main roster. Also I could Zeb doing a great job as GM of either Raw or Smackdown.
I can't stand the guy. I'd rather see him off TV. Put him backstage helping book NXT or something so that he still gets a paycheck, but the faster he's off the TV, the faster I can unmute it.
Now with Jack Swagger being de-pushed once again from the main event scene. What will be of Zeb Coulter post their break-up whenever it happens?

Is Swagger being de-pushed? He just went over the two main event guys he's facing at the next PPV.

To my surprise, I find myself enjoying what Zeb Coulter's been doing. I never realized the repackaging of Jack Swagger would consist solely of giving him someone to talk for him, but the concept has been a good one; I still can't see Jack anywhere but the mid-card, yet his act has taken on some new life with the coming of Zeb. (not a lot of new life, but some).

With Zeb, I get the image of a guy driving a pick-up, with a rifle and six-pack sitting in the passenger seat, just the kind of good 'ol boy you'd expect to have extreme opinions on stuff he knows little about.

After Swagger, I think Zeb can adapt his routine to something else and, like most folks in this topic, believe he should continue managing people. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE is pleased enough with him to have him lead a stable, augmenting what he does for a single performer to a whole group.

To me, Jack Swagger is the same old, same old. Anyone who can inspire some interest in him is worth hanging onto. That's Zeb.
I can't stand the guy. I'd rather see him off TV. Put him backstage helping book NXT or something so that he still gets a paycheck, but the faster he's off the TV, the faster I can unmute it.
Obvious troll is obvious.

As for Zeb, I don't see him splitting with Swagger any time soon. Even if Swagger does get taken out of the title scene, I think Zeb will stay with him.

But, if Zeb does leave Swagger, I think his time as an on-screen character could be over. I just don't see anyone else on the roster that would fit with what Zeb does. They'd have to be kinda redneck-y and I can't think of anyone else who fits that description. Dutch could go to a behind-the-scenes role. I'm sure he'll have a job because he has too much to offer. The guy just knows pro wrestling.
I think he'd be the perfect guy to bring the Wyatt Family up to the main roster. They've got the whole red neck thing going on just like him.
Zeb Colter is amazing as a manager. He's the best thing that has ever happened to Jack Swagger. I'd want to see the two of them remain an alliance for a good while so that Zeb can continue to help Swagger. In the future he should be kept around for many years, he would do well in any speaking role. Zeb is excellent in his promos and could assist other struggling heels the way he has helped Swagger go from being a joke to World Heavyweight Championship potential. There are other heels on the roster who could benefit from his assistance.

I liked the idea of him leading a stable, but there is one big problem with that. The Shield. The roster is not big enough for two heel stables with each getting a huge push. Look at 3MB for instance. If it weren't for The Shield they would be a much bigger deal at the moment. Zeb could manage a stable after The Shield have moved into singles action, perhaps. Heck, if 3MB are still around maybe Zeb could take them under his wing. Swagger could be in the stable too. Riley desperately needs help, if he were still around at the time this would take place I would add him. There's a lot of options. If they don't go the stable route there is always a GM possibility for Zeb or even an announcer. As long as they use his speaking abilities he can be a huge asset for the federation. General Manager, announcer, or remaining a manager for struggling heels, all are great routes for WWE to take with Zeb regardless of how long his alliance with Swagger lasts.
Coulter has done a great job as Jack Swagger's mouthpiece. Whenever he ultimately parts ways with Swagger, a few minor tweaks to his character could easily make him a beneficial manager to someone else on the roster. I know that some will think people simply won't buy into Coulter after his anti-immigrant character but I don't buy it. Wrestlers reinvent themselves often. For instance, if Brodus Clay and Tensai were to drop their current characters tomorrow and form into a serious monster tag team in which they were booked as legit threats, then nobody would care that they were a mostly comedic team in a month or so.

There are plenty of wrestlers on the roster ranging from mid-carders to tag teams to even potential main event players. Mid-card guys who're looking to maybe get moved to another level like Kofi Kingston or Wade Barrett. He could be used for the purpose of helping wrestlers or tag teams establish a new persona and/or get a fresh start like Justin Gabriel, Antonio Cesaro, The Usos, The Prime Time Players. He could be used to possibly further enhance higher level guys like Big Show or Mark Henry, maybe as a mouthpiece/manager to Ryback.

There are lots of potentially good roles for Coulter. He has a great mind and he's a respected veteran. A lot of modern fans might not really know about or appreciate that very much, but it's never a bad thing to have someone with as much knowledge and insight helping out guys on the roster.
One of two things can be done with Coulter once he's done with Swagger.

1) He can go to NXT and help develop talent and teach them how to speak from their character's heart and help them learn the craft of professional wrestling. Mantel was a great asset to many younger wrestlers when he was in TNA and his numerous stints in WCW and the WWE. He would be helpful in nearly any capacity.

2) Start a stable and add more people with Swagger. Someone like Heath Slater or Zack Ryder would get a huge benefit from being with Mantel in a stable of some kind. It makes them seem legit and gives them reason to be on TV.

Either way, unless he wants to leave, I think Zeb will be around a long time.
Zeb Colter is a fine fine manager. He is amazing a true throwback to old school managers in every sense of the word. Absolutely perfect for Jack Swagger. I dont think Swagger is being De-pushed he went over the top two guys over the past two weeks heading into the PPV. I do like the idea of Zeb leading a stable.

Zeb is a veteran and has total respect of old school people. Newer people who are not used to Zeb probably dont like his style but i sure as hell do. When and if Zeb leaves Jack,Zeb has the ability to adapt and doesnt miss a beat! Getting a stable together,guys like Ryback,Cesaro,PTP,he could make their careers just by talking on the mic.

He has an incredible ability to promote and sell feuds,that trait to me is sorely missing in todays era.
I like Jack Swagger and I believe Zeb has helped him out immensely. Like I've said before Swagger doesn't say much, but when he does talk besides saying "WE The People", it is short, sweet, and to the point. This more serious Swagger is what has been needed for quite some time. With not many guys showing promise in the mid-card, I don't see Jack falling away from the World Title picture for long. In fact, I believe Jack Swagger's America we will see at some point before the end of 2013. That is not a BAD thing that's a Good thing, ha ha ha.
Dirty Dutch is a great manager and has made Jack Swagger relevant going into Wrestlemania but like others have said he needs to be with a tag team heading for the gold or a decent midcard talent.
The most logical conclusion is. In my mind.

Dolph will retain the title. Feud with Alberto. Jack will/should feud with Kofi. We all know Kofi is a transitional champion. Always has been. Jack Swagger wins the US Title. Shows us what a "real american" is all about. So Zeb is not going anywhere anytime soon. If WWE really wanted to bury Swagger after the DUI it would had happened by now. They had all the reason in the world to depush Swagger after Mania. He beat Ziggler, clean I might add. He beat Del Rio last week on Smackdown... that doesn't look like the actions of a company looking to depush the guy. Plus in a ladder match no one is going to get pinned so everyone will be protected in a sense.

Swags/Coulter are not breaking up anytime soon. Talks of what Zeb will do next are premature.
I agree that Zeb Colter has a lot of skill on the mic and i hope that if swagger starts to go down he doesnt take the Zeb Colter character with him. I think it would be cool if they had Colter make a faction and call it The Real American Militia. Unfortunately it wouldn't be a good time for it because with the shield going as strong as they are adding aanother faction to the wwe would water them down. But i still think it would be a cool idea.
He is amazing a true throwback to old school managers in every sense of the word.

That's well put, and it's certainly true, but Zeb adds a dimension of his own: he doesn't talk about the wrestler he's representing as much as he speaks of his American patriot cause. In these pro-U.S.A. times, that he's able to put the theme over as a bad guy is a tough thing to do, but he's handling it very well.

The interesting aspect will be seeing what happens when he eventually splits from Jack Swagger. Then, we'll find out if he was brought in just to smooth over the weak mic work on Swagger's part, or if the company sees Zeb as a featured performer by himself. Yes, of course he always has to accompany a wrestler or lead a faction since he's not fighting his own wars, but now that Swagger's star seems to be waning (after you've lost an "I Quit" match, you wonder what your future prospects will be), it remains to be seen whether Zeb Coulter will be needed anymore.

I hope they keep him. He might have to change his theme to keep things fresh, but Zeb is a good enough talker to switch gears and find another cause to espouse.

As for Jack Swagger, I'm thinking the company pushed him very hard after his lengthy absence....and he still didn't feature as a main eventer. Now, it's back to the mid-card, where he really belongs, anyway.
I love his character, funnily enough when he was in the UK he got over massively becuase here Immigration is a massive thing and alot of people loved the gimmick. (That truly speaks volumes for the UK lol)

But anyway, his delivery of speech his fantastic and plays his part to perfection. I do think though that the only way his character can go now is form a stable with Swagger as i think Mantel is now branded as an patriotic figure and will stay with his name forever now. Who should be in the stable ? Swagger, Bray Wyatt and possibly Slater with a new redneck gimmick much like Trever Murdoch's was.

But Colter in the future, once his use with Swagger is over will be down in NXT developing the next crop of talent or become a General Manager.
Coulter has done a great job as Jack Swagger's mouthpiece. Whenever he ultimately parts ways with Swagger, a few minor tweaks to his character could easily make him a beneficial manager to someone else on the roster. I know that some will think people simply won't buy into Coulter after his anti-immigrant character but I don't buy it. Wrestlers reinvent themselves often. For instance, if Brodus Clay and Tensai were to drop their current characters tomorrow and form into a serious monster tag team in which they were booked as legit threats, then nobody would care that they were a mostly comedic team in a month or so.

There are plenty of wrestlers on the roster ranging from mid-carders to tag teams to even potential main event players. Mid-card guys who're looking to maybe get moved to another level like Kofi Kingston or Wade Barrett. He could be used for the purpose of helping wrestlers or tag teams establish a new persona and/or get a fresh start like Justin Gabriel, Antonio Cesaro, The Usos, The Prime Time Players. He could be used to possibly further enhance higher level guys like Big Show or Mark Henry, maybe as a mouthpiece/manager to Ryback.

There are lots of potentially good roles for Coulter. He has a great mind and he's a respected veteran. A lot of modern fans might not really know about or appreciate that very much, but it's never a bad thing to have someone with as much knowledge and insight helping out guys on the roster.

I think Jack Hammer is pretty much spot on as usual! There are plenty of other wrestlers on the roster who would benefit from working with and being managed by Coulter. Dutch Mantel knows the wrestling business inside out and his mic skills would greatly help out some of the members of the roster who's promo skills need developing, whether that be a new talent being brought up from NXT or someone already on the roster.

I would personally like to see some kind of a faction led by Zeb, I have always liked "gangs" in wrestling- perhaps with guys like Riley, Hawkins etc with them using the benefit of Zeb's knowledge and developing their characters.
I do like the idea of having like Alex Riley paired with Zeb. People have talked about pairing Swagger and Riley as a team in the past. And he does deserve another shot.

However, imo, Riley is really over as a face and thus should not be heel for an extended period of time. While a heel turn could revitalize him creatively, I feel that as a heel, he'll become boring to watch in the ring. Being a heel would just be a waste of Riley's charisma and ability to connect with the fans

If Riley IS to be with Zeb, it should be on a very short term basis with the express intent of turning him back face and having him feud with with Swagger

For example, whenever Zeb, Swagger, and Riley come out to the ring, and Zeb cuts his promos, Riley always looks visibly bored and indifferent. He'll do things like scratch himself, yawn or tweet on his phone. The tweets will actually appear in that little corner on the screen, and he'll tweet stupid things like "Pancho's Bistro is the worst Mexican restaurant in town. #wethepeople". Sometimes, he'll take the mic from Zeb just to make some inane comment such as "Dude, I just farted." or something like that, which visibly annoys Zeb and Swagger. The general idea would be that Riley doesn't give a shit about politics, or illegal immigrants, and just goofs around and takes nothing seriously. He would be heavily self-aware of his status in the WWE ranks, and it's established within the storyline that he is only associating with Zeb to get HIMSELF over.

He'll make his entrance, look at the camera and say something like AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!!! before being his usual charismatic energetic self. He still generally acts like a fan favorite and the only thing that makes him a heel is that he just happens to be booked in matches against other faces. Riley would basically be a face with a heel manager. His matches will usually be face vs. face, or against low card heels like JTG whose alignment doesn't matter, or the face who is getting jobbed out to him will wrestle a heel style. For example, Zack Ryder, despite being a face, would try to wear Riley down with restholds, only for Riley to crush Ryder with a Five Moves of Doom-style comeback.

Eventually Zeb and Swagger would get tired of Riley "not taking things seriously" and turn on him, leading to a feud.

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