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Jack Swagger enough is enough.

Raw was so pathetic having Swagger lose to Santino. This is sad how a guy like Jack Swagger is now a full time jobber. I just dont understand what he did wrong to be where he is now in the pecking order. I mean the dude is like 6'5 260 and has an amateur wrestling background. The fact is he really was an "all american" at Oklahoma. WWE thought enough of him in 2010 to put the world title on him. The guy is never gonna be the most loved or even hated and his personality is alittle goofy but I dont get why he isnt pushed as a top guy anymore.

I really really really think they need to repackage this guy and I think the perfect gimmick would be something similar to what the WWF did with Lex Luger. Have swagger come out and really get behind his "all american" roots and start taking on the bad guys . Maybe he comes out and stops Big Shows reign of terror. Something anything would be better then being this jobber whiny heel being led around by Vickie and being dolphs bitch boy. Swagger has to be reinvented and change his presentation. Even change his voice alittle and try new ring music and a new look.

So bascially is Jack Swagger ever gonna be a star and main eventer or is he destined to be mid card and eventually future endeavored.

Unfortunately, his lisp and lack of "Kurt Angle" ability are his downfall...

Although I think he has a lot more potential, the crowd is not as into him as they are Dolph or Santino.

Personally, I think Swagger is entertaining, and I think he's come a LONG way from when he was WWE champion, even though he has not really had a meaningful feud. He's more charismatic by FAR than he was before!

... Just my 2 cents though.
Swagger needs Heyman!

If Heyman can get in Swagger's corner and help him cut a decent promo (ala Lesnar) then I believe Swagger's career could really, really take off. Swagger needs to be more controversial to. I'm not saying he needs to be Punk 2.0, but I do think he needs to shoot at the company for not getting behind his back. And when Ziggler becomes face, accuse Ziggler of setting him back.

That would be awesome, Paul Heyman can definitly do magic with superstars, when he was in charge of Heidenreich, he was over, when he was in charge of the Big Show, he was better, he put Brock Lesnar on the map, if he's in charge if Swagger it can definitly help his career, and he surtenly will have his well deserved push, and he has all the tools to be a top heel, and with Heyman behind him, he will be a force to be wrecking with.......
Jack Swagger needs to get the U.S. Title and become aggressive. Ditch that corny side of him. Have him go complete rage on his opponents like Ken Shamrock. Have him add prestige to the US title by taking on all comers. Give him someone that can manage him(Vicky, Dolphy is going face soon so Vicky works good with Jack). If they allowed me to book him he'd be a fan favourite. But WWE doesn't even know what they want to do with their main stars let alone mid-card stars.
Uhhmmm Daniel Bryan pretty much proves your theory to be false. He was given an opportunity and ran with it, proving that swagger didn't have the all around talent needed. Saying things like "could be their future" shows how your being biased so you shouldn't throw that around. Swagger needs to change. That's all. It has nothing to do with booking.

My theory is not incorrect. I didn't say everybody that won the MITB without any buildup or momentum wouldn't be a success. I'm saying it doesn't work for everybody and shouldn't be a crutch that WWE uses to try to get guys over just because they are too lazy and incompetent to build up guys the proper way.

Second of all, Daniel Bryan is a different story. He didn't get over on his own. ROH fans at their anniversary show paid a tribute to Daniel by doing the yes chants at a show during WM weekend. Bryan put it on twitter and since then more of his fans and followers caught wind of it and brought those very same YES chants to WWE and it's been a phenomenon ever since. So before you go around giving DB credit for solely getting himself over, know that DB fans put him over with the YES chants and basically put him to the level he's on now. Remember, Daniel Bryan is an internet darling and had a following before WWE. He had a supporting cast behind him. Jack Swagger doesn't have that in his corner. He was put in a lose situation
My theory is not incorrect. I didn't say everybody that won the MITB without any buildup or momentum wouldn't be a success. I'm saying it doesn't work for everybody and shouldn't be a crutch that WWE uses to try to get guys over just because they are too lazy and incompetent to build up guys the proper way.

Second of all, Daniel Bryan is a different story. He didn't get over on his own. ROH fans at their anniversary show paid a tribute to Daniel by doing the yes chants at a show during WM weekend. Bryan put it on twitter and since then more of his fans and followers caught wind of it and brought those very same YES chants to WWE and it's been a phenomenon ever since. So before you go around giving DB credit for solely getting himself over, know that DB fans put him over with the YES chants and basically put him to the level he's on now. Remember, Daniel Bryan is an internet darling and had a following before WWE. He had a supporting cast behind him. Jack Swagger doesn't have that in his corner. He was put in a lose situation

So if Jack Swagger's fans started chanting for him all of a sudden he'd be over? Oh wait, there's only 4 of you. DB is infinitely more talented than Swagger so don't over simplify his "overness" as a way to excuse Swagger's failure to convince people to give a damn about him. But you've highlighted yet another reason Swagger is where he's at today. Bryan took it upon himself to improve his character. He came up with "YES" and "YES" got over. Swagger hasn't come up with anything. Swagger seems content with what he's doing and what he's doing isn't working. It's his own damn fault.
You know why he never connected with the fans? Because of the poor booking of his time as the World Heavyweight champion. And saying stuff like "Swagger is luck to have a job', is ignorant and plain stupid. He proved he can wrestle, he proved he can hold on his own as a champion, but the creatives f*cked him over with a sh*tty storylines. So claiming, he didn't connect, is ignorant at best. Obviously, you have no idea what Swagger can do in-ring wise, because if you did, you'll know his a championship material.

Swagger IS lucky to have a job. He isn't over with the fans and the only person he has to blame for that is himself. You aren't always dealt the best hand in the WWE, but what you do with it is up to you. Everyone thought Brodus Clay's "Funkasaurus" gimmick would fail hard, but Brodus took the ball and ran with it all the way to the goalline. Swagger took his gimmick, fumbled it around midfield, and let Santino run it all the way in for the score.
Swagger is a fantastic wrestler and his mic skills are above average considering how little time they give him on the stick. Swagger should be MUCH higher on the card than he is, but Vince is 100% focused on only pushing babyfaces.
Swagger got the WHC and beat Randy Orton clean in his first PPV defense, that would be considered a pretty good start by most. However he followed up with very poor promos while wearing an uncomfortable looking suit and sweating buckets through it. He basically had the equivalent of Nixon's sweaty top lip syndrome, he didn't convince as the smooth, smart champion he was trying to portray.

Yet! even after he failed to get over as champion his push continued with a feud with Big Show where he was booked strongly and he still didn't get over. In the end WWE simply put him on the back burner.

Now, why he is being used as he is right now I don't know, but he is everybody's jobber these days and Triple H's own personal bitch in dark segments, so I am guessing somewhere along the line he is in the old doghouse.
You spelt "Piss weak" wrong. Swaggar was made to look like D-bry and christian that little bitch heel which didn't suit him in the slightest. He was great as a cocky arragont guy in ecw and did a great job as a beast when he debuted the ankle lock ( granted this is an easy gimmick for big guys) but he was never booked strong during his whc regin. I think he won about three matches over three months. This works well with smaller guys like D-bry and Christian but D-bry usually got dq or count wins and christian only got pinned when he was challenging for the title or in his one defence. Swaggar got pinned nearly every week. Now regardless of wether you like or dislike swaggar there is a big continuity gap when a former whc is jobbing to comedy acts and this match has to stop. Maybe they shouldn't have given him the whc but thats that and it makes no sense that he loses like this. Fire him if you must but dont do this bull shit
What I don't understand is how can "The All-American American" not be wearing any stars and stripes garb ala Kurt Angle? He also doesn't have much swagger about him. He looks like the love child of Kris Roe (The Ataris) and Biff from Back To The Future. Maybe they can have an angle with someone calling him a butthead and he can't say, "Don't call me butthead, butthead." Considering 9 year olds are the only ones watching the product (rolls eyes at Cena)

But the point is that Jack Swagger is one of those guys that isn't ready to make that jump to the main event and that's fine. He is, however, a nice amateur wrestler and could probably fit nicely into a tag team role.

Maybe he can go out there and say he's the best All-American American on July 4th and be confronted by "The Patriot" Del Wilkes. He could also claim that the US Olympic team wanted him for the summer olympics but the titles here in the WWE are more important than any medals won in the Olympics. YADDA YADDA YADDA. There is definitely something that the gimmick can contribute. I'd also lose the ankle lock as it's too similar to Angle.
Swagger isnt over because he never gets to be in meaningful storylines he just comes out jobs and thats it.He should use that loss to santino and get in a feud with him, he also needs a better manager to cut promos for him maybe michael cole? If swagger took the title from santino w cole involved that would get him lots of heat.I think thats better than santino vs ricardo rodriguez.
Headman said:
So if Jack Swagger's fans started chanting for him all of a sudden he'd be over?

I never said that. But if Swagger built up a legion of fans in the indies for 10 years and had a smark following that wanted to see him get over and went to WWE shows with signs, then yes maybe he could get over. Was Zach Ryder around a year ago not enough proof for you that if you build an internet following, they could rally behind you until you're pushed on the show?

Headman said:
Oh wait, there's only 4 of you.

I'm not even some huge big swagger fan, so you fail right there.

Headman said:
DB is infinitely more talented than Swagger

Uh no he's not. There both equally as talented. Stop riding DB so hard.

Headman said:
so don't over simplify his "overness" as a way to excuse Swagger's failure to convince people to give a damn about him.

I'll do that if people like you stop overrating DB and giving him 100% of the credit for getting over when the reality is that a big part of him getting over is his longtime fans tagging along to the YES chants and making it into something and basically helping him reach the top. DB owes plenty of thanks to his legion of fans from the indies that came to WWE shows with signs and did the chants and did all the work for him to get to his current spot.

Headman said:
But you've highlighted yet another reason Swagger is where he's at today. Bryan took it upon himself to improve his character. He came up with "YES" and "YES" got over. Swagger hasn't come up with anything. Swagger seems content with what he's doing and what he's doing isn't working. It's his own damn fault.

How can Swagger come up with anything when he's not given the proper face time let alone mic time to come up with a catchphrase to get over? :banghead: What is so hard to understand about that? As if it's not bad enough that he's booked to job on almost a weekly basis but he's not getting the opportunity to get over verbally on top of all of that. Bryan gets his fair share of mic time a week and has had Smackdown devoted to him and his angles. When was the last time Swagger had this opportunity. He doesn't get the opportunity. The same happened with The Miz of the past few months. Just accept the fact that WWE shits on their superstars which is why they can't create superstars and stop coming up with every defense mechanism for them.
I used to like Swagger, I still like him. I actually thought that his all american american think would fit right as a US champ. But guess what. He got stale. No one reacts to him. His entrance is bland. With all the ability in the ring, crowd is pretty much dead in his matches. Storylone or no storyline, somewhere the wrestler has to show what he's got. Zack got over by working on his own(and I consider Swagger more talented than him). And that's the point. You have to get over.

Kofi with everything he does can still rally the crowd behind him, hence he is the go to mid-card guy for E. They'll put the mid-card belt on him whenever required. Swagger can't even do that. Admit it, not everyone can be a main-eventer but you have to work with what you get. Cody's post legacy time was crap but his 'dashing', and then 'demented masked' and then 'psycho' gimick caught on. He worked with what he got. Swagger couldn't.

Pushing a wrestler for just the sake of pushing doesn't make money. Swagger has potential. May be his time will come. As of now, he is jobbing and seems like crowd doesn't care.
Shame what Swagger has been booked to become.

He has the size of someone who should be a lot higher on the charts than where he is now and he has the REAL and PRO wrestling ability to do what he needs to do to put on a good match.

I don't know why the WWE has thrown him to the wolves so much, now he isn't a credible contender for anything. Thing is, all they need to do is give a LITTLE effort and show he has a new attitude... an even more agressive attitude... i guess more like Alberto Del Rio where you know he isn't messing around. If they did that, Swagger would get some wins and his credibility would rise and he'd be closer to the position Dolph Ziggler is in now.

It is frustrating though to see what WWE has done to Swagger lately. If I didn't have WWE '12 and was able to set the damn WWE right in MY universe then I probably would have to stop watching WWE for a while because it would be so aggrivating.
The problem with Swagger is the best way to push him is the exact opposite way his hardcore supporters view him as. I loved his soaring eagle during his championship run years ago, and it helped fans to laugh at him and find a connection. But this alienated his existing fanbase who love 'technical wrestling' and 'realism' in pretend fighting. After that failed, they had nothing for him so he was the typical heel thug for hire again.

Swagger doesn't have Kurt's Olympic gold medal or Beniot's years of struggle to the top to play off in the main event. He needed something other than 'wrestling' for fans to remember him by. His character's only memorable thing was doing push-ups in during his entrance, hardly something to use to sell matches.

Anyway, we don't know the full picture behind the scenes. There can be many reasons why somebody isn't booked the way we want them to be. The wrestler and the person are often not the same. Maybe he is not as easy to work with. Maybe somebody is holding him back. Maybe he didn't want the spotlight or the schedule demands of being the top guy for now.
This topic is laughable at best. As far as I can tell, most people outright don't like Swagger and thinks that justifies him losing to loser comedy acts like Santino. The fact of the matter is that WWE actually groomed Swagger into a World Champion and then, for no reason, depushed him. WWE has a history of doing this with their talents. Swagger isn't the first and certainly will not be the last.

I will admit, Swagger isn't exactly an entertaining character. Not everyone has to be The Rock or Stone Cold on the mic. Swagger is big enough and believeable enough to be a silent badass as he was being pushed when he was World Champ. His actions in the ring were more than sufficient enough to advance his feuds and storylines. When WWE has made you a main eventer and went through all the trouble to book you strongly, there's no excuse for going back. Look at past big men who WWE made champions; Brock Lesnar, Batista[although he was ALOT more talented than most big men], Kane, Kevin Nash[most overrated of all-time, perhaps], etc. All of these guys weren't particularly "entertaining" but, were over because of how big there were and what they could do in the ring. Swagger is in the same league with these guys and even better than most of them, as far as technical wrestling knowledge goes.

Bottom line; WWE has royally screwed the pooch on Swagger. He's a future World Champ in the making, jobbing out to a stupid kiddie comedy act. Yes, Santino is over with the crowd. Big deal. As far as talent in the ring goes, there is absolutely no comparision to a "Cobra" and wrestling holds/execution of moves.
It's ridiculous that Swaggs is losing to Santino in a job. The man has talent to burn and he is getting wasted in matches like that. There aren't too many wrestlers I know of that can put on a good show of their skill with only a 4 minute match. I seem to recall a point when the undercard matches went 15-20 minutes and could really show off what a guy can do. I agree that putting him with a mouthpiece like AW would do wonders for him. Look what Heyman did for Lesnar?
Yea, its a shame what they are doing to him. he really is a great wrestler. I'm hoping they turn him face and they give him a push. There are too many heels right now getting about the same push i.e. Ziggler, Bryan, Albert, Alberto, Cody, Show, and Wade when he comes back. Compared to the faces besides the usual Punk and Cena, You have Christian and Santino. I have no idea what they are doing to B.Clay and Rayback does nothing but destroy people that are 105lbs. I mean if Orton want to be heel turn Swagger face. I mean don’t mess this up because you have no idea what to do with him. Shelton Benjamin is a prime example. Give a better gimmick, he carried the lisp thing well for awhile and still was average on the mic. So I am hoping they do what they did to MVP and turn him face.

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