SummerSlam: Jack Swagger vs. MVP


Dark Match Jobber

At SummerSlam, “The All-American American” Jack Swagger will go one-on-one with MVP, in a personal match between Superstars of undeniable skill and explosive emotion.


But who will reign supreme when the smoke clears? Find out Aug. 23 at 8/7 CT, only on pay-per-view.

Who did you guys think will win? :o
I am betting on Jack Swagger.. :o
A clean win with the Gut Wrentch Powerbomb.. :o
This should be the push should push swagger towards future main eventer.. :o
I'm really excited for this match, the pair have had a good little feud which has been building for quite a few weeks. I'm pleastly surprised that this has made the PPV as I wasn't one hundred percent sure that it would and I am sure these two young talents can put on an entertaining and solid match.

I'd really like Jack Swagger to come out of this as the winner as I feel he is just such a great talent and obviously a future main eventer. However, I think that MVP will take this initial bout and Swagger will probably win a rematch somewhere down the line, which would benefit both superstars.
So wait, they decided to have this? Really? Shit build. Shit feud. its llike they just couldnt figure out what to do, or if they really wanted to do it. Goodness, how shit is MVP now? Eh, well. If they have half a brain in their heads, the definately go with Swagger here. We might get to have a Cena-Swagger title program if that happens. I gotta feel like itll be Swagger going over here, since he lost to Bourne a few weeks back.
Yeah, I have to agree.

Swagger will probably go over here because they seem to have built MVP up so they can put people over him, it makes no sense. They bring in MVP to RAW and make him really take to Orton. This got him over but they have done nothing with it. All he seems to be doing now is jobbing to people to get them over. The build for this match has been crap and it seems that they just forgot about it till Raw last night. I expect this will be a decent match on the night but they could have made it so much better in my opinion. I want MVP to win but I have qualms about it if Swagger wins, he seems destined for greatness in the WWE and this could be the right time to push him. Who knows?
Who knows what the hell they are doing here. The feud has terrible build, I didn't even know it was official until now. A win helps MVP here more than a loss will hurt Swagger. I would put MVP over to keep the program going, because I feel like a Swagger win ends the feud.

But honestly who reallygives a shit who wins? I forgot these guys were even feuding, but here they are with a PPV match. MVP is trash now since coming to RAW they killed all his momentum, and I don't care much for Swagger on RAW either. He should've stayed on ECW or went to Smackdown.

Enough of my complaining for one post....let's see how it plays out. My pick is MVP but I really don't know where they will go with this.
Please let it be Swagger. Maybe (and I'm just praying here) we'll get a a double turn and MVP can go back to a gimmick that suits him: ARROGANT HEEL!!! MVP sucks as a face. MVP sucks as a face. Somebody please agree with me, because I just don't see his appeal as a face.
This should be a good match up. MVP is solid, and Swagger is an incredibly exciting up and comer. If they give these two 15 or so minutes to work, they have the potential to tear the house down.

Swagger will DEFINITELY be winning this here. Mainly because a few weeks back he said during a radio interview that he'd be going over MVP at Summerslam (though he said he'd be winning the US title from MVP at SS, so I guess we should take that with a grain of salt). Still, I see no reason for why MVP would get the win here, they've become content with seemingly burying the guy.
I actually think the feud has been decent, at least better than most mid card feuds. There have been some post match attacks and Swagger even got DQ'd this week for refusing to stop kicking MVP's ass. Sure there is no real reasoning behing it, but we can't have everything. At least this match is one the card, which means Swagger has been on every PPV since the Rumble. I'm not 100 percent on that, but I'm pretty sure it's right. This just shows how much the WWE likes Swagger. He has everything you could want in a young wrestler, the look, in ring skills, and mic skills that improve every week.

As for the match, Swagger will make it decent, but MVP is shit. I haven't enjoyed one of his matches in pretty much forever and I can't see this being any different. These two just don't work well together. Hopefully Swagger can beat him soundly here and move on to bigger and better things. If not the title, a feud with Henry may be in order.
I think this feud has looked good at times, and at other times it has been bad. They have great segments on the mic (when MVP had swagger on the VIP lounge). But then they just announce a match out of nowhere instead of MVP getting in Swaggers face adn challenging him. I hope Swagger wins here, looks like MVP is a lost cause until his eventual heel turn happens. The match should be decent just like their one on one encounter was a couple of weeks back on raw.

PS- Jack Swagger missed wrestlemania, but besides that he was on every ppv this year.
I'd prefer to see MVP win here since I still think Swagger is still just too new. MVP has been looking great. Sure his gimmick is more of the heel type but give him time. Don't give up on him just yet. This feud really needs some juice pumped into it because it sure has the potential, I'm just scared of creative dropping the ball as they already seem to be letting it slip.

MVP wins, but not cleanly
I have a feeling this match could spoil the outcome of the ME between Cena and Orton. If Swagger wins, Cena wins and vice versa. I just think this feud was a bad idea, putting 2 guys who really haven't established themselves with the fans quite yet in a program. I think they would've been better off had they been placed in a program with someone a bit more established. They absolutely have to get some new blood in the ME picture, so I'm picking MVP. If Orton retains he could step into the scene, but if Swagger wins and Cena wins, we have to wait another 6 months to get all of the rematches out of the way.
Swagger will win this. He's more over, a better wrestler, and has more upside. Ever since MVP has came on to the scene, he's lost a lot of his touch with the fans and isn't as over as he once was. A win here would really do nothing for either guy. A win for Swagger would elevate him to the Main Event picture with Cena. They would have a good program and Swagger could Main Event. He's that good. MVP? Nah. He really can't do much of anything these days.
Well, when this feud first started i really really liked it. The basic premise was solid. Jack Swagger, the all American athlete, with college scholarships and accolades against the ex-convict MVP. Swagger saying that MVp is beneath him and all that shit worked really well. Like i said, the idea was a good one. However, they never really developed the storyline further or added anything more to it. The simply traded wins and set up a rubber match. It's a shame because when this started I thought it would be the best thing on RAW and a great overall mid card feud. Hopefully, they will actually develop the story and we can see these two guys help each other to get over more. But, they might just drop it after the match at Summerfest which is a shame and is pretty stupid.
NorCal said exactly what I was thinking. The build-up to this match has been horrible and the feud has been horrible too. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a dead crowd. Not literally. No one has been given a reason to care for this feud and I predict that’s what’s going to happen during this match, no one will care about it.

Anyways, I think the match is going to be solid. Both Swagger and MVP are solid wrestlers so they should be able to have a solid match. I’m not expecting to get the most entertaining match ever or on the card but they have the ability to entertain me so that's what I am expecting, an entertaining match.

As far as to who I think is going to win, it’s probably Swagger. What has MVP been doing over the last couple of months that warrants a win over Swagger? The answer would be nothing. I don’t blame him for that but there’s no reason to give him the win. I hope Swagger wins this match but I think they’ll continue feuding. Hopefully, if they do continue feuding then we are given a good reason to care for the feud.
i reckon swagger will win with masters distravting MVP and then having a pre match beat up with swagger then evan bourne or someone comes in setting up a temporary tag team fued
I'm not really into this match all that much, although I do think it will be pretty solid. MVP right now is just awful, I just do not like this guy as a face. He's just dead it seems, everything from his entrance to his promos just doesn't vibe the way it used to.

I'm feeling confident that Swagger will go over here, partially because Swagger's already beaten MVP once before a few months back on Raw.

Overall however, this match just has filler written all over it. There's been virtually no build up to it and I think the crowd will just be dead for the most part. They're not ultimately going to care about this match all that much.
First off, the pre-match segment was great. Having Swagger and MVP face-off made it feel a lot less scripted, and it was nice to see two cocky guys jaw at each other right before going at it. What I need to know is; Am I the only guy that thinks they'd be a pretty sweet tag team?

Moving on...

I liked the match. A lot. It flowed well, and had the crowd into it, which is exactly what you'd expect from these two IWC sweethearts. The ending felt a little rushed, which bothered me, but I understand there's time constraints. I'm sure they could've worked something else in.

Grade: C The ending brought it down from a B-/B.

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