least credible main eventer

Just for starters I don't want to come of like a dick, but I just have to say how laughable half this shit is. I really wish that half of you had one iota of a clue about what you are saying. You are always entitled to your opinion, but what good is that when it makes people question your brains? Don't go wetting your diapers or anything, it could only be half of you and you don't know which half I'm referring to anyways so technically it's none of you. Now that I've got that out of the way let me get to the real topic at hand.

Least Credible Main Eventer??? The number one answer is automatically Rey Mysterio Jr. purely for his lack of size. Figure in that even Jericho who isn't a big guy towers over him and the likelihood of him beating anyone remotely bigger diminishes as the size of the opponent grows. Credibility and Ability are different things though, and Rey has a hell of a lot of ability which is why he is in that main event. I don't really have problems with him being in there, but when it comes to lacking credibility I'd think Rey Mysterio would be the answer by default.

If you want to talk about who is least credible in "Kayfabe" I'd have to go with Batista even though he is recently departed from the company. When you look at how he went out and many matches he consistently lost I'd say the answer there is pretty clear. I don't know the actual numbers without looking them up but I'm willing to bet that he's also lost more of his big matches than he's won. Think about it, how many title matches has he blown? How many rematch clauses has this guy envoked? And for that matter how the fuck did Batista have an endless supply of rematch clauses? Does he have a bad-ass attorney or something? Is he muscling them out of people? What gives?

Looking further, of the other main eventers how many can lay claim to as much constant criticism as Batista? Really only John Cena and that is mostly a bunch of douchebags who are too immature for PG and also just jump on the bandwagon for approval giving lip service to other toolkits like themselves. Batista doesn't offer much more than an impressive physique and a few power moves. One must not forget how injury prone he's been and how much that effected his career as they all cost him titles in one way or another. I personally have no problem with Batista I actually like him, but in this argument it seems Batista fills the spot of least credible main eventer with ease. I like power guys and I know what to expect from them and I am happy with that. Batista is a pretty decent power wrestler and definitely not the worst big man I've ever seen. He's just not been consistent enough I'd say to really be able to call him as credible as most of the other guys.
my pick is jeff hardy, all the guy does is put his body in peril and dress like a little queen so all the fat goth chicks love him. that crack head should have never been champion in the wwe, that shit was a disgrace to the title. and he is shit ass terrible on the mic.

second pick is rey mystroidio, guy is too old and can barely do most of his skill set do to limitations, and his tired old gimmick of overcoming odds. he is lucky eddy died cause he would have never won the championship.
My definite pick has to be jeff hardy. come on, i mean JEFF HARDY for christ's sake. ge has a lot of skill, i believe that, but he doesnt look like a main eventer to me. believe me, i was glad when cm punk beat him in that steel cage match. wwe made a wrong choice by picking him as a main eventer. i wouldve recommended matt hardy more than him. jeff hardy as a main eventer was not believable, but im pretty sure most of you will disagree with me, but i still pick jeff hardy
my vote goes to jeff hardy. Someone who thrusted into the main event after years of jumping off ladders and anything else that's really high. In some ways he was a skinny mick foley, however foley could cut a promo, wrestle, and carry and match that didn't involve a gimmick of some kind. If you saw a person like hardy walking down the street you would more than likely cross the street to avoid him. His biggest moves involve him jumping off something, never has once proven he can do any type of wrestling. He sells merch and falls off cool things, that does not make you a main eventer, you all can love him, but this is just my opinion.

Oh and as always, May you all have a nice day!

Although i stated King Booker previously, i couldn't agree more with you about Jeff Hardy. Whenever i look at the guy, my heart wants to believe he is a credible main eventer due to the risks he takes, but my head looks at the 150lb soaking wet, long haired, drug adled, make up wearing teen goth that he so clearly is and just balks at the idea he could be the man on SD!, never mind RAW! If you look at his time on SD!, he never really went up against anyone of signifigance apart from HHH. Sure, he helped Punk force his way to the top, and i respect him for that, but facing the likes of John Morrison week in week out does not a main eventer make.

I think the main reason i brought this up is I absolutely loved the Mick Foley reference as i made a similar point about Mick's ability to tell a story. On paper, Mick and Jeff are two spot monkeys, albeit one's more agile and the other is... well, Mick Foley. But Mick has superior mic skills, wrestling skills and charm. When Mick lost at No Way Out and then WM 2000, forcing him to retire, i was genuinely upset as i was rooting for him all the way. When Hardy lost to Punk on SD! and got fired, i wasn't really bothered which is remarkably weird. Think about it, Hardy had been with WWE from 98-03 and then 06-09. He had been a part of the WWE universe for a number of years and was really over. But he never really clicked with his mic skills which failed to make you want to root for him.
I didn't buy Jeff as a main eventer until HHH started working with him and Hardy showed that he could do more than just jump off high stuff. Hardy may not have had the best mic skills but he was over with the crowd and had some good matches in the main event.
I think there's some confusion between "not credible" and "not talented." Of course the two go together sometimes, but they're not necessarily the same. For example, John Cena is very credible due to his dominant booking for the last several years. If someone new were to come into the company and defeat Cena, that would be a huge deal, because Cena is credible. If they were to come in and defeat Chavo Guerrero, it wouldn't really matter, because he has constantly been booked to lose.

Of course, there is credibility to casual fans. Casual fans would find small, less buff performers like Rey Mysterio less credible.

Credibility in wrestling generally deals with booking or look. Just to clear that up.
You make a very interesting point.

A name I haven't see much if any at all is CM Punk. After he won the MITB the first time, he mostly lost before he cashed it in on Edge. His title reign was a failure and lord knows why he was booked to win it a second time. He continued to lose after that to Umaga before cashing it in on Hardy. Even during his heel run, he lost to Morrison two or three times. Sure he was getting pops in 2006 and 2007, but she he was on ECW they weren't widely noticed except at Survivor Series.

I have officially changed my opinion from Jericho to Punk.
The main reason Hardy was in the main event was because he was over with the fans. He did have skills and a few IC title reigns. He defiantly wasnt the least credible but he was definatly one of the least credible. He had more credit getting in then Sheamus or Swagger or Kahli.
I can't believe people are saying HHH and John Cena aren't credible champions. Sure, I don't particularly like them, but how can you possibly argue their credibility? I suppose these same people didn't think Hogan was a credible champion in the 80's.

Anyway, I'd have to go with Rey Mysterio. I always thought it was a joke when he beat any main eventer period, let alone winning the belt. He should have never made it out of the cruiserweight division. He is so overrated. Not only is he tiny (isn't the guy like 5 foot?) but he has no mic skills and his actual wrestling isn't any better than your average cruiserweight. I think the only reason he has been successful was to give the hispanic viewers someone to cheer for.
To be a good main eventer in my opinion you need

1. Top quality in ring ability
2. Be able to talk
3. Reaction from the audience

Mark Henry, Vladamir Kozlov, Great Khali do not have these 3, hell they struggled to get even one of them during there main event runs. Just poor

At least Henry and Khali seem to get decent reactions now, but I hope to God we never see them in title contention again, as far as wrestling ability goes...they suck

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