Randy Orton- Wrestlemania's New Main Eventer

you should be get off my back moron and i do know how to spell if you arent living in the 60's its called Aim talk none cares how you spell on the internet unless its something for buisness etc.
Guys, the reason we all joined the forums were to discuss the topics at hand not get all bent out of shape. Rememeber what our moms said long ago..." if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all" So... with that in mind, we should get back to discussing this sport that we love ( sometimes a little too hard) ITS COOL GUYS, CALM DOWN. I think both of your passions are great but just channel it all in a healthy debate not namecalling
Since those two guys that are insulting each other are obviously trying to get this thread locked, let me just talk about Orton for a minute. I'd like to see him in another Wrestlemania World Title match this year...as a matter of fact, I believe that he'd be a good candidate to win the Royal Rumble. I think what ruined his image the first time he became Champion was that it was brought upon him too quickly. I think if he were to get another shot at a title feud, it'd be alot more successful.
I think the win by John Cena at Unforgiven sets the stage hopefully for Orton to start the feud. If you remember at Raw a couple of weeks ago when they had the ingendermatch when Orton RKOed Trish. When he walked behind the ref's back, he did the whole"you cant see me" mocking. Maybe that was a subtle hint of things to come. What do you guys think?
djmalachi said:
I think the win by John Cena at Unforgiven sets the stage hopefully for Orton to start the feud. If you remember at Raw a couple of weeks ago when they had the ingendermatch when Orton RKOed Trish. When he walked behind the ref's back, he did the whole"you cant see me" mocking. Maybe that was a subtle hint of things to come. What do you guys think?

I hope so, Orton vs Cena would be pretty good. Maybe Orton will take Cena out.
I think that would be the RAW title mainevent for Wrestle Mania. And just by wrestling history and the unpredictableness of the WWE, everything leads to Orton taking the title off of Cena
Orton is in such hot water with the WWE officials that he will probably never hold the title again. Orton has been suspended AGAIN from the company but just house shows and other misc stuff. He's a great wrestler with a great angle but his attitude sucks at everything.
CM Punk for WM main eventing and to the topic poster he doesn't deserve shit with all his suspensions and unprofesionalism.
DeathIsARight said:
Please kepp posting, I need a good laugh!

I don't know what's worse. His spelling and grammar or the fact that you get a kick out of it. Get a fucking life.

People like you are just ******ed, "Lol omfg I'm laughing at some guys spelling on the internet." :lol2: Here's a bright idea, leave the guy alone, he'll type however the hell he wants to type. And there isn't a damn thing you can do to change it.
I realize that he is in hot water with the WWE but the fact remains that from a creative standpoint, the WWE has to come up with a reasonable opponent to challenge the champion ,assuming it is still Cena, at WrestleMania. And I for one dont see the creative team and Vince dragging the feuds with Edge way into next year. I agree with his immaturity is costing him alot of opportunities but from a business standpoint I dont think they will have a choice
i like both randy and john and i would love to see those two feud. i am so sick of seeing the same 2 wrestlers wrestle each other every raw. comeon on and get the edge and cena feud over with. How about Edge feud with someone else... I wanna see Cena vs Randy for the title. I love Cena but i would love to see Randy hold the title one more time.
Cena and Orton wouldnt be that good of a match IMO... They had a match on Raw when Eddie died.. And it was horrible.. Personally.. Id like to see RKO main event.. But he just doesnt have all the tools yet.. Id like to see another HBK vs Orton fued tho
Orton, in my opinion, is years away from being in the main event. He still has to polish up his moveset and be one of the biggest draws in the WWE. It's questionable whether he's even a Top 5 draw on RAW. However, I do see many main events in store for him
hes good.. his potential is higher than most ive seen in the last 4 years, but even right now, hes still better than most of the guys on raw...aside from hhh and hbk, edge, right now id say he has the most ability to be a main eventer.
Carlito is gonna be rly good, but he moves too slow right now, if hes not doin a high spot he doesnt look good. orton on the other hand, keeps me interested even when theres not a high spot... theyre feud wont go anywhere, they will hold each other bakc, carlito needs to feud with someone lesser than him, and Orton needs to be thrown into the cena edge feud, why demolish that feud when u can just add orton and it will be at a whole new level.
You gotta remember HHH's pull, he'll be in the main event in some way at Mania. Maybe they cold have the first Fatal 4way since 2000. Orton Vs Cena Vs Edge Vs HHH. That would be an awesome main event!
That would not make me too happy. That just really cheapen the whole Feud for the title gimmick. Yeah I know that HHH will be involved with a main event a Mania but maybe that when the whole " NWO " angle will come into play ( If it comes to be)

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