Least favourite main eventer ever

My most least favorite main eventer ever has to go to JBL. This guy became a main eventer only because he broke up APA? Not gonna get into that but it had to do with politics. Then he changes his gimmick and interferes in a Eddie Guerrero match and becomes champion? For a whole year at that? It was pathetic. It was at the point where I started to lose faith in the WWE and didn't give a damn about it. JBL beat Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, The Undertaker, etc. in a whole year? It was unrealistic and he never belonged in the main event picture. He was a nobody when Austin, Rock, and Lesnar were around but when they left, "Ahhh yes...Now I can take over..."

Cena also belongs in that same category but I'm not gonna go off on him. What can I say about his rise to the main event that hasn't already been said?...:shrug:
Wow I cant believe no one has said Triple H!!!!! Must be because he is AWESOME!!!
Anyway moving on....my pick is and always will be Hogan. Like MisterRob I grew up through Hulkamania and I always hated the big egg. He was no good at anything, he couldnt even get out of the tanning bed on time, so always looked like an over BBQ'd sausage.

#2: Sheamus. He is too ugly to look at, I honestly couldnt tell you what his in ring ability is like as I can't look at him, he makes my eyes hurt. His feud with Hunter was the worse, the matches were a mix between lusting after Hunter and pulling my own eyes out, yuk yuk yuk

For the rest, yeah Khali cant wrestle, Randy Orton is boring,Brock Lesnar I could easily live without, Rey Mysterio is extremely unbelievable and I like Chris Benoit (til the insane thing) and Cena is okay.
....my pick is and always will be Hogan. Like MisterRob I grew up through Hulkamania and I always hated the big egg. He was no good at anything...

I agree, Hogan sucked. All of that entertaining millions, putting an entire industry on his back, and taking wrestling from cult to mainstream... what a loser! He had no talent at all.

Even if you can't stand Hogan, you at least have to give him credit for stopping Sgt. Slaughter, Colonel Mustafa, and General Adnan from helping Iraq win the Gulf War. That would not have been good for any of us.
My least favorite main eventer is someone who I totally detested in 2000 to about 2005 and that is Triple H.

It had to be the twenty to thirty minute promos that seemingly opened the show every single week. They gave him a ton of awful feuds which resulted in some of the worst championship matches on pay-per-view that I can ever remember (eg. Vs Scott Steiner at the Royal Rumble).

I've found him tolerable and somewhat enjoyable over the past several years, however. The last run that he had with Shawn as DX was great and was highly entertaining.

He hasn't hogged the title scene, either. Yes, he's had his small title runs but he's done more than enough to erase what could have been said about him - that he was the master of the glass ceiling.
Thank you Rasha I appreciate you backing me up. He did entertain the millions of Hulkamaniacs, make the company crap load of money, and carried the entire industry on his back...of course I wasn't a Hulkmaniac so he did no entertaining of me...I am not a McMahon so I got none of the money he generated, and he did carry the entire company, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Andre the Giant etc...I must have dreamt that they existed. Weird.

However you are again right, it is lucky he saved us single handedly from Sadam. and then went on to raise a fine upstanding son, and a daughter who sings like an angel. You Go Hogan
I've been watching wrestling since appx 1986 . And i can honestly and with all my heart say, my least favorite main eventer in all that time has been John Cena. There is not a single redeeming quality about this guy.

He has been shoved down my and every other wrestling fans throat for since 200.

Within that time he has had ZERO character development. After the rapper gimmick he has not changed. Same non-wrestling baggy jeans. Same sneakers. I have respect for minds like Edge and Chris Jericho who strive to stay fresh to the audience. Edge going from -Enigma to "reeking of total awesomeness" to singles competitor to Rated R to Ultimate Opportunist. Jericho who has done heel, face, comedy, love triangles, rock concerts, arrogance, disgust. And along with the personality changes comes different looks and styles. Edge coming from the trench coat, to the stylish grunge matching each character. Jericho going from rock star to short-hair pompous snob. Yet John Cena remains the same... unless u count the color of his giant baggy t shirt.

In the 8 or 9 years there is only 1 Cena match that i will go out of my way to put into my DVD player, and thats at One Night Stand vs RVD. In 2006 they were chanting "Same Old Shit"- And guess what it's 4 years later, and it still hasnt changed. Cena has not added a single move to his repertoire. How hard is it to study tapes and learn some new wrestling moves to keep the fans interest in the product you are selling. It's a disgusting lack of respect to any true wrestling fan. I'll also add in the lack of any "selling" which includes DURING matches, IMMEDIATELY after a match and the DAYS AFTER matches. How many times has Cena won a match and then celebrate like his arm or leg wasnt just attacked for the previous 15 minutes or gone through "hellish beatings" on PPVs and the next Raw look likes he just came back from a vacation.

His promos have 2 settings. Ones that are so forced to be funny, its painful to listen to. The other is "Im not scared, lets fight." The lack of any human quality of frailty is son unentertaining.

Is it bashing? Sure. Don't ask the question unless you want the opinions.

It's the same truthful arguments that have been written here 100,000 times.

25 years of wrestling and he IS the my least favorite main eventer
in addition to his horrible wrestling ability
his last couple reigns as champion were lazy and slow.
after the undertaker feud others all were just plain dumb and alone with the fact that the title was just handed to him by McMahon the last time pathetic
Personally going to go with Diamond Dallas Page. My sister, who barely watched wrestling at all, was a fan of DDP. That's enough right there to make me hate the guy. Besides that though, i thought he was quite obnoxious. I'll give him credit, he accomplished more with the little talent he had than a lot of guys accomplish that are actually really talented. Still though, I never got myself pumped up to see any of his matches, despite the personal angles most of his programs tend to have had. If I wanted to see a DDP match, it was always about wanting to see Savage/Guerrero/Steiner wipe their asses with DDP's curly hair. When DDP was revealed as 'Taker's wife's stalker, I immediately thought "...are you f'n serious? There's no way the WWF will let this clown go over", sat back and watched him fizzle. Sorry guys, I just couldn't stand him.
For me it will always be Ultimate Warrior....

He never said anything aside from grunting, his most impressive this was the way he ran to the ring before the match and when he didn't get his way he went nutso and blamed the world for all of his problems....
For me I would have to go with jeff hardy. Seriously he's nothing but an emo drug addict in no way should he have ever been even close to main event. Imo he just plain sucked there was nothing believable about him as any type of champ except for when he was teamin with his bro. Jeff was the biggest waste of an oppurtunity that could have went to someone actually deserving. He's a loser thru and thru. I wish I could get ahead in life by doin drugs and painting whiskers on my face.
Wow really Jeff Hardy???? I agree he is crap on the mike, his acting skills are atrocious, and yes he is a sad sack emo, whos music, art and poetry sucks, but you have to admit the man has charisma. His wrestling ability is phenominal. In saying that he did just crap all over his numerous opportunties in favour of being a junkie...so hey my bad your right.

I know he is a total loser but I loved The Ultimate Warrior, when I watched the self destruction of the Ultimate Warrior, i felt like a kid who was told his dad died in the war a hero, and then found out he was actually in jail for being a paedo...still not over it

With the name 'The Celtic Warrior' he ran away from Nexus faster than Tyson Gay and his finisher is what? Pump Kick? Even Sweet Chin Music looks more devastating than that! And WTF?! He didn't have the balls to face Nexus and was afraid of Orton. And Sheamus also has an impressive series of title defending (sarcasm):

Won the WWE Title because John Cena fell into the table.
Kept the title because he DQ'ed himself.
Kept the title because he defeated Orton by DQ.
Then he lost it at E-Chamber.
Won the WWE Title back at F4W because of the Nexus.
Kept the title on RAW because of Nexus.
Kept the title at Money in the Bank because of Nexus.
Keep the title at Summerslam because of...DQ.

This is WWE's way of building a dominant monster heel?

See, I'll compare him with some other successful monster heels from the 1990's and see how he differs from them. One thing, though, they actually had devastating finishers and they didn't need 7 men to help them win every time because they could do it all by themselves:

1. Diesel (Kevin Nash) = Call him Big Daddy Cool or Kevin Nash, his stint in WWE as Diesel has been one of the biggest push ever; in less than one year, he won the Intercontinental belt, the Tag Team championship and the WWF World Title. He was certainly the most dominating wrestler and also one of the biggest names during The New Generation Era of Wrestling (1994-1996). He had more than an impressive size at 6'11" with 320 pounds of muscle; he also had a huge charisma, cut great promos and was so over with the fans. Over the course of being a WWE champion for more than one year, he defeated Shawn Michaels, Sid, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Virgil, Bam Bam Bigelow, and pretty much every main eventer minus The Undertaker, who defeated him at Wrestlemania 12. And his finisher, Jacknife Powerbomb, was pretty devastating.

2. Sycho Sid = If Lesnar was the example of pain, then Sid was the example of Ruthless. Nicknamed The Ruler of The World at 6'9" and 317 lbs, he had an amazing psychotic gimmick and he was feared by all. With his reputation earned from his run with Ric Flair's Four Horsemen and his NWA World Heavyweight title won against Sting, he later managed to win the WWF Championship twice to dominate the WWE in 1996-97 and became one of the biggest names in the dawn of The New Generation Era. During his tenure in WWE, he defeated Undertaker, Bret Hart, Vader, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Goldust, British Bulldog, and Owen Hart by his vile finisher, Release Powerbomb.

3. Masked Kane = Often cited as the finest monster heel in the sports entertainment ever since the retirement of Andre The Giant, The Big Red Machine stood in 6'10" and 323 lbs. The Big Red Monster was the first to really physically dominate The Undertaker and he always been his nemesis in their feuds, when they were not together as the Brothers Of Destruction.He's the only one to have made The Undertaker look human when The Undertaker was using his Lord of Darkness Persona. After tearing the steel door of HIAC when he debuted, he took out The Undertaker before literally taking out the entire roster, defeating guys like Mankind, Vader, Stone Cold, The Rock, Big Show, Triple H, and many others. His two feared finishers, Chokeslam & Tombstone Piledriver, perfectly symbolizes his persona in three words: heartless, merciless, and fearless.

So, basically Sheamus is somewhere in between joining the ranks of legendary monster heels like Andre The Giant, King Kong Bundy, Diesel, Sid, Big Show, and Masked Kane & joining the ranks of poor excuse of monster heels like Giant Gonzales, Big Boss Man, A-Train, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, and Vladimir Kozlov.

I say, the way he's booked right now, he is closer to the latter. Not to mention so far he doesn't even have any legendary match despite constantly facing Triple H, Randy Orton, and John Cena. If u can't get at least a classic from those 3, then something is wrong with you. Just like Kozlov, even when he was booked against Undertaker & Shawn Michaels, the two legends couldn't even bring a half-decent match with him. Is that horrible or amazing?
for me, it would have to be goldberg. he was a wcw ripoff of austin and i did not really care for austin. i never bought into the hype of a guy who cant wrestle for more than 7-8 minutes. he was terrible on the mic and he couldnt carry a match w/anybody. i cant even remember a great match that he was in. the match with hogan on nitro was not good and i don't even want to get started on hogan. he ended bret hart's career( who is probably a top5-10 wrestler of all-time) and it was because he was clueless, still after a few yrs of wrestling. i have been saying for about 10 yrs that goldberg is overrated.
My least favorite main eventer is non other than Goldberg!!!

He has to be one of the worst guys to ever main event wrestling, WCW pushes him to about 149 straight victories with about 85 percent of his wins coming against guys who can even wrestle. Who did he really beat to be called unstoppable? He beat "Hollywood" Hogan when he was about 50 years old....not very impressive. To be fair, there have been others who are undeserving but Goldberg tops the list

Second least favorite is El Hijo De Santo and Blue Demon Jr.
Sheamus :-P or all time, Hulk Hogan. Sheamus is being pushed too much without giving decent matches. I mean, remember the days when Bret Hart or Kurt Angle were pushed - they used to give fabulous matches. This guy is yet to give one decent memorable match, forget legendary. Also, Hogan was very over-rated with almost zero wrestling skill. His matches were all about showbiz, hardly any technical ability involved in them.
I don't understand how people say Hogan. I really wonder the age of these guys, if they were really watching wrestling at mid 1980's as a kid. Bad mic skills? move set being lame? yeah im sure at 6-7 years of age you were checking those stuff when seeing a wrestler. Don't bullsh*t here... And if you are old enough to check those attributes of a wrestler im sure you can remember Iron Sheik and the rest of the guys at that time as well. No problem if you are young for those days, but don't act like an expert of 6 years of age... please...
Well, I'm going to have to go with Randy Orton. This guy is just so boring to watch in the ring and his mic work makes my ears bleed. And on top of that, recently, this guy has been coming out super dominant each and every week which is getting annoying. If I want to have someone coming out dominate every week, I'd rather have Cena do that (who can actually give a decent or better match).

That whole period last year where he was in the main event is a period in wrestling that I want to forget forever. :banghead:

Wow , you cant be serious ? Randy orton has the wwe on his back , him and jericho are the only wrestlers that bring that " attitude era " style back to wwe .

BUt anyway! I would have to say edge , he sucks ass .. he doesnt do anything .. his gimmick sucks .. his spear looks less convincing every time he does it .. skip sheffield does the spear wayy better . And he's turning into matt hardy weak ass .
Definitely Big Show

I appreciate why he is a main eventer, a giant, a freak of nature who's size is awe-inspiring....BUT

I just cannot stand to see him wrestle. The guy is just soooo boring and slow. Everything Show does looks awkward, and he can never have an entertaining match because of his size, and almost noone can do a move on him. Even things like dropkicks, used to get him off his feet, involve him staggering and falling over awkwardly.

I dont even find him entertaining on the mic. He is better as a heel however, but his face mic work is just cringeworthy.


Quite a few to choose from...

1. Randy Orton. I just dont get the guy.Nothing fancy about him and he struggles like hell to give of that weak Jake Roberts intensity.

2.John Cena. The guy that made me change the channel.Despite being on top all these years, he hasn't learn't any new moves, his promo's are still horrible and he still can't sell.

3.Kevin Nash. Not the nwo kevin nash but the wwf champ Deisel. Worse than bland-no wonder he didn't draw for vince
Definitely Big Show

I appreciate why he is a main eventer, a giant, a freak of nature who's size is awe-inspiring....BUT

I just cannot stand to see him wrestle. The guy is just soooo boring and slow. Everything Show does looks awkward, and he can never have an entertaining match because of his size, and almost noone can do a move on him. Even things like dropkicks, used to get him off his feet, involve him staggering and falling over awkwardly.

I dont even find him entertaining on the mic. He is better as a heel however, but his face mic work is just cringeworthy.



Exactly my opinion and one big example is at TLC where HBK was pushed off the ladder and Landed on an upright show and show held him for 2 seconds before realising he had to sell the move and he doesnt deserve to be in the ME just an upper mid carder puting over young guys like he did with miz briefly he has some mic skills but his voice sounds like a 90 year old man wheezing and just relies on his size to be a draw
Well, I can see we are dealing with kids or people who can't read correctly...."all-time" not in the last several months. Y2K wasn't the beginning of wrestling ya know? All I see is John Cena(even though I hate his character), Batista, JBL and the oldest one is Hulk Hogan. DDP...white trailer trash that was sickening to watch. Rowdy Roddy Piper, yeah WCW is the only push he was ever gonna get. He made it hard to believe even with a win over HOGAN. Jeff jarrett, great performer, headliner he is not. Scott Steiner, why Scott, why? The least favorite of all-time, Bob backlund. Lets put it this way, could you see Eugene holding the WWE Title? I rest my case.
Jeff Jarret in the dying days of WCW, i mean What the f? Such a small guy, not perfect mic skills. Guys like Goldberg, Steiner, Booker T i just don't find it believable Jarret would be able to beat them. I just couldn't believe when i saw they made him champion lol.
Does David Arquette count as a "main-eventer" since he headlined a match in WCW and won the World Heavyweight Championship? If so, that'll be my choice. He has charisma, but his ring-work is an absolute joke. He doesn't need to be anywhere near a ring anymore. And then these clowns on creative at WCW decide to give him the World Title over the rest of the main-eventers? Lame I tell ya. Still looking at the clip today, I'd rather get a root canal done than to see Arquette as World Champion. Not good, and I guess you can say that he is my least favorite main-eventer.
booker t & diamond dallas page

for some reason i just diddnt care about them as champ. ddp just irritated me for the most part. always injured, always. fairly boring most of the time & he is partially responsible for david arquette winning the title. if nt for that damn movie, arquette wouldnt have been anywhere close to a ring.

booker t should have just went back to houston. now harlem heat was good. when booker went on his own & eventually landed in wwe, i wasnt happy. the fucking spin-a-roonie? the skits with goldust were fantastic though, i must admit. but all in all- just a rash on my memory of the past 10 years.

in addition- brock lesnar was awesome. he took out taker in HIAC. he threw around zac gowan in one of the funniest things ive ever seen. lol. his iron man match with angle= fantastic. so silence to all the brock haters or he will find you...
while I wont say he is the worst, because I think there are certainly other people who take the cake on that, my least favorite is bay far Edge.

Edge was a ridiculously entertaining tag team champ with Christian, put on some really funny promo's and they had classic matches with the Hardy Boyz and the Dudleys. I even bought Edge has a mid card champ, because he had been so successful in the tag team ranks. Then, all of the sudden he wins Money in the Bank and all of the sudden is the top heel of the company. His gimmick has been stale for a while now, and I wish they would have kept going in the direction of a face/tweener Edge.

Why I hated Edge was because he was never a believable champion. he won by being the "ultimate opportunist" which is just the E's way of saying he won by being scared to actually fight. He was fighting Cena, Orton, Bautista, Taker, Big Show, etc, even though I truly believe any average 16 year old could whoop Edge's ass in a fight. He was never a winning champion to me, he just simply had the title. Add the fact that he has like 56 title reigns despite never being healthy enough or dominant enough and we have been fed Edge for about 6 years now.

After Edge I'd have to say Yokozuna, Diesel/Kevin Nash, Sid, and Bautsita. All won because they were big and powerful, even though none were good in the ring and only Nash had decent promo skills.

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