Who's The Most Undeserving WWE Main Eventer?

I love what someone said about The Miz progressing more in 2 years than John Cena has in 6. I could not agree more.

But the guy deserves to be in the Main Event. He sells t-shirts, tickets, and is articulate enough to sound credible when he's interviewed by non-WWE people.

I guess, from the list I have in my head, I would say Rey Mysterio. Granted, he isn't in the Main Event now, but he's protected like a Main Eventer. Why? The same reason as Cena. Except, with Rey, he can't be booked to be dominate with these monsters. Cena is big enough that he can hit his finisher on The Big Show and Kane if need be. Rey just has to dance in the ring, and his style doesn't mesh with the big guys who are heels. His finisher is TERRIBLE. Unless they bring back the Cruiserweight title, or drop him down to Secondary title range, I'll probably never look forward to a Rey match.
I'm going to have to go with Shawn Michaels. Everybody says JBL doesn't serve a purpose but he does very well. He's the second best heel in the WWE behind Jericho and his mic work is top notch. He's slow in the ring but that's his job as a heel and a brawler. Besides having a few good matches, HBK hasn't done anything memorable since he came back. He seems lazy and uninterested in the ring and he does have the worst offense since RVD. I can see the love and admiration he gets but that's from the HBK circa 1998. I don't see what purpose he serves now but it's a lot less than JBL.
Well kids now u all have to listen to me.

DBK: You beat me to it. Anyone who thinks HBK does not deserve to be in the Main Event is clearly an idiot. Along with having Match of the Year EVERY YEAR, he also paid his dues in wrestling. He had to work his way up from the Rockers to HBK to DX to Showstopper!! There is no question that he deserves his spot

Rey Mysterio: He's over w/ the fans, but the guy is 5-4. I certainly believe he deserves to be in the main event, but not to be a world champion. He can play a role similar to Kane, Mark Henry, or others, to be in title matches but not win. IC title fits Rey best.

Henry: SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. They tried pushing him multiple times, nothing really spawned out of it.

JBL: I'd say he deserves it. He's been in the business awhile and paid his dues. His mic work is fantastic, I think he cuts some of the best heel promos today.

Batista: I don't think he deserves it. His career SPRING-BOARDED because he was put over by the man with the most heat is wrestling today HHH. Trips made him look like a million dollars, giving him 3 pin-fall victories in a row. Without Triple H's help, there is no way Batista would have made it.
1. He can't talk (Although he tries)
2. He can't wrestle
3. He's not funny/entertaining

Koslov: I won't judge him yet. Give him another yr and we'll see what WWE does with him

Here's my list of guys that deserve it:
Triple H, HBK, Y2J, JBL, Kane, Undertaker, Kurt Angle (I know he's not there anymore), Edge, Mr. Kennedy, and JOHN Cena
I'm sitting here stunned that I've seen Shawn Michael's name on this thread.

We have to sit through John Cena, JBL, Orton, Big Show and numerous others every week and you come up with Michaels????

Are you freakin KIDDING ME??????

His recent programme with Jericho was superb, he made JBL watchable for a while, and the man has match of the year EVERY F**KING YEAR!

He help shape this industry and could still have a top match with a broomstick even now (which he may as well be doing at times, what with the crap they put in the ring with him)

And no doubt he'll make a broken down Undertaker, a wrestler who's been getting by on his gimmick for years, look fantastic at Mania. There's another wrestler (Taker) who, if another wrestler used the few skills he has in the ring, would get booed out of the building.

Let's put money aside here..........Hogan, Austin (injuries stopped him I admit), Cena and many other top liners, worked main events because of their mic work, or theirt ability to sell tickets. Michaels was and still is UNTOUCHABLE in the ring. I understand that it's only a few idiots who see him as undeserving of his place, but he deserves it more than pretty much anyone you could name. Probably why he still features top of the " If you could only watch one wrestlers' matches, who would you go with" polls.

So many fans nowadays have no idea whatsoever.................none!

DBK you and Hinkey1 are correct.

I'm stunned that so many people are having a pop at HBK on this thread, remember what this thread is about... it's asking whether DESERVE to be in the ME.

HBK hasn't won a title since 2002 because he is too busy making the wrestlers that everyone else loves look great !!

HBK is a pure legend. He has high's and low's but through it all he has adapted his style of wrestling to cope with a broken back from over 11 years ago. This man is a pioneer for this industry and deserves to be in his spot.

If anything it has annoyed me that they won't put the strap back onto HBK because he is too modest and wants to give the new talent their shot.

Hinkey1 put it best when he said that he could wrestle a broomstick and make it look good!

When you have people like Cena (Who has been told by many wrestlers in the back) that he can't wrestle a damn ! a damn people !!!

If i have to watch that man do another set of shoulder tackles and then do the stupid shuffle thing ill scream!

Granted Rock was simular but at the end of the day Rock could wrestle as well as bounce of every rope in the ring after taking a stunner.

Even though Cena is not one of my favourite wrestlers (As you may have guessed by now?) I still respect the fact that he has a big fan base and he is good on the mic. I STILL think he deserves to be in the ME because of these things.... But anybody who thinks HBK should be retiring or dropping down the card deffinately needs to take a long hard look at whats on offer as far as talent goes within the WWE...
HBK hasn't done anything memorable since he came back

I swear to god, I could quite literally explode right now..........

He had match of the year at Summerslam with HHH in street fight, he's carried Hogan to his first decent match in DECADES, he tore up Mania with Angle (Match of the year), Jericho (match of the year), Benoit/HHH (match of the year, seeing a pattern here yet????), carried Vince pretty well and also Flair (Match of the year!). Had top line feuds with Jericho, HHH, Angle, did some more DX, and much, much more, and you say he's done nothing since he got back.

Fans like you shouldn't be allowed on here, forum or not, free speech or mot, all you do is make yourself look like a complete tit, and it's embarrassing to read, it really is. You are beyond help......
Well kids now u all have to listen to me.

DBK: You beat me to it. Anyone who thinks HBK does not deserve to be in the Main Event is clearly an idiot. Along with having Match of the Year EVERY YEAR, he also paid his dues in wrestling. He had to work his way up from the Rockers to HBK to DX to Showstopper!! There is no question that he deserves his spot

Rey Mysterio: He's over w/ the fans, but the guy is 5-4. I certainly believe he deserves to be in the main event, but not to be a world champion. He can play a role similar to Kane, Mark Henry, or others, to be in title matches but not win. IC title fits Rey best.

Henry: SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. They tried pushing him multiple times, nothing really spawned out of it.

JBL: I'd say he deserves it. He's been in the business awhile and paid his dues. His mic work is fantastic, I think he cuts some of the best heel promos today.

Batista: I don't think he deserves it. His career SPRING-BOARDED because he was put over by the man with the most heat is wrestling today HHH. Trips made him look like a million dollars, giving him 3 pin-fall victories in a row. Without Triple H's help, there is no way Batista would have made it.
1. He can't talk (Although he tries)
2. He can't wrestle
3. He's not funny/entertaining

Koslov: I won't judge him yet. Give him another yr and we'll see what WWE does with him

Here's my list of guys that deserve it:
Triple H, HBK, Y2J, JBL, Kane, Undertaker, Kurt Angle (I know he's not there anymore), Edge, Mr. Kennedy, and JOHN Cena

Alright, I listened to you and I'm done. If you can find a HBK match of the year from 1999-2001 then you're a very smart person. HBK is one of the most overrated main-eventers since he came back in 2002. Sure he puts the occasional somebody over, but that hasn't happened in a while. You can say he puts a lot of effort into his matches but I just don't see it. All of the main-eventers have paid their dues so HBK is no different from any of them.

Batista has more purpose than HBK. He's over with the crowd and has been a better wrestler than HBK over the past three or four years. Batista learned from the best in Evolution and of course HHH had to put him over. Sometimes that's how you get to be a main-eventer.
i would pick JBL or koslov, as both are extremly dull, but i would class both of them as upper mid carders now a days.

as for most undeserving main eventer, there is batista who is extremly boring, and only has about 3 moves, but he is still entertaining to watch.

there is the big show, up until an average fued with taker, he did nothing in 2008, besides beating the great khali, who sucks anyway, so how he has stormed into the wm 25 main event is beyond me. he is good in the ring, but his character just sucks, he needs to pull away from the boring vicky guerro crap and just focus on changing his character for the better.

however, in terms of credability, edge is the most underserving main eventer out there. he has never won a world title cleanly, and i know that is his character, but it just staggers me that creative expect you to believe that edge could actually compete with taker a la wm 24, taker is miles out of edges league in terms of credability. im not denying eedge is good in the ring, but maybe if he actually won a world title cleanly from time to time, he would become a more realistic main eventer
I swear to god, I could quite literally explode right now..........

He had match of the year at Summerslam with HHH in street fight, he's carried Hogan to his first decent match in DECADES, he tore up Mania with Angle (Match of the year), Jericho (match of the year), Benoit/HHH (match of the year, seeing a pattern here yet????), carried Vince pretty well and also Flair (Match of the year!). Had top line feuds with Jericho, HHH, Angle, did some more DX, and much, much more, and you say he's done nothing since he got back.

Fans like you shouldn't be allowed on here, forum or not, free speech or mot, all you do is make yourself look like a complete tit, and it's embarrassing to read, it really is. You are beyond help......

Tsk, tsk, tsk....Name calling isn't going to get you anywhere here....Rock had a great match with Hogan three years before HBK pulled something out of him. The Vince/HBK match was awful and nobody carried anybody in that match. Usually his top of the line feuds are just one match. His feud with Jericho was overrated as Jericho basically did everything in the feud with HBK just moping around and the Flair/HBK match is more overrated than HBK/Hart. That match is pure nostalgia and that's it. If it wasn't a retirement match, then nobody would be talking about it even if Flair won.
Tsk, tsk, tsk....Name calling isn't going to get you anywhere here....Rock had a great match with Hogan three years before HBK pulled something out of him. The Vince/HBK match was awful and nobody carried anybody in that match. Usually his top of the line feuds are just one match. His feud with Jericho was overrated as Jericho basically did everything in the feud with HBK just moping around and the Flair/HBK match is more overrated than HBK/Hart. That match is pure nostalgia and that's it. If it wasn't a retirement match, then nobody would be talking about it even if Flair won.

You are simply proving my point, i'd stop if I was you, you're only making it worse. I'm glad you called yourself Little Jerry Lawler, cos big Jerry Lawler has about as much sense as little Jerry Lawler. Stick to talking about puppies, it's all either of you are good at....
I'd have to say Koslov. He's just being forced down the fans' throats. Give him a year or two and see where he'll progress, then put him back in the ME. The majority of the guys in the ME have been here for YEARS, atleast over 5 years. Batista and Cena sell and i actually happen to like them in the ring. People say that JBL doesn't deserve to be there, but I order PPVs that he's at just to see him get the shit knocked out of him by Punk or HBK or who ever is wrestling. sure, alot of the ME stars are old (HBK, Taker, Kane, HHH) and they deserve to be there even though IMO they should step down and let the likes of kennedy, mvp, and kendrick step up.
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Keep on topic fellas.

The main event scene is a hard one to establish, so the way I am seeing it is if you were in the elimination chamber, you are a main eventer, out of that I pick Kane. he had a good first year when he debuted, and aside from riding on the coat tails of his 'brother' what has he done? He's been destroyed by a guy who's half his size, been in some of the worst story lines ever, he's slow and you can tell he's really losing his ring quality. he's horrible on the mic, why is he up there?
You are simply proving my point, i'd stop if I was you, you're only making it worse. I'm glad you called yourself Little Jerry Lawler, cos big Jerry Lawler has about as much sense as little Jerry Lawler. Stick to talking about puppies, it's all either of you are good at....

Guys , c-mon this isnt an HBK love or hate fest. its about how much KOZLOV sucks lol. and if these guys wanna love ol HBK because once a year,,,,,,, ( usually WrestleMania,,,,,the one show everyone will remember for years and years,,,,,,, is'nt that odd taht he choses that show. ) HBK decides to have a good match. and yes I wont take anything away from those matches. but does anyone watch RAW. HBK sucks ass. his lame build ups and come backs,make for such bad matches.

He is also blind , broken backed, and has bad knees , and probably this summer will have Cancer and AIDS , the lame sad broken down injury filled story lines are the only way to get a crowd reaction for this guy..... and its usually a mark cause we all think he should retire..

I'm sitting here stunned that I've seen Shawn Michael's name on this thread.

We have to sit through John Cena, JBL, Orton, Big Show and numerous others every week and you come up with Michaels????

Are you freakin KIDDING ME??????

His recent programme with Jericho was superb, he made JBL watchable for a while, and the man has match of the year EVERY F**KING YEAR!

He help shape this industry and could still have a top match with a broomstick even now (which he may as well be doing at times, what with the crap they put in the ring with him)

And no doubt he'll make a broken down Undertaker, a wrestler who's been getting by on his gimmick for years, look fantastic at Mania. There's another wrestler (Taker) who, if another wrestler used the few skills he has in the ring, would get booed out of the building.

Let's put money aside here..........Hogan, Austin (injuries stopped him I admit), Cena and many other top liners, worked main events because of their mic work, or theirt ability to sell tickets. Michaels was and still is UNTOUCHABLE in the ring. I understand that it's only a few idiots who see him as undeserving of his place, but he deserves it more than pretty much anyone you could name. Probably why he still features top of the " If you could only watch one wrestlers' matches, who would you go with" polls.

So many fans nowadays have no idea whatsoever.................none!

I agree with you regarding HBK, he is a tremendous performer and deserves the spot he has but you are ignorant in your views of Undertaker..."what little skills he has" are you kidding me?...there has never been a wrestler of his size and porportions that can do what he does and continues to do athletically...why do you think shawn is having the match at mania with him in the first place? do your homework! Shawn has been personally lobbying for this match for two years and that is a fact! why? because he knows Taker can match him every step of the way and they can blow the roof of the place...he's not doing it so he can bust his ass and carry someone who can't work!

Batista had his best matches with Taker because taker carried him, not the other way around...same goes for Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Edge,Big Show the list goes on...Taker is the ring general and calls those matches, not the other way around...he had a fucking classic match with Angle three years ago at No Way Out and matched Kurt every step of the way...he was hold for hold and move for move right there keeping up with a guy who is 9 inches shorter, about 90 pounds lighter, and 7 years younger than he and who has nowhere near the road wear and mileage on his body that Taker has after 19 years in the WWE, and is an Olympic gold medalist to boot.

sit down and watch Taker/HBK at mania on april 5th, and after it's done, you come back on this forum and tell me and everyone else that Shawn carried Taker...you won't be able to because it won't happen...Taker has never been carried by anyone, he is the undisputed locker room leader and the most respected member of the wrestling fraternity and that is universally accepted by guys like HHH and HBK all the way down to Warrior who has nothing good to say about anyone in the industry, but still speaks highly of Taker to this day....you don't get that position by politicking for it, you earn it, period...there are alot of guys who have tried to earn that spot and have failed, taker is still there, on top and respected because he works his ass off and takes pride in what he does and there is no way he would sandbag a match and let Shawn carry the load, that is total bullshit!
but you are ignorant in your views of Undertaker

I'm gonna concede here and admit you're right, at Bad Blood, they tore it down and it was both of them to thank. I'm actually a Taker fan, I just get tired of how he's limited in the ring at times with some of the crap in there with him. I've no doubt Mania will be the same as IYH 18. For a big man, Taker really can throw it down.
A lot of wrestlers today might be considered non-deserving, but due to the fact that there is around 10 real main eventers in the WWE, some of them may not be top notch caliber wrestlers. Rey Mysterio is one of the least deserving main eventers right now. He was truly only important after Eddie Guerrero died, and used it to elevate himself a lot faster than he could have without Eddie. His small stature does not give him the ability to compete in a diverse amount of wrestling storylines. He has become slow, injury prone and no longer has that Rey Mysterio pop in his step due to perhaps old age, or as I suspect steroid use. Even though I question Rey still being in the main event, it is obvious he is one of the men the WWE seems willing to give the title to if need be.
I'll go with, and I'm not sure you can call him one anymore, but JBL. There are some people that can get over on their mic skills for the most part. JBL is indeed great on the mic but that's simply not enough. He's slow, banged up, not incredibly in shape, and stale to me. If his in ring work was even average he wouldn't even be in contention for this.
I'm going to go with HHH since 2005. Personally, I haven't liked this guy since 2001, but I can see why other people would like him, and I could tolerate him until Wrestlemania 21, when he put over Batista. But, since then, he has continued to hog up a spot in the main-event, and don't even get me started on his reigns with the WWE Championship over the past 10 or so months.

Sure, if you want to chalk this up as another unfounded HHH bashing post, go on ahead. But, think about it: when he hasn't been injured, this man has been involved in a Wrestlemania main-event match since 2002. Hell, the only other person who has been in as many Wrestlemania main-events has been Hulk Hogan, and HHH can't even touch Hogan's fecal matter. People can talk all they want about the likes of Michaels, JBL, and Batista. But, the one thing that differentiates them from HHH is that they take breaks away from the main-event. Sure, they still may get substantial airtime, and that may be to the detriment of the development of mid-card feuds, but at least these guys don't take up all the room under the spotlight. Furthermore, although the jury's still out on Batista, the last time I checked, Michaels and JBL have no problem putting over the guys that need it.
Alright, I listened to you and I'm done. If you can find a HBK match of the year from 1999-2001 then you're a very smart person. HBK is one of the most overrated main-eventers since he came back in 2002. Sure he puts the occasional somebody over, but that hasn't happened in a while. You can say he puts a lot of effort into his matches but I just don't see it. All of the main-eventers have paid their dues so HBK is no different from any of them.

Batista has more purpose than HBK. He's over with the crowd and has been a better wrestler than HBK over the past three or four years. Batista learned from the best in Evolution and of course HHH had to put him over. Sometimes that's how you get to be a main-eventer.

First of all, I don't even know where to begin when you say that HBK is the most undeserving main eventer. A quick tip for your future posts, when you're attempting to make a valid argument, you're gonna want to make sure that you have all your facts straight so you don't look like an idiot. You were right when you said that it would be very difficult to find a great HBK match from 1999-2001.....only because he was RETIRED during those years. You have to be kidding me. I guarantee that HBK with a broken back could still outwrestle Mark Henry and John Cena on their best day.

I don't have to go down the list of reasons why HBK should never be mentioned on a thread like this but its already been said by a few people on this forum who actually have common sense. Plain and simple, HBK is in a league of his own and, quite frankly, does not need the title.

But back to the topic:

Mark Henry: WWE has tried countless times to give him a push and it has never been effective. His reign as (WW)ECW champ was simply forgettable. For that matter, he hasn't had a single memorable match. He is slow, lazy and has no character or charisma. I will never understand why WWE keeps wasting time on him. Just turn him back into the comedic Sexual Chocolate character and have him compete in dark matches or release him altogether.
First of all, I don't even know where to begin when you say that HBK is the most undeserving main eventer. A quick tip for your future posts, when you're attempting to make a valid argument, you're gonna want to make sure that you have all your facts straight so you don't look like an idiot. You were right when you said that it would be very difficult to find a great HBK match from 1999-2001.....only because he was RETIRED during those years. You have to be kidding me. I guarantee that HBK with a broken back could still outwrestle Mark Henry and John Cena on their best day.

I don't have to go down the list of reasons why HBK should never be mentioned on a thread like this but its already been said by a few people on this forum who actually have common sense. Plain and simple, HBK is in a league of his own and, quite frankly, does not need the title.

But back to the topic:

Mark Henry: WWE has tried countless times to give him a push and it has never been effective. His reign as (WW)ECW champ was simply forgettable. For that matter, he hasn't had a single memorable match. He is slow, lazy and has no character or charisma. I will never understand why WWE keeps wasting time on him. Just turn him back into the comedic Sexual Chocolate character and have him compete in dark matches or release him altogether.

Well I'm sure HBK could have wrestled Mark Henry with a broken back as Henry was around then but how odd you put Henry and Cena together. Even though I'm not a Cena fan he's better than HBK right now. Cena tells a story in the ring and puts on entertaining matches almost every pay-per view, something HBK doesn't do. The only decent matches HBK has had since 2008 was against Jeff Hardy and Y2J in a ladder match and that match wasn't that great. Plain as simple, HBK is basically like what Benjamin is now: Great for matches every now and then but most of the time is overrated.

Future Post #1
Michaels is an underserving main eventer at this point in his carerr. The examples given are exactly the point I made earlier, when its a big match, HBK shows up. This is true about his return feud with HHH, his WM match with Angle, how he carried Hogan, and his match with Vinnie Mac at WM. But all these were big matches, and most of these were at WM. His match with Taker will be an excellent match as well, but see above. His feud with Jericho was terrible, in that his match work sucked, and he overselled way too much.... Jericho carried that. His feud with Orton over the title in late 2007 was terrible... His WM match with Cena not good at all... His WM match with Flair sucked. Im sorry if it was voted match of the year for 2008, it was a a terrible match. HBK's matches are predictable and boring nowadays. This is in large part due to his age, large part due to his back problems. But this should not take away from the effort. Sure HBK has done a lot for the company, but he needs to keep it going at that level, or step aside and let some younger guy take his spot.

And im sorry if some of you are against some of the wrestlers, ie Mysterio or JBL in not being deserving because they paid their dues? Dues has nothing to do with being a main eventer. Having that "it" factor, having that rare combination of being good on the mic, in the ring, and the ability to make the fans love you or hate you. Wrestlers in the past and some now are very good in either one of these areas or the other or good in both. Someone like a Hogan... not so good with the in-ring skills, but he is the most over guy ever because of his "it" factor. The Rock, Austin, HHH... all these guys were good in both areas and had the "it". Guys today like Orton or Jericho or Edge, and still HHH have it both. Cena's in-ring skill is not overly great, but he can get by and has his ability to make the fans both love and hate him. Somone like a JBL has terrible in-ring skills these days and his mic skills, until recently, were terrible. Mysterio's in-ring skills are diminishing, he is not a credible heavyweight, and he has no mic skills. Batists has neither. Yet these guys are main eventers... I don't get it... This is why guys dues are not enough, they need that "it", and sadly the wwe is lacking in this for guys at the moment, which is why we have so many underserving main eventers.
Mark Henry: WWE has tried countless times to give him a push and it has never been effective. His reign as (WW)ECW champ was simply forgettable. For that matter, he hasn't had a single memorable match. He is slow, lazy and has no character or charisma. I will never understand why WWE keeps wasting time on him. Just turn him back into the comedic Sexual Chocolate character and have him compete in dark matches or release him altogether.

I agree w/ you, Henry sucks as a Main Eventer. But I'll tell you why WWE keeps him on the roster. He was the World's Strongest Man, and is WWE biggest genetic freak (in terms of strength). Mark Henry may not have charisma, but his size makes him an attraction, similar to Great Khali. The Great Khlali is one of the worst performers in the WWE, but he's a unique attraction. Hopefully you see my point :)
The main event scene is a hard one to establish, so the way I am seeing it is if you were in the elimination chamber, you are a main eventer,

Rey Mystero was in the Elimination chamber good sir. Hes no main eventer. Has been a filler for years. His main event run was pathetic, and only due to the cause of EG's death. How is he more deserving than Kane?

out of that I pick Kane.

At one point, Kane actually DESERVED to be in the main event. With his mask, he was great. Even you can't deny that.

he had a good first year when he debuted, and aside from riding on the coat tails of his 'brother' what has he done?

Multiple time tag team champion. Puts more people over than anyone I can possibly think of in the business. He takes no glory for what hes done. If they let him work the stick more, Kane has proven hes amazing. Just look at the dead of alive thing. If not had been Rey Mystero would have been a great fued. (Proving my point once again)

He's been destroyed by a guy who's half his size, been in some of the worst story lines ever, he's slow and you can tell he's really losing his ring quality.

Everyone gets slow in their later year. He can't control if booking wanted ReyRey to destroy him. Austin was in some horrible storylines in ECW some of the worst I've ever heard of. Yet hes the biggest star WWE has ever had. (Yes bigger than Hulk Hogan)

he's horrible on the mic,

Kane is one of the best on the mic. His sadistic voice, face and the such is amazing. He hardly ever pulls an adamle. I mean come on. Just because WWE dosen't let him have mic time. Dosen't mean his mic work is horrible.

why is he up there?

Hes not. Your accusation about the EC chamber was just wrong. Kane has been a midcard talent his entire career. While hes deserved to be in the Main Event some here and there. Hes a midcard talent. Hes a jobber to the main event not a main eventor.
It's a toss up between Big Show and JBL. While neither are incompetent they shouldn't be in the main even as much has they are. They should stay in the mid card and occasionally visit the main event. I've never been able to understand why these two are pushed over the likes of Kane for example.
The two biggest undeserving main eventers of recent past would be Rey Mysterio and Bob Holly. Rey should have stayed with the cruiserweights. Bob Holly should have stayed in the lower card matches.

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