Undeserving World Champions

RVD never deserved to be champion. The weed smoking spot monkey he is couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat (if he even knew he was in a boat). The fact that he didn't deserve it was further proved when he got caught with a large amount of his favorite thing, weed a little while later and got himself screwed over. The only reason he was champ was to please the ECW maniacs at One Night Stand.

I agree 100% that a recognized world title should never go to someone like RVD. I feel I have to make the point that he was (unfairly) the right ECW guy at the time to rally the regulars at One Night Stand against the WWE's poster child for good behavior John Cena. The crowd did their part, RVD didn't botch too much, and Cena showed some rare humility. For all that, I'll accept the belt being on RVD for the couple of weeks that it was.
Most undeserving World Champion of all time is David Arquette.

In a literal sense, you're right.....but when considering the question, I think we should be thinking of guys whom the company meant to be taken seriously as champion. Men like Arquette, VKM and Vince Russo were mere diversions; no one actually thought of them as the best wrestler in their division.

I'd have to go with others in saying the Miz was the most undeserving, mainly because he was given the title based more on his work with his mouth than his wrestling ability and ring presence. Say what you will about John Cena's lack of technical wrestling expertise, he's got the presence of a champion performer, from his "Popeye" physique to the look of a tough-guy brawler he brings to the ring.

I don't mind Miz as a mid-carder; I really don't..... but having him function as the champion lowers the value of the belt, since the company obviously wants us to take him seriously.
Daniel Bryan shouldn't be wearing the belt right now. He shouldn't be wearing the belt ever. He's average at his absolute best. Nobody gives a flying fuck about how technical he is. Nobody thinks he's riveting on the mic, and he's consistently carried in his feuds by the other talent, because, well, he sucks.

But he's not the most undeserving champion.

That would go to Kevin Nash going over Goldberg to end the streak. That killed a wildly successful company. No other belt change in history had such implications.
I'd like to officially add Dolph Ziggler to the list. I just don't get what people like about this guy. All his cheap heat is achieved due to Vickie Guerrero, anyway. He's not overly good at anything in particular, not on the mic, not in a promo, not in the ring... And it's sad how badly he tries to copy Ric Flair. He's pretty much a combination of a bad Mr. Perfect and an awkward, teenage version of Flair. His WHW Title reign was forgettable at best, and it did not last long, thank God. It probably didn't last long for obvious reasons- I'm sure the WWE regretted it practically immediately. I'm not sure if he'll ever get to the point of deserving a world title reign, but he certainly didn't deserve the one he got. I hope they don't give him another run, at least anytime soon. I think it is quite clear that, like Jack Swagger, he's just not even close to being ready for it.

I have to agree with adding Dolph to this list....I see him and think he is trying to hard to be a mix of Flair, Mr. Perfect, and Rick Rude. He still isnt ready to hold a World Title yet.
all time most undeserving champ of all time mr david arquette need i go on about that one? Current undeserving champion i hate to say it jack Swagger!! He just wasnt believable as a champion no one bought it. The IWC audience at home. I think part of it was just the way it was booked he's athletic enough no doubt! Just something about him that didnt make it believable at all.
In no particular order:

David Arquette - A horrible idea that all but obliterated the credibility of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Vince Russo - See above and add that he dropped the title a week later when he said he didn't want to be a wrestler.

Vince McMahon - It's just a bad idea, a horribly bad idea, to have the owner/authority figure of any company be the World Champion. That's even more true if the guy isn't even an actual wrestler.

Jeff Hardy - Hardy had the potential to be a great WWE Champion but the man made some awful decisions in both his personal and professional lives. Who leaves the top company in the world at the height of their popularity?

Jack Swagger - Swagger is a talented guy but it was just a poorly executed push all around. Swagger did the best he could with what he was given. Unfortunately, he just wasn't given very much and is probably among the lamest World Champions in WWE history. Couple that with his problems in TNA and you're looking at someone that's just plain undeserving of being a World Champion.

Rob Van Dam - Like Jeff Hardy, RVD is a guy that made some stupid choices in his time. After years of not being trusted by Vince, he finally gets his change. Becomes the only dual WWE & ECW Chammpion in history and gets busted by the cops for possession of drug paraphenellia while he's the champ.

The Great Khali - Just a lousy choice all around. Khali is probably the single worst member of the WWE roster and has been since he joined. At least Hornswoggle can be funny at times and they haven't put a World Championship on him.

Samoa Joe - I just don't see the huge fascination some fans have for this guy. I admit that he's a talented guy inside the ring but his hype is something that has far outweighed his overall abilities. His time at TNA WHC was largely forgettable despite holding the title for a good length of time and, until very recently, has been rolling steadily downhill ever since.

Ron Simmons - I like Ron Simmons, I always have, but the guy should never have been WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He just didn't have the talent in my eyes. He wasn't a bad wrestler but he certainly didn't have what it took to be the face of a major pro wrestling company.

Lex Luger - I could never get behind Luger. Highly overrated talent in my view that initially got over because the bookers in Crockett Promotions had the good sense to surround him with incredible talent like Flair, Anderson & Blanchard. He was never particularly good in the ring or on the mic and his intensity & charismatic presence was limited to making his pecs jiggle or generally flexing his muscles.

I'm sure there are others that could be listed, but I don't have all day.
First off, i want to defend DBD and Mark Henry. They got the B-Title and they deserved it.

My picks include: Vince, Khali, Jack Swagger, David Arquette

Someone i strongly don't think deserved it was Alberto Del Rio. He may have a nice record, but the guy is boring as all get out.

Cena does deserve a few title wins he has received, BUT NOT 13! (i think thats what he is at, I don't keep track and quite honestly don't care enough to google it)

Another, the WWECW World title should have never went to Big Zeke. The last show and you're going to change hands? Christian should have went down as the last ECW Champion, not Ezekiel.
Triple H is the most undeserving world champion of all time. The guy butt kissed his way to the top and won most of his world titles by hooking up with Stephanie who has held, for the better part of 10 years, the power to veto any booking that doesn't make Trips look like 1980s Hogan. Had he broken up with her after a year or two, Vince would crush his career and he'd be re-written out of the history books similar to Chris Benoit. Triple H basically had to marry Stephanie. He stays with Steph for life and he becomes as big as Hulk Hogan. He leaves her like he did Chyna and he's blacklisted. Sure, I enjoyed the heel Triple H when he was second in command to Shawn Michaels or when he had Stephanie as his mouth piece. But the Triple H that came back to WWE 10 years ago at the Royal Rumble is completely undeserving. The guy should never have amounted to anything more than Ted Dibiase or Jake Roberts. A solid main event heel who could only come close to winning a title.

Jeff Jarrett is really undeserving too but he was never a WWE world champ. He's like the Erik Watts of the past 10 years. Luckily, Erik Watts only lasted for half a year. Jarrett worked for his dad and won the TNA title who knows how many times. He also lucked out by getting Vince Russo behind him. Had Jarrett never left WWE on bad terms, Russo wouldn't have been so keen on him. Jarrett had no business being WCW champion. He has always been like Triple H to me. At the best, he's been an average entertainer. At the worst, he's just awful. Jarrett always worked well as a mid carder or IC champ. He was a good heel, great at times. But, how can you put a title on the guy and sell a product? It'd be like putting the title on Dibiase or Roberts. It just wouldn't work. Vince McMahon realized that. Eric Bischoff realized it. But the idiots who took over after Bischoff didn't get it.

The Miz is perhaps the worst world champion in the history of wrestling. Dolph Ziggler may not have been ready either but he has great potential and looks like the kind of wrestler that would have been around 10 years ago. The Miz is just an asswipe. I'm
sorry but the guy has 'jobber for life' written all over his face. He doesn't have a menacing look. He doesn't have the 'it' factor. Sure he's annoying on the mic and pisses the crowd off. But any shitty wrestler with average mic skills can do that (See Brooklyn Brawler). The guy looks like he should be doing TV shows like Jersey Shore or commercials selling shamwows.

I'm a big Kevin Nash fan but I don't think he was deserving of the world title. He was a bit like Goldberg early in his career so I get what WWE was trying to do. Nash was a monster heel and he went undefeated for a year. But, the guy was extremely limited. His world title match at Wrestlemania 11 sucked because he was in it. It still might have been one of his best matches but it was one of the worst world title main events in Wrestlemania history. Nash was even less deserving in WCW. No one wanted to see him as champ there. WCW had tons of old stars who were more deserving. DDP was more deserving. Scott Hall has to be one of the most deserving ever and he never held the world title ever. Benoit, Jericho, Gurerrero, Savage, Luger, Hitman, Goldberg, anyone deserved that title more than Nash. Smarks always complain about Hogan and how long he held the title in WCW but what they seem to forget or overlook is that Hogan was money. Fans wanted to see Hogan involved. The last two weeks I read Mark Madden columns rewriting history and it bothers me. I'll give Madden credit, lately he's toned down some of the idiotic stuff he'd say just to please the mostly idiotic IWC. But when he dumps on Hogan the entertainer (rather than Hogan the piece of shit human being) its out of his personal hatred for him and his obsession with Ric Flair. Tearing down Hogan is how he shows Flair his loyalty and gets job opportunities shoe shining Ric Flair's boots or writing his biographies. Madden buttkisses Flair the same way Trips buttkissed McMahon, the same way Bischoff butkissed Hogan, the same way Jarrett buttkisses Dixie or Russo. I do not like Hogan the person but Hogan the entertainer from 1984-1999 was amazing. Hogan made the NWO. Fans tuned into WCW to check out what was going on. But when Hogan jumped aboard ratings were huge. When Hogan left for weeks, ratings went down. When Hogan would be announced for a show in two weeks, that show's ratings would be much higher. When Hogan left for a kayfabe run at the White House and Nash made a run for the title, WCW's ratings went downt he toilet. When Hogan came back ratings spiked really high for a month and stayed above 4 until Hogan left in Spring 99 with an injury. When Hogan left and Nash became head booker and champ again, the ratings fell to the dismal level they'd stay at till WCW folded. All the blame goes on Hogan for WCW's demise but really Hogan deserves most of the credit for WCW almost putting WWE out of business. Everyone tuned in to see if someone would finally stick it to Hogan. When it finally happened and it was Savage, WCW ratings reached an all-time high. They were 5s or above that whole period in winter 98. But then when Nash became the focus and not Savage in the Hogan feud, ratings dipped. Nash being in the main event and going after the world title just didn't make much sense. He was much better being Hall's tag partner. Nash was always good in a secondary role as the monster giant no one could beat. But in a main event world title role, no, he wasn't money. And that's some truth you'll never hear out of Madden because he's on good terms with Nash. Madden would be better off not saying any of this because he wouldn't want to piss off all his friends and connections. At least his role model Flair had the guts to come out a few years ago and call it like it was and say Nash was very limited and undeserving. Madden only has enough guts to dump on someone easy that gets dumped on a lot like a Hogan or a DDP.
In my honest opinion, I believe Jack Thwagger is the most undeserving champion in recent memory. Since he came into the WWE, I just have not been able to bring myself to like him. He's tall and lanky and just not good on the mic. I know he has that amateur background but I haven't seen that translate into skills in a WWE ring. Him winning MITB at the biggest show of the year was a mistake in my opinion. And him cashing in on the very next Smackdown was an even bigger mistake. He does not have the ability to carry this company as a champion and I believe the WWE saw that which is why he hasn't even sniffed the main event scene since he lost his title. He should always be kept at midcard, I'll even give him upper midcard but he should not be the World Champion again unless he DRASTICALLY changes everything about his work.

Triple H is the most undeserving world champion of all time. The guy butt kissed his way to the top and won most of his world titles by hooking up with Stephanie who has held, for the better part of 10 years, the power to veto any booking that doesn't make Trips look like 1980s Hogan. Had he broken up with her after a year or two, Vince would crush his career and he'd be re-written out of the history books similar to Chris Benoit. Triple H basically had to marry Stephanie. He stays with Steph for life and he becomes as big as Hulk Hogan. He leaves her like he did Chyna and he's blacklisted. Sure, I enjoyed the heel Triple H when he was second in command to Shawn Michaels or when he had Stephanie as his mouth piece. But the Triple H that came back to WWE 10 years ago at the Royal Rumble is completely undeserving. The guy should never have amounted to anything more than Ted Dibiase or Jake Roberts. A solid main event heel who could only come close to winning a title.

Now, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this. There's no denying that Trips probably did a good amount of sucking up but I do think without that, he still had the full package to be a true icon in this business. He and Chris Jericho are my two favorite heels of all time because they both did such a great job of making the crowd absolutely despise them. Triple H was just a natural heel. It was easy to hate him but that is also something you have to love about him. He was spectacular in the ring. He's the only thing that saved that travesty of a match at WM 22 against John Cena. But, I have always wondered what would have come of Trips if HBK never got hurt. If HBK stayed around, I'm not quite sure how long it would have taken for Triple H to become THE guy. But, he did become the guy and whether that be because he was with the boss's daughter or just because he was great at what he did, I still think he deserved it. I fully respect your opinion on the matter and you bring up good arguments, I just wanted to give my two cents on it.
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