Most Boring Main Eventer

Randy Orton. He's slow. Both on the mic and in the ring. Dull in every way. Wrestles a style so basic that, while it makes sense, it's a huge turn-off. He's the prototype WWE developmental guy. Just nothing there in every sense. I mean he has a leg up on Ted, Cody, and Ziggler... but really, it's just so... boring. I wouldn't lose a moment's sleep if he retired today.

MVP: as i said, soon he will be in the main event scene, and this is not something I want, MVP is the most boring in ring performer, every time I see him in a match I fall asleep. His mic skills are tacky, he has a very annoying character ESPECIALLY as a face.

I can't imagine this guy working well with any of the main eventers. He's just too slow and boring.
Don't forget sloppy.

Of course he traded a couple holds with Benoit that one time, so now he's some sort of great prospect. Pfft. Please...
if it wasnt a main eventer i would say chavo/horny but if its main eventer im going to say jericho, i know im gonna get heat for this but he is painfully boaring just cause he's good in ring and on the mic doesnt mean that he doesnt bore me to death look at it like this is he more over as a heal then orton? not evan close i think hes alright but mix it up he is repetitive and un creative and tiny he could be the next great one if he wasnt a dwarf and put him together with the big slow (another huge waste of talent) why does the biggest athlete in the world job to mark henry, the black coolaid man oh yea! if this was the eighties big show would be a constant wc but they just waste him today and jericho = boaring
All around I'd have to say Batista is the far worst main eventer all around, but everyone has their flaws. Orton can't speak, Undertaker is losing it and Triple H needs to go heel again.
Randy Orton. It's one of the biggest screw ups from WWE ever. They just screwed up maybe the most entertaining and interesting character on roster. His period from RR 09-WM 25 was truly awesome. Punting the chairman of the WWE,threatens Steph to sue the company,tries to make the Triple H's life miserable and taking the only thing Triple H had left WWE title. It was entertaining and build up to Wm 25 was really great Orton's facial expressions were awesome and viper was the most exciting gimmick at that time.

It didn't take long after to fuck up one of the greatest heel personas of this decade. After WM 25 WWE took one of the greatest storylines that was given to him. The whole IED thing was gone. Instead we have a coward and cheater Orton instead of destroying everyone who gets on his way he started to run from his opponents and could only beat them when he had the number advantage. His mostly wins from his reign were either fluke or with the help of someone else. WWE destroyed that emotionless and crazy Orton.

Right now Orton is so boring. Viper gimmick is stale because of the WWE. He is too slow on both mic and in ring sometimes he makes me want to sleep and while RAW scene is very very very stale it makes him more boring than ever I'm really curious about who'll John Cena face if he wins the title other than Orton. Orton is right now the most boring ME on roster.
Whoever says it's Orton without prefacing their comment with "due to the raw writers shouldn't post on this or any wrestling forum period.

He has evolved as a character from the cocky kid and the Legend Killer to the Age of Orton which was his gimmick for his best title run. And now he's the Viper and the leader of Legacy who else has evolved in the WWE as much as Orton in the last five years ? Yeah I thought so.

If the writers kept his RR 09 to WM 25 gimmick going everybody would be groveling over Orton and his amazing talent like they were then.
I'd say Batista 100% but because he's out right now I'll go for someone else.

Triple H. He's just stale and boring right now. Granted, the DX angle is much better than recent months but as soon as he's in the ME picture he's exactly the same as every other time we've seen him there for the past yr or 2. I mean, he's a great talent and has a great mind for the business but I can't help but be bored with him these days, he needs a freshen up. Heel turn maybe.

That being said, he's still much more entertaining than Batista and I hope his big announcement next week is his retirement.
Whoever says it's Orton without prefacing their comment with "due to the raw writers shouldn't post on this or any wrestling forum period.

I shouldn't? Well darn, I thought I was having fun with this. Ok if you say so.

He has evolved as a character from the cocky kid and the Legend Killer to the Age of Orton which was his gimmick for his best title run

And then he evolved into a boring main eventer.

And now he's the Viper and the leader of Legacy who else has evolved in the WWE as much as Orton in the last five years ? Yeah I thought so.

How about someone in the last 5 years that has sold more shows and drawn more people to watch him than Orton. Oooh....yeah. Whats the big deal about evolution of character anyways? Cena has been the same since 2005 and is 10 times more popular. Oh but he's a face *whine whine whine*. Edge has been the "Ultimate Opportunist" since the start of 2006. And he hasn't needed to evolve, because he is actually interesting.

If the writers kept his RR 09 to WM 25 gimmick going everybody would be groveling over Orton and his amazing talent like they were then.

More like if they kept him as the Legend Killer or the Age of Orton, and got rid of his heterosexual life mates. Thank you Alex Shelley.
Whoever says it's Orton without prefacing their comment with "due to the raw writers shouldn't post on this or any wrestling forum period.

I shouldn't? Well darn, I thought I was having fun with this. Ok if you say so.

He has evolved as a character from the cocky kid and the Legend Killer to the Age of Orton which was his gimmick for his best title run

And then he evolved into a boring main eventer.

And now he's the Viper and the leader of Legacy who else has evolved in the WWE as much as Orton in the last five years ? Yeah I thought so.

How about someone in the last 5 years that has sold more shows and drawn more people to watch him than Orton. Oooh....yeah. Whats the big deal about evolution of character anyways? Cena has been the same since 2005 and is 10 times more popular. Oh but he's a face *whine whine whine*. Edge has been the "Ultimate Opportunist" since the start of 2006. And he hasn't needed to evolve, because he is actually interesting.

If the writers kept his RR 09 to WM 25 gimmick going everybody would be groveling over Orton and his amazing talent like they were then.

More like if they kept him as the Legend Killer or the Age of Orton, and got rid of his heterosexual life mates. Thank you Alex Shelley.
I shouldn't? Well darn, I thought I was having fun with this. Ok if you say so.

And then he evolved into a boring main eventer.

How about someone in the last 5 years that has sold more shows and drawn more people to watch him than Orton. Oooh....yeah. Whats the big deal about evolution of character anyways? Cena has been the same since 2005 and is 10 times more popular. Oh but he's a face *whine whine whine*. Edge has been the "Ultimate Opportunist" since the start of 2006. And he hasn't needed to evolve, because he is actually interesting.

More like if they kept him as the Legend Killer or the Age of Orton, and got rid of his heterosexual life mates. Thank you Alex Shelley.

No you really shouldn't at least not on this topic because you simply don't know what your talking about.

Elaborate Please that's called spamming give a reason behind your claim unless you don't have one which is likely considering the rest of your post shows you don't know much.

Really I thought Edge has been very boring recently look at what people of out ilk (IWC) had said about him before he left it's mostly negative. When he first changed was when he won the WWE title from Cena at NYR. Then it was cool now it got stale after he beat the Undertaker with Money in the bank again his longest title reign is like three weeks? His injury was the best thing for him you'll be proved wrong when the company brings his back as a face to stop the bleeding of his boring character bank on it pal.

By saying that his Legend Killer and age of Orton gimmicks were interesting only adds to my point about booking and further proves you shouldn't psot on this topic because your just not very good.

Okay he's at the top for a reason whether you like it or not he's staying there he's only 29 and not even in the prime of his wrestling ability yet.

Oh and since you like Cena so much (not that I don't I respect the man immensely.) Here's a comment by John Cena speaking on Randy Orton.

"I’ve said this before and I said this before his—what is this, his fifth or sixth “breakout?—that he is the best guy we’ve got. He is certainly the best performer of my generation."

Owned son get out of town and save yourself the embarrassment next time.
Most boring main eventer... that's a tough one considering that everyone who makes it to the main event spot actually offers something to the crowd that is anything but boring. This is why you have guys like Shelton Benjamin on ECW putting over the new superstars whilst you see Batista headlining PPV's.

Nowadays Batista is boring due to the simple fact that this man keeps getting himself injured & takes time off. Every storyline he has been involved in is "I'm back... wheres my title?" Then after a few months, injury occurs & creative does its own thing. They completely forget Batista is coming back & recycle the same feud style again. This guy has been plagued with the title storyline so many times that he is getting "boring." He has talents that can be used elsewhere on the roster that can make him more invigorating again. He has always been much better as the heel than a face & can much easily pull it off. If it wasn't for the fans [like you guys] that kept supporting him after his face turn from Evolution, he would not have been considered boring & would have switched back to a heel run long ago.
No you really shouldn't at least not on this topic because you simply don't know what your talking about.

:icon_neutral: Seriously, thats mean.

Elaborate Please that's called spamming give a reason behind your claim unless you don't have one which is likely considering the rest of your post shows you don't know much.
A reason behind my claim? How can I prove that he's boring to you? How about how his year of 2009 has been characterised by flopping feuds and boring matches? How about how he hasn't had a proper character since his IED fell through? Calling someone a viper doesn't connotate to an awesome gimmick. Jake Roberts ACTUALLY HAD A SNAKE IN A BAG.

By saying that his Legend Killer and age of Orton gimmicks were interesting only adds to my point about booking and further proves you shouldn't psot on this topic because your just not very good.
I never said he wasn't ever interesting, Mr Wind, I just said he bored the hell out of me now. And oh how he does. And bad booking doesn't necessarily equate to not doing anything new in the ring since 2007.

Okay he's at the top for a reason whether you like it or not he's staying there he's only 29 and not even in the prime of his wrestling ability yet.

That reason that he's at the top? He used to be interesting. I sure as hell he hits his prime soon and does something worthwhile. He is better as a rising star than when he's at the top

Oh and since you like Cena so much (not that I don't I respect the man immensely.) Here's a comment by John Cena speaking on Randy Orton.
"I’ve said this before and I said this before his—what is this, his fifth or sixth “breakout?—that he is the best guy we’ve got. He is certainly the best performer of my generation."
Oh god this is SO not true. Judging from your Cena's age, early 30's or so, it means his generation encompasses guys like CM Punk, guys like Edge, Jeff Hardy, Lesnar, Mysterio, Jericho and lets not forget the man himself, Cena. He's just ebing modest, because he knows he's the hot shit in wrestling right now. Yeah. Orton sure is the best of them...

Owned son get out of town and save yourself the embarrassment next time.
Gosh I'm so embarrassed :rolleyes:
I love how you consider yourself to be more knowledgeable than John Cena a guy with your intelligence should be a wrestler or working as a writer at least surely.

Being modest would be if he said that Orton was the best performer of his generation once not 6 times Cena like the entire wrestling biz realize Orton is a once in a generation talent your delusional it's sad but true.

Cena has never stated that Punk Edge Hardy Mysterio or anybody else is the "best performer of my generation" Only Orton.

Stop rationalizing and accept fact all the guys you laughably list that are "better" than Orton all have taken a lot longer to get to the top. Like I said Orton is only 29 if you hate him that's bad news for you because he's going to be on your screen for the next 10 years as the top heel in the WWE.
As far as main eventers go, it's the Undertaker by far. Everything he does is one dimensional. Same shitty feuds, same corny childish character, and same outcomes. I've been bored of him for years.
I am really surprised to see so many people say Orton. I love how WWE is giving him this crazy snap at certain points in a match or when he attacks someone. They are trying to make him the most hated person ever in the WWE. Give it a little time and he will be. But as far at the worse main eventer? Hell no!!!

My vote is on C.M. Punk. I can't stand him on the mic, with a title, or trying to be a heel. He is horrible. He should of stuck with ECW where he was actually doing something. He isn't that great of a regular wrestler. Stick him back to where he can do some hardcore stuff...not that ECW is really hardcore anymore.
I am really surprised to see so many people say Orton. I love how WWE is giving him this crazy snap at certain points in a match or when he attacks someone. They are trying to make him the most hated person ever in the WWE. Give it a little time and he will be. But as far at the worse main eventer? Hell no!!!

My vote is on C.M. Punk. I can't stand him on the mic, with a title, or trying to be a heel. He is horrible. He should of stuck with ECW where he was actually doing something. He isn't that great of a regular wrestler. Stick him back to where he can do some hardcore stuff...not that ECW is really hardcore anymore.

Some people just don't know wrestling I'm stunned there are people who think Orton is boring it's sad that most fans are delusional and pretty much try and serve their own agenda. But you ask for a public forum and you will receive stupid remarks at times.

Orton's only 29 in wrestling terms he shouldn't even have sniffed the main event yet ask every guy involved in wrestling your prime years are 31-35. He's the youngest champion in history for god sakes and he earned it 100% by cleaning his life up and refining his character.

CM Punk is a little over rated especially in ring wise but I believe the "E" has restricted his moves some so it's not entirely his fault but I don't agree with all the praise he's gotten that's for sure. His in ring psychology isn't even in Orton's league.
Some people just don't know wrestling I'm stunned there are people who think Orton is boring it's sad that most fans are delusional and pretty much try and serve their own agenda. But you ask for a public forum and you will receive stupid remarks at times.

Um, sir, I have been watching wrestling longer than you've been alive and my opinion is that Randy Orton's current character is the most boring main-event character the WWF/E has had since 1985 when I started watching.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that their remarks are "stupid" or that they're serving their own agenda. What's "stupid" is someone pretending that they're the only one with the correct opinion on a subject such as this one.

I can respect that you enjoy Randy Orton. I personally do not enjoy him. As a matter of fact, he is the reason that I stopped watching Raw on a regular basis after 16 years. I still catch it about every other week, but his segments typically call for a bathroom break.

Up until he became champion and started with this whole lame "Viper" gimmick, and the even more lame "Legacy" group (don't get me wrong here, I like Rhodes and DiBiase, but can't wait until they get out from under this lame gimmick), I had not missed a Monday night wrestling show in over 21 years. Randy Orton put a stop to that streak with his complete lack of dimension as a character and his even more stunningly boring promos.

I stand by my opinion that he desperately needs a manager, or someone else that will speak for him, because the man just does not have it on the mic.

Stop me if every Randy Orton promo doesn't sound like this:

"John Cena...(long dramatic pause)...You're constantly out there running your mouth and making jokes, John Cena. You think that this is all fun and games, John Cena?...(another 'dramatic' pause)...Well, John Cena, this is NOT fun and games, John Cena. This is serious business, John Cena, and I'm gonna show you, John Cena...(yet another pause)...(serious face)...just how serious I can be, John Cena."

I am not trying to "serve my own agenda" here. I am just merely stating my opinion that Randy Orton is...(dramatic pause)...(bored face)...(sigh)...boring.

Batista is a gigantic roidhead with no personality and a cool theme and entrance. He isn't too good a wrestler either. He's just over because fans just like a dominant big guy. Triple H has really grown stale; I like him as a cocky heel but he's terrible as the face character it seems like he's been playing forever. No one is allowed to ever get his goat unless it is done unfairly, he is not good at all at being a face, he wasn't even all that good in the old school DX era, he was just corny.
Ok so i gotta ask, is this a thread about the most boring main eventer or a thread bashing Orton? cuz it seems like thats what most of you are doing. Here is my problem with that, if you dont think Orton is good in the ring then you people must not have watched wrestling for long, have you seen the matches he had with edge? or taker? or HBK? or Benoit? oh you dont like him now?
Cuz hes heel duh!
My picks would either by Randy Orton or Batista. But for Orton it’s actually a good thing that he is boring and he has an excuse…he is a heel so of course he should try to make me boo him by doing something, which in this case is being boring. So I can’t really complain about Orton being boring because he is a heel and being boring should get him more heel heat than it does.

As far as Batista, I just don’t find him entertaining anymore. I actually liked him before…but before he went out with an injury I just didn’t like what they were doing with him. He wasn’t really entertaining me in the ring much and when he talked, I just felt like I heard him say the same thing week after week after week, or at least it was just him saying the same thing just using different word. I guess he has just gotten stale and some time away is a good thing so that he won’t be as stale when he comes back. But when he does come back, I hope they do something different with him. Maybe not a heel turn, just something different that I haven’t seen from him that can make him entertaining again and make me interested in seeing him.
Anyone on Raw pretty much as it stands right now. I'm through with Raw. The guest host concepts are stupid now (thought I will check out Trish coming back, I miss her) the stories are all the same and overdone and the main events are the same week in and week out. Raw is off my DVR list and I haven't even been bothering to check the spoilers anymore.

Randy Orton: Ok granted Randy is the only one who actually has a good mat game, he's still a joke. His entrance takes half the show because he's too busy walking too slow and trying to be intense. His promos are boring and stupid. He also reminds me of that kid who used to light cats on fire and squish toads with rocks. His matches are actually good but every-single-time his two lackeys always come and mess up the end of the matches.
HHH: Used to be a huge fan of this guy back in the (REAL) DX days and even as a heel in the Corporation, his rap entrance music was bad ass. But hey, marrying the bosses daughter sure paid off didn't it douchefag?
HBK: Again someone who I used to be a huge fan of back in the day, but his days with JBL ruined it for me.
Batista: Good couple of power moves that's about it. Good promos though, imo.
Legacy: Pfft.
John Cena: You are NOT The Rock, you are NOT Stone Cold. You have a job to make all the little kiddies, dumb ass wiggers and moms happy. Fuck you, you suck.
WWE's most boring Main Eventer?...I would have to say that Its Shawn Michaels. I say this because seeing him come back after a 5 month hiatus after wrestlemania and seeing the same old tired moves time and time again and stealing other wrestlers submissions (Ric Flair's Figure 4 leg lock, Bret Hart's SharpShooter, and Benoit's Crossface), and the same old sorry shoulder block the way that he gets up after that? Its pathetic to see him floundering and flopping around the ring now. This time, in his return, his ring rust was very apparent. I really don't see why the WWE keeps bringing him back. I know that he is still hurting because his back never fully healed after he injured it, And i know that he is a future WWE HOF'er but still, Its like the WWE bringing back Hulk Hogan time and time again only to see his "Fury punches", pumping himself up then setting up for the Atomic Leg Drop. Its like Shawn Michaels is the new Hulk Hogan.
Triple H and Batista are the two best examples of boring main events. They add nothing to the program. They both need new gimmicks, new music, and to stay as far away from the Main Event and the World Titles. I can see the counter argument on how much Triple H and Batista do for the business, but the fact is they both fucking suck.

Christian would be my 3rd runner up and he's not even a Main Eventer, but some here feel he is. He's just as bad as Triple H and Batista on the boring scale level. His matches also suck, and he's beyond terrible on the mic.

If these three gracefully left the WWE tomorrow, I would not shed a tear
Um I really don't care if you've been watching wrestling longer than I'm alive the fact you have to rely on that tells me you know nothing. SavageTaker you get it he should be boring he should be stoic. To appease fools that post here Orton would need to do high flying moves (which he is capable of) or more risky maneuvers but that defeats the purpose of a heel.

Did you Orton bashers read what VKM had to say about Ken Kennedy and his work on I'm paraphrasing but it went like this. "It's to entertaining to funny I don't want the crowd split I want them to hate you". Kennedy doesn't get it so he's fired Orton bashers don't get it so you guys shouldn't post on the topic the equivalent of being fired.
I know you said not to lump cena in, but im gonna have to. he has become the most boring person in the wwe. His moves(the whole 4 of them), his persona (i can always win cause im superman), his overcoming the odds ALL THE TIME. Its just stale now. This guy has to to become heel because the good guy thing isnt too much fun anymore. I know that Vincent wont do that cause cena draws for merchandise sales, but just imagine how shocking it would be if he actually turned his back on the kids and girls that love him, it would be great. He needs somthing fresh cause hes been this way since, what, 2005?
Orton the current most boring ME? Not even close. How about the WWE throws him a new feud rather than a Cena-Trips rotation. All the other reasons I believe have previously been listed above so I won't go into detail about that.

However, I do think Undertaker and Batista are by far the most boring.

People you say Randy's intro takes to long, I could take a shit quicker than Taker gets to the ring (please don't say it's because of takers character of psyching you out, Randy's situation is the same). He is well boring and is doing the same gimmick for years now. If somebody needs to evolve back into a previous character, then it's him. I'm sick of all these "mind games", we all know when the lights go out who's going to be there.

Batista, what hasn't been said? Sucks in the ring with his performance and his promos are always lacking.

Cena would be in this category as well to, but he is just way to over already and he does cut great promos.

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