Who is the worst WWE World Champion of all time?

Would have to say Khali. He was awkward in the ring and could not cut promos in English.
Even though he was legit strong or can be dominating, he appeared straight out from a cartoon and the aura of domination quickly turned into nothing once he wrestled. It took a lot of selling from his opponents to make his matches entertaining.
People please stop mentioning The Miz in this thread. It’s fine if you don’t like him as champion but to say he is the worst champion ever at this point is just ridiculous. He is in his first title reign and has been champion for two weeks. We have no idea where this will go. He could very well be a transitional champion without any memorable defenses but it’s way too soon to tell. What if he is still champion six months from now? Let’s see what happens before we jump to conclusions. If you don’t like Miz as champion go complain in one of the Miz threads. Mentioning him here just makes you look foolish. If he loses the title tonight you'll have a valid argument.

I already mentioned Mankind but I’ve got another choice. Sid didn’t really do much as champion. I never thought he was a good choice to end HBK’s first reign. He just dropped it back to Michaels two months later. His second reign was even worse. He only ended up with a second reign because HBK put the title scene in turmoil when he lost his smile. This lead to the most lackluster main event in WrestleMania history when Sid dropped the title to The Undertaker.
A conviction and prison time didn't stop WWE from putting a spotlight (of sorts) on Booker T. MVP paid his debt to society and, unlike a lot of people who do their time and just come out, he has made a point of mentoring young people so they don't make the same mistakes he did. It's not like MVP got into serious trouble during his tenure with WWE; his problems are in his past and WWE knew his background when they hired him.
I am going to have to go with the Miz. He sucks and most everyone knows it. In the real world, he isn't championship material. He is good on the mic and has witty insults, but that is it. He isn't impressive in the ring and no one really looks at him as a legit champ. He cut idiotic "promos" on MTV and everyone there liked him about as much as everyone in the WWE does aka none. This title reign is only going to make him think he is a lot better than he really is. Awesome? More like awful. I am not a sports entertainer and I know for a fact I have more wrestling talent in my pinkie than Miz has in his whole body. If he reads and doubts this I will pin his ass legitimately just to prove my point. I would literally much rather see Beth Phoenix with the World Title than this reality television reject.
Mysterio's title reign annoyed me too. If Eddie were alive today, Ray would be 10 time IC or US champ and NEVER would have gotten world title run.
The brain obviously should change his name. Saying that we shouldnt say the miz, then declaring mankind as the worst is absolutely hilarious. Mankind's first win over the rock changed the ratings and gave the wwf an edge over wcw. Remember Mankind put my ass in this seat signs? You just lost all credibility with me.

I will say that so far the miz's reign is the worst because so far all he has done is almost loose to an announcer, and have to have another announcer save his title. I know it is to push a story, but that really just burried him horribly. His reign might get better, but so far it has been horrendous.

HM go to Jack Swagger, who cant get anyone to give a shit about him.

I wont say jbl or khali, because they at least looked credible and drew heat. Would i have rather had kane or even batista over khali? hell ya. but i though he did what he was suppose to in being booked as a monster. And jbl just got everyone to hate him. Which is what a heel is suppose to do.
If your going with the WWE Heavyweight Title (which The Miz currently holds) I go w/ Kane's only reign w/ that title cause he only won on a fluke and was a fluke champ. 'nuff said there. That reign wasn't supposed to happen go back and watch his less than 24 hr reign.

But if If your going w/ The WWE World Championship (which Kane currently holds) I go w/ David Arquette or Vince Russo yes they were never WWE's Version of the Title but I still think of it as the WCW World Title. Arquette only held due to his movie and Russo only got it due to politcking.
Although it has little to do with the subject, watch your fucking mouth. I don't know 1 what you see in Miz and who the fuck your calling stupid, but you'd better watch your mouth. Your intited to your opinion opinion but when you start insulting people you go too far. I said In my opinion and in no way. Insulted Miz fans so you reserv no right to insult me.
Wow. This is a really heated topic. Haha.

I could care less about Miz's first reign. It's just started, so you can't really bash it. But, I was never a big fan of the guy because I think he's generic. He can work a crowd and, though I think he's a little overrated at it, he can work a mic, but I was never a big fan of his ring work, and that's what is important to me as a wrestling fan. Basically, I don't agree with all of you saying that it's the Miz, even though I'm not a big fan, either.

I considered saying Jeff Hardy and not because of his lifestyle, either. I never, and I mean never liked Jeff Hardy or appreciated his work. The guy was just a flying bump machine, he was never a real wrestler. I'm sorry for pissing all over the Hardy Boys, but that's my honest opinion.

However, I'm not going to say Jeff. I'm going to go with mral82 and say that the obvious choice (if we're strictly sticking to the WWE Championship) has to be Kane. To this day, I'm not sure at all why that reign even happened. Kane won the title in a first blood match...where he was wearing a mask. Therefore, we all knew that he was going to win. But, then he just drops it back the next night; who, what, when, where, and why? It was a waste of time, it's embarrassing to see it come up in the record books, and I feel that it's the obvious choice.

I'm going to make what could be a bold statement now, however, and suggest that Batista's last run with the belt could be one of the worst, as well. Did they need to throw the belt on him to have a match with Cena at Mania? No. The WWE just used the belt as a prop to pair the two together. Don't get me wrong: the whole, "Batista jealousy" thing worked out okay in the end. But, was there really a point in Batista holding onto the belt for just one month after winning it in a chickenshit way, only to drop it back without any chance of regaining it? They could have just as easily had the match without the belt transfer, and therefore I'm still very sore about the way the belt was treated.
The brain obviously should change his name. Saying that we shouldnt say the miz, then declaring mankind as the worst is absolutely hilarious. Mankind's first win over the rock changed the ratings and gave the wwf an edge over wcw. Remember Mankind put my ass in this seat signs? You just lost all credibility with me.

I don’t understand how you can say The Miz is the worst when his reign has only just begun. Just because you don’t like Miz as champion does not mean he is the worst. He may become the worst but I think I’m going to let more than two weeks go by before I make up my mind.

As for Mankind, can you tell me what made him a great champion? I already acknowledged his first title win on Raw was an awesome moment. So his first few minutes as champion were great. Then what? Shouldn’t someone who was a three time champion have a successful title defense? I don’t remember Mankind ever successfully defending the title. His three title reigns combined for 47 days. 47 days is bad for one title reign much less three. Don’t worry, you’re not the first fan who let his personal feelings cloud his judgment.
Khali is the worst champion ever. He cannot wrestle , he cannot talk. I dont know what he offers now as well as then

The majority will pick stupid ones, like the one above about The Miz (who might I add has only been champion two weeks!). The likes of Cena, Nash, Rey, JBL will all appear for stupid reasons to.

The worst champion is The Great Khali, no decent feuds, a dodgy title win and hardily an epic way to lose the title (something JBL, Nash both had). In terms of individual reigns, Bob Backland's last run as champion was the worst run of any champion

Without a doubt it was The Great Khali. He couldn't wrestle for shit. It's also nice to have the World Champ actually be able to speak English so most of the people watching know what he is actually saying. Even his title reign was a means to put the belt on somebody following Edge's injury, the fact that he held the title for 2 full months is beside me.

The Miz hahaha jk. I would say Khali he jsut simply sucks and can't wrestle.

Wait, so it's better to have some drugged out hack who hasn't been arrested yet, can jump off high things and can't do much else than a guy that has actual talent, been given a second chance and trying to do right with it as a champion?


But anyway, my pick would be The not so great Khali. Just another big guy who couldn't really do anything, not even speak english. If he where actually good in the ring, I wouldn't mind. But he wasn't even good at that either! All he did was chop people in the head. The only interesting thing we got out of that sham of a tittle reign was the weird punjabi prison match, which sucked.
So glad wwe never made that into a ppv concept.

I have to say either the miz or khali. Neither of them can wrestle, khali can't speak english, equaling horrible promos, and miz is just anal about everything.

Would have to say Khali. He was awkward in the ring and could not cut promos in English.
Even though he was legit strong or can be dominating, he appeared straight out from a cartoon and the aura of domination quickly turned into nothing once he wrestled. It took a lot of selling from his opponents to make his matches entertaining.


Khali is far from the worst champion ever. All the posts I have listed either think Khali is the worst because he can't speak English or "wrestle". I'm going to start with those who said he cannot wrestle. Khali is over seven feet tall and weighs over 400 pounds. Do yo expect him to do suplexes like Chris Benoit? He is a power guy and his chops and slams look painful as hell. His offense fits him and it's asinine to think that he cannot wrestle.

Addressing his promos, so what if he couldn't speak English. He doesn't need to work the mic like CM Punk. His size in the ring and the way he delivers his offense does the talking for him. It's why people critcized Batista as a face for not being good on the mic. He didn't need to say much because his in-ring work was speaking for him.
Mick Foley as champion was a joke to me. A fat slob who couldn't work, he did sell well but if it wasn't a gimmick or garbage match he was lost. Overrated as far as his promo's went in my opinion. Terrible champion.

Kevin Nash would be another pick. A big stiff who was a no talent as far as in ring ability goes, the luckiest major star in the history of the businesss !
First lets talk about who is NOT the worst champion in WWE history. The worst champion is NOT Khali, Sid, Nash, or Andre. All four of these men were total monsters. They were the kind of guys that you would never, ever, want to mess with if you saw them on the street. It only makes sense for the biggest, baddest guy in the company to get the strap, if only to have him put someone over by lossing. A note on Andre: I know he only held the belt for a minute, but he did so much for the WWWF/WWF that he deserved to win the belt. There was no one but him that could have sold out Wrestlemania 3 with Hogan. He deserved to be champion, if only for a moment.

Another person who is NOT the worst champion ever was JBL. JBL cut some of the funniest and most memoriable promos I have seen in years as a champion. He had great matches with Cena, Taker, and Eddie. If you have so much heat that people still say they hate you six years after you win a title, your a great champion.

Now lets get to who was really the worst champion of all time. I've managed to narrow it down to three.

3rd Place: Jack Swagger. I'll be honest, I actually had to think for a moment if he was a world champion. He is the definition of an after thought.

2nd Place: Jeff Hardy. Absolutly worthless. He was a good tag wrestler 10 years ago and has been nothing but a self rightous spot monkey ever since. He also has the worst ring gear in wrestling history. His outfit is the same thing that a skank goth chick would wear as she smoked ciggerrettes by the soda machine after school in 1998. In addition to all this, he just quites after the company puts itself behind him. He didn't drop the ball, he threw it away.

1st Place-The Worst Champion Ever: Rey Mysterio. Rey has the distinction of having the most unbeliveable reign is WWE history. He is a midget who piggybacked off the real life tragidy of his friend to get the title. It made me sick the way he kept saying he was doing this for Eddie. Did the WWE forget that Eddie's own family member and tag partner was on the roster. I would have much rather seen Chavo win the belt for Eddie. Rey was so damn pathetic that he should have just run an angle and said that Eddie wasn't dead, and it was Eddie under Reys mask. Disgusting. He was also terrible in the ring. Granted, 15 years ago Rey was phenomanol is the ring. However, in the last 5 years his entire offense consists of kicking people in the thighs, crawling between legs, and using the most unrealistic finisher in wrestling. His matches look like a girl trying to fight off a date rapist.
It has to be Khali

He wasnt over, never had been and was already thought of as a terrible wrestler and he won a battle royal to win the title...always a bad idea.

The fact that such a terrible wrestler, who had never drawn a dime, never had a good match and was basically a nobody was given the world title simply due to his size is a disgrace, and an insult to all the other wrestlers who had paid their dues, got themselves over and would have been more than capable of holding the belt much better than Khali.

His reign was an embarassment and I thank the Lord that Vince saw sense and took it off him fairly quickly and he fell from the main event scene right away.

He was shit
It has to be Khali

He wasnt over, never had been and was already thought of as a terrible wrestler and he won a battle royal to win the title...always a bad idea.

The fact that such a terrible wrestler, who had never drawn a dime, never had a good match and was basically a nobody was given the world title simply due to his size is a disgrace, and an insult to all the other wrestlers who had paid their dues, got themselves over and would have been more than capable of holding the belt much better than Khali.

His reign was an embarassment and I thank the Lord that Vince saw sense and took it off him fairly quickly and he fell from the main event scene right away.

He was shit

Never had a good match? So you're saying his matches with HBK and Cena were shit because they were not.

The "paying your dues" line is the most bullshit excuse in the history of professional wrestling. Funaki paid his dues and was loyal to the company for what it seemed like decades so should he have been given a world title reign. Who else on Smackdown would have made a better option as a world than Khali and remind you, Undertaker and Edge were both injured. Did you want Batista who had already been in every world title match for the past year or Kane who hadn't done anything impressive in like two years prior?

Khali was over when he destroyed the Undertaker, was over when he beat HBK, and was over when he faced Cena.

I'll still be waiting on you telling me who would have made a better option.
Rey Mysterio, for the sole reason he gained the title because Eddie died. If WWE would have ran an angle wherein Mysterio captured the gold in some other fashion except in a storyline that crossed kayfabe with reality, I wouldn't be complaining. But "This is for you, Eddie!" was so ran into the ground that I almost completely quit watching wrestling altogether.

Becoming champion off of the legacy of a friend is just sad to me. Rey shouldn't've agreed to it- prop title in his future or not.
i'm torn between a couple.

Vince is one of the obvious answers but i'm not counting that because it was for storyline and am going to base it on actual wrestlers who could've done well.

my first one is JBL. I thought he was awful. His in ring work was sloppy and was a complete bore. He didn't have the look. He was a fat slob. I actually didn't buy some PPV's in 2004 because I thought he sucked that much. He also actually annoyed me. I know this is what a heel is supposed to do but this was in a diferent way. He was a pain too watch in the ring, his wingy voice annoyed me and seemed to be a jerk in real life. At the time of his reign the WWE Championship was on Smackdown too meaning the belt was not as important beacuse the raw one always is. He brought down the credibility of the title for me too as it made me think if they are willing to put the belt on this guy then ... (obvious th fact that the belt being on Smackdown done that too but the fact the belt was on the B show and on a joke of a wrestler IMO it was too much).

My second goes to Rey Mysterio. Just like SAMCRO said he only really won it because of Eddie. His second reign was won on his own accord but i feel the storyline was filler waiting for The Undertaker to come back to fued with Kane. I respect him but I really don't like his mic work at all either.
Hulk Hogan his infrequent title defenses, five moves of doom, taking one year to do a movie then using his stroke to regain the championship, and only facing guys that he knew he'd that he was capable of going over.
Definitely Mysterio. Either reign will do, but i'm focusing more on the first one.

Guy won it based on Eddie's death and nothing else. If Eddie had been alive, he'd most likely have been the one to wrestle Angle and Orton that year, or someone else, but anyway, he'd have been in the Title match at Mania, no doubt.

So Rey wins instead, we all know why, but then what? What came after that? Because i can't even really remember. All i remember is that he dropped the belt to King Booker after Booker won KOTR that year.

There may well have been a match with JBL in there at some point as well......

Second reign was equally shit because there literally was no reason for him to win the strap.

He wins it in a 4-way, defends it once against Swagger, loses it 5 minutes after that first defense to Kane. Big whoop!

And i haven't even touched on how ridiculous it is to have a 5" guy who weighs less than 200lbs be the World Heavyweight Champion.
Gonna go with Sgt Slaughter. By the time he got the belt his ring work was below par, and he couldn't draw flies to mustard.

Honorable mention: Bob Backlund's Second reign. Can anyone please explain why he got the gold back?
i'm torn between a couple.

my first one is JBL. I thought he was awful. His in ring work was sloppy and was a complete bore. He didn't have the look. He was a fat slob. I actually didn't buy some PPV's in 2004 because I thought he sucked that much. He also actually annoyed me. I know this is what a heel is supposed to do but this was in a diferent way. He was a pain too watch in the ring, his wingy voice annoyed me and seemed to be a jerk in real life. At the time of his reign the WWE Championship was on Smackdown too meaning the belt was not as important beacuse the raw one always is. He brought down the credibility of the title for me too as it made me think if they are willing to put the belt on this guy then ... (obvious th fact that the belt being on Smackdown done that too but the fact the belt was on the B show and on a joke of a wrestler IMO it was too much).

I really didnt like the fact JBL had become champion. He was a mid-carder at best as Bradshaw and I hated his "rich" character, but you know what? He grew on me.

He wasnt the best in the ring, didnt have the best look but was an absolutely fantastic heel. Some of his heel promo's were brilliant and he ended up a credible champion in my book. You could not wait to see him eventually get his ass kicked by someone, which is how you want a heel champion to be.

I cant remember any heel champ over the last decade or so, besides Triple H, that I really despised not because they sucked, but because they were good at their role. Plus JBL was hilarious on the balcony at One Night Stand, ranting about anything and anything. His drunk alternate commentary on the DVD is awesome
Its hilarious to listen to you guys bicker on whose the worse some say miz some say khali some say jack swagger some say rey mysterio but I'm going to throw one out of left field and explain my reasons why they are the worse WWE champion of all time
The worse WWE champion of all time is HBK Shawn Michaels why do you ask for one he could not draw a dime or draw a rating during HBK first 3 title regin the WWE was in a total slump losing to Nitro week n and week out and almost folded as a company. It wasnt till HBK was finally gone the WWE started to get ratings and PPV buys again. HBK can wrestle his ass off however he was not appealing to an audience to get major draws or to win ratings as WWE champion. HBK returned in 2002 and won the World Heavyweight title he was still barely able to draw PPV buys again so they gave the title right back to HHH. I might add the arena didnt even sell out for the main event with only 9000 in attendance of a 22,000 seat arena. HBK is a great wrestler but an worthy champion sorry HBK your the worse WWE champion of all time
Its hilarious to listen to you guys bicker on whose the worse some say miz some say khali some say jack swagger some say rey mysterio but I'm going to throw one out of left field and explain my reasons why they are the worse WWE champion of all time
The worse WWE champion of all time is HBK Shawn Michaels why do you ask for one he could not draw a dime or draw a rating during HBK first 3 title regin the WWE was in a total slump losing to Nitro week n and week out and almost folded as a company. It wasnt till HBK was finally gone the WWE started to get ratings and PPV buys again. HBK can wrestle his ass off however he was not appealing to an audience to get major draws or to win ratings as WWE champion. HBK returned in 2002 and won the World Heavyweight title he was still barely able to draw PPV buys again so they gave the title right back to HHH. I might add the arena didnt even sell out for the main event with only 9000 in attendance of a 22,000 seat arena. HBK is a great wrestler but an worthy champion sorry HBK your the worse WWE champion of all time

At first I wanted to bash the shit out of you for this, but you might have a slight point. At the end of the day this business is about money, and if your not bringing it in, your not doing your job. I'm a huge HBK fan and think that he is probably the best in ring performer of all time, but the company didn't do well with him as a champion. However, this really wasn't all of Shawn's fault.

When Shawn carried the company, he had to carry a hell of a lot of shit with him. He was never the problem. The problem was the rest of the roster. While Shawn was giving great promos and putting on 5 star matches, the majority of the roster was still the riduculous cartoon characters that almost put the WWF out of business. In addition to this, the compatition was incredible. No one in the WWF could compete with the NWO, which come two months into his reign. They were the hottest thing to ever happen in wrestling since the original Hulkamania. It would be like saying that every WCW champion starting with Goldberg was horrible since they couldn't draw against Austin and DX. They weren't bad themselves, the rest of the company just sucked. Remember also that Shawn was champ during the dawn of the Attitude Era with the Monterol Screwjob and was one of the ones that helped to turn the Monday Night Wars around.

In the end, Shawn probably wasn't the best WWE champion, but I'd don't think you can say he was the worst. You make a valid point about money being lost and attendence being down. However, I think Shawn was just ahead of his time, and no WWF champion could have beat WCW with the cartoony stories they ran in 96.
I don’t understand how you can say The Miz is the worst when his reign has only just begun. Just because you don’t like Miz as champion does not mean he is the worst. He may become the worst but I think I’m going to let more than two weeks go by before I make up my mind.

As for Mankind, can you tell me what made him a great champion? I already acknowledged his first title win on Raw was an awesome moment. So his first few minutes as champion were great. Then what? Shouldn’t someone who was a three time champion have a successful title defense? I don’t remember Mankind ever successfully defending the title. His three title reigns combined for 47 days. 47 days is bad for one title reign much less three. Don’t worry, you’re not the first fan who let his personal feelings cloud his judgment.

Where to start,

First, I never said i hated the miz. I am meh on him. I dont really like him, but i liked him more than swagger winning the belt earlier this year. I even said his reign might get better. So your point and allegations are moot.

Second, I am just talking about the current reign. It may still be going on, but it is a championship reign. And his first title defense was against an announcer, to whom he ALMOST LOST, and had to be saved by MICHAEL COLE. Way to completely burry the champion. I know it was to set up an even bigger storyline, and im actually interested in it and happy it happened, but it makes the miz look like the weakest champion ever.

Finally, being a champ isnt just in defenses, but in the matches you have. He lost his title to the rock in an i quite match in the match of the year, with a really great and original ending. And he did have a defense, in his last man standing match with the rock. These two had a great fued and traded the belt back and forth, that is what made mankind a good champion. Saying what defense did he have should be asked on someone like andre the giant, which you did not do, so saying foley is the worst, is again laughable.
The Great Khali. His reign was one of the most painful things I've ever had to witness as a wrestling fan. They tried to push him as an evil monster heel, and it was not convincing. His mic work is literally non-existant and his in-ring work is absolutely HORRID. There were so many other guys deserving of the belt and they put it on him. It seemed really sloppy and it was not well done.

The other guy that came to mind was the Ultimate Warrior. Warrior was another one of those guys that of a huge push that really amounted to nothing. He was supposed to be the next big star, the next Hogan, but he failed as champion. He had bad in-ring work, he was athletic, but he really didn't know how to do much. He would no-sell more than Hogan. One of the worst choices the 'E ever made.
I think it's got to be the Ultimate Warrior. For everything people say about guy's like, Khali who's shit ability didn't stop him from looking and being a decent monster heel, The Ultimate Warrior was just as bad if not worse. I'm going to say worse because....

The Ultimate Warrior was perhaps given the greatest push in all of WWE history, and he blew it. He was the first guy to actually get the rub and be pushed off The Immortal Hulk Hogan, at a time when Hogan was considered unstoppable. And he blew it. While I thought his promos were kind of epic in a weird teenage sense, he was a shit wrestler and did virtually NOTHING with his single title reign, having no memorable fueds, even though his title reign was 8-9 months.

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