Most Boring Main Eventer


Pre-Show Stalwart
I really want to know who you guys think is the most boring main eventer in the WWE right now... and I'm not talking about Triple H, Cena, or Batista, I'm talking about other guys like Orton, Michaels, etc.

My pick goes to Orton. I don't understand why everyone loves this guy, cuz he's a heel? His character is incredibly boring, from his mic skills to his chinlocks and foot stomps in the ring. I mean, when was the last time we saw Orton light up an area by putting on a ****+ match? ...I'm not a Cena fan but I do not think he deserves any shit when you're comparing him to Orton. I respect the man to death but I just find no interest in his character.
Well I wanted to say Batista for obvious reasons but since you made him off limits i'll go with....


His character has become real stale over the last few years. His promos have been slipping for years and he's not getting any more agile in the ring. He needs a character revamp. A heel turn is exactly what he needs to freshen up his character. Unfortunately it's probably too late in his career for that. I would love to see the return of the American bad ass "Big Evil" version or even His Ministry of Darkness persona. I'm tired of hearing him threatening to take peoples souls and for them to Rest in Peace when he doesn't actually do those things anymore
No offense, but I think both you guys are crazy. RKO is by far one of the top main eventers for a reason. Don't get me wrong I preferred "Legend Killer" RKO to "The Viper" we say now a days. No one, in a long time, has exuded arrogance like Randy Orton can and did as "the Legend Killer."

As far as the Undertaker is concerned, I feel like nothing could be further from the truth, as far as him being boring, but then again, I love the Undertaker as a heel, and that probably would be a good idea, except, the WWE doesn't have many top faces to put him up against. John Cena would be an awesome choice though, just because I can't really recall if or when John Cena has fought the Undertaker.

As for my selection of the most boring, it has to go to Batista, hands down. Terrible on the schtick, and just as bad in the ring. The only time he's ever good in the ring is when someone else is making him look good, ie- the Undertaker, Triple H, etc.
Without a doubt, Batista. I cannot stand the man. Literally the only reason he's where he currently is is because he has large muscles. Anybody who gets refused from the fucking WCW Power Plant because of how awful they are, well, that says quite a bit of just how truly terrible they are.

There's just about nothing that Batista does well. Wrestling? Not very good at it, even for a power wrestler. The only time he's bearable is when he's facing someone like 'Taker. Promo skills? Absolutely terrible. Either he's stumbling all over his words, seemingly coming up with terrible threats off the top of his head, or generally just sounding like he's reading from a cue card that's plastered to his face.

To be quite honest, I'm rather suspicious that Batista may be an android. Would explain his condition.
I'd have to say that the most boring main-eventer in the WWE right now is anyone NOT named CM Punk or Chris Jericho. The rest of the people in the main event scene, especially on Raw, are SO stale and SO over-pushed that it's ridiculous.

Randy Orton needs a "mouthpiece" and should never be allowed to touch a microphone ever again. He hasn't had a decent promo since...well....ever, and the only time I found his character interesting was when guys like Ric Flair or his dad, Bob Orton, were doing the talking for him.

I don't know what the WWE has against managers, but that is EXACTLY what Randy Orton needs. I kind of wish that they would have kept Dusty Rhodes or Ted DiBiase Sr. around for that very reason, but I just don't know if that would have worked out since both of those guys are committed to other things...wishful thinking, I guess.

As far as Shawn Michaels goes, I still think he has it, as long as he's not with Triple H. They guy just had two of the best programs in a long time with Jericho and the Undertaker, and then had the match of the decade at WM 25. He can still go, but the stupid DX gimmick is holding him back.

Honestly, I would not mind seeing Shawn kick Triple H's head off and turning heel just to freshen things up a bit, but either way I think Shawn still has the ability to be one of the top main-eventers they have.
My God, the 'American Bad-Ass' and 'Ministry of Darkness' characters??? I know everyone has their own opinions, but seriously?

I would like to see him go to the 'evil' Undertaker, too. But what exactly is the difference between that persona and this one? I'll answer my own question: He gets cheered for now, and booed with the other persona. How he acts now is how he acted 15 years ago, only now instead of little kids in the crowd crying on camera, you have 20-somethings cheering for him.

All he needs to do is turn on a huge babyface, and maybe that will do it. But hell, I even doubt THAT would do it. But you never know.

And yeah, Randy Orton's mic skills are lacking something. And now that someone mentioned it, his in-ring skills are low, too. The flying knee drop, chest stomp, kicks, ddt from the ropes, and the RKO. I realize that everyone has pretty much their move-set that they use their whole careers, but come on, it doesn't even look interesting. Shawn Micheals has the same moveset, but at least he is interesting.

Main eventer? I'll say Orton, Cena, or CM Punk. Others I can't stand to watch are Khali and Matt Hardy...
i honestly don't c the appeal in randy Orton. i mean his matches consist of getting beat up, stomping on you for a half hour, and doing some dirty tactic to win. it's too predictable, is mic skills kinda sound robotic and he has no emotion it sounds like he was reading them off something. i was watching RAW and during the DX vs. Orton and masters (and i'll let yo know i DO like DX allot) and i was falling asleep, i have a sleeping problem too

but yeah Orton blows Batista is Orton to the millionth power in suckatality, and the other main eventers are at least decent
RKO is awesome. the people i cant stand.hands down batista...he has no charisma..tho he likes to think he does...his tumbs down thing seems really unimaginative.i know where he got it from but...why is he still doing it?when batista comes on..i just watch all the people in the crowd...because whatever there doing is much more exciting.

secondly.HHH hes alright in the ring but...hes promos just arint doing it for me anymore,maybe its because hes a face?idk i just lost the hhh spark.

i know hes not in the wwe anymore but my god.i hated jeff hardys spot in the main i get it.hes overly popular with the kids.but i just cant stand him in singles competition.i just hate everything about him pretty much.glad hes gone

plus i never liked kane in the main event scene.he just dosent fit up there anymore.i like it better when he just goes tearing into random people.its always fun to watch

so generally quite a few people just flat out bore me to death.but i watch just because its fucking wrestling
As far as a boring Main Eventer goes, Bobby Lashley fits the bill pretty good. The man was one of the focal points of Wrestlemania and for some reason, is the headliner for TNA right now. The man has no mic skills and no personality. He's just a body. It's a shame that the guy gets pushed because of his build and semi-good wrestling skills. He's unmarketable. He has no charisma. Goldberg had some personality about him at least. Lashley just looks like a mute. So as far as most boring main eventer, it goes to Bobby Lashley and it's not even close.
Dvayne, you are crazy for picking 'Taker, absolutely crazy. He can't turn heel. It just can't happen because he is to respected and loved by the fans. It would be exactly the same thing that happened when they tried to turn Austin heel. It just wouldn't work. He remains the most fresh character in the WWE and yes him taking off does have alot to do with it. Back off of the Deadman.

As much as I would love to say that Cena is the most boring main eventor in the WWE, it wouldn't be true. That title has to go to Batista. Just read the posts above mine, they explain why. I'm just going to say that he is basically the Ultimate Warrior without face paint. Enough said.
Batista is a main eventer but he isn't here right now. Randy Orton without a doubt is the most boring main eventer I've seen. He started off wonderfully with his new heel character. But now, he sucks. The stupid faces he makes when he does the RKO are just ridiculous. He's too animated. Not only that but he's like a robot. He reads what he's suppose to read and then he leaves.

Batista's first title reign is by far better than all 5 of Orton's reigns. Orton is a lot more entertaining when he's going after the belt. When he haves it, he sucks. I think it was his third title reign, but his best rivalry was with Hardy and Jericho.

But yeah, right now, he's the worst next to HHH and Cena.
i still like Ortons character alot, i agree his matches arent anything to go crazy over but i feel like the way he slithers around and ducks and dodges to eventually win..its a character built up to ultimately be destroyed but he runs it because he finds ways to win..

i honestly dont know who the most boring main eventer is really..they all have their faults...Ortons matches might be boring to some extent with his wrestling ability but the overall performance he usually gives is good and entertaining...

he's gotta relax on the faces though haha
Jeff Hardy. There, I said it.

Seriously, who's idea was it to give him the belt? His promo skills were severely lacking, his moveset consisted of him jumping and running around the ring with no other mat skills to speak of, and his title reigns left little to be desired. People say Punk had short reigns? Well, I think Hardy has him beat. I'm just glad that the spot monkey is out of the E.
Randy Orton is the best damn heel WWE has seen in a while. And i think what does it for him is his cold calculating demeanor. He can tell a story just in his body langauge alone. From him walking to the ring, to the tone of his voice while giving a promo, to the way he moves in the ring, to the way his constantly calculating and giving orders to his henchmen, he is the man. He does his job and he does it damn well

Personally i think Shawn Michaels is the most boring guy to watch now and heres why. At this point in time, Shawn Michaels shouldnt be anything other than a heel. This whole DX thing is bullshit (especially since he isent even the leader anymore) and its hard for me to take him seriously. I honestly cant even stand to watch the guy perform in the ring anymore. With the exception of Wrestlemania, pretty much every match he's been in over the past 3 or 4 years i wanted to shoot myself in the friggin head. Id mich rather him be a GM of Raw or a heel in some way. Kinda like 15 years ago when he was a heel in the late 90s, thats when he was at his best to me. This whole DX crap is old and played out. And enough with the cheezy babuface gimmick. He's too old for the heartbreak hid gimmick so let him do what he does best and be an asshole. lolz..But seriously a heel turn for Shawn Michaels would be great, and any true wrestling fan know how much of a GREAT heel Shawn makes...hes just so dull and routine now it sad to see him like this

AND the ONLY way taker wud be able to turn heel is if he were to turn on wun of two ppl. Wun being Jeff Hardy who is no longer there and the other being good ol JR, much like he did last time he turned heel
most boring guy to watch would have to be randy Orton or cm punk we need some new champions for real i hate both of them they are just losing talent every week they come out man .Orton and cm punk at least use to be decent forget legacy man go back to being the damn legend killer and CM punk just gets to my nerves every time he talks about being better than everyone for being straight edge i dont smoke drink or do drugs you dont see me bragging about saying im better than everyone else even if its just acting it gets annoying.
really? should never touch a mic? did you not see Orton when he was chasing the title? His promos were phenomenal! Now the writers have his character being a coward; if they let him run with the same tenacity he had when he was chasing the title he could be the best heel we've seen in years... his build-up w/Triple H was awesome.. and I stress the build up part because creative dropped the ball w/everything post-DDTing stephanie. When creative gives Orton the flexibility to use his abilites he is great, its just a shame thats its very rare to see it anymore...
Orton?We got crazy talk he is the best heel after Y2J!He walks to the ring slow to make us hate him,i like thhat,then his body language especially his eyyes is what sells him,last week when he RKOd Dusty then looked away from Cody was the shit,he had no concoius(spelled wrong)and was sayin Cody if u wanna do something about it gohead but then Cody on Raw was like yeah,i know that was my dad but Randy is groomin me for the future when Cody wanted nothin but revenge on Cena like Cena did that!Most boring ME are HHH,Cena,Batista, i would say HBK but this DX shit he is a clown(i lol i cant lie).I pick HHH,Cena mostly cause they are always the ME,Batista when he not hurt is boring too!WWE really have no new MEs,Taker dont bore me cause he never hogs the ME scene,Taker comes and goes to help elavate others,Punk as a heel ME is good,Punk as a face is boring, Jericho good.Jeff was boring no mic skills whatsoever,all he does is jump around,which boring.Edge kinda boring cause he will lose the belt get it back lose again.
hands down jbl. even his music was boring. i dont know why they made him wwe champion for so long. man i hated watching him he had no skills, he was fat, and his close line from hell wasent that exciting of a move
I Have to say Batista. This guy's mic skills are worse than God knows what, his matches usually only involve a few moves (Clothesline, Powerslam, Spinebuster, Batista Bomb...123). He is just so boring. His gimmick Has been "The Animal" for the past few years, and it's just so boring. He has no third dimension to him. It's just like "I'm going to beat the crap out of a guy, win a title, then get injured, then when i come back from an injury i'll have a winge and get thrusted into the main event scence again). Jesus that's just so boring
I respect your opinion and all but you can not honestly believe that Michael Cole is a good commentator. He's the most boring commentator ever. VINTAGE RANDY ORTON! OH MY!! has anyone noticed whenever a heel takes a cheap shot michael wont shut up about it. the same goes for when they win titles. ORTON STOLE THE TITLE!!When a face cheap shots he doesnt say shit. If i was king i'd punch that bastard in the face. If you want good commentating look at J.R. and Matt Striker.
No offense, but I think both you guys are crazy. RKO is by far one of the top main eventers for a reason. Don't get me wrong I preferred "Legend Killer" RKO to "The Viper" we say now a days. No one, in a long time, has exuded arrogance like Randy Orton can and did as "the Legend Killer." .

Arrogance. that is the best you can come up with? Even now, Orton doesn't have the arrogance he used to carry. Sure he was brilliant when he was killing legends. his feuds against Foley and Taker were superb. I loved Orton back then. And I think he really peaked around about late 2007/2008 with his awesome run as WWE champion until his injury at ONS. Then he came back with a crazy persona and stupid sleeve tattoos and systematically destroyed most of the things that were cool about him.

He hasn't killed a legend in a while, so they made him the viper, a guy that can strike any time. A guy that takes any opportunity to win the title and uses it to his advantage. Except that guy is Edge. So we have Orton, floating around and having not built up his character much at all in the past year. And as soon as people started flaming IED, they dropped that as well.
He has become stale, hasn't added much to his in ring abilities in a few years and still cuts the same promos. He get's my vote.

At least Batista shakes the ring ropes something fierce.
Most boring is definitely one of those things where this is no right or wrong answer due to this being based on solely on personal opinion. I happen to like Orton, especially recently, and he's gaining a lot of crowd reaction.

Batista would gain my pick as most boring. Nothing he's ever done has really captured my attention in the way most other Main Eventers have at least once or twice. He isn't the greatest at cutting promos in any sense of the word, and doesn't really have the technical ability to pull that up to being okay.

I can't remember the last time Batista had a half decent main event match on either RAW or a PPV. He's just so damn boring in the ring and has not evolved whatsoever in the ring. He's moveset has not changed at all since 2005. The same could be said for John Cena but whilst he still somehow manages to have good matches with certain people, Batista seems to be just incapable to have a good match with anyone anymore. Infact the last time he had a good match was actually against Cena at Summerslam last year! He's strong, powerful, intense... but so damn stale! Zzzz...
You know, you sort of neuter the question right off by saying not to include Trips, Cena, and Batista, as I feel those are the three putting on the most boring main events. Let's look at the other guys:

Randy Orton: He doesn't get lumped in for the simple fact's not his fault. There have been absolutely ZERO new main eventers made for the RAW brand since...well, Batista. We're talking FIVE years with NO new stars. Orton is the defacto #1 heel on RAW...and he's the ONLY main event HEEL on RAW (until Big Show is done having his cup of coffee with the Tag titles). So, naturally, his schtick is gonna seem old and boring...but he's had to fight the same old, boring match now for nearly five years. Orton has, at least, added dynamics to his character, such as the addition of Legacy and his increasing chickenshit antics. His offense, which slightly boring, at least has realism added to it, unlike the Superman offense of Cena and Trips.

Undertaker: He's capable of good matches with everyone and is constantly changing his arsenal of moves...he also put on one of the greatest Wrestlemania matches in 46. The guy is the complete opposite of boring, as each appearance commands attention.

Chris Jericho: Probably the best all-around gifted heel since Ric Flair...never boring, even when saddled with a useless tag partner (Big Show) against a so-so talent (MVP) and another worthless tag partner (Mark Henry). Granted, Jericho and MVP have been carrying the feud, but it's Jericho's solid work also on the mic that's been putting this feud over. Plus, he's putting on fantastic singles matches to boot. The cure for the common boredom is Chris Jericho.

CM Punk: If you say he's boring, especially after the awesome program with Jeff and the great work he's been doing so far with Taker, you must be high or ******ed. If it was a year ago with babyface Punk...maybe. But heel Punk is taking Mr. Chicago Made to a whole other level, one we haven't seen since his heel days in Ring of Honor.

Christian: Yes, there's another brand, and they have "main eventers" too! Christian is consistently a Top 5 pop guy and has had great match after great match since coming back. Given, his character is lacking the same dynamic he had when he was a heel, but he's apparently comfortable in the smartass babyface role, especially when given such great heel detractors...

William Regal: This guy is absolutely amazing. His move to ECW has revitalized his career and will (hopefully) lead to his first major World title win on Sunday. The pairing of the silent Ebony & Ivory killsquad in Big Zeke and Kozlov give Regal even more reason to be a smug Brit, having two huge guys that got his back waiting in the wings in case there's trouble. Outside of Punk, this guy is up there as far as ME-level transitions go.

Who else? Well, you have guys just outside the bubble (MVP, Morrison, Shelton, Mattsy-Poo) and guys not around at the moment (Edge is injured, Jeffykins is taking a powder, Rey Rey is in Mexico crying in his steroids). This goes to show you the state of the main event on each show. While RAW only has one legit ME-level heel (Orton), it also has 3 babyfaces (Triple H, Cena, Batista), and that's BEFORE factoring in HBK. Smackdown, on the other hand, currently has 2 main eventers...that's right, two, and it's the guys fighting for the title. The third (Jericho) is wrapped up with the tag belts. ECW is the closest with a balanced main event, as Christian and Dreamer rep the babyfaces while Regal & Friends and Shelton make up the heels. It would be nice to see that kind of balance amoungst the other shows.

Can we just can the WWE talk and just say Matt Morgan is the most boring main eventer? He's so-so on the mic, so-so in the ring, and has a so-so look (kinda goony looking for his size), yet he's CONSTANTLY getting that main event push, mostly because Cornette loves him for whatever reason. It's taken two years's not going to happen.
The most boring main-eventer? Well actually I'm going to say someone who is not quite there yet but soon enough will be in the main even scene and when that happens it will be a sad day.

MVP: as i said, soon he will be in the main event scene, and this is not something I want, MVP is the most boring in ring performer, every time I see him in a match I fall asleep. His mic skills are tacky, he has a very annoying character ESPECIALLY as a face.

I can't imagine this guy working well with any of the main eventers. He's just too slow and boring.

As for the whole arguments saying that Batista is boring well your gonna go crazy at me for saying this but I think he's great! He's not boring and he is an amazing wrestler!
(there I said it, please go easy on me guys, I just have a monster crush on him thats all)

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