*MERGED* RAW 900th Episode General Discussion

for me it was the Invasion in 2001, with the WWF/E getting beaten down and Austin reappearing to help save the WWF at the time it was a moment. If you're going for Funny on Raw anything when the original DX impersonated Nation of Domination and The Corporation.

as for matches I agree with one of the earlier posters the John Cena v Shawn Michaels rematch, I was actually there live when that happened and that was a moment.
i have thought about this for days now, and gone back and watched a lot of older episodes of RAW, because as far as im concerned none of the episodes now compare to the ones in the 1990's. they are good, dont get me wrong, but not GREAT. only great moments, but for the all around show? no.

on that note, it would be Monday, October 6, 1997.

it was the night after the first Hell in a Cell, RAW started off on a sad note as Vince announced the death of Brian Pillman, all the boys from the back came out for a tribute.
Then we had HBK and HHH out doing a segment, where not only did they air the "curtain call" or MSG Kliq incident for the first time ON air, made comments about WCW and Kevin Nash/Scott Hall, and talked about Vinces Dead dad.
Also had a match with Owen Hart vs Road Warrior Hawk. 2 of my favorite guys ever, RIP to both of them. HHH vs Bret Hart, where the famous "HBK puts the Canadian Flag in his nose" incident. also was the RAW debut of Kane, where he destroyed a young, skinny, drug free hardy boys. Jim Cornette did a very harsh, real shoot on his thoughts of WCW, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, NWO, and Eric Bishoff. there was also a very nice tribute package for Brian Pillman, and an interview with his Widow.

over all it was a really great, and emotion RAW, and so for me, was the best, most memorable RAW is WAR ever.
I know I have said this before somewhere, but just in case I didn’t mention it here, my favorite Raw moment was November 12, 2001. It was when Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock were in the ring, the Monday before the WWF vs. WCW/ECW Winner Take All Survivor Series Elimination Match. They went back and forth and then they were “Wastin’ away in Margaritaville”. It was one of the few “feel good” moments in the WWE that had two of my Top 3 favorites of all time. I have many more, but this one, to me, sticks out the most.

Others I should mention were Ric Flair’s debut as half owner of the WWF, Eric Bischoff’s debut as Raw’s GM, and the first ever WWE Draft.
Stone Cold Steve Austin driving his monster truck into Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI. I was there live with my father, 3rd row floor seats. The crowd was undescribable, DEFANING! On TV, Raw went off the air with Austin fighting his "smoking skull" belt away from The Rock. And Shane McMahon hitting Austin from behind with a shovel, knocking him into the grave that was meant for his title belt. At the arena, it ended with Stone Cold getting back up and kicking Rock's and Shane's asses with Stunners for 10 minutes. All while drinking and toasting the raucus crowd with Steveweisers. Greatest moment in the history of not only Raw, but all of sports-entertainment!
Yikes... how can anyone choose one episode from the past 17 years?!? This is definitely tough. I'd have to narrow it down to two moments:

Y2J's Debut
I mean, seriously... has there ever been a greater debut for a pro-wrestler? Granted, the was during the Monday Night Wars when everyone was jumping ship to other promotions, but Jericho's jump to the WWE was one of (if not THE) first jump from WCW to the WWE. It was a huge deal to everyone watching. The buildup was perfect, mysterious, and brilliant. The countdown clock was just incredible booking and had never been done before. And to be honest, even though we could all keep up with the countdown clock on the WWE's website, I never thought that Y2J would debut in the middle of a promo by none other than The Rock. That really showed the audience, right from the start, that Jericho was a master on the stick. To experience a WWE debut where you're thrown into a verbal duel with one of the best promo wrestlers of all time is an honor and a privilege.

Mankind wins the WWE Championship from the Rock
It's no secret that I'm not a fan of Mick Foley. Never have been, never will be. But I can never deny this moment. Since I'm a huge advocate that crowd pops are everything in pro-wrestling, this moment sticks out in my mind more than any other episode of Raw. I have been watching pro-wrestling for over 25 years, lived through the Golden, NewGen, Attitude, and PG Eras, and I have never heard a pop louder than the one that Steve Austin drew when the sound of broken glass hit during this match prior to his entrance and interference.

The Rock was such an incredible heel at this point and time and really had a great program going on with Mankind as a result of the Survivor Series incident. At the time, world championships rarely changed hands on regular programming, so this title change was unexpected. Add a primed Degeneration X and the McMahon's into the mix and you've really got yourselves one hell of a main event for a weekly episode of Monday Night Raw. The story told in the match was incredible... Mankind's momentum keeps getting shut down by the McMahons, DX interferes causing slight anarchy during the match... everyone is distracted... and then cue the most popular wrestler on the roster to make an unexpected entrance in order to swing the match in Mankind's direction... Mankind wins his first WWE title and Tony Schiavone made his biggest mistake by informing WCW fans that this was about to occur, thus causing over 600,000 fans to change channels and sway momentum of the Monday Wars in the WWE's direction. If all of those factors in one show aren't enough to make it the greatest Raw moment/episode of all time, I don't know is.
One of my favorite moments on RAW was in April 2001 I believe when Stone Cold and HHH just destroyed the shit out of the Hardy Boyz and Lita. That look Austin gave before he hit Lita with the chair was just priceless. I didn't think they would go that far but props to Lita for taking it because I don't know too many divas that would. The result of that was my other favorite moment when they were looking to do the same to Lita again and then Undertaker and Kane showed up to a huge pop. That led to a good feud between the four.
i take mine back. haha. got a new favorite RAW now, as i just watched one from 98 or 99, not sure which, but at the start of the show Vince comes out and calls the Undertaker and Kane *****es, and for the rest of the night during, or after each match they came out and beat the hell out of everyone. Blackman, Rock, Mark Henry, Mark Mero, everyone who was there got beat down. was the start of The Brothers Of Destruction. and for me it was awesome to watch.

the only thing that did kill it for me was it was also during the destruction of LOD, when they had hawk playing the drunk, mirroring his real life issues, and i found this angle to be in real bad taste, and vince destroying one of the best tag teams ever.
My favorite moment was with Mick Foley and the Rock, the This Is Your Life skit. Foley and Rock were just polar opposites and worked so well together, and this was by far their funniest moment imo. Another one is when Vince was in the hospital and Foley visited him with Mr. Socko, then Austin destroyed him with the bed pan. God I miss those days.

Also honorable mention, Sabu coming beating the shit out of Cena and putting him threw the announce table, I don't think I've ever marked out more in my life.
What do you guys think will happen on raws 900th episode next week?

I dont look for anything EXTRA ordinary....Maybe the biggest thing could happen is the GM revealed? I doubt it because i dont hink that RAW knows who the GM is..nobody knows..

My best guess for the GM is VINCE himself,,,

But maybe good matches but nothing that will make you sit back and say "wow, that was an awsome Raw"...

your thoughts?
Hey Guys.

I was really upset that the Rock hadn't appeared at SummerSlam, as alot of people were. And while watchiong Raw, I remembered that next week was Raw's 900th Episode. This could also be a great time for The Rock to return. I just wanted to make a quick thread to see if you guys thought The Rock would return at the 900th Episode, maybe as the guest host. He did promise that he would return to Raw as the guest host on Smackdowns 10th anniversary.
I personally don't think he will return.....yet. There is no doubt that The Rock will return to guest host Raw eventually, I just dont see it happening on the 900th episode.
Now I wanna hear your opinions. Do you think The Rock will return on Raw next week?
Won't happen. As much as I would love to see The Great One Return, he is busey with "more important" things, and by more important things, I mean working at a job where he makes 10X what he did as a wrestler and has a stuntman taking his bumps for him.
Unless he'll just be on some video camera, I don't think Dwayne Johnson wants to be seen in a Pro Wrestling ring. Whenever he talks about wrestling now, it's like it never happened. I tend to just accept the fact that he would rather make millions off children movies.
Personally, I'm long since over The Rock possibly showing up on WWE television again in the near future. It'd be great to see him of course, but The Rock has gone Hollywood and anything to do with wrestling is going to run a very distant second compared to virtually anything on his schedule.

It'd be a helluva surprise if he were to show up this coming Monday but it's just not gonna happen. If The Rock were gonna be there, the WWE wouldn't keep it secret. They'd hype the crap out of The Rock's return to Raw in order to draw the biggest audience that they could.
honesly when summerslam open and they showed the skyline of LA it reminded me of the hollywood verson of the rocks theme video, i was forsure that the rock was gonna show up, than you had john cena tweet saying history was gonna be made at summerslam, than u had nexus come and do a run in on the first match making summerslam actually seem like something crazy was gonna happen like the rock coming back but it ended up beeen a giant flop... and now for the rock on the 900th show not a snowballs chance in hell if the rock was gonna come back it would of bin this summerslam, if anything the rock might show up for the 1000th raw keep ur fingers crosss or is he the GM
I've completely lost interest in The Rock. I wouldn't like to see him come back because he'll just destroy what's left of his legacy even further. For me personally, The Rock died in 2003; not just because that's when he retired but that's when I started to find him.. (not that I like using this word at all) stale.

The Rock's heel turn in 2003 was epic and went down in history as possibly and arguabally the best heel turn the industry has ever seen. Bringing The Rock back would only kill him even further, let's face it; every year there's speculation that The Rock is going to return and every year we're dissapointed. Not just The Rock either, every Summerslam period in the WWE there's speculation that The Rock, Undertaker or Goldberg are going to return. Why Summerslam? Why EVER?

The Rock along with many others have moved on, so personally, I believe that The Rock shouldn't return and that he will NOT return.
I doubt he'll be at the 900th episode simply because it would have been publicized several weeks in advance. WWE would want to take full advantage of a Rock appearance and not just slip him into a show without prior notice. After all, they would want bigger ratings as a result of his showing up and that wouldn't happen if no one knew he was coming. Yes, he made a pre-taped appearance a while back without advance notice, but that is nothing compared to having him at ringside getting involved in the action.

For the 900th RAW, they already have a plan to increase ratings simply by publicizing the anniversary. Why waste a Rock appearance on that?

That said, I think he should come back......and not forget where he came from in the first place. After all, if there had been no Rock the wrestler, there would have been no Rock the movie star. In addition, lots of celebrities plug their movies and books by appearing on WWE programming. With Rock, it's a natural.
It is highly unlikely that he would be at the 900th episode of Raw. Sure it is an iconic event that is happening but over the past 6-8 years The Rock has just been focusing on his acting career and making himself more moneys. I would absolutely MTFO if I saw him on there and it would probably end up being one of the top Raw moments from the past 5years but we are simply dreaming at this poing. However we have been worked recently with the whole Bryan Danielson situation so anything could potentially happen though a lack of internet reports and buzz makes it feel that much more unlikely. As others have said if he was indeed returning they would be promoting the shit out of it right now because he helped the WWE get the highest ratings that any wrestling show has ever achieved on tv and to simply have him show up surprisingly would waste the hype ratings increase. Think about when Hogan showed up in TNA for the first time, they promoted the shit out of it and hyped it up to the moon and TNA got the best ratings it has ever achieved because of it. Lets all keep dreaming our little dreams and perhaps someday they will come true again as they did with Danielson
You were upset that he didn't show up at SS? Really? Really?

He's not coming back!!!! It's not that he doesn't care for us, it's just that he moved on to movies. He's filming the new Fast and Furious movie right now. He doesn't have time.
You were upset that he didn't show up at SS? Really? Really?

He's not coming back!!!! It's not that he doesn't care for us, it's just that he moved on to movies. He's filming the new Fast and Furious movie right now. He doesn't have time.

Not that I'm a 100% Rock hater..but I admire your comment. I completely agree with you. It's about time that people accepted the fact that The Rock has moved on to bigger and much better things. It'd ruin him if he returned anyway.
idk...i'm so tired of trying to guess when hes coming back.

i loathed Rock as a kid but i now miss him (blame Cena) anyways i'd like to see him back but i'm not gonna drive myself crazy if he doesn't...hell when he does i'll probably miss it since i'm not a regular viewer of Raw. i'll probably watch next week since its the 900th show.
To be honest, I don't want to see The Rock again. He's obviously not interested, anything he has said in the past on WWeTV has been to get a pop for himself and his last appearance was after an obvious bribe by the E (who used getting his pop and grandpop into the HoF). If he does appear again it'll have to be more momentous than next week - so we're looking at Smackdown's 10th Birthday or Raw1K. Even that's not a guarantee, Vince isn't fond of former wrestlers who don't show ultimate loyalty and some of the comments Tripper's fired out about the Great One wouldn't have me clamouring to give the E my rub.

The guy doesn't have the heart for it anymore and I really don't wanna see him go through a PG waterdown of a once great act.

So folks, know your roles and shut your mouths, I'd rather remember the most electrifying man in sports entertainment because HE knows his damn role now does not have wrestling at the junction of Knowyourrole Boulevard and Jabroni Drive. Whacha all think... IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK, the Rock is dead - wrestling is just a chapter in the Dwayne Johnson autobiography. So you can take your opinions, shine 'em up REAL pretty, turn em sumbitches sideways and stick them up your candy asses. If you SMEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL what the Fit...... is cookin!

Lord, I apologize for that there, and...be with the pygmies in New Guinea:lmao:
Even though The Rock's millions and millions of fans would like to see The Great One on RAW next week, I just do not see this happening. The RAW show is taking place in Boston, which is very out of the way for The Rock. We will see him in a ring again do not get me wrong, but for now he is very busy and I see the only thing possible thing happening is for Rock to do a video message like he did for SD! There is a very slight chance he will show up, but those chances are not good at all.
Nope. As much as I would obviously like to see him on Raw next week cutting a promo on someone's Candy Ass! It just doesn't feel like it's gonna happen. Or happen anytime soon for that matter.

For the record, I TRULY hope I am wrong!
I am not sure why he would go on a radio show and promote that he is coming back if he does not eventually intend to. It does not benefit him in the slightest to purposefully mislead the public.

I believe he originally had plans to come back and they were scrapped due to poor scheduling.

I fully believe he will come back in the future(0-2 years) and play the role he hinted at last spring.

I believe those saying that they are 'over' his return are full of it. Nearly everyone will mark the 'f' out when he returns...including the ones who are so called 'over it'.
Rock... Oh Rock... You can suck my 8 inch Cock!!! I hope you never come back to the Millions... and Millions of fans who got you where you are today. If you were to ever come back... I hope you get in a car crash at the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Dr. while your eating a Crack ****es Pie on the way to the arena after she finishes playing with your 2 inch Struddle!!!

People... He turned his back and walked away from us YEARS AGO and really has not looked back. So why care if he comes back? For what... a cheap pop? Id rather watch paint dry.

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