*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] 2010 WWE Draft Discussion

To Smackdown - The Miz - He's been on a role and will dominate the Smackdown roster
- Sheamus - After losing the WWE Title and being beaten by numerous wrestlers on RAW, I think Sheumus moving to Smackdown is a smart move. On Smackdown he can sharpen his skills a little and possibly mainevent a Wrestlemania or two down the road
- Christian - Because Edge and Jericho are on Smackdown, it would only seem right that Christian goes straight to Smackdown and start feuding with either of the two

To RAW - John Morrison - This move needs to happen in order for him to establish himself as a maineventer.
- Drew mlcintyre - He's been on a role with his title and a draft to RAW will be a great move for him
I’m not going to bore you by going through the entire thought process that led to the following. I’ll just say that it started with the idea that Edge makes a better face, passed through the current heels and faces on both brands, and led to the feuds I’d like to or could see happen later this year.

It starts with the guys I see changing brands for the annual draft lottery (BTW, it’s either a “draft” or it’s a “lottery”…it can’t be both). Here are the guys I would like to see change shows, along with reasons why…

Batista – It’s not that I don’t think he’d be okay for Smackdown. Some would say that Smackdown is more for good wrestling, while Big Dave is more about his character than what he can do in the ring. Therefore he fits the show geared more towards “entertainment”…RAW. But I see him and Cena continuing their feud after Wrestlemania, and this will stem from Vince moving him to RAW as a favor after Cena beats Batista for the title at ‘Mania. The blow-off to this feud will probably happen at SummerSlam.

Edge – A lot of people believe Edge will beat Jericho. I can’t blame them for that, and there’s a good chance they will be proven correct in a few weeks. But I actually think Jericho retains the WHC on WM, and for four reasons…
1) Edge is so hot right now I think Vince will want him on “the #1″ show
2) If Edge were to beat Jericho then the WHC Title would go to RAW
3) I think Cena beats Batista, meaning the WWE Title and WHC would be on RAW
4) I really don’t see Cena going to Smackdown

To Smackdown
Sheamus – Although Smackdown is my favorite wrestling show on television, and I’m not a fan of Sheamus, I just don’t see him staying on RAW. He’s just not a big enough star for that show. Not that I think Smackdown is a second rate show like it’s often treated by WWE, just that that’s the way Vince sees it. And with Cena, HHH, Edge, and Batista on RAW there’s just not a good place for him on that show.

Randy Orton – Two reasons. One, like Sheamus, I think he’s ready to re-enter the main event and there’s not room on RAW for that. And two, he’s got to get away from Dibiase and Rhodes, who are not at Randy’s level (at least not yet). The Legacy feud is not working and has to end, and this is the best way to do so without burying anybody. Maybe they can re-visit things later (unless WWE keeps ditching the past like they do most of the time already).

There will be heel/face turns as well. The two I see happening are HHH becoming a heel again, and Orton becoming a face. The Orton face turn is already in motion, so I don’t think anybody is shocked by me saying that. It’s the HHH thing that may be a surprise. Face it, HHH is a much better heel. And without HBK by his side it’s time to go back at what HHH does best…be that evil cerebral assassin.

Two guys I see elevated to the main event scene by the end of the year are Ted Dibiase and John Morrison. I don’t believe anybody would argue against the Morrison part, although some may have a problem with the Dibiase part. Well if Ted ditches Cody, which I see happening since they are a tag team and tag teams do not last in WWE, then I see him breaking out. Cody just doesn’t do it for me, but I see something in Ted.

Oh, and I also see Christian winning Money In The Bank. He will cash it in and finally get into the main event scene in WWE.

So let’s take a look at the heels and faces on each show…

Heels – Batista, HHH, Dibiase
Faces – Edge, Christian, Cena

Heels – Sheamus, Jericho, Punk
Faces – Mysterio, Orton, Morrison

Looking over all of this I put together what I think will be the main feuds heading into Wrestlemania. Or at least it’s what I’d like to see.

From the RAW side of things…
Batista vs. Edge
HHH vs. Christian
Ted Dibiase vs. John Cena

From the Smackdown side…
Sheamus vs. Rey Mysterio
Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton
CM Punk vs. John Morrison​
John Morrison
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Tyson Kidd
Ezekiel Jackson
Chris Jericho

Kofi Kingston
Evan Bourne
Yoshi Tatsu
Randy Orton
Ted DiBiase Jr.
Zack Ryder
I think cena,swagger,carlito,mark henry,and evan bourne should all go to smackdown. I also think batista,jericho,and r-truth should come to raw.It might start some interesting shows for both smackdown and raw.
I didn't read through all the replies, so if someone mentioned this already... well, sorry.

From RAW to SmackDown! - Michael Cole

Damn straight. J.R. will be back in some fashion after Mania (as far as I can gather from his blogs and reports) and if they stick him on SD again, that'd be... awful.

Striker and Cole are already pulling shifts in NXT which airs live during the SD! tapings, so why not just move Cole to SD! to team with Striker and then have J.R. join King on RAW again for the final run?

S'what I think, anyway.
I feel a bit strange about this. If I were sending people to Raw, that in my mind is an admission that I see nothing in them and don't care about how badly they'll be booked when they're there. Really, bother than top top guys, who gets anything from being there? Even top guys like Punk and Jericho drown over there at times. Top top guys like Batista will get time and opprotunities, but other than that you're killing the momentum of most stars by sending them to SmackDown.

That said, feeling strange about it is no reason not to give my thoughts on the matter. On with the show.

To SmackDown:

John Cena: He needs a change of scenery. It'd be nice to see SmackDown be given a shot to look like it's on equal ground with Raw. I want real feuds between Cena and Punk, Cena and Mysterio, and maybe even Cena and McIntyre. I know, I'm weird. I want new feuds of high quality. Never gonna happen.

Jack Swagger: He's never going to regain his momentum on Raw yet he's still dripping with potential. The best way to harvest that would be on SmackDown. They have lengthy midcard matches and normally top Raw in that department. They also have Rey Mysterio (who can do wonders for any young buck's career), and will ideally have Cena and the next guy on the list. I know Swagger's already on the same brand as them, but I'd like to have Swagger get to a place (SmackDown) where I can at least pretend he has a chance of winning those matches.

Christian: He's on a brand where Triple H, Randy Orton, and John Cena look to monopolize the top face spots. This is a no-brainer. If you want Christain to succeed, that is.

Evan Bourne: So I can pretend he'll get a push and/or time work.

Mark Henry: With the momentum he had coming to Raw, I'm not sure how WWE could screw this up. It was probably the WWE style that led to things like Henry taking a typical heel beatdown from chumps like Carlito. Ugh. Send him to SmackDown and restart the push. Heel or face, doesn't matter. He can do both. Whatever works to balance the brand out, I suppose.

Sheamus: Let him dominate without a heel on Batista's level there to ruin things for him. He's not going away people. Better get used to it.

To Raw:

Edge: He needs to to move. He's so played on SmackDown right now and has a chance to succeed on Raw. Triple H is supposedly going heel so, so I guess that would open up a spot. As long as he stops sucking up the show I actually like.

Dolph Ziggler: I'd like him to become even more of an afterthought than he is. This might help.

R-Truth: He's over but not getting a push on SmackDown. I can't explain it. Might as well try this, right?

Kane: Same logic as Dolph and Edge. Plus it's a tradition to move Kane for no good reason every year, so I can't imagine them not doing the same this year.

Cryme Tyme: The Edge/Dolph logic at play again. You didn't see that coming, did you?

Shelton Benjamin: Midcard face to replace Christian?

Are my picks more valid than anyone elses? I'd like to think so. You can decide for yourself.

I'd also make a point to move lower card guys I like such as Regal, but I've just about given up hope regarding him.
Like always you know that the biggest name will probably get drafted while the lower card guys will either get release or drafted during the supplemental draft only to get release not long after.

So having said that here who i think will change show during the draft and the supplemental draft.

to Raw

Drew Mcintyre: He'S the chosen one and you know that Vince always like to be on Raw more than on Smackdown so it would make sense to have Drew come to raw.

Edge It's pretty much a done deal that Edge will change shows after wrestlemania. The guy as been on Smackdown for way to long now and a change of scenary will do him good.

The Undertaker This is a dream i have to see undertaker come back to raw after so many years of being on smackdown. They could use him as a special attraction to replace HBK plus a feud with HHH would actually be fun to watch.

Michelle McCool She been on smackdown for her entire career and while the diva's division isn'T what it use to be, it's still pretty decent and adding her to the raw division would help bring new feud on the raw side.

Teddy Long I know that they won't send teddy long to Raw to be the GM but still, how fun would it be to see Teddy Long as the GM of Raw instead of Smackdown. They could drop the whole guess host gimmick that way.

to smackdown

John Cena Since i see Edge winning the title at mania and cena winning the WWE title at mania that means that you need to have both champions change place, plus Cena need a change and Smackdown will provide him a better feud when his feud with BAtista is over.

Christian With Edge back on Raw Christian as to leave and go to smackdown if he does want to be in the shadow of edge. Christian is a talented guy and doesn'T need to be in the shadow of the more successful edge.

Kofi Kingston The guy seem to be lost ever since his feud with Randy Orton ended. Probably because of what happenned in the last match Orton had with him. So switching him to smackdown would make sense.

The Miz Since The ic champion is going to raw, why not send the u.s champion to smackdown. Miz as become one of the best all around guy ever since his feud with cena ended and would be an asset to smackdown.

Maryse Not that i actually want her to join the show but since Michelle mcCool is going to raw i have to send maryse to smackdown since she's the diva's champion.

Big Show I would love to see Big show back on smackdown on a regular base. For a big guy, he a talented guy and since Khali isn't going to be around that much anymore, Show could take Khali's place as the giant of smackdown.

Supplemental draft picks

To Raw

Shad: just since crymetyme have been split up why send him and his awful gimmick to Raw and then release him in a couple of month

Goldust: great talent, great entertainer, could continue to team with Yoshi Tatsu

Ezekiel JAckson: Great big man, would work better on Raw

Mike Knox: pretty much get drafted just to fill out the numbers and then get release not to long after that.

Beth Phoenix: she need to be were the woman's championship is and that's raw

The Hart Dynasty: all three members have been lost on smackdown and even without any great tag team on raw, has a unit they could have a mojor impact on Raw.

Layla: you can't split up Michelle and layla as they have been a great duo in the woman's division. Kinda reminds me of the Beautiful people in TNA

Slam master J and Jimmy Wang Yang: 2 guys that aren't doing anything but jobbing on smackdown so why not just switch them to raw and release them a couple of weeks after.

The great Khali Can be use for comedy segment on Raw and maybe team him with Santino.

To Smackdown

Katie Lea Burchill: since she's been wasted on Raw, why not send her to smackdown at less she could get more exposure.

Carlito: probably the best thing would be to sent him back to smackdown since it's were he had the most success

Vladmir Koslov: same thing as Carlito, he's been wasted on raw and he was more successful on smackdown.

Hornswoogle: send him back to smackdown to be with finlay.

Chis Masters: good talented guy, never got the proper chance to show it.

Eve: Up and coming Diva that would be better suited on smackdown.

Primo: first guy to be drafted to smackdown only to get release a couple of weeks later.

MVP: bring him back to smackdown, he was way better on smackdown then on Raw.

Ted dibiasie Out of the 2 legacy member he's the most talented and a move to smackdown would help him.

Zack ryder & Rosa Mendes:Either drafted them to smackdown and let them shine or drafted them to smackdown and release them. Either way they are getting drafted.

Finally what about the last remaining members of the ECW roster.

i would send Vance Archer to raw since he's a very talented big guy and would fit very well on that roster. Tyler Reks would be sent to smackdown only to get release a couple of weeks after. Smae goes for Abraham washington
Here's what I think should happen:

RAW should get:

Chris Jericho- I think this one is meant to happen. Just a few months ago, He was kicked off of RAW and it would give him something to brag about now that he would be back and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I think a Kofi and Jericho feud would be pretty interesting too.

Kane- I think the Big Red Monster always seems to get drafted so I'm guessing he'll be coming to RAW too. I don't really mind Kane going to RAW but I really wish Kane was used to his full potential. Kane is someone who could possibly feud with the likes of Triple H or The Miz. He's someone who could also be used effectively as a heel or face. Also, If he wins MITB can you imagine how scary it would be with a Big Red Monter walking around with a Title shot whenever he wants?

Drew McIntyre: I'm not too sure that McIntyre is going over as much as the WWE wants him to. I think he would benefit if he moved to RAW. He could maybe have Vince as his manager so he gets a lot of heat. However, I hope he doesn't turn into another Swagger. I think McIntyre has some potential but he's not very great at getting heat and I find him kind of boring in the ring.

CM Punk: I can see Punk being drafted and his Straightedge Society coming to RAW through the supplemental. I actually enjoy Smackdown more so, I don't really want this to happen but, Punk is way over right now. His promos are gold and he would get so much heat if he started picking on Cena or HHH. Plus, Punk really doesn't have too many people to face on Smackdown at this point.

Vickie Guerrero: She gets so much heat. Maybe she could be RAW's permanant GM? Guerrero hasn't had much time on RAW and she I can see her taking over every Monday Night.

Smackdown should get:

Randy Orton: I think Orton has been on RAW for long enough. I'm not too sure if this one would actually happen but, Smackdown is in need of another face. I could see Orton getting over as a tweener on Smackdown. Who else would Orton face on RAW anyways? I don't think it would hurt his popularity if at all if he went to the "B" brand because just look at what happened to Jericho?

Sheamus: Even though he lost the WWE Title. I'm beginning to see him more as a legit heel. At first, I didn't take him seriously like most people but, In some weird way, I take him more seriously now that he's lost the WWE Title. I don't think he would've been booed as much if he came out of nowhere and just started beating up RAW's top stars. I think the Title win gave him some legitamacy rather than just beating guys up like most new heels do. It kind of reminds me when Umaga debuted, (RIP) he beat up Flair, he was on a roll and faced Cena for the Title BUT, he lost.

Jack Swagger: I know that this has been speculated and I really hope it happens. I defintely think that Smackdown is better at putting over new guys than RAW. Usually they just get thrown to RAW and forgotten about. Swagger has the look of a good WWE performer and he needs to work on his promos but still, He has talent and all he needs is a chance to work on his skills on Smackdown.

MVP: This guy was SO MUCH better when he was on Smackdown. His "I'm better than you" attitude was so great when he was a heel. Then, he was drafted to RAW, He wasn't really given a chance to grow and he lost his swagger. I hope he can get back on track on SD, Heel or Face. MVP is one of my favs and he would be a great fit on Smackdown.

Ted DiBiase OR Cody Rhodes: To me, it doesn't matter who comes over but The Legacy has to be split up. Although I think it would be weird for the one who is on the same brand as Orton but still, I'm sure that they will get split up this year and I think that whoever goes to Smackdown will get a really nice push. I think that DiBiase will stay on RAW. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying ALL people who go/stay on RAW don't get pushes. Look at The Miz? I'm just saying that I think DiBiase will benefit more from staying on RAW. Rhodes I think needs to go to Smackdown and develop some type of personality because he's a dry character right now.
1. Big Show(rumored)
2. Jack Swagger(rumored)
3. Kelly Kelly(she's run her time out on RAW)
4. Randy Orton(been on RAW too long and has matched up with every top guy there...time to freshen up and seperate physically from Legacy)
5. Sheamus(Interested to see him against Taker, plus I think he needs to develop himself more before returning to RAW)
6. Kofi Kingston(I think he can really make it to the main event here)
1. Finlay( he's never been on RAW, I'd like to see him mix up with some of the younger talent on the RAW brand, keep him and Hornswoggle seperate)
2. Drew McIntyre( he's HBK/HHH/Vince's boy, plus he's beaten almost every midcarder on SD already)
3. Shelton Benjamin(Send him to RAW and have him face Miz for a hard push)
Tastycles' major draft move guesses

Randy Orton to Smackdown

Chances are, he's turning face. Cena's too big to take off Raw, and I sincerely doubt Triple H is going anywhere. The fact that Taker is apparantly taking time off leaves a huge black hole in Smackdown's main event, that has been there since Jeff Hardy left really. If I was certain about any pick, it's this one.

CM Punk to Raw

Orton's move means that Raw will be light on main event heels. They'll keep Show, but with Orton gone, they'll need another. Punk, having never feuded with Cena, Triple H or just about anybody else on Raw is the ideal candidate.

The Miz to Smackdown

One brand has pretty much entirely faces in it's midcard, the other has pretty much only heels. By moving Miz across they can restore some of the balance, and more importantly, use him and Morrison to play off each other moving up the roster.

Drew McIntyre to Raw

The only reason for this really is that it will keep one midcard title on each show. The other reason, is that I think he has a good chance of winning MITB, but even if he doesn't he's going to be better on this brand. If Triple H is the force behind his push, this will give him the chance to look after his boy.

Christian to Smackdown

The other potential MITBer in the draft will probably move to Smackdown. The reason for this is that there is something between him and Edge that could go down at some point, but more importantly, he is far more likely to poseess a higher position on the card on this brand, something his popularity is worthy of.

R-Truth to Raw

Basically a straight swap for Christian. Truth has been on Smackdown a while now, and has pretty much reached his peak there. Moving him across could let them judge whether or not he is worth developing any further.

Jack Swagger to Smackdown

This guy is obviously part of the WWE's plans for the future, but most of the misgivings about him are the sort of thing that a stint of recorded television could help. More to the point, there are better face midcarders in Morrison and Christian on Smackdown for him to engage with.

Kane to Raw

Kane hasn't got long left, and he just seems right on Raw. The brand almost seems like his spiritual home, despite the fact that he's probably been on Smackdown for about as long. As a result, I think they'll let him wind down there.

Cody Rhodes to Smackdown

Legacy are obviously going to split, and I think that the only way that DiBiase and Rhodes have a chance at individual careers is if they are kept seperate for the time being and allowed to develop. Either of them could move, I don't have a reason for picking Rhodes except he's been on Ra a bit longer so could probably do with a change of scenery.

Mike Knox to Raw

This will obviously be a supplemental draft move, but I've included it for the sake of balance. I think that Knox has been almost entirely ignored on Smackdown, but was being pushed as something of a big deal on Raw. With the emergence of Ezeikel Jackson, there's already a monster heel on Smackdown. Knox is obviously seen as more important by the Raw team, so he should probably go there.
The 2010 WWE Draft is coming up in a couple of months and I want to know every bodies opinions on where superstars and divas should go. On that note, I want everybody to pick 5 superstars to go from Raw to SmackDown and 5 superstars to go from SmackDown to Raw. Also include at least 1 diva trade from either Raw to SmackDown or SmackDown to Raw. One more thing, commentators can also be included as well if you want. And I also want to know why they should go to that brand as well. Here is my picks:

From Raw to SmackDown:
1. Kelly Kelly
- Because if you saw SmackDown this past Friday, you will see that there are only two baby face divas over there at the moment and Mickie James is currently injured right now so it would be good to add another baby face diva to the SmackDown roster.

2. Christian
- Because with Christian on Raw will make him be a mid-card forever as long as Triple H, Randy Orton, and John Cena are on Raw and with SmackDown we can see him feud with Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, etc and he would at least be able to get a title run.

3. Evan Bourne
- Because he is going to get jobbed on Raw to guys like Sheamus and Big Show and if he is on SmackDown, he can face John Morrison, Tyson Kidd, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and not be forgotten.

4. Jack Swagger
- Because Jack Swagger is in need of a rebuild and if he is on SmackDown, he can have feuds with great superstars like Dolph Ziggler, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, among others and at maybe get a chance at becoming a World Champion.

5. Randy Orton
- Randy Orton has feuded with almost everyone on Raw and if he gets sent to SmackDown, there are many new feuds he can have and feuds he can return to like with The Undertaker now that Randy Orton has grown up from their past feud and maybe start new feuds like I said before like with Kane or John Morrison.

6. Sheamus
- One answer: Start a fraction with Drew McIntyre and turn Fit Finlay heel and have a group with all three of them in it and it would be a really bad ass group with two superstars who are still new to the business and a veteran as a leader.

From SmackDown to Raw:
1. CM Punk
- Because he needs to feud with Shawn Michaels and it would be the perfect feud now that he has a group, that is by the way very impressive, and he can bring up Shawn Michaels past and shit. But he can also feud with The Miz, M.V.P, Kofi Kingston, John Cena.

2. JTG
- Because Cryme Tyme needs to be put to an end and out of the two in that team, JTG is more entertaining to watch than Shad and he needs to take a step forward in his wrestling career and start a singles career and maybe in like five years he can be a World Champion.

3. Matt Hardy
- Because Matt Hardy is so good and he is very popular and it would be interesting to see Matt Hardy compete with his brother Jeff Hardy in two different companies.

4. Rey Mysterio
- Because he as been on SmackDown forever and when he first got drafted to Raw I was so happy and I thought I would be able to see Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio feud, but then he was drafted back to SmackDown and unable to get a chance to see another Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio match.

5. Shelton Benjamin
- Because he is very good and Raw needs to get some fast paced and athletic guys on Raw now that TNA is on Monday nights and Shelton Benjamin is one of the most athletic and amazing guys in the WWE along with John Morrison and R-Truth just to name a few.

6. The Great Khali
- Because he is very funny and with Santino as a team would be very entertaining to watch as both of them are funny.
The 2010 WWE Draft is coming up in a couple of months and I want to know every bodies opinions on where superstars and divas should go. On that note, I want everybody to pick 5 superstars to go from Raw to SmackDown and 5 superstars to go from SmackDown to Raw. Also include at least 1 diva trade from either Raw to SmackDown or SmackDown to Raw. One more thing, commentators can also be included as well if you want. And I also want to know why they should go to that brand as well. Here is my picks:

From Raw to SmackDown:
1. Kelly Kelly
- Because if you saw SmackDown this past Friday, you will see that there are only two baby face divas over there at the moment and Mickie James is currently injured right now so it would be good to add another baby face diva to the SmackDown roster.

2. Christian
- Because with Christian on Raw will make him be a mid-card forever as long as Triple H, Randy Orton, and John Cena are on Raw and with SmackDown we can see him feud with Edge, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, etc and he would at least be able to get a title run.

3. Evan Bourne
- Because he is going to get jobbed on Raw to guys like Sheamus and Big Show and if he is on SmackDown, he can face John Morrison, Tyson Kidd, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and not be forgotten.

4. Jack Swagger
- Because Jack Swagger is in need of a rebuild and if he is on SmackDown, he can have feuds with great superstars like Dolph Ziggler, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, among others and at maybe get a chance at becoming a World Champion.

5. Randy Orton
- Randy Orton has feuded with almost everyone on Raw and if he gets sent to SmackDown, there are many new feuds he can have and feuds he can return to like with The Undertaker now that Randy Orton has grown up from their past feud and maybe start new feuds like I said before like with Kane or John Morrison.

6. Sheamus
- One answer: Start a fraction with Drew McIntyre and turn Fit Finlay heel and have a group with all three of them in it and it would be a really bad ass group with two superstars who are still new to the business and a veteran as a leader.

From SmackDown to Raw:
1. CM Punk
- Because he needs to feud with Shawn Michaels and it would be the perfect feud now that he has a group, that is by the way very impressive, and he can bring up Shawn Michaels past and shit. But he can also feud with The Miz, M.V.P, Kofi Kingston, John Cena.

2. JTG
- Because Cryme Tyme needs to be put to an end and out of the two in that team, JTG is more entertaining to watch than Shad and he needs to take a step forward in his wrestling career and start a singles career and maybe in like five years he can be a World Champion.

3. Matt Hardy
- Because Matt Hardy is so good and he is very popular and it would be interesting to see Matt Hardy compete with his brother Jeff Hardy in two different companies.

4. Rey Mysterio
- Because he as been on SmackDown forever and when he first got drafted to Raw I was so happy and I thought I would be able to see Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio feud, but then he was drafted back to SmackDown and unable to get a chance to see another Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio match.

5. Shelton Benjamin
- Because he is very good and Raw needs to get some fast paced and athletic guys on Raw now that TNA is on Monday nights and Shelton Benjamin is one of the most athletic and amazing guys in the WWE along with John Morrison and R-Truth just to name a few.

6. The Great Khali
- Because he is very funny and with Santino as a team would be very entertaining to watch as both of them are funny.
How the wwe could do the draft but probably won't

To Smackdown:

Cody Rhodes: after wm and the triple threat get him out of the picture and let ted and randy continue their feud. he doesn't quite have that raw feeling and i feel he would be a better fit for the smackdown roster.

Jack Swagger: he is growing stagnent on raw, desperatly needs a change of scenery, fresh feuds and a chance to succeed..... which goes for my next pick

Evan Bourne: see jack swagger

Zack Ryder: WOO WOO WOO send him over to smackdown, let him perfect his craft, it could be fun to see him feud with r truth or jomo

Kelly Kelly: I am in total agreement with likeaboss13 on this one, smackdown needs a face, she is jobbing on a weekly basis on raw, get this girl off of there (and dedicate more time to maryse on raw!)

To Raw:

Kane: it seems not a draft goes by without him switching rosters, why change anything now

Matt Hardy: See Kane

Dolph Ziggler: on the verge of being great get him to raw and start him a feud for the us title

CM PUNK: the upper midcard on raw could use him, he could have great near main event feuds

Shad Gaspar: i agree with breaking up cryme time (boring) and we all know vince has a hard on for big guys, so he will be the one to get the failed push between the two.

That's my picks and you have been french kissed by Maryse.....BEEYOTCH
Draft time again? Let's see if this trade helps WWE shall we? I'm going with SEVEN switches here.

Raw to Smackdown:
1. Jack Swagger: Already rumored but we know things are subject to change. I'd love to see Swagger vs. Shelton Benjamin (technical wrestling showcase, too bad most fans won't give it respect).
2. William Regal: C'mon WWE, Regal jobbing to the perennial jobber known as Little Evan Bourne? Bad move all around, send 'im to SD! and let him break through to the upper midcard (WWE probably wouldn't put him in the main event scene).
3. Melina: I've seen a few people yell for Kelly to go instead but let's be honest: Kelly's got that look that Vince gets a hard-on for, she's not going anywhere...Plus I can't really see Melina being on the same brand as Batista. Side note: Melina beating up Michelle: WIN!
4. Randy Orton: Orton's face push, no matter how badass, will likely fail with Cena on the same brand. I'd prefer Cena to go but honestly I don't see Cena leaving the flagship show.
5. Kofi Kingston: Meteoric rise since that IC title win vs Jericho and peaked with the Orton feud, hasn't done shit since. Fresh feuds on SD for him.
6. Big Show: Also rumored, but methinks that Show on SD will give Miz time to defend his US title AND cement the concept of the UNIFIED tag champions.
7. Michael Cole: He does a lot better with Matthews and Striker than he does with King. Personally I'd rather see Cole being drafted to the unemployment line but there's a hole with JR out so I guess he has to stay in a job for now.

Smackdown to Raw:
1. Mickie James or Beth Phoenix: NOT BOTH! These two are always going back and forth together, people're gonna start thinking that Beth's making her name off Mickie! Separate them and let Beth have fresher feuds.
2. Shad Gaspard: As posted by others, Cryme Tyme's run its course and they need to be separated, but JTG'll take the Evan Bourne position if he goes to Raw. Send Shad and regimmick JTG (he's too much like R-Truth at the moment!). Plus I'd like to see how the big man does in prolonged singles competition
3. R-Truth: I do NOT like the idea of him tagging with JoMo when Morrison should be in the main event picture. It's time for Truth to sink or swim, and for the love of God, quit the rapping to the ring!
4. Kane: The man's getting no respect on SD, send him to Raw and let him have something fresh over there. Personally I'd like to see Kane beat up the Miz.
5. Vickie Guerrero: Excuse me! I have something to say: Like I said for Cole, I'd rather see her drafted to the unemployment line BUT she does get a lot of heat which is very good. Send her and my number 6 pick and let her do her work.
6. Drew McIntyre: If jumping Morrison isn't working to get heat, maybe jumping Cena or Trips will (ask Sheamus about that). Put him with Vickie and let the heat pour on him.
7. JR (if he's able to work weekly again) or Matt Striker (if JR isn't): My reason for JR is obvious: He's got the best chemistry with King. Striker gets my nod to switch with Cole because Striker has the ability to talk, plus I think he could mesh well with King.
I'll definitely update these predictions on my actual blog "Smark Out Moment" once we get closer to the actual draft, but I'm bored as fuck right now, so what the hell, time for some early predictions! Lol

1) Batista to Raw - Top monster heel in the company right now, continues his feud with Cena for a little bit, blah blah blah.

2) Big Show to Smackdown - Balances out Batista.

3) MVP OR Kofi Kingston to Smackdown - I don't think both will stay on Raw.

4) I could see Sheamus moving over to Smackdown, but only if someone like McIntyre does as well. And if McIntyre is the IC champ at the time, then obviously the Miz would have to move over to Smackdown as he's the US champ (or if he loses it beforehand, whomever the US champ is would move accordingly).

5) A huge amount of this draft depends on if Orton and HHH switch heel/face positions. If Orton turns face, then Raw certainly has too many main event potential faces when you count Cena, HHH, HBK, Christian, Kingston, MVP, Henry, and then Orton.

6) Cody and/or Ted move away from Orton. You won't see the 3 Legacy members all on Raw.

7) HHH, Cena, Santino, HBK, Taker, and Mysterio all stay on their brands.

8) Smackdown right now basically only has 2 primary heels: Punk and Jericho. As stated above, I think Big Show and Batista will balance out each other in shifts, but Big Show will never be a TRUE main event guy anymore and he's currently in the tag division. Ziggler and McIntyre aren't at that level yet and Ezekiel hasn't even been on TV in a while and would more likely be at the Mike Knox or Swagger level. Therefore, I can't see them trying to move someone like Sheamus in place of someone like Jericho or Punk, as it just will not draw. Sheamus may move over, but I think it'll be in place of someone like Zeke or McIntyre instead.

9) In terms of divas, I think we could see Layla switching with Jillian or whatever, or possibly Tiffany moving with McIntyre (if he moves to Raw) since they're married and being balanced by Gail Kim going to Smackdown, but idk, and frankly, I don't really care lol

10) Primo and/or Masters to Smackdown. Why? No reason. They like to switch jobbers around every so often just to fill in some random Supplemental Draft spots and they sure as hell aren't doing anything on Raw or getting ANY focus from the WWE right now, so they might look at them as being flexible. There won't be any backlash to their non-existent pushes if they move them. I could kind of see Masters moving more than Primo as Primo may want to be on the same brand as Carlito, but you never know, Carlito might move over to Smackdown anyway.
The WWE Draft is always an exciting time for me. Whereas the WWE (and professional wrestling in general) has become predictable, the draft is one of the few times throughout the year when it can be unpredictable.

Since there are only two brands this year, and considering the draft will be a three-hour show, there will be a lot of people finding new homes within the WWE.

From RAW to SmackDown
1) Randy Orton - This needs to happen. Although it would be a nice shock to see John Cena jump, I doubt it will happen. Cena is the #1 guy in the company and it's logical to have him on the #1 show. But Orton on SmackDown can truly shine as the brand's top face ala Steve Austin. Lot of potential feuds for him with Jericho, Morrison, Punk, Taker.

2) Jack Swagger - Ever since coming to RAW, Swagger has floundered. With so much starpower on the show, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. There's a lot of potential in him but, as long as he remains on RAW, he'll never fulfill it. Send him over to SmackDown since, according to the WWE, it's more about wrestling than entertainment. A feud I would like to see if he does jump would be Swagger/Benjamin.

3) MVP - Another midcarder whose lost in the shuffle. Despite what people say, I saw a lot of potential in a face MVP. But once he got drafted over to RAW, whatever momentum he had slowed to a crawl. Send him back to SmackDown to revitalize his career. Face or heel, it doesn't matter.

4) Christian - With so much main event starpower on RAW, I don't see much hope of success for Captain Charisma. Since Christian looks like the favorite to win the MITB match this year, it would be a fresh start for him to be on SmackDown. He can get drafted and use his briefcase to take either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship if both end up on RAW.

5) The Big Show - Unless it's a tag team program, he hasn't done much since coming to RAW. It seems that every time he changes shows, so does his position within the company. On SmackDown, he was a contender for the World Heavyweight Championship while becoming pretty much a sidekick for Chris Jericho and the Miz on RAW. Have him go to SmackDown and become the monster heel that he needs to be.

6) Gail Kim - She seems to me to be the only diva on RAW that I see changing shows to help balance the divas division on SmackDown. I don't see Maryse, Melina, Kelly Kelly, Eve or the Bellas jumping over. Kim would be better off on SmackDown anyway.

From SmackDown to RAW
1) Batista - This one seems pretty obvious to me, especially if they are going to continue the Batista/Cena feud a little longer (which I hope they do). Batista is hot right now and fits into more of the entertainment category as opposed to the wrestling category.

2) Drew McIntyre - Since he's heavily favored by the top brass in the WWE, it would only seem natural to have him on the same show with them. It can also lead to a potential feud with Kofi Kingston that can help elevate both guys. I truly think there's a lot of potential in this guy to be a future world champion. And like I said earlier with him being endorsed by the likes of Vince McMahon and Triple H, he pretty much has a guaranteed ticket to success no matter which show he's on.

3) Kane - Since it seems like he changes shows every couple of years, why break tradition? Besides, he can go over and have a couple of feuds with the younger guys like the Miz and help elevate them to the next level. At the same time, he can pose an occasional threat to the person holding either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. It would certainly be a nice change of pace.

4) Edge- I say this because he's pretty much done all he can on SmackDown. A jump over to RAW can give him a fresh new landscape for him. With Shawn Michaels taking time off after WrestleMania, it can open up a slot for Edge to slip right in. In addition if Orton goes to SmackDown and Triple H turns heel, he can become the brand's top face along with Cena.

5) R-Truth - He's pretty much reached his peak on SmackDown, unless they give him a run as either the Intercontinental or Tag Team Champion. But if he goes over to RAW, it would be open up potential feuds with guys he has never faced before. At the same time, it can also be a test if he can win over the RAW audience with his rap gimmick.

6) Tiffany - Since she is the future Mrs. Drew McIntyre, it would allow the young couple to stay together if Drew does go to RAW. Besides, she fits more of the entertainment side and can be reduced to an escort along with the Bellas.

Supplemental Draft Picks
From RAW to SmackDown
1) Carlito - At least on SmackDown, he can compete for the championship instead of being a jobber.
2) Chris Masters - The guy has potential. Having him go to SmackDown can open up new doors for him.
3) Evan Bourne - See both Carlito and Masters.
4) Zach Ryder and Rosa Mendes - More room for growth on SmackDown.
5) Katie Lea - A chance for a fresh new start and as well as some title opportunities.
From SmackDown to RAW
1) Ezekiel Jackson - A lot of potential for a big man. Might find some success on RAW.
2) Layla - Just so she can go over and get released after a couple of weeks.
3) Goldust - More of a RAW guy than a SmackDown guy.
3) The Hart Dynasty including Natalya - An actual tag team on RAW.

Regardless of who changes shows, it should provide some entertainment on both RAW and SmackDown. In RAW's case, the draft should provide a way to start fresh programs and matches as they compete with TNA Impact, if they do eventually get their shit together.
I got so much to draft but ill pick top 3
To SmackDown

Jack Swagger - This guy has talent but cant b seen coz of all ME at Raw
Bourne - Small high flyers are at SD so why not him too?
Christian - Too many ME at Raw, he'll b better off at SD

To Raw

Batista - Yeah... Pretty obvious! And what will he do at SD with Taker taking a break?
Kane - He changes ALL the time!
Ezekiel - Whats he gonna do with all the little guys at SD? Most of the big guys at Raw so join them
Replying to OP: I like the idea of Jack Swagger to SmackDown and likely see that happening. Again, I think that creative's idea for Jack Swagger was to be like The Miz, except that it didn't work for Swagger and The Miz has caught on like wildfire. Can't have two guys with the same shtick on the same show, and Swagger has been lost in the shuffle. I know he can't stay on RAW, and I think he'd be a terrible face. He can definitely wrestle.

I don't care what they do with the Big Show as long as they don't break up ShoMiz. Break those two up, and like Kane, it really doesn't matter what show he's on, he'll just be out there every week wrestling somebody different, but not doing anything different and being stagnant. Really, Kane on RAW, Kane on SmackDown, what's the difference?

Actually, I take that back. If they do break up ShoMiz, put Show on Smackdown because I like RAW better (just because it's live and it's on Mondays) and why have him take up time when someone else could be getting the airtime.

One that I really want to happen is that I want Chris Jericho back on RAW. Why he is on SmackDown, other than that they needed someone over there to fill that massive void of top guys, is beyond me. The best talker of them all should be on the live show. Period. I have a feeling that's gonna happen too.
I don't wanna see it any more than I'm assuming most of you. But are they building some kind of feud here? This is 2 weeks in a row that Orton has pinned Jack Swagger. There's obviously other wrestlers on Smackdown that Swagger can have a feud with. Obviously Edge is the first up. But it's hard not to notice them sending Jack Swagger to Raw to give another "state of the championship address" only to get put in a match, and beaten again by Orton. Could be a feud brewing... Maybe to help Swagger build up credibility as a champion maybe... Obviously if he beats Edge that would do a hell of a job for him though. My dislike for Swagger aside, I don't think it's necessary for Orton to be on Smackdown to push him along.

As we all know the draft is only a few weeks away. Do you really think they would take probably their best wrestler off their best brand? Maybe I'm just jumping ahead of myself cuz I can't see it either, but I've been wrong before and I want your opinions...
I've been afraid of this for a while and it would possibly be the worst move WWE could make. Orton is a bigger star than he's ever been. His character has hit its stride and the biggest mistake they could make would be to transfer him to the B show. Orton is tailor made for Raw right now. His character from 06 to part of 08 fit with Smackdown but not his insane current one. Every draft has that big "surprise" trade, even though they're telegraphed weeks in advance and I may stop watching if it's Orton this time.

WWE has been pulling me back in with Orton and this would really derail any forward momentum they've made. Edge during his Raw run was slightly more interesting, though only by Edge standards, during his Raw run but the "Rated R"-ness was way toned down for Smackdown and there's no way that Orton wouldn't also be.
That is a HUGE possibility, and I see it too. The only mistake they have is if they do that all of Randy's completely nuts character, just look at what they did to Edge when he won the WHC in 2008. He lost his "Rated-R" touch he brought to RAW every week or so. So to answer your question, personally I see it happening.
I've been afraid of this for a while and it would possibly be the worst move WWE could make. Orton is a bigger star than he's ever been. His character has hit its stride and the biggest mistake they could make would be to transfer him to the B show. Orton is tailor made for Raw right now. His character from 06 to part of 08 fit with Smackdown but not his insane current one. Every draft has that big "surprise" trade, even though they're telegraphed weeks in advance and I may stop watching if it's Orton this time.

I wouldn't go so far as saying Smackdown is the "B show" since most of the talent is, in fact, over there (JoMo, Taker, Edge, Y2J, etc) while Raw is getting by with Special Guest Hosts which most people are tired of seeing. If Orton were to go to Smackdown and feud with Swagger, then I would agree Smackdown would have much more power. But I don't think it's happening.

Tonight they hinted at a Unification match if you paid attention. It would make sense since Swagger was Raw exclusive and he took the World Championship. Orton has already faced The All American American twice now so I doubt he will gun for the gold unless he is drafted. Cena versus Swagger...now that would be a true shocker.

Honestly, they have to be doing some kind of angle with Swagger making his appearance on Raw again, but it's too early to know for sure.
I actually wouldn't mind Orton going to Smackdown. I know it sounds silly but i think it would be good for smackdown. It would certainly spice up this rivalry that Orton and Swagger are developing. And maybe just maybe it could give Orton a face World Heavyweight title run. Which would be pretty cool. Then Orton,Jericho,Edge and Swagger would all have a feud. Then eventually have a fatal-four way match for the world title. And that sounds like that would be a really good match.
yes i agree orton run as world heavyweight champion will be good hope they dont do it too soon let swagger build up a little then do it as much as i want orton to win it fast it will make swagger look weak, and its the belt orton never won back since he last held it and got screw out of it
Guys, Guys, Guys. Are we forgetting who makes the decisions on who goes where? His name is Vince McMahon and he isnt afraid to move anybody. He moved Triple H in 2008 to SmackDown, and He has never been on SD before! He'll move who he wants to move, and I think there are some good fueds in store for Orton on SD. I'm on the fence on whether i want it to happen or not but dont be surprised at all if he goes to SD.

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