I honestly cannot believe what they did to SmackDown in this draft. Fair dinkum, it's like they set out to cripple this brand. Kennedy is NOT needed on Raw, first off, and let me set that straight. Kennedy WAS the future of SmackDown, and that should have been his home. But again, Raw is so high up on the priority list that they have to have him on there, which basically wrecks any possibilities he had on SmackDown. Is there a point in moving him to Raw to be promptly fed to Cena? And don't say he's going to win the title because for God's sake, when Cena is holding that title, someone like Kennedy is going to go nowhere, and he deserved to be built up on SmackDown and give them a fair go, and he had more chance at that title than he does on Raw, and we all know that.
Like someone above said, SmackDown was raped at this draft. Credibility flew out the window ever since it was announced that the Great Khali was their first draft. Wow, the Great Khali. He's going to send ratings through the roof. It's guys like him that should be on ECW in place of guys like Punk. Kennedy going to Raw will get him more limelight, but he's not going to hold that title anytime soon, period. So when Kennedy is feuding for the Intercontinental title or against Jeff Hardy, then maybe some people will learn that his move is going to have dire effects on his immediate future, and for SmackDown.
And even though we knew it was happening, another low point of the night (other than the pathetic ending) was when Benoit was drafted to God-forsaken ECW. JBL said it best when he said that 'This sucks'. He's damn right it did, and this further crippled SmackDown. After Batista, he and Kennedy were the last people SmackDown had to feud for that title, and they've been taken away because the WWE can't give one fuck about SD. One bright light is that Benoit is getting a World Title (despite the fact that it is the ECW title) and will be given a shot to spearhead a brand, which he obviously wasn't going to do on Raw or SmackDown. Still, I know for a fact that SmackDown needed him, and yet again, they get 'raped'.
On to King Booker. I think his World Title opportunities are gone on SmackDown, so I guess a move to Raw could benefit him, but he is main event material, and main event material that has been stolen from SmackDown. I am looking forward to seeing him on Raw, and hopefully he can have a halfway decent program with John Cena.
Boogeyman leaving to ECW? I couldn't care less. Stick him anywhere for all I care, but again, he was a popular guy on SmackDown, but since when does the WWE care about that brand?
And now away from who SmackDown lost, to who they gained...which is quite possibly their worst part of the night.
Let's run down these simply AWESOME gains...first and foremost, the man everyone loves to see...the man whose skills send shivers down the spines of anyone lucky enough to watch him...the man the IWC adores, and wishes the WWE would offer a lifetime contract to...the man who still is unable to talk coherently in whatever language he speaks...the GREAT KHALI!!! What a pick. Replacing Boogeyman with Khali. What a move. I think Khali is the worst of two evils, and having Khali cripples SmackDown nearly as much as losing Kennedy did. Stick this man on ECW at the most, or do what we all want, send him back to India.
Secondly...with no more sarcasm this time, Torrie Wilson. This was honest to God, the worst pick of the night. There was absolutely no point to this move, as this woman is hardly an asset to any brand, and whatever the hell she will do on SmackDown is beyond me. What a great void-filler for Booker, Kennedy and Benoit. Utterly, utterly disgusting, infuriating, pathetic, pointless, ridiculous, agonising and moronic.
Thirdly, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Again, someone who is definitely not going to spice up SD's wrestling skill, but definitely is a drawing card for them. I suspect he will fill a main event role, and as much as his wrestling skills are sliding, no one can say that he isn't one of the top faces in the company. Hopefully, he can aid a very depleted brand in any program he goes into. I didn't expect this one, but it's the only draft pick of SmackDown's that I seem to not hate.
Chris Masters. Just what the brand needs. Another midcard heel. Masters probably needed the move more than anyone, but I still think he's just not the guy that's needed. Masters, MVP, Khali, Finlay...not great faces here. Hardy seems to be the lone face standing in the midcards now on SmackDown.
On to the pig of the drafts, the always gluttonous Raw. Looks like they came out of it unscathed, of course. They didn't lose one wrestler to ECW, nor did they lose anyone important to SmackDown, other than Ric Flair, and even he wasn't giving much. What they gained, was just beefing up their title divisions even more. Yes, they have a champion who's not going to be unseated anytime soon, and they definitely need Booker, Kennedy, Lashley and Snitsky, and hell, maybe they'll strengthen the IC title division by stealing a few other people in the Supplementary Draft. Hell, I just remembered that Raw also has HHH and HBK returning after this as well. Great.
ECW gets Boogeyman. Well, that's awesome for them. At least he wasn't anything special. They also get Benoit. ECW is Benoit's home for now, but hopefully not long. Benoit doesn't deserve to be on ECW, but I guess that's just how his career is going right now. He's going to be the face of ECW, and hopefully that will get him back in WWE Main Event favour. He should be main eventing on SmackDown, and honestly, it sickens me that ECW has to get him, but I guess he's needed there.
They lost Snitsky to Raw, and that sends shivers down my spine not because he could have been main event material on ECW, but because it could mean Snitsky/Cena is likely. Lashley was a big loss, but he was moving on to bigger or better things, and was more prominent on Raw than he was on ECW the last few months. He should have stayed on ECW as that brand needed him as much as he needed it, because like Benoit, he should have stayed at his proper home.
All in all, this draft was a complete load of shit. I would have much rather that they cripple ECW, but what they did to SmackDown was revolting. It's sickening how much McMahon and the WWE love Raw right now, and it showed. What I thought would be a night that SmackDown would be revitalised was thrown out the window when Khali was their first pick. It was an omen that it would be a giant load of bullshit fed up to us for the whole night. Say what you want about this, but the champion makes the show, and I'll be damned if I'm going to love the WWE making everything perfect for Cena and his challengers, while leaving Edge's reign in the shitter, simply because they don't even care about his show anymore.