[Official] 2009 General Draft Discussion Thread

ok..here is my idea. imo a fresh idea thats not stale like all the other storylines in WWE.

so the draft is a week after WM..and i was thinking of what should happen to help out raws mid card.. here is what i came up with..

the main problem is the mid card talent is terribly used..so lets draft morrison to Raw. let him take the IC belt from a former world champ like JBL or Mysterio. then he keeps it for a like 6 months beating really good contenders with good build ups. then he starts saying he is the best athlete in all of WWE. then we here sheltons music hit and of course he has the US title on his shoulders. he starts laughing at how he is the best athlete and they get into an argument. they start to fued for a few weeks around the time of the rumble. then they somehow keep their titles and face off at mania to unify the titles and find out who is truly the best athlete.

this is my first post..so don't burn me alive lol
Well as we all know the upcoming draft is coming up. Excuse me while I could really care less. The draft has lost all meaning seeing as wrestlers jump from show to show anyway. I mean seriously ECW wrestlers show up on all programs and many Raw and Smackdown wrestlers appear occasionaly on ECW. And Raw and smackdown wrestlers are always feuding with each other or appearing on each others brand.

Heck Miz and Morrison spent a year appearing on all three brands.

For the draft to mean anything they have to give it meaning. They have to go back to like it was originally when Raw and Smackdown seperated, with 2 GM's that competed with each other for talent and wrestling supremacy. (Like V.Mcmahon and Flair or S. Mcmahon and Bischoff did)
Well, with the unified tag titles and the supposed unification of the world titles next year at wrestlemania this may be the last draft anyway. If they unify all the titles they may as well end the brand split.
IDK if anyone has brought this up yet, but since everyone wants to see Mysterio moved to Smackdown and MVP to Raw, they are the US and intercontinental champion what are the odds they flip the titles like they did with the WWE/World Heavyweight a couple years back?
IDK if anyone has brought this up yet, but since everyone wants to see Mysterio moved to Smackdown and MVP to Raw, they are the US and intercontinental champion what are the odds they flip the titles like they did with the WWE/World Heavyweight a couple years back?

I hope so, just to see MVP else where. MVP has been on Smackdown for too long, hope he moves. Also after WM25, its a given to me that HHH and Cena will switch brands.
Undertaker to RAW

This man has been on SD! for a long time now, and he should make a move. I know his entrance would take a lot of time, but oh well. He can fued with some new people over on RAW, and a change of scene could do him some good. Seeing 'Taker on RAW would bring back some fond memories, and hopefully he can create some more before he decides to hang up his boots.
Smackdown to Raw

1. Triple H
2. Undertaker
3. The Big Show
4. The Great Khali

Raw to Smackdown

1. John Cena
2. Chris Jericho
3. Cryme Tyme
4. Charlie Haas

Raw to ECW

1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Sim Snuka
3. Jamie Noble

Smackdown to ECW

1. TBK and Ezekial
2. Hurricane Helms
3. Jimmy Wang Yang

ECW to Raw

1. Mark Henry

ECW to Smackdown

1. John Morrison

G.M. Vickie Guerrero

1. Triple H
2. Undertaker
3. Shawn Michaels
4. Batista
5. Randy Orton
6. Ted Dibiase
7. Cody Rhodes
8. C.M. Punk
9. The Big Show
10. Rey Mysterio
11. Kane
12. The Great Khali
13. Santino
14. Kofi Kingston
15. William Regal
16. Mark Henry
17. Mike Knox

G.M. Teddy Long

1. John Cena
2. Chris Jericho
3. Edge
4. Christian(eventually)
5. Jeff Hardy
6. Matt Hardy
7. Mr. Kennedy
8. John Morrison
9. MVP
10. Shelton Benjamin
11. R-Truth
12. Umaga
13. Vladimir Kozlov
14. Charlie Haas
15. Carlito and Primo
16. Cryme Tyme
17. Hawkins and Ryder
18. Jesse and Festus

G.M. Tommy Dreamer

1. Jack Swagger
2. Christian(eventually ending up on Smackdown)
3. Finlay
4. Tyson Kidd
5. Evan Bourne
6. TBK
7. Ezekial
8. Hurricane Helms
9. Dolph Ziggler
10. Sim Snuka
11. Jimmy Wang Yang
12. Jamie Noble
13. Ricky Ortiz
14. The Miz
15. D.J. Gabriel
16. D.H. Smith

Raw: Raw would become the grand stage with most of the main event talent as well as a decent
mid-card. The titles for the show would be the WWE Championsip and the Intercontinental Championship.

Smackdown: Smackdown would become the show for the next level of Main eventers, However i would have John Cena
and Edge there as well as Jericho to give it some level of recognition. The titles would be the
Heavyweight championsip, US championship, and the Tag Titles. Feuds for Cena could be endless
he has already feuded with every other main eventer but Cena vs. MVP, either Hardy, Shelton, Morrison,
Kennedy,Jericho all could be great. This would also be the show for Tag Teams as all tag teams would be on this show
and the possibility of reunions such as benjamin and haas, the hardy's, and edge and christian.(imagine a ladder
match between those three teams for the titles) also could eventually bring Kidd and Smith over to go for the gold.

ECW: ECW would be the upstart for new stars as well as a home for the talented underutilized cruiserweights.
The titles would be the ECW championship and either the cruiserweight or television title(which would have to be defended every
week). I would use Christian to win the title from Swagger but eventuallyt lose it to maybe TBK before heading
to smackdown.

Divas- They would fill out the raw and smackdown rosters with a title on each show

Let me know what you think
To RAW - edgier show that will live off big stars
1 - Triple H
2 - Edge
3 - Jim Ross
4 - Undertaker
5 - MVP
6 - John Morrison
7 - Vladimir Kozlov

To SD - Family Oriented with vision toward kids. You true Hero vs Villian
1 - John Cena
2 - Rey Mysterio
3 - Christian
4 - Jack Swagger
5 - CM Punk
6 - Charlie Haas
7 - Evan Bourne
8 - Mike Knox

To ECW - Your low-carded-tiered talent
1 - Sim Snuka
2 - DH Smith
3 - Shelton Benjamin - Give him ECW title
4 - Dolph Ziggler
Usually, the format is 10 main guys are drafted on TV with 12 being drafted in the Supplemental Draft. So I'll use that format...with hypothetical scenarios as to which brand earns the draft picks.

1) Smackdown CM Punk. He's due for a change and SD needs some of the MITB drama.
2) RAW Edge. On this day...I see clearly...that Edge will be a HUGE impact player on RAW...with Vickie Gurerro on Raw as the GM.
3)RAW Christian. It's only natural he ends up on the same show as Edge. There has to be an Edge/Christian rivalry.
4)ECW SHELTON BENJAMIN! He goes to ECW, feuds with Swagger.
5)Smackdown Chris Jericho. Jericho needs fresh faces to feud with.
6)ECW William Regal. He's out of place on Raw. He'd fit in perfect on ECW.
7)RAW MVP. I'd like to see MVP on Raw with the US Title...which means...
8)Smackdown Rey Mysterio! IC Champ HAS to go to SD! if MVP moves
9)RAW UNDERTAKER! Taker has to be on RAW...just has to be...and here's my shocker
10)Smackdown RANDY ORTON!!! Everyone thinks HHH should go to Raw, but what's the logic in that? Orton to Smackdown would be the shocker of the Draft.

And here are 12 Supplemental picks.
1)ECW The Brian Kendrick
2)RAW Primo and Carlito
3)ECW Jesse
4)Smackdown Kane
5)Smackdown Finlay
6)RAW Evan Bourne
7)ECW Dolph Ziggler
8)Smackdown Kennedy
9)RAW Natalya Neidhart
10)Smackdown Mickie James
11)ECW Jillian Hall
12)Smackdown Beth Phoenix and Santino/Santina

This is just a rough estimate. I like my picks and believe they'll be somewhat accurate. :-D
The WWE Draft has always been on one night, except for once in 2005, where it was spread throughout the month. I like the draft in whatever format it is in, but I think they should spread the draft like they did in 2005, except make it 2 draft picks a night. When it is one night, the anticipation is done with then and there. If you spread it you would have a month full of madness, maybe it could be their March Madness, in a different month. Keep the format of your brand has to earn their draft pick and I think it would be great. While some others will say that it will be spoiled because Smackdown is taped and ECW too, but I still like, in fact I would go out my way to not see the spoilers to be surprise, some others won't.

Your thoughts.
Hopefully the draft and ECW's rebranding will give an outcome similar to this

Raw :

Triple H
Randy Orton
John Cena
Mike Knox
Vladimir Kozlov
Mark Henry
Kofi Kingston
John Morrison
Cody Rhodes
Ted Dibiase

SmackDown :

Chris Jericho
Big Show
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Great Khali
Shelton Benjamin
Rey Mysterio
Evan Bourne
William Regal
The Miz
Tyson Kidd & Natalya
Sim Snuka
Charlie Haas
Hurricane Helms
Jimmy Wang Yang
Crime Tyme
Hawkins and Ryder


Mr. Kennedy
Jack Swagger
Tommy Dreamer
Santino ("Santina" can continue to appear on the other brands)
Ricky Ortiz
Jamie Noble
DJ Gabriel
Dolph Ziggler
TBK & Ezekiel
DH Smith
I guess I will declare what I think will definitely happen...

See, I'm torn as to whether or not they'll have dual-brand storylines from here on out like they did leading up to WM25. Assuming they don't, I guess you have to make sense of it all heading up to Backlash. My picks:

Randy Orton to FNSD
Batista to FNSD
Cody Rhodes to FNSD
Ted DiBiase to FNSD
Edge to Raw
Christian to Raw
The Big Show to Raw
These moves are all correlated, because if Vickie is going to torment us on Raw, then Edge and Big Show, a rivalry I don't see over yet, have to move over to Monday nights as well. The other big rivalry heads over to FNSD, as Orton, Batista, and Legacy head over there. I'm going with a lot of the other people here and say that Christian heads over to Raw to feud with Edge going into SummerSlam.

That's all I think are definitely set in stone right now. I have a strange feeling they'll divide up Morrison and Miz to completely kill off the last of the tag division, but I'm not sure.

* There are currently 10 main event faces in the WWE, for the most part, and they each have a counter balance type of guy. For instance, Undertaker and HBK will remain on separate shows, as they’ll both be having lighter schedules and having 2 missing main event face slots would be detrimental. Another correlation is that Cena and HHH, despite how most people don’t like it, are still considered by Corporate and Creative to be the two top faces in the company, so they’ll most likely stay on separate shows to balance each other out. That leaves you with CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Batista, and Christian. If MVP and Mysterio switch spots because of their titles, then that leaves Punk, Hardy, Batista, and Christian. Batista will almost assuredly stay on Raw to have programs with Orton and HHH. Christian will follow Edge, I think. Then Punk and Hardy will just fill in the other two spots.

1. HBK, Undertaker, Goldust, Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, Duggan, Dreamer, and Funaki stay put = They won’t be moving.

2. Rey Mysterio to Smackdown / MVP to Raw = It’s a two-part deal. Both have to move or neither moves.

3. Christian to ??? = Most likely wherever Edge ends up. Either way, he’s not staying on ECW.

4. Mr. Kennedy to ECW = I just can’t see them not doing this.

5. R-Truth to ECW = I could definitely see them switching him over and trying to make him get over on the smaller program. He won’t be on the same show as MVP.

6. Tyson Kidd to ??? = If he moves anywhere, Natalya moves with him and most likely, DH Smith follows so they can form that tag team and feud with The Colons. If they don’t have plans for the New Hart Foundation yet, then TJ and Natalya simply stay on ECW.

7. Kane & Big Show stay split = Offer the same role, no need to put them both on the same brand.

8. Vladimir Kozlov to ECW / Mark Henry away from ECW = Can’t see them both being on it.

9. Chris Jericho to Smackdown / Edge to Raw = Another two-part deal.

10. John Morrison to Smackdown = I could see him being trusted as a potential main event guy on Smackdown since they’re rumored to be beefing up the Raw roster. If Edge and Orton are both on Raw, then Smackdown will need someone to help balance Jericho out, and that man is John Morrison, who still has the potential to have a great feud with Jeff Hardy, John Cena, Undertaker, Christian, and a retread for CM Punk.

11. William Regal to ECW = Trains the new guys. Has a feud with Finlay.

12. Divas Switching = Right now, Raw is desperate to have a second main heel chick. Smackdown has Maryse, Michelle, and Natalya. Maryse and Michelle apparently don't like each other, so I wouldn't be surprised if Maryse dropped the Divas title this week and was drafted to Raw.
To Raw

Edge - Continue to be with Vickie
Triple H - Due to current Orton feud
The Big Show - No more Taker/Show please
MVP - Sure why not
Matt Hardy - Away from Jeff

To Smackdown

Christian - No more ECW, Away from Edge
John Cena - Since he has the current world title, he needs a change
Chris Jericho - Same as Cena
Rey Mysterio - He was better on Smackdown
Santino - Stale on Raw
Punk - Yeah...


Vladamir - Sure why not
Shelton - Develop him over this year please
R Truth - ^
Primo - \
Carlito - Just for now, since ECW will still probably appear on SD/Raw have them defend on all three shows for a while
Kennedy - He isn't doing anything else
Kofi - same as shelton
The World Heavyweight & WWE Champions will swap shows. Cena to Smackdown, Triple h to Raw. This would be more intresting if they hadn't been like that for weeks already and if Triple H needed to move.

Same should be said for the Intercontinental & United States Champions. I still think bothy Rey & MVP still have plenty of people to feud with on the brans they're on now.

I'll also take a punt of Jericho & Santino moving to Smackdown and Maryse moving to Raw.

What do you mean WWE have a third barn? It's only intresting to see which mid carders will suddenly become ECW main eventers.
Here What i'm thinking about the draft and how it would play out using the same format they've been using for the last 2 years.

1. MVP to Raw: I could be wrong here but MVP need new surronding, so does the U.S. Title. MVP been on Smackdown since his debut so now is the time to switch him.

2. Rey Mysterio To Smackdown: To simple explaination for that would be that Mysterio is always been better on Smackdown and he belong there.

3. Vladimir Koslov To ECW: Ecw need to at less get one draft pick and since Koslov is pretty much done as a major superstar, why not send him to the dying Brand that is ECW.

4. Edge to Raw: Vicki is the GM of Raw for a reason and i doubt that they would end the Edge/Vicki storyline anytime soon so Edge needs to move to RAW.

5. Randy Orton to Smackdown: like everybody said before, everybody thinks that HHH is coming back to Raw but why not send Orton to Smackdown and have there feud there instead

6. BAtista to Smackdown: When Orton is done with HHH he'S going to need somebody else to feud with and since they already started a feud between Orton and Batista, why not send him to smackdown.

7. Jerry Lawler to Smackdown, Matt Striker to Raw and Todd Grisham to ECW: This is only so they could shake up the announce teams again: Striker as been excellent on commentary on ECW and i think he'S ready to be on the RAw announce team, Lawler and JR always made a good team and Smackdown needs a good announce team right now, Has for Grisham, why not he was doing a decent job on ECW so why not team him with Josh Matthews and see what happens.

8. Big Show to Raw: Smackdown already got the great Khali so there isn't a need for 2 giant on the brand so why not send Big Show on Raw and continue the love triangle storyline they started at wrestlemania.

9. John Morrison to Raw: It's about time to split The Miz and Morrison up and what a way to do it then split them up during the draft.

10. The Undertaker to Raw: This would be the biggest shocker of them all seeing as nobody would think that The Undertaker would ever Leave Smackdown. Taker as been on Smackdown since the very beginning of the brand Split so a change of scenery would probably do him some good.

Supplemental Draft

This is where all this mid-carders and the wrestlers that probably will get fired in the next few month gets drafted so let's see who i predict will get drafted.

11. Melina to Smackdown: since all the original titles will probably be on Smackdown why not send the woman's title to smackdown as well

12. Maryse to Raw: same as melina

13. Jack Swagger to Smackdown: The Fact is Swagger is very green and since they always look like they like to screw around with the ECW title every year i would be surprised him change brand.

14. Brian Kendrick and Ezikiel Jackson: Probably will get fired by the end of the year anyway so why not.

15. Jamie Noble To ECW: Noble is a very talented guy and would be another great teacher for the young kid of ECW

16. The Miz To Smackdown: With Morisson on Raw, Miz could finally try to get over on his own and moving him to smackdown is the best way to do it.

17. Charlie Hass to ECW: Smae thing as Jamie Noble great talent but underutilized right now.

18. Jesse To ECW: probably get fired along with Festus so why not split them up right now

19. DH Smith To ECW: i know that we even seen him since he got draft to smackdown last year but the simple fact is that both natalya and Tyson kidd are on ECW so why not just send him there as well

20. Kane to ECW: They need another big name so why not Kane, he isn'T doing anything right now

21. Dolph ziggler to smackdown: again probably will get fired within the year

22. Curt HAwkins to raw: i like to split up all the tag teams and this one is long over due and again will probably get fired along with Zack Ryder within the year.

23. R-Truth to Raw: Again why not, R-truth is getting burried on Smackdown so why not just continue is lack of push on raw.

24. Cody Rhodes to Smackdown: Let's face it Dibiasie is the talented one of the group, he'S the one with the charisma so why not send the Rhodes with Orton on smackdown and let Dibiasie shine on Raw like he should have been doing all along instead of being in the shadow of Orton.
Here how I think the draft will play out by them using the format they've used the pat 2 years.

1. Triple H to RAW: I doubt they would put the McMahon & Triple H/Legacy storyline on the B show.

2. MVP to RAW: He needs a change of scenery as he has been on Smackdown since his debut.

3. Rey Mysterio to Smackdown: Rey just doesn't look right on RAW & with the possibility of Vince wanting to attract the latin audience over to Smackdown then Rey's the obvious choice for a move.

4. Chris Jericho to Smackdown: With the possibility of Smackdown losing their top heel in Edge. Jericho will be their top heel & also have some fresh faces to feud with on Smackdown.

5. The Great Khali to ECW: They don't need 2 giants on Smackdown & since Khali's career is pretty much going down the toilet. He should be on the dying brand.

6. Christian to RAW: He was gonna get switched to a big show anyways & this also keeps him away from Edge.

7. Michael Cole to Smackdown, Jim Ross to RAW & Todd Grisham to ECW: They need to place JR & Cole back to the shows they were on & put Grisham's ass back to ECW as his dumbass doesn't belong on Smackdown commentary.

8. John Cena to Smackdown: With Triple H & his title gong to RAW. They need to switch the other title over to Smackdown.

9. John Morrison to RAW: Miz & Morrison are gonna split anyways so why not do it during the draft.

10. CM Punk to Smackdown: With Triple H possibly going to RAW. I see Punk going to Smackdown & not having a chance to get buried by Triple H by staying on RAW.

Supplimental Draft.

11. The Miz to Smackdown: With Morrison off to RAW. This would be a great opportunity for Miz to break out on his own & I believe that will happen by him going to Smackdown.

12. Kendrick to ECW: Why not it's not like Kendrick's getting a major push anytime soon

13. Ezikiel Jackson to RAW: Same as his boy Kendrick

14. Charlie Haas to ECW: Very talented individual & is very underutilized right now.

15. Kane to Smackdown: Smackdown needs some star power after getting raped in the draft & it also gives us a chance to either see Kane & Undertaker either feud with eachother or reunite as a team.

16. Jesse to RAW: Why not split them up right now. It gives him either a chance to change to his real name & join Legacy or just get wasted & eventually get released.

17. Festus to ECW: Change his ass to normal. Probably will get released soon enough.

18. DH Smith to ECW: Why not. With Natalya & Kidd already there. They can form their tag team.

19. R-Truth to ECW: If they want to use him then just place him on ECW so he doesn't get buried.

20. Melina to Smackdown: They already switched up the major titles so I see why not.

21. Maryse to RAW: Same as Melina.

22. Kofi Kingston to Smackdown: They need to put him on Smackdown so he can be a bit relevant again.

23. Dolph Ziggler to ECW: Probably will get fired soon so why not.

24. Hawkins & Ryder to RAW: Same as Ziggler but they are a tag team.
I had to tweak my predictions after watching Smackdown.


1. Smackdown will take a big hit and Raw will be beefed up in the process
2. ECW will stay a “training” brand
3. John Morrison and the Miz will break up
4. Rey Mysterio moves back to Smackdown to help with the Hispanic audience


Triple H Randy Orton
Shawn Michaels Chris Jericho/Edge
Batista Big Show
MVP Matt Hardy/Shelton Benjamin
Jeff Hardy Kane
Cryme Tyme Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

RAW LOSES: John Cena, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, William Regal
RAW GAINS: Triple H, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy/Shelton Benjamin, Big Show


John Cena Edge/Jericho
Christian John Morrison
Undertaker Umaga
Rey Mysterio Shelton Benjamin/Matt Hardy
CM Punk Mark Henry
Carlito & Primo Kendrick & Ezekiel

SMACKDOWN LOSES: Triple H, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy/Shelton Benjamin, Big Show, Mr. Kennedy, Vladimir Kozlov, R-Truth, The Great Khali
SMACKDOWN GAINS: John Cena, Christian, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, John Morrison, Mark Henry


Mr. Kennedy The Miz
Finlay William Regal
R-Truth Jack Swagger
Evan Bourne Tyson Kidd
Tommy Dreamer Paul Burchill
Khali Vladimir Kozlov

ECW LOSES: Christian, John Morrison, Mark Henry
ECW GAINS: Khali, Vladimir Kozlov, Mr. Kennedy, William Regal, R-Truth

*The only four people left that actually matter, I can’t figure out where they’ll be. These four people are Kofi Kingston, Gregory Helms, Mike Knox, and Chavo Guerrero. These are four people that could be major players in the midcard scene on a show, but I’m just not sure where yet.


1. Undertaker and Batista are on opposite shows because they are the two "big man" faces in the company. Having both on the same show makes it impossible for the other one to have someone who is a power player.

2. Undertaker and HBK are on opposite shows because they have lighter schedules and have injury risks. Having both on the same show is risky if both were to take time off. Plus, HBK doesn't want to move due to his church being on Tuesday or something.

3. MVP and Mysterio to switch place because they have the midcard titles and Mysterio is rumored to move back to Smackdown anyway.

4. Matt Hardy and Shelton Benjamin are in the same position in the company. Both are upper midcarders that aren't getting a main event shot yet, but could very well be tested out in that capacity for things such as Elimination Chamber matches and everything. Therefore, I don't think they'll both be on Smackdown. One of them will be moving over to Raw. It just depends on whether they want to continue the Hardy/Hardy angle.

5. I could actually see CM Punk staying on Raw and Jeff staying on Smackdown and being used at the same capacity - ie, a main event guy that isn't 100% trusted but is still there in case they want to give someone else a title. But I think if they're looking to really make Raw the A-show, they'll put Hardy on there instead of Punk, as Hardy is more popular.

6. Kofi, Chavo, Helms, and Knox are the only four people that have any importance that I can't predict. Kofi is the only one of them that would move on Monday anyway, as he's the most important of them all. The rest would move in the Supplemental Draft. Kofi could immediately win the IC, US, or ECW title and I don't think anybody would do a double-take, so he's very valuable.

7. The monsters are tricky. Big Show and Kane balance each other out, as do Umaga and Mark Henry. But at the same time, for speed, its Umaga matching up with Kane and Mark Henry matching up with Big Show. I can't see Umaga moving away from the Undertaker as they haven't had that program yet. Mark Henry has been much better since his move to ECW, so I think they'll reward him by moving him back to Raw or Smackdown, and he'd be a good replacement for Vladimir Kozlov, who's going nowhere fast. However, they could, instead, make it so Big Show and Mark Henry are on Raw and Kane and Umaga are on Smackdown. Either way, I don't think Big Show is staying on Smackdown and I don't think Umaga is leaving.

8. Regal moves to ECW because he's got no chance at doing anything in the WWE anymore. He's a lost cause. So because of his age and his (frankly overrated, I think) skills, he's moved over there to help with the newer guys. Regal puts over Bourne, has a feud with Finlay, etc.

9. A lot of people are expecting Swagger to move, but I don't. I think he's firmly rooted in ECW not just because he has the championship, but because they don't have the confidence in him to move. If Truth and Kennedy move to ECW like I'm predicting, then Swagger has four feuds that can contain him within the next year (if you count Dreamer and Bourne).

10. JoMo steps it up and becomes the second main heel on Smackdown. As much as I like the guy, I have to admit that he's not yet on the level that Jericho, Orton, and Edge are. But if Smackdown is being demoted to a solid B-show, then Morrison is more than qualified to be the second main heel on that brand. Plus, look at the possibilities there. You've got Cena/Morrison, Undertaker/Morrison, Mysterio/Morrison, and Christian/Morrison.

11. Cena moves to Smackdown to balance Triple H moving back to Raw. We've had Cena against everybody that's on Raw right now, for the most part. But some stuff we haven't had yet are Cena/Undertaker, Cena/Shelton or Cena/Hardy depending on who moves.

12. The reason I group Jericho and Edge together is because I could see either guy being used as the top heel on Smackdown, and I can't see BOTH being sent to Raw with Randy Orton. I'd really like to see Jericho/Undertaker, but I'd also really like to see Jericho/Jeff Hardy, Jericho/MVP, and I think Jericho/HHH has potential. Too early to tell though which of the two ends up on Smackdown.

EDIT NOTE: Up there, I predicted 16 moves. They've announced that there will be 12 drafts on Monday, and if I remember correctly, the Supplemental Draft will be on Wednesday (on WWE.com of course). So I'm going to say that the Regal draft and the R-Truth draft will be the two biggest supplemental ones, knocking my predictions down to 14 on Monday. Still have 2 more spots. Those two spots mean that either CM Punk and Hardy will stay on their respective shows and NOT switch place, Kozlov and Khali will remain on Smackdown, or the Kane/Show/Umaga/Henry switch has just Henry switch to Raw and that's it.

So, all in all, my 12 predictions for Monday's section of the draft are:

1. John Cena to Smackdown
2. HHH to Raw
3. Rey Mysterio to Smackdown
4. MVP to Raw
5. Christian to Smackdown
6. Matt Hardy OR Shelton Benjamin to Raw
7. John Morrison to Smackdown
8. Kennedy to ECW
9. Vladimir Kozlov to ECW
10. CM Punk to Smackdown OR Big Show to Raw
11. Jeff Hardy to Raw OR Mark Henry to Smackdown
12. Kofi Kingston to Smackdown OR Mark Henry to Raw (naturally, if this is "Henry to Raw", then #10 and #11 have to be Hardy and Punk, not Big Show and Henry)
Well I'll go with the 12 who I think will change on the night, I can see SmackDown and Raw each getting 5 each, while ECW get the final 2, I hadn't read through this thread before I did the little draft game on WWE.com, but it seems my line of thinking falls in with what a lot of people have been saying in some place, while in others, I seem to go on the complete contrary.

First of all, it's Monday Night Raaaaaaaaaaaawr.

Draft One - Triple H - It just feels like a no brainer to me, he can't resist being on Raw at least once a month anyway, and it would be a perfect fit, he has no ties on SmackDown that he will be leaving behind in terms of tag partners, I honestly believe he will retain at Backlash and with 3 of the 4 Potential Title Holders post-Backlash being on Raw I see Cena losing to Edge who will remain on SmackDown and pretty much rule the roost.

Draft Two - Big Show - Instead of moving Edge, pair Vickie and Big Show together for real and it should mean that it keeps her fresh as a character, crowd reactions to her and Edge have been dwindling, still much greater than anyone else on SD! but not as loud as they were, a change was needed and it will only help Show and Vickie, as well as helping Edge have a break from it, which he really needs.

Draft Three - Christian - Why does he have to follow Edge around everywhere? Edge does not need Christian and Christian does not need Edge, not now anyway, while I look at CC in the highest light possible and he is one of my favorites, not everyone will have really gotten into the swing of him being back, let's see how he can handle the A-Show and make him into a worthy competitor for Edge, Edge needs to be in title matches, a Edge/Christian match would make no sense at all for now.

Draft 4 - MVP - Has to happen really, will add some charisma to the undercard division, he is in a hot run and putting him on a larger stage will give him a place to shine.

Draft 5 - Matt Hardy - One of them has to move, it's clear, but after the events on Smackdown, I see them leaving Jeff off of the Draft show altogether, so it's a case of Matt leaving, it might hamper his career to go to Raw, but I can't see a more logical way for this pick to pan out really, maybe it'll allow him to really find his feel being in amongst the big time players.

Next it's Friday Night Smackdown

Pick One - Jack Swagger - I was so hesitant on this one, because noone on ECW seems like they'll beat him for the title, save Christian, who will be on his way to Raw, however, this seems like a good move, maybe Finlay will get the title for a while, which would work for a transitional period, which the draft always is. As much as I dislike Swagger and his lisping interviews, he just gets ignored on ECW because of lack of contendors, Christian always tied up doing something else and everyone else sucking.

Pick Two - CM Punk - Arguably the smartest move they could make on the night, Smackdown will have Edge as Champion, which means the onus for him to cash in is actually there, he just won't cash in on Orton/Triple H/Cena, who will likely be champions for the next year, so get him on Smackdown, have him flirt around with the top superstars and really milk his Briefcase and get him to create another classic Raw moment.

Pick Three - Chris Jericho - Just make it so, he has nowhere to go now, none of the main titles have any niches for him to go into, so get him on Smackdown, have Edge, Jericho, Jeff, Taker and Punk be the main 5 on the show and people like Swagger, My next pick and Umaga play 2nd fiddle to them, and you've got quite a nice show dynamic with two of the best wrestlers today being the bad guys and then 1 of the best faces with a bunch of wrestlers who have potential to step up underneath him, I think that's the sort of show I'd like Smackdown to be, the only worry is if noone stops up we end up with the same scenario we had with Batista/Edge/Taker where we had the same match for about 2 years running.

Pick 4 - Rey Rey - No brainer with MVP moving to RAW, nothing to do with demographics for me, simply Mysterio fits Smackdown, I've never really taken to him that much but he is entertaining but it hasn't worked out on Raw, whether it be injuries or lack of meshing with other superstars, it's time for him to go back to where we all saw him at his best.

Pick 5 - Evan Bourne - Use him in Conjunction with Rey Mysterio, they can be a part time tag team but also double up as good wrestlers, while I see Bourne as being better at entertaining in the ring these days (since Mysterio put on some weight and got injured he hasn't looked as sharp as he did in his earlier career), Mysterio is still the king of high-flying, he's the one who's name is the first one named when you think of high-fliers. They'd be a good foil to someone like Kendrick, and I think that would be the first place Bourne should strut his stuff on Smackdown.

Finally, the Land of Extreme, ECW.

Pick One - Mr. Kennedy - Quite amazed everyone is saying the same as what I was on this one, but I think it'll be a similar pick to Mysterio last year, injured superstar called out on the draft to make a comeback, and he works for ECW and replaced the void Christian will leave, which was the void Matt Hardy left. Perhaps he can be the one to beat Swagger for the title, the only drawback is this elimination business, maybe he can talk about ECW needing it's identity back and then calling Swagger back for one more match on ECW to get the title back. It's obvious Dreamer will be champion, so my next pick will transition Kennedy and Dreamer.

Pick Two - Shelton Benjamin - Fits like a glove really, I think everyone knows Shelton's potential and it wouldn't really shock anyone if he won the ECW title from Kennedy, then you'd have a really good match setup for him vs. Dreamer, it's the prime, well tuned athlete against the blood/sweat/tears and specialist ability, I know a similar dynamic is there with Swagger, but let's face it, whoever Dreamer faces needs to be able to make the match stand out somewhat, Swagger does not have that potential, Benjamin, while not being extraordinarily memorable can make a match great in the moment.

As for the Supplemental, I don't really care, I beg them to keep Miz and Morrison together so I can see them with all the belts, I don't really care that they're on ECW, with 1 set of titles, it was said by JR, that it would be defended on all 3 shows, which means the positioning of tag teams will become irrelevant.

HHH is definitely going to be moved over. His move to raise Smackdowm ratings didn't go to plan, he can move back to RAW and co-exist with Cena as top babyface.

MVP is starting to fit with his babyface role, and the midcard at RAW will be lacking when Rey leaves so MVP can move to the live show and see how he can exist.

With Miz and Morrison losing the titles, they can go their separate ways now and Morrison can go to RAW and get his eventual feud with HBK.

Evan Bourne featured on RAW heavily before the injury, and I think he could do a decent job on there, either as a tag wrestler or a US contender.

Rey needs to go back to his rightful home, with the IC title to compensate MVP moving the US title. Smackdown is more of a kids show, he can back up Jeff as their favourite wrestler.

This one will not likely happen, but if Batista does have a short term future, I would prefer him to dominate Smackdown rather than overcrowding Smackdown with the three top faces, and moving Cena is not an option.

Kofi in my opinion will do better on Smackdown. He will have lots of heels to feud with, from Matt to Kozlov to Benjamin (reuniting their old ECW rivalry).

The Miz can go here to split him up from Morrison properly. See how he does, if he fails then he can find another partner from somewhere.

Kelly Kelly is not in the league of Mickie James and Melina, so she can't be a top face on RAW, give her to SD who only have Gail Kim.


R-Truth is hated by many on here, but he hasn't had a chance on Smackdown. On ECW he can have feuds that can get him onto the PPV and eventually a title run. He can have a feud with Christian in a face vs face war that could make the two of them legit competitors.

Jesse and Festus have got lost on Smackdown, they can go to ECW to give some tag team action on this show. If the tag champs will move from brand to brand for their defences then ECW need a team for random defences.

Dolph Ziggler needs some tv time and the only place he can get it is ECW. Not champion material, but ECW could do with some depth.
After last years draft, I don't think anyone is safe from being placed on a different brand (except HBK because of his church issues). So WWE.com reported that 12 superstars will be switching brands, so here are my 12.

1. John Cena (to SmackDown!)- with Triple H likely going back to Raw, someone has to bite the bullet and go over there. Last year was Triple H, so Cena will likely move. Also, Cena has been on Raw since what, 2005, so I'd say it's about time he goes back to SmackDown! and hopefully he can go back to his old thug roots or something. I miss the Cena raps!!!

2. Trilple H (to Raw)- to continue his feud with Orton and it just seems right with Triple H on Raw. Cena will go back to Raw eventually and shine for years. I'm looking forward to more Triple H/Orton and I wanna see if this feud can try and come back from the Wrestlemania debacle.

3. Rey Mysterio (to SmackDown!)- to bring back the hispanic demographic and would be great with the smaller guys and hopefully have a good rebound year since it didn't work out for him on Raw.

4. Edge (to Raw)- to hopefully end this "marriage" with Vickie and hopefully he'll turn face. It's been quite a while since he was face and I truly believe he's a better face than heel. I'd love to see Edge/Orton. Endless possibilities.

5. Ken Kennedy (to ECW)- too injured as of late, but if he can pull this off and become a good champion, face or heel it doesn't matter because he can pull either off. Just needs to stay healthy.

6. MVP (to Raw)- time for a change and personally I think he's ready for the "A" show of the WWE and he'd make a nice Intercontinental Champion, then off to the WWE Championship.

7. Christian (to Raw)- most likely to go with Edge since Edge carried him for so many years and it's time he repaid Edge with a great feud. ECW really can't help him much, and SmackDown! just doesn't seem like a nice fit at least for now.

8. Mark Henry (to Raw)- been to SmackDown! and can't go anywhere else on ECW, and it's been several years since he was on Raw week to week. Jobber duty to the stars now, but Raw would still be nice for him.

9. Umaga (to ECW)- to fill the "monster" role in place of Henry IF he leaves. Better than Henry because he can actually work with the smaller guys and he can build himself back up since his injuries have really hurt him
as of late.

10. R-Truth (to Raw)- change of scenery for him and he could team with Cryme Tyme and I think that would just be great. If he and Cryme Tyme can't get the gold, why not put them together and have one big comedy gig.

11. Kofi Kingston (to SmackDown!)- shouldn't have left ECW to begin with IMO, but he's big enough to go to SmackDown! and would fit great with the mid-card over there and the smaller guys would work great with him and some nice feuds could go well with him and he could get some nice build up towards the main event.

12. Chris Jericho (to SmackDown!)- doesn't need the change but if he did, he's land here and would work great with the smaller guys and could really be in the title mix all year long. Jericho vs Cena, Jericho vs Undertaker, and Jericho vs Shelton would be good for SmackDown! I see him going as a "promotion" so he could be the top heel for that brand.

Undertaker could also go to Raw, just because he's been on SmackDown! so long and Batista going back wouldn't shock me either. Some low md-carders and jobbers will swap as with a few divas as usual every year. I just don't see how last years draft could ever be topped.
morrison to sd! so that we can see how the miz can do as an singles competer if worse comes to worse miz teams with tyson kidd,the great khali lets face it people the "punjabi playboy gimmick is already worn out so ecw, now 2009s new ecw main eventer i dont know but there is an 1 in 5 chance that mysterio might go to ecw,kofi kingston to smackdown along with santino lets face there both PG gimmicks and we all know that smackdown is the PG brand,and of course HHH to raw with matt hardy and koslov thats all i can think of
I definetley think Edge will turn face and return to Raw, Cena will return to Smackdown in a straight swap.
Randy Orton will take the belt at backlash and there for Triple H will get drafted back to Raw to chase the belt for a few more PPV's, With Rey Meysterio going the other way

** The only other minor changes i see are who is gonna lead ECW i think Matt Hardy will get drafted to smackdown because he will fall away on Raw and i se Jeff Hardy leading the way on ECW for a good run with the top belt **

*** Evan Bourne to smackdown to tag team with the Miz, Christians a 50/50 whether or not he will get a move or stay to defeat Jeff at the end of the run and get a push into the next big PPV Royal Rumble or if he moves i think Smackdown ***

**** Dont know whats going in with Jericho but i hope he either gets a move or gets some interesting matches like his feud with Orton or HBK because what the writers are feeding him at the moment sucks big time!!!! needs to either take a drop and challenge/hold a mid card belt for a while and get up there or maybe challenge CM Punk for the briefcase and get his shot at some gold and that way would waste some time for the current feuds to clear up ****

I Know there will be loads of under carders in the draft but to be honest they wont matter i think the WWE regret Bringin it back because I'VE SEEN Miz & Morrison on every show since the last draft and Hornswoggle and Finlay have been involved in nothing more than tag matches since "The Bastard Child Angle" lol they got not alot to work with and creative cant seem to come up with angles apart from that with or having champions involved (An absolute joke TBH but hey what do i know lol) oh hey soz they got Hardy vs Hardy & Taker vs HBK i could never have thought of that so they have got what it takes to take WWE bk to the WWF Attitude Period :P :la:


Just my opinions feel free to comment ;)

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