**MERGED** Kane's Future- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!


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As we all know,Kane as recently made his much anticipated return,with the mask,setting his goals on Cena & trying to persuade him to "Embrace The Hate". Now it comes to the Rumble,tommorow,Kane Vs Cena,it's obvious the feud will end here & it should,so it can allow Cena can build his feud with the Rock.

The question is who will Kane feud with after Cena?

Now I know this is very far fetched & unlikely but i've heard alot of rumors that Undertaker will possibly return during this match starting a feud with Kane for a WM 28 match.

Making a very interesting Main-Event

The Rock Vs John Cena

WWE Championship
Triple Threat Match
CM Punk(c) Vs Chris Jericho Vs Triple H

"Streak" On The Line
Undertaker Vs Kane

World Heavyweight Championship
Fatal Four Way Match
Daniel Bryan(c) Vs Randy Orton Vs Sheamus Vs Wade Barrett

Then after Wrestlemania,he can set his sights on the WWE Championship & win it at Extreme Rules,because let's be honest,this is his last run with WWE & the only things that would REALLY make it meaningful is a Wrestlemania match with Undertaker & a major Championship run. Your thoughts? Do you think this should take place?
In my opinion, just having a match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be worth it. Kane does not need the WWE title. If Undertaker and Kane do face each other at WM, I see it being a career ending match for either one or both competitors. For the WWE title, give it to a younger, up-and-coming superstar. You have the draft coming up after WM, where you can have Wade Barrett or Sheamus jump to RAW and win the title. Also, with the return of ADR coming, you can always have him win the title and have him fued with CM Punk, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, or even Rey Mysterio (even though I would not like it personally, many people would love to see Mysterio in action again and what a perfect way to have him come back from injury and either win or be a number 1 contender for the WWE title).
I hope it's Kane v undertaker at mania it's really time to put the whole brother rivalry to bed as one will end there career at mania and inducted the other into hall of fame next year. but as a realist I don't think it will happen. Kane v Zack Ryder is most likely I see Ryder having a miraculous recovery and comeing back for some sort of revenge/closure. If not then what can they possibly give Kane at mania?.....a gimmick match a spot in the money in the bank match?....no thanks don't wanna see that.
I would much prefer Kane-Taker III (At WM at least) than a HHH-Taker III. To me, the ressurected Kane would make for a more interesting run with Undertaker than Triple H.

The only way I see it being Kane-Taker, is if it is Undertakers last Wrestlemania, but in all honesty, I agree with Kanomaniac, they'll give Ryder a miricale recovery then a miracle win over Kane at Mania

As much as I like Kane, and always have, He shouldn't get the title in 2012 UNLESS he drops it in a good feud to Wade Barrett or Sheamus (Rhodes or Ziggler just wouldn't seem like a realistic feud for the new Kane). Kane has always been a guy that enjoys putting the younger stars over, and he wouldn't want a run unless it had a good reason behind it (I've heard in a interview that Kane felt the 2010 title run was good enough for him)

I feel like WM will go down like this;

The Rock-John Cena

Triple H-Undertaker




Big Show-Shaq
I wouldn't bet on Kane being anything other than what he's been for the majority of his career, floating to and from the main event and midcard as he is needed. I'd love to see him have one last run with a World championship with the way his is acting has again breathed new life into his character and made him somewhat interesting, just can't see it happening though.
I dont see Kane being a WWE Champion. Once his run with Cena finishes, Id expect Kane to be taking a back seat on the roster, maybe even retiring.
Kane is getting a grand old push due to missing many months to get his injuries all sorted, but after Cena, I doubt Kane will be in the main event picture.
I think Sheamus is the natural fit for Kane's next opponent... both are big men and there is a certain rub if Sheamus beats Kane... As an outside bet I can see Foley being Kane's Summerslam opponent. Cody with the bags...yes... Cody now... no chance...
I could see a kane cm punk feud...or a kane dolph ziggler feud, even a kane sheamus feud would be interesting because kane can pretty much direct the whole feud by preaching hate.
I think Kane and Taker need to face off again, considering they have unfinished buisness and lets be real I think when one leaves the other should follow, (and while I hate quoting the miz) another mania match though, really? really???

I mean If its Taker vs. HHH 3 or Taker vs. Kane 3, I would take taker and kane simply for the storyline and once again there unfinished buisness with each other. I think the only way Kane vs. Taker 3 makes sense is if..
1.)There was gonna be another repeat match
2.)They shock the world and Kane beats taker the third time around and ends the streak
3.)It is one of theres(hopefully both of their) retirement match.
Otherwise why??? We have seen them face at mania with the mask, without the mask, we dont need it again till they both retire. Which at this point I think most people will agree this probably wont be either of there last mania and Takers streak will either get to 20 and get broken or get one more after 20.

But there IS one thing agree with you on, and that is Kane winning the WWE championship(I stress WWE and not World) shortly after mania!!! Everyone could have a fresh feud with him right now, Orton said he wanted to feud with kane recently as well. He is something new and fresh, especially if he strats getting booked in the title picture. and Last of all he is freakin KANE!!! whether its his last run or he goes longer than flair he deserves a better title reign than that stupid 1 day title reign he got forever again. I dont care what the belt looks like, Bling, Spinner, or if they make it into a damn golden goblet to drink patron out of, KANE NEEDS TO HOLD THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP IN 2012!
Kane needs to win clean at the Royal Rumble to keep himself in a strong position and possibly contend for the belt and make it believable. Personally I'd assess the landscape after the Royal Rumble, maybe have Ryder/Kane @ WrestleMania, allows Kane his annual WM match and give Ryder a WM moment against a legit top guy.

After WrestleMania I'd actually see what's open and what's not. IF Mick can make Dolph look good and he himself looks pretty good then maybe have Kane/Mick leading into SummerSlam, sure neither need it but keeps Kane in a top feud throughout the summer.

Undertaker/Kane III @ WM28 I'd be cool with that, more than HHH/Undertaker III but I'd rather Undertaker/Jericho @ WM28 and possibly save Kane/Undertaker for a later WrestleMania (30 if possible).
In my opinion, just having a match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be worth it. Kane does not need the WWE title. If Undertaker and Kane do face each other at WM, I see it being a career ending match for either one or both competitors. For the WWE title, give it to a younger, up-and-coming superstar. You have the draft coming up after WM, where you can have Wade Barrett or Sheamus jump to RAW and win the title. Also, with the return of ADR coming, you can always have him win the title and have him fued with CM Punk, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, or even Rey Mysterio (even though I would not like it personally, many people would love to see Mysterio in action again and what a perfect way to have him come back from injury and either win or be a number 1 contender for the WWE title).

I:banghead: :banghead: I don't know why people always say give the WWE Title to a younger, up-and-coming superstar. What will be the point of the title? That will just devalue the title. WWE Title should be given to the best wrestler of WWE who can hold his own on mic. WWE Title should be given to the one who has been better and has built himself good and has a good story line going behind him. I can see no wrong in Kane winning the title. He has the best story line going. The reason behind wearing the mask has not been disclosed yet. If Kane can talk, wrestle and keep up with the story line, he should be the champion. Why not? Youngsters should be given chances but they must be fully prepared. We cannot have a swagger reign again. If Kane becomes the champion and dominates the division for a while, just remember what rub can the wrestler get if he defeats him. Edge got a great rub winning the title from Kane even though taker could not do it twice. So, I am down with Kane winning the title because he is better and can wrestle better than most. I'd like to see he and Sheamus feud.

But that is just my 2 cents.
After royal rumble kane should feud with HHH. They will have a match at elimination chamber. And the winner will face taker at WM. I would prefer kane facing taker.
I have to agree with THTRobTaylor on this one. Kane is getting old and closer to reitrement. He is not going to be around forever. I think Sheamus is a perfect opponent for Kane, possibly even a WM apponent. The main goal with his character is as long as he is still in the big picture he needs to get the younger superstars over. Sheamus is the likely successor to Kane. He will be that guy transitioning from face to heel and would make an excellent champion. Look at all the heat Kane gets now. The only other guy I can see him fueding with is Ryder but who really wants to see a Kane-Zack Ryder match again?
Eveyrone keeps saying Kane vs Taker etc but why not Kane vs Triple H? they have untold history and remember it was HHH that made him de-mask before which caused him to go postal. why not have Kane go after HHH?
I would like to see a Zack Ryder and I think that the feud could happen before Wrestlemania. I think that the WWE should make Ryder more aggressive when he comes back to look as a serious threat to Kane. Ultimately putting him in a match at Wrestlemania, No Holds Barred, and have him win becoming super over.
i don't know bout wrestlemania for kane all i do know is i pray they don't waste a spot on him and zach ryder. But i can see a feud with him and broadus clay somewhere down the line. it'll be a good way to get rid of the funkasaurus gimmick when its run its course. Broadus would be a good guy to embrace the hate.
The problem with a Kane Ryder match at WM is that Kane still has a ton of heat. Unless WWE plans on putting Ryder as a legit contender to a world title then thats when you have Ryder beat Kane. Kane is more suited to wrestle guys like HHH and Sheamus or even a quick fued with Taker. Kane looses steam of he aquires a loss to Ryder. If any top contender beats him then its not a big deal. I would like to see Ryder come back more aggressive and take back the US title but a fued with Kane doesn't make alot of sense. There would need to be a Ryder Henry like angle when Cena got involved.
I:banghead: :banghead: I don't know why people always say give the WWE Title to a younger, up-and-coming superstar. What will be the point of the title? That will just devalue the title. WWE Title should be given to the best wrestler of WWE who can hold his own on mic. WWE Title should be given to the one who has been better and has built himself good and has a good story line going behind him. I can see no wrong in Kane winning the title. He has the best story line going. The reason behind wearing the mask has not been disclosed yet. If Kane can talk, wrestle and keep up with the story line, he should be the champion. Why not? Youngsters should be given chances but they must be fully prepared. We cannot have a swagger reign again. If Kane becomes the champion and dominates the division for a while, just remember what rub can the wrestler get if he defeats him. Edge got a great rub winning the title from Kane even though taker could not do it twice. So, I am down with Kane winning the title because he is better and can wrestle better than most. I'd like to see he and Sheamus feud.

But that is just my 2 cents.
Thank you! I've wanted to say that for a long time. Giving the title to an "up-and-comer" is a bad idea and devalues the title. A new guy is not necessarily the best in the company, thus don't deserve it.
I:banghead: :banghead: I don't know why people always say give the WWE Title to a younger, up-and-coming superstar. What will be the point of the title? That will just devalue the title.
They should give it to young guys after they've been built up sufficiently, i.e. not like they did with Jack Swagger or even Bryan. But yes, it's far better to give it to a younger superstar who's ready to main event as opposed to an older one who's ready to retire.

WWE Title should be given to the best wrestler of WWE who can hold his own on mic.
Kane is not anywhere near the best wrestler in WWE.

WWE Title should be given to the one who has been better and has built himself good and has a good story line going behind him.
How about we keep it on CM Punk? He fits all these descriptions.

I can see no wrong in Kane winning the title. He has the best story line going. The reason behind wearing the mask has not been disclosed yet.
It's not going to be disclosed. The mask is a ploy so they can set a Guinness World Record at WrestleMania.

If Kane can talk, wrestle and keep up with the story line, he should be the champion. Why not?
Because there are plenty of younger, more talented people who can "talk, wrestle, and keep up with the storyline."

Youngsters should be given chances but they must be fully prepared. We cannot have a swagger reign again.
Glad we agree on that one. There are still youngsters I'd rather give it to right now than Kane.

If Kane becomes the champion and dominates the division for a while, just remember what rub can the wrestler get if he defeats him. Edge got a great rub winning the title from Kane even though taker could not do it twice.
No one cared that Edge beat Kane for the title. Whatever "rub" it gave him was canceled out by the fact that he had already won the title nine times before. If anything, you just refuted your own argument, because we both know that WWE would have an already established top face beat him. What they're doing right now with Ryder is far better.

So, I am down with Kane winning the title because he is better and can wrestle better than most. I'd like to see he and Sheamus feud.
I'd really like to know where you got this idea that Kane is one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Last time he was wrestling regularly, he was having good matches much less often than several others who have only come even further since.
As big of a Kane fan as I am I always questioned why he was immediately put into an angle with Cena after returning. As the feud moves on for quite a while now, it's apparent this has always been about Cena and never about Kane. With everyone else on the air doing something, Kane was brought back so we can tease a Cena heel turn and watch Cena embrace the hate.

Fact is though, Kane has been so good at being the heel in this situation, his actions are downright evil that I can't even see anyone booing Cena and cheering Kane meaning the whole "Cena Sucks" thing could be dead. This is all a clever plot in motion by WWE to just try to get fans to embrace Cena even more.

I'll go on record now saying I believe Cena won't turn heel and unfortunately, I can see Cena cleanly beating Kane with a single AA and quite easily at that tonight at the Rumble. It's all building up to Cena snapping and he will snap on Kane and obliterate Kane, end of story. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm kind of expecting the most embarrassing loss of Kane's career tonight. I see him being completely manhandled.
I sincerely hope its against Zack Ryder... Back in the day nobody used to care whether a guy looked like a threat or not. All u needed was a face star trying to dish out some good old fashioned payback.

Lets keep Ryder vs Kane for WM and lets have Ryder vs Kane at EC as well. Except at EC let Kane take the heel way out by attacking with a weapon. Then have the feud built up as Ryder vs Kane No holds barred. And let Ryder win that one finally raising Ryder to a higher main event status while at the same time keeping Kane relevant.

I can actually picture it right now. Two weeks before EC Kane talks about how he had Cena embrace the hate but now hes gunning for something that is very special to him aka the title. And during the middle of the promo u hear Radio playing. Firstly imagine the crowd pop.. Then imagine Ryder in street clothes runnning down to the ring and start laying it into Kane and then clotheslines him over the top rope with Kane backing away up the ramp and Ryder in the ring screaming incoherently like wrestlers usually do. Kane keeps backing up the ramp and stares at him from the entrance stage while ryder stares from the ring.

The next week Ryder cuts a serious promo in which he describes the pain of recovery and how he was on a roll holding the US title and he finally had a girlfriend and how kane ruined it all for him. And now Ryders going to ruin kane and he challenges him to a match at Elimination Chamber or you could just put both of them into the EC match itself.

Anyway despite Ryders goofy character I actually think this could work and work to Ryders advantage
Rey Mysterio vs. Kane at Wrestlemania

WWE wanted the whole mask vs. mask scenario... Good time for a retirement match too, build the whole angle of Rey refusing to embrace hate so Mysterio wants to rid the WWE fans of this monster for good.... Then bye bye Rey, don't tweak a knee on the way out..
All I know is that this should be the year that Kane breaks his record. With his renewed 'monster' push, I think he should enter in the first half of the rumble, and maybe let him take out 15 this year. Really set that bar up high... we already know that he's probably going to pass Shawn Michaels for the all time grand total, so why not kill 2 birds with one stone, and let him up the single rumble record as well... would go far in pushing the near indestructible monster angle they have going.
I like the Taker v. Kane scenario but overall I think this return has been spoiled. Going back to the mask AND having him speak has been, IMHO, a mistake. I get the idea behind trying to give Cena's character a fresh edge with the whole 'embrace the hate' thing, but after the rumble, what happens then? Do we just forget about Cena embracing the hate?

Now if this is an effort to turn Cena heel, making Rock the face for WM, then I understand. But if the hate angle ends tonight what was the real payoff for the time and mantra invested?
I honestly believe that Kane will win tonight against Cena (quite convincingly) and also win the Royal Rumble match. After 16 years of trying, Kane finally wins the rumble BUT doesn't want to cash in his rumble win on the WWE or WH title but the one thing that nobody has taken before.....THE STREAK. Kane winning both matches tonight will keep his "monster" like gimmick going and also make people believe that there is no way that taker can beat Kane at mania this time around. It leaves both title matches at mania free then, where we could see Punk vs Jericho? and possibly Sheamus vs Barrett?

Ideally Kane needs to stay undefeated for the next few months and keep attacking at random and leaving his victims helpless.

Before WM14 Kane just dominated taker all the time until Undertaker decided he will finally fight him, which to me made it obvious taker would win.

and before WM20 Kane was just a shambles whenever he heard Takers infamous GONG so he wasn't really a genuine threat to the streak at that point.

This time however, Kane needs to dominate EVERYBODY in his path. Cena tonight in their match, and hopefully he'll enter in the early half of the rumble and take out all the big hitters (i.e Orton, Sheamus, Barrett) (hell even Show and Henry all by himself if they enter it too)

this character of Kane's now is the perfect gimmick to have a legitimate chance of ending the streak. Have him manhandle all the biggest and most powerful stars in WWE between now and mania, then maybe half of the people on here would change their opinion on Kane vs Taker III

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