[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

The only thing I DONT like about all this is that they didn't try to keep this under wraps as long as possible

now, pretty much EVERYONE at WM28 in attendence will be just sitting there waiting for Lesnar to show, and IMO, taking away the HiTC match and the rock/cena match. Everyone is going to be looking up at the ramp waiting for something to happen, instead of focusing on the matches
I've never been so stoked for someone returning in the company. Brock is not only a major draw, but is a phenomenal in ring competitor. Major props to WWE, even though IMO this return to wresting was inevitable.

i don't think he has the "LOVE" of the business enough to stick around long, shame too, cuz at 34 yrs old, he could give WWE a good 10 years making huge $$$$$$

Maybe he is done right enough by WWE and vice versa, that the 1 year deal, turns into a bigger commitment. Lesnar/Taker, Lesnar/Sheamus, Lesnar/Cena Lesnar/Orton Lesnar/Ziggler Lesnar/HHH

the possibilities are endless
I doubt Brock Lesnar is going to make an appearance at WM tomorrow night. They may save him to come in Monday night on Raw and begin the yearlong build up to next year's Wrestlemania. Should be very fun to watch.
As I've said before it WILL NOT be Rock vs Brock at wm29. Rock vs taker will be the main event at wm29. Right now my source is telling me it's going to be rock vs brock at summerslam and cena vs batista at summerslam as well. For those of you that don't know me I'm a part time model with ties to the entertainment industry.
Rumors are saying Brock is going to have his return match at Summerslam. That makes perfect sense. Brock is a big time ppv draw which the Rock isn't. Having Brock main event Summerslam would be huge.

I really dont see the point in using him tommorow night. I dont want to see some kind of screwy ending to Cena/Rock or Taker/HHH. And buyrate wise the ppv is already promoted and sold. They should save Brock.

Brock is a big time ppv draw which the Rock isnt. I just wanted to point that out. No need to argue.:wtf:

This guy has shitted on the WWE with every fucking oppurtunity he got. Oh, just how much he hated all the aspects of the business!

Can't believe he came back running to the WWE

Vince doesnt really care about this guy shitted his company multiple times.
i was surprised lesnar had just signed i was expecting him to have signed awhile ago maybe they didnt choose to announce it until now i would LOVE to see brock lesnar come out after the hell in a cell match and destory the undertaker giving taker his match for next year and then lesnar could be on a unstoppable role for a whole year leading up to his match with undertaker! but i just read a report that said he wont have his first match back until summerslam and that he might fued with rock...personally rock vs lesnar just sounds boring to me
Heres what I see happening/Want to happen. One of these two situations both based on Cena/Rock.

In either event Cena is the winner, he needs the win to pass the torch and as a reward for all the work hes put in. Its an intense match and after it they both get up and shake each others hands when Brock enters the ring from the crowd and EITHER just F5's Cena with Rock raising Brocks hand, turning Rock heel on his way out in the process and setting up Cena Brock or preferably Brock takes them both out leading to Rock vs. Brock at Summerslam, theres your summer draw, which Brock wins and eventually Cena vs. Brock at WM 29.

This will serve many purposes. Theres such a mixed reaction for Cena that hopefully having the torch passed down will help, your Summerslam main event is huge and will be a great draw, having Brock beat Rock solidifies him as the monster intent on taking Cena down, Cena's beaten the Great One now he just needs to take down the monster and finally I have no doubt people will be cheering Brock over Cena so when Cena finally beats him after a mistake by the monster he is in a great position to turn heel as he can state how he beat the most Electrifying Star in Sports Entertainment who brought wrestling mainstream and then the biggest monster in WWE history at consecutive Wrestlemania's all whilst carrying the company on his back and the fans still booed him over these guys who came back when they felt like. By then Punk should be popular enough to take over the face role of the company.

Leaner solves WWEs problem for at least one year. The best scenario is a Taker-Brock feud for next year's Mania. But look at the possible feuds for Brock in one year if he is a full timer.

Brock-Cena as a match between Brock an the guy who benefitted most from him leaving. Brock can go after him the way the Rock did but highlight that Cena never went after the streak because he knew he wasn't that good (sets up 30 if Taker can last). We all know Cena stays a top guy win lose or draw tmrw so he can keep his gimmick of being the company man while Brock left.

Brock vs Rock would also play huge going into a Summerslam. Memory is hazy but I believe this is where Brock beat Rock and if Rock goes over Cena he can claim to have beat everyone with Brock reemrging as a man he didn't beat. Similar to when Rock fought Goldberg after beating Austin. If Rock loses you go with the Cena match first. If Rock wins maybe do the Rock Lesner bout in the summer then Brock goes over and says after he did what Cena couldn't.

All this builds to a very strong Brock who Should go over everyone for a year to build up to the Taker match next year and makes Brock look like the most creditable threat ever destroying guys while Taker rests.

Could even do mini Punk feuds with Punk being the best wrestler in the world and Brock being the baddest fighter in the world. punk could go inside on his depart from UFC and Brock could get great heat by overpowering punk. I'd love to see this one at Rumble with Punk out of the title picture as one last step to Mania.

So recap
Brock taker set up for next years mania.
Brock rock for sometime summer most likely Summerslam
Brock Cena at survivor series
Brock punk rumble

I'd like to see him either cost Cena the match tonight or confront him afterwards to plant the seeds for a huge SummerSlam showdown of Cena vs Lesnar...
Brock Lesnar is not a signed employee of UFC. He officially retired from UFC and is no longer bound to them under any agreement. Dave Meltzer, who is close to Paul Heyman and Heyman just happens to be Lesnar's business consultant, has reported that Lesnar has signed a 1 year deal withe WWE. It is a done deal.
Leaner solves WWEs problem for at least one year. The best scenario is a Taker-Brock feud for next year's Mania. But look at the possible feuds for Brock in one year if he is a full timer.

Brock-Cena as a match between Brock an the guy who benefitted most from him leaving. Brock can go after him the way the Rock did but highlight that Cena never went after the streak because he knew he wasn't that good (sets up 30 if Taker can last). We all know Cena stays a top guy win lose or draw tmrw so he can keep his gimmick of being the company man while Brock left.

Brock vs Rock would also play huge going into a Summerslam. Memory is hazy but I believe this is where Brock beat Rock and if Rock goes over Cena he can claim to have beat everyone with Brock reemrging as a man he didn't beat. Similar to when Rock fought Goldberg after beating Austin. If Rock loses you go with the Cena match first. If Rock wins maybe do the Rock Lesner bout in the summer then Brock goes over and says after he did what Cena couldn't.

All this builds to a very strong Brock who Should go over everyone for a year to build up to the Taker match next year and makes Brock look like the most creditable threat ever destroying guys while Taker rests.

Could even do mini Punk feuds with Punk being the best wrestler in the world and Brock being the baddest fighter in the world. punk could go inside on his depart from UFC and Brock could get great heat by overpowering punk. I'd love to see this one at Rumble with Punk out of the title picture as one last step to Mania.

So recap
Brock taker set up for next years mania.
Brock rock for sometime summer most likely Summerslam
Brock Cena at survivor series
Brock punk rumble


Brock, Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk.

Brock/Taker makes so much sense for Mania. Brock doesn't care if he wins since he'll get a payday. They have "heat". It's good shit.

WM 29 would just be epic with this rundown:

Rock/Lord Tensai.....lol.....I almost kept a straight face there.
I like Jack-Hammer looking at the business side of this news as well as the fallout of WrestleMania. I HATE when a major match is fucked up for the sake of a future angle, like how Miz-Cena didn't even get a chance to become a good match thanks to Rock-Cena, but a brief appearance like Lesnar attacking Undertaker after his match is a great way to generate buzz as Jack-Hammer described, and also set up a match next year.

Fuck, if they really went with Rock-Cena III, 'Taker-Lesnar, HBK-HHH and Punk-Austin, that would be an even bigger list of main events than this year, and this year is already a WrestleMania that has three matches that could each be the ACTUAL main event any other year. Tomorrow night is going to be great, but I think we have an awesome year to look forward to as well.
Let's see here..... Brock is back, for a year. Let's look at bang for the buck. I personally see them setting up for Austin vs Punk as the big match to build for a year, but the likelyhood of that is slim and none, so moving along.

I think that HBK superkicks Taker at the end, setting up for HBK vs HHH at Summerslam, since that is where the last big HBK return happened. Next year at Mania, triple threat between HBK, HHH and Taker, which can build after SS.

Now somehow we have to get the 2 biggest matches everyone wants to see done within the terms of the contract. First, Taker vs Brock doesn't need to happen at Mania, in fact, I wouldn't let it happen at Mania. Taker doesn't need to win to be huge, but Brock will have to get some take for the give he has to, well give. Personaly, I see them going this way. At the end of the HITC, Taker's won, HBK and HHH staredown and leave, the 'Here Comes the Pain'. Brock comes out and F5's Taker. Huge heel heat for Brock. However, we know that if Cena is left standing at the end of Mania, Miami will be pissed. So, Cena wins and 'Here Comes the Pain' again, and he lays out Cena stares down Rock and send s fans home happier.

Monday night, Cena claims he wants the big match with Brock and Taker claims the same. This sets up Brock coming out. Brock tells them that he doesn't care, but it won't happen until Mania. This sets up Cena vs Taker at the next PPV. Meanwhile, Brock can talk about laying out the Undertaker, which will lead to HHH claiming that he only did it because of the beating he laid on him. HHH vs Brock at the next PPV. Cena goes over Taker and thinks he's got it set with Brock. The next night after that The Rock comes out and says that he wants a shot at Brock, which then sets up SS re-match with Cena. Rock goes over, which leads to the third and tie-breaker match at RR. Cena goes over to face Brock. Punk who gets pissed that he's the champ and still being looked over, comes out and attacks Rock, which would lead to Rock vs Punk at Mania. Now, how do you get Taker and Brock together, well, you have Taker start screwing with him, and they end up at SS.

To recap we end up with:

The PPV after Mania:
Cena vs Taker: Cena goes over thinking he's going on the Mania, but ends up in a series with Rock
HHH vs Brock: Brock goes over with 'help' from HBK

Cena vs Rock: Rock goes over to even the series
HHH vs HBK: The return match once again
Brock vs Taker: rematch years in the making and one we want to see

Cena vs Rock part 3: Cena goes over, Punk attacks Rock to set up Mania

HHH vs HBK vs Taker: Problem here is that this year is supposed to be an end of an era, but we know how that goes.
Cena vs Brock: massive match built around the idea that Cena wouldn't be who he is without Brock leaving: Cena wins
Punk vs Rock: battle of ego and mic work.: Punk wins

I have enjoyed the idea of having a year build, I really have, but to do it the same way 2 years in a row might be much. Establish that Brock will be there and spend a year trying to get to who it will be against. Now, granted, I doubt this all happens, but it is likely far more creative that what 'creative' will do.
I can't see Taker showing up on Raw Monday night in any capacity. I'm sure whatever happens at Mania, HHH will at least want to sell that he "destroyed" Taker again and you won't see Taker until at least Summerslam, if not until after the Rumble in 2013.
I'd like to see him go a few rounds with either Punk or Orton, but I doubt that's what happens.

No idea why, but this little tidbit really intrigued me. I don't spend an awful lot of time wondering about Brock Lesnar feuds since until today, I never really thought a return was probable. But for some reason, I could totally see Randy Orton beating Kane and then Brock Lesnar coming down and laying an F5 on him. No idea how that makes any sense whatsoever, But for some reason the idea of Orton and Lesnar working together piques my interest.

I'm sure he and Punk could have a good match as well, but I am not really capable of suspending reality to the point where I could buy Punk as a legitimate opponent. Sure, in real life Orton would get his ass handed to him as well, but at least Orton looks like a tough guy.
I think Lesnar needs to feud to with Rock. WWE wants their big WM29 match announced after WM28 (again), and since HHH & Shawn are pretty much done after WM, Rock vs. Brock is the only "marquee" match they can announce that early.
WOW....just wow! Lesnar has apparently agreed a 1 year deal with WWE. I dont see him working every week but I see him doing what Rock did. A PPV or 2 before WM29 and a handful of Raws. Great news.

Rock vs Brock at WM29 seems a possiblity, however, I think it will be Lesnar vs Taker. Brock may interfear tonight costing Triple H the match because HE wants to break the streak.

Brock to be built as a monster over the next 12 months. Maybe we will also get the match we never did in Brock vs Triple H - maybe at Summerslam (if the above occurs).
Hopefully Lesnar gets Rock at Summer Slam and then Taker at Mania. Only problem is he would likely lose both matches.

I would love to see him come out and F-5 Rock after he is wounded from losing to Cena. Can you think of a better way to end Mania then to have Lesnar's music hit while the Rock is laying in the ring to hit an F5 on him?

I just hope he doesn't interfere in the Cena/Rock match. That match needs to be decided fairly or it kills the entire build to it because there is no definitive winner.
Please PLease Please bring back Brock... I know he isn't everybody's thing, but he was my favorite in the time he was here. I have pretty much been hoping every year since he left that he will return. If this is an April Fools thing, i WILL have to kill a puppy.
As I've just posted in another Brock thread which hopefully get merged, Brock versus Cena, 'Taker, Rock, Triple H, has been done before with less than memorable results. The only great match I can remember of his was against Kurt Angle, and we definitely won't be seeing a rematch of that.
I'd much rather see Brock face someone who wasn't around when he left such as Sheamus, Bryan, Punk or Orton, than rehashing old storylines.
It looks like Brock will appear at WM today after what I've been reading about him on the internet today about him apparently signing a 1 year contrcat with WWE. I have a feeling he'll appear during The Rock v John Cena match. If Lesner has signed a contrcat with WWE i don't want him to face The Undertaker at next years Wrestlemania because i want to see Taker v John Cena.
Stop it, stop it right now IWC! Stop speculating that Brock is going to shake up the world tonight. First off, it is going to take away from tonight. Staring at the entrance ramp and wondering if and when someone huge is going to make an entrance is no way to enjoy a show. Secondly, remember Vince is already going to get your money. Lesnar appearing is unlikely to change that. Vince doesn't need to pull out anything huge. He can wait until a future event to use this asset for attention. He can even promote the guys for months ala Brodus and then pull the rug out each week until things get too ridiculous.

That being said having Lesnar back is likely to be fantastic.
I for one don't think he will apper tonight george stelle's barber already summed up the reaosns why he won't pretty well. If he does return later on hwoever, I'd love to see him mix it up with Orton.

The two could compete in a physical fued, where its billed as quite simply the two most violent, dangerous men in WWE going at it. They are both menacing, have a great look and could really pull this fued/match off. I would have more emphasis on them physically trying to outdo each other in matches against other talent than on promo-work, with the two not actually clashing until the actual match either at Summerslam or Mania.
So Brock is back! he may be the best actual wrestler in the WWE right now. Punk beats Jericho and then comes Lesner to laugh at them and say Best in the World, yeah right. Punk gets cocky and says i will fight you now. Brock comes in and destroys punk to get automatic Heat and wins the belt. This will set up Punk and Lesner for Chicago next month. what do you think
Just want to highlight this. News of lesnar having signed a deal came today. April 1st.

Id rather not get hopes up, its just as easy that our beloved spoiler sites are trolling us...

Or if not, this could be absolutely amazing. Im a lesnar fan and would love to see it but a part of me thinks April fools joke.

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