**MERGED**** AW Discussion: Release, comments, etc (Keep it all in here!!!!)

LOL! You need a Xanax. You are waaaaay too emo about this particular subject.

Foley didn't need to make rape jokes, true. But he did have to fall off of a 20 ft. cage, be repeatedly beaten to a pulp by the Rock, during the Rock N' Sock connection he cursed repeatedly (that's not very PG). Please don't pick and choose only the parts of the Attitude Era that fit your particularly bad point of view. Overall, most of the talent today WON'T get over like even Mick did, because they aren't... allowed... to... do... even... half... of... what... they... need... to... do... to... get... over. I said it slowly so you could understand it this time... Fuckin ******.

Nice how you ignored the fact that two of the WWE's biggest stars joked about Kobe Bryant's rape situation back when it was actually CULTURALLY REVELANT. The company didn't care about that until going PG which, according to multiple sources IN/ AROUND THE BUSINESS, is directly due to Linda McMahon's campaign. Like I said, I'll take their word for it over some mark.

Now, I'm going to sleep. You can respond or not. I suggest jacking off so that you're not so high strung, you obviously aren't getting any at home.

P.S. Yes, that was an extremely cliched joke. I just can't understand why any person would spend all of their time combating people online (who weren't addressing them in the first place.)

Have a nice day! Figured you'd like that since you have Foley's nuts in your mouth and all. :)
You know... you're right. Of course, all the people in the Attitude Era relied on high spots... Yeah, let's just ignore that the best days of Foley were '99, a time where his body was admittedly shot, and couldn't do those same things that he could. First off, let's clear a few things up:

1. Pretty sure that WWE superstars curse today... Sheamus says "arse", Cena will say a curse every word or two, Punk will say a couple, plenty of stars curse. Now, do they rely on it? Not at all, but they will say it. So no, I'm not picking and choosing; I'm just saying cussing, in the grand scheme of things, ain't so bad. A rape joke is just stupid, especially when not needed.

2. We're not getting the days of people jumping off cages ever again. And why? Because more wrestlers are going to die that way, you asshole. So, unless you want more wrestlers dying real quick... Really, fuck off with that shit, I would rather see wrestlers live, than watch them take debilitating bumps, and have issues later in life. Kinda guy I am.

Your post is largely trash, but let me let you in on a little tidbits, buddy;

1. I don't know where the fuck you're getting these sources, but I can tell you, Dave Meltzer has blatantly said that while the election plays a role, WWE would still be doing PG, even with Linda not running. It isn't Linda, it's the corporate sponsors, AKA the company wants to make more money. Now, I don't know your sources, pal, but I'd like some links. Not like you're going to pony up, but hey, I already figure that. I can blatantly tell you that he reported:

-Linda's running had to directly do with "Stand up for WWE".

.... That's it. That's the only thing he mentioned that Linda's campaign has directly impacted. Otherwise, Mattel were the ones that complained about Bryan, a corporate sponsor was the reason Jericho got suspended; Linda's campaign is somewhat of a factor, but your favorite wrestlers couldn't still jump off cliffs (which you'd like, because once again, you're an asshole), even if Linda weren't running

2. Big Show made a joke in 2003. First off, whoo hoo. Second off, I don't get how this validates your point any more; so because one guy did it, its ok? It was stupid then, and its stupid now, you jackass. Sure, Vince and WWE are cracking down now more; they realize just how bad their company image looked, and are working to change it.

Why? Because they're a publicly traded company. And when you're a publicly traded company, the rules change, you tard.

For the record, tard.
We're both here Friday night.
In case you can't tell.

(Which, again, you can't, you're a tard)
AW is going crazy on Twitter, this is going to backfire on the WWE so badly. Hell this makes me happy, hopefully something happens from all of this. AW needs to keep this up, try to get on some mainstream talk shows and stuff, hell FOX will eat it up.
AW is going crazy on Twitter, this is going to backfire on the WWE so badly. Hell this makes me happy, hopefully something happens from all of this. AW needs to keep this up, try to get on some mainstream talk shows and stuff, hell FOX will eat it up.

And why, exactly? AW has no proof, whatsoever, that he was fired because of Linda's senate run. What exactly is his argument? FOX won't pick it up, they'll think the guy's a dumbass, and that what he said was so blatantly stupid. To get some mainstream talk, there has to be sympathy. And I can guarantee you, not a damn person is going to go on television, and claim sympathy for A-Dub.

Be Realistic
This isn't a heartbreaker
The guy just got canned.
A certain poster whose name i wish not to mention on WZ claimed that we were all "idiots" and were "played" by AWs tweets, it was clearly work he said, and we were bunch of dumbasses

I calmly explained to him how utterly wrong he was and the insane chance AW would get released for this, so yea this is me going "told ya!", yes it feels good.

Why was he released? Because both tag teams AND managers are not something WWE has given a **** about the last...2 decades? More or less? So in their eyes he is at the bottom of the food chain, even the divas and "jokers" like Heath Slater are above him.

His "jokes" were crap because of 2 reasons: outdated rape jokes against Kobe Bryant? Really? Especially now since LeBron is the most hated basketball player in the world (or is that Howard actually)? And now that Kobe is leading the USA basketball team in the olympics aiming to bring a sure gold medal to the states so they stay atop of China and other competitors?

The other is the fact that its a rape joke, you can fire those off like you can with racist jokes ***ONLY**** when you are with your closest friends and you know its "okay". Not put the thing on goddamn Twitter of all places, how stupid is this man? What is the point? Wrestling fans who are on twitter already follow RAW most likely, casual fans dont care, it does not sell tickets or does anything.

Is WWE uptight? Sure they are, regarding many thing such as blood and a few "bad" words, but this is perfectly fine grounds for firing a absolute nobody. Chances were that AW would have gotten released in 1-2 years anyway unless he found some success.
I know rape is serious business, but I thought the line was pretty funny -- I dont watch Tosh.O on a daily basis, he's hit-or-miss for me.

Anywho, today is a different environment compared to the AE (I'm generalizing, I never watched during the AE, thank goodness) or pre-PG era. I can see where AW is coming from and sympathize, but it's out of WWE's hands and he paid the price. Maybe if he did this someplace else things might've gone differently.

Oh well, I'll always have the "yo mamma" moment.
The company didn't care about that until going PG which, according to multiple sources IN/ AROUND THE BUSINESS, is directly due to Linda McMahon's campaign. Like I said, I'll take their word for it over some mark.
I always LOVE this statement, "someone in professional wrestling said this, so it must be true!" Someone in professional wrestling once said The Giant was thrown off of a building, then came back to wrestle Hulk Hogan that same night!!! I mean, I didn't believe it, but I had to take Tony Schiavone's word over it. After all, he was in and around the business.

OH, but that's the fake stuff. Everyone knows that once the camera gets turned off, there's nothing more that a professional wrestler likes to do then wipe off his baby oil, get in front of a 'reporter' wearing a hand-me-down sports jacket, and tell the real truth. The completely informed, entirely accurate truth, which in no way ever conflicts with what other people IN/ AROUND THE BUSINESS said, and is never colored by personal interest or opinion. Everyone knows that professional wrestlers have almost no personal ego and are entirely honest and scrupulous in their dealings with the world at large.

The best part is when you call someone a mark right after saying how much you believe someone IN/ AROUND THE BUSINESS.
All I can say is if you're serious about having a "family-friendly" product and obsessed over having a clean-cut image(which is a detriment to your product) you shouldn't have your head hancho of the company make fun of someone with Bells Palsy or have drugged-up emo fiend as a guest host. This double-standard selective BS and firing someone over a PR stunt(ala Danielson) is a horrible way to run a company. We've heard worse stuff than this over the years anyways. There's a reason why they lost a half billion since 2010.
This needs to be said.

If you really believe it's because of Linda's campaign why WWE is not good right now and AW being fired is bs there's only one thing you can do.

Stop wasting your breathe on CENA SUCKS!

If you people have enough energy to chant CENA SUCKS! in unison then you can chant SCREW-YOU-LINDA or A-W because chanting CENA SUCKS has affected the WWE bottom line how. If you honestly believe it's her fault then let the world know about it there's only one way to do it. Get your Internet buddies together on every wrestling website and demand that you and they for now on when you see something cartoonish you don't like chant SCREW-YOU-LINDA. When PTP comes out for a match chant A-W. I'm not going to bullshit you this can only happen live on RAW or a PPV. What is Vince going to do take out the crowd volume on a live show, he'll lose his audience watching at home, people will think the crowd is dead and not engaged thus turn the channel. They can take your signs but the really can't silence you. You've all wasted your time with Cena but then say you chant it because WWE sucks and he's the poster boy but it's Linda who's responsible for everything.

If you really think that way and your tired of it let your voices be heard LIVE! and spread the word. SCREW-YOU-LINDA! clap-clap-clap-clap-clap.
This needs to be said.

If you really believe it's because of Linda's campaign why WWE is not good right now and AW being fired is bs there's only one thing you can do.

Stop wasting your breathe on CENA SUCKS!

If you people have enough energy to chant CENA SUCKS! in unison then you can chant SCREW-YOU-LINDA or A-W because chanting CENA SUCKS has affected the WWE bottom line how. If you honestly believe it's her fault then let the world know about it there's only one way to do it. Get your Internet buddies together on every wrestling website and demand that you and they for now on when you see something cartoonish you don't like chant SCREW-YOU-LINDA. When PTP comes out for a match chant A-W. I'm not going to bullshit you this can only happen live on RAW or a PPV. What is Vince going to do take out the crowd volume on a live show, he'll lose his audience watching at home, people will think the crowd is dead and not engaged thus turn the channel. They can take your signs but the really can't silence you. You've all wasted your time with Cena but then say you chant it because WWE sucks and he's the poster boy but it's Linda who's responsible for everything.

If you really think that way and your tired of it let your voices be heard LIVE! and spread the word. SCREW-YOU-LINDA! clap-clap-clap-clap-clap.

Where to begin here?

First, of we're being honest here, what the fans should do is do legitimate research on this. Dave Meltzer has said, and Bryan Alvarez backs him up, that the number one reason for the WWE's direction is not Linda's campaign, but rather their very lucrative deal with Mattel. In 2010, WWE gained 52 million in revenue off that deal; unless you plan on making up the entirety of the profits Vince sees off the deal, I'd suggest your plans to show him how upset you are would yield the same result as ******ing the man in ring; meaning, there would be none. If you want to hit him where it hurts, you have to hit his wallet.

Not that you will. And that's ok; it'd be foolish for you to do so. As a matter of fact, this martyrdom of A-Dub is foolish; in the grand scheme of things, he's worthless. In a few weeks time, you'll forget him, until this happens again, and then you'll all get butthurt, and do nothing about it. And then you'll wonder why nothing changes.

It's rather foolish
To this this complete moron
Into a martyr.
Where to begin here?

First, of we're being honest here, what the fans should do is do legitimate research on this. Dave Meltzer has said, and Bryan Alvarez backs him up, that the number one reason for the WWE's direction is not Linda's campaign, but rather their very lucrative deal with Mattel. In 2010, WWE gained 52 million in revenue off that deal; unless you plan on making up the entirety of the profits Vince sees off the deal, I'd suggest your plans to show him how upset you are would yield the same result as ******ing the man in ring; meaning, there would be none. If you want to hit him where it hurts, you have to hit his wallet.

Not that you will. And that's ok; it'd be foolish for you to do so. As a matter of fact, this martyrdom of A-Dub is foolish; in the grand scheme of things, he's worthless. In a few weeks time, you'll forget him, until this happens again, and then you'll all get butthurt, and do nothing about it. And then you'll wonder why nothing changes.

It's rather foolish
To this this complete moron
Into a martyr.

Let's see you missed my entire point. First I've been on these forums since 2010 and I've said everything you've stated this was directed at those who continually blame Cena and at the same time blame Linda but they only direct there frustration at Cena. All he is a cog in the machine going after him wasting their breathes what did that get them, "buy these new CENA SUCKS T-Shirts" yeah pay more money to the machine.

Remember the last time the smarks where sooooo frustrated with the product the started to chant ECW until Vince took notice.The same people who complain about Linda won't voice it they'd rather chant BOOTS2ASSES,LADY PARTS, FRUITY PEBBLES. It's like battered wife syndrome. WWE abuses you yet you keep coming back, WWE just sweet talks them "Oh baby I'll never do it again here's the Rock, no baby I mean it this time here's Punks pipebomb, here's Brock Lesnar baby I mean it this time" Yet the same people will say that they are sick and tired of Linda's campaign making WWE PC.

Problem voice it but go after the machine show them how pissed you are, if not shut the fuck up watch or change the channel you know there's this thing called TNA. That's all I have ever said on these forums.

And AW can be turned into a martyr. Matt Hardy ring a bell
I want you to really mull your rousing success stories of martyrdom there; Fatt Lardy and ECW. Your rousing success stories are a brand that became the C show and who's only contribution was being better than Impact (some weeks), and a guy who's biggest success was winning that same C brand show's belt.

Rally the troops!

I get where you're going, and if either of these examples had long term success, I'd say you had a point; they didn't, and you don't.

And, might I add, at least they had some type of reason to bring those two back. ECW had the nostalgia (while Vince had pretty much all the talent anyway), and Hardy was part of one of the most popular tag teams of a beloved era. What exactly does AW have? "potential"? The guy's a mediocre talent at best, and now he'd a head case, too?

Smells like a Matt Hardy collapse if I set heard one. Can't wait for the grape video.

Your examples suck.
And even of they didn't,
They still wouldn't work
AW has the potential to be the new Muhammad Hassan. A solid worker who becames immortal in the world of IWC because he got fired because of political correctness. People still today talk about Hassan and I would not be surprised if in 3-4 years people will still talk about AW.
The released worker Brian Jossie is the best thing that happened to the opponents of Linda McMahon.
Someone used a rape joke on a PG show, gets fired and now brings up all the hypocrisy of the company.
A.W., is a moron. Whining because he can't take the same liberties as John Cena, Randy Orton or Vince McMahon. Exactly who the hell does this bloody rookie think he is anyway?!?

Now he's all shocked that in the PG era he can't get away with stuff they did way back. Has he been living under a rock?

And the idiot keeps bashing the WWE now. Ugh! Do you think Daniel Bryan would be one of the WWE's top guys had he bashed the WWE when he got fired over unfair and ridiculous circumstances? Hell no. Bryan Danielson would be on ROH or a midcarder-for-life at TNA right now. Instead Bryan handled it like a pro, swallowed the bitter pill and waited for the shitstorm to blow over. Which it did. And look at him now.

But not A.W., no. He's setting those bridges on fire and lets those mofos burn. Great move, genius. That the kind of foresight All World Promotions operated under? Seems the PTP dodged a bullet there.
AW has the potential to be the new Muhammad Hassan. A solid worker who becames immortal in the world of IWC because he got fired because of political correctness. People still today talk about Hassan and I would not be surprised if in 3-4 years people will still talk about AW.
The released worker Brian Jossie is the best thing that happened to the opponents of Linda McMahon.
Someone used a rape joke on a PG show, gets fired and now brings up all the hypocrisy of the company.
Good point, except for the fact that the two cases are utterly, entirely different.

Muhammad Hassan was fired as a result of something entirely out of his control. He was portraying a big scary Arab, and the WWE happened to have the tastelessness to have him run an angle using "terrorists" a few hours after actual terrorists had detonated bombs on the London Underground. (To make matters worse, it had been a pre-taped episode.) UPN pressured the WWE to keep him off SmackDown. (People here think of the WWE as some massive overlord with the final end-all be-all control of their product; actually, that ultimate control rests with the television networks and the advertisers, the people that are providing the access and the money.) Could the WWE have rebranded him, successfully? Maybe, but he was the victim of what would be the WWE's biggest faux pas until their Chris Benoit tribute show.

AW.... made a tasteless joke. He wasn't fed the line, he wasn't told "go out there and make a Kobe Bryant joke", he was given a live mic. He himself put those words into the microphone. Right at a moment when it is the absolute wrong time to make a rape joke in public, right when the media was just getting finished kicking Daniel Tosh in the balls for it. (If you really want to take something away from the Daniel Tosh incident- notice he had nothing to say about it, which isn't quite in his character. The best way to avoid antagonizing people is to keep your mouth shut.) AW could have waited for this to blow over. You don't give your boss the finger on the way out, then hope he hires you back in a few months. Instead, he's out there making WWE executives go "wow, we really nailed this call, didn't we?"

One guy was a victim of unfortunate circumstances. The other made a shitty choice at one of the worst times he could have made it.
The points that AW brings up is not hypocrisy but merely how the WWE and its presentation has changed over the last decade or more.

In his frankly ridiculous Twitter rantings, which are really an exercise in Bridge Burning 101, he is either a) not clever enough to understand that or b) allowing his emotions to rule his head.

I would suggest that it is the latter but even that raises questions about his temperament and decision making. He seems to have summarily failed to grasp the notion that his release may have been only meant as a temporary measure or that WWE might have had little problem in rehiring him at a later date. Does he not realise that perhaps the best performing heel in the company right now was released for something even more innocuous only to be brought back later and promoted to a WHC reign?

I would temper that idea though with the factor that he was not released or pulled from the live shows immediately, which brings other potential problems with his temperament and attitude. Maybe when confronted by management, he failed to see the extent of the trouble he had gotten himself and the company into or maybe after he issued the apology, he was seen to be making light of the whole situation backstage. Who knows.

What we do know is that AW is trying his very best to burn any bridges he has left with WWE and in the world of professional wrestling, that is pretty moronic.

And he most certainly is not a martyr of any sort. The action that got him released was not him taking a stand against anything. It was a tasteless joke about one of the few remaining taboos on a PG show no less.
Well, this release doesn't bother me too much, because I was never a fan of AW. I couldn't stand that awful talk show on WWEECW. Tony Atlas' annoying laugh was bad enough, and Washington's intentionally corny humor was just unbearable.

Although, AW did show some potential as a heel manager. The guy could talk, and he was believable, as this obnoxious, loudmouthed jerk. And then the Kobe Bryant rape joke happened. I honestly have no idea what AW was thinking. First of all, the joke WASN'T funny. It was tasteless, and Bryant's rape scandal happened so long ago, so he couldn't rely on the shock factor of taking a jab at a relevant news story.

The Prime Time Players can still have a bright future. Their mouthpiece is gone, but Young and O'Neil have become one of the better tag teams in WWE. Hopefully, the PTP won't suffer any setbacks, and they shouldn't receive punishment for AW's careless mistake.

As far as AW goes, his release shouldn't hurt WWE at all. Year after year, WWE releases members of their roster. None of those releases have come back to bite WWE in the ass, and AW's release will fall into the same category as all the others, because like it or not, he is replaceable.

But one thing worries me. I hope AW won't become some kind of hero for the IWC in the long run. His constant bitching and whining on twitter is beyond pathetic, and Washington feels the need to retweet every single tweet that supports him. It might take a while, but a good amount of AW fans will start praising him as the best heel manager, that never got a chance to showcase his true talents. "He could've been a modern day Bobby Heenan," or they might throw some other type of undeserved praises towards AW.

AW is in the process of using his release as a platform to start his new career. But in the end, I'll just remember AW for being the guy, who made an unfunny Kobe Bryant rape joke on Raw.
I can't stand AW. I quess that is the point, but he was an annoying, steriotypical, loud african american. It was stupid and PTP don't need him. I honestly wouldn't mind if AW never stepepd foot in WWE again. The PTP need to learn to talk for themselves if they ever want to be worth "millionz of dollaz". They are no Brock Lesnar and will eventually have to cut a promo all alone.

As for AW now, I have actually enjoyed him the last couple of days! His rants are heartfelt and have some truth to them, while they are usually a little too anxious and angry. And his new twitter handle "BJRatedR" haha, nice play on the initials. It shows he has some talent, just not for WWE.

I think AW would fit better in TNA anyways.
Hi everyone, ok first of all I was watching but didnt hear when he said the joke and didnt know until Cole apologize when they came back on air then it was all on twitter in 5 minutes anyway enough rambling as I for one didnt think it was that funny and I for one liked the guy was not a huge fan but saw ALOT of potential in him to have his own stable of wrestlers and be a great modern day manager we have not had in soooo many years.... Sure WWE has change to much for the worst I think, not saying they have to go back to being raw like the attitude era not saying that at all but all of the b.s that they got going on with all this politics,Linda running for senate and so on. I mean first of lets look at this for a minute 2003 Big Show as we all know made a similar joke nothing was done or said about that with in the WWE, Vince says the N-Word which did not offend me being that I am black I actually though it was funny honestly and still does because, in the pg era its ok to joke about people being gay, or refering to women as hoskis and so on hell me and with all of you can keep naming things so why wasnt A.W just suspended? I mean come on really! Im a huge and loyal WWE fan but that just was not right firing him for that not at all.......
I agree wholeheartedly that his firing was a big mistake. There have been far more offensive things done in WWE over the last few years.

Let's see: HHH's blatantly racist promo on Booker T in 2003, Katie Vick storyline, JBL goose stepping in Germany, constant stereotyping of minority characters ( Prime Time Playas, Cryme Tyme,Los Guerreros lie, cheat and steal gimmick), the exploitiation of Eddie Guererro's death and of course, the constant humiliation of Jim Ross. Vince even mocked his bell's palsy on Raw several weeks ago.

It seems like there is an obvious double standard that allows higher end guys to get away with anything while guys on the lower end of the totem pole are punished. For the record, I do feel that AW's joke was in very poor taste. Should he have been fined or reprimanded? Yes. But in no way did he deserve to lose his job.

He had alot of potential to be a big time manager in WWE and I fear that Titus O'Neal and Darren Young will be lost without him. Plus I feel bad for him as a man. He was just going out to do his job and be entertaining. Instead, he makes one slip up and gets fired. It was totally unfair.

The following is a blog I wrote on the topic. It goes further into detail about the double standard and frustations amongst WWE talent. Feel free to check it out: http://jeurondove.com/2012/08/13/re...ation-and-double-standard-in-wwe-locker-room/.
That is terrible firing him over that. Smells of racism, which has always been a big problem in that company. AW was entertaining and now that tag team is going nowhere without him..
I'm white, so I can say this. Vince, and his family, hate black people.

So AW is fired for making fun of a rape that occurred, what, 5 or 6 years ago. I realize that rape is a sensitive subject and should never (in a pg world) be part of a punchline. Alright fine, any way they can push shit merchandise on young children.

Remember a while back when Cena was still doing his fucking stupid "I'm such a good rapper because my opponents obviously aren't" gimmick? He has one of the WWE's lame ass excuses for a battle rap with The Big Show, and Show says something to the effect of "You the white girl, I'm Kobe Bryant". This was done very close to the actual incident of rape and likely involved their shit writing staff. Well that was before the pg era, so rape was funny back then. Vince was probably laughing every time he ever forced himself on a female staff member.

Then there's our beloved Chick Magnet Punk, who in a recent interview said that the firing was justified based on how rape is not a subject that should be used so carelessly. That's right Chick Magnet Punk, you should never joke about rape. If I joked about rape around Chick Magnet Punk, he'd probably tell me to go kill myself.

News Flash, AW is a black man. One part competition for all the black women Vince must have sex with, another part scary in that Vince and his offspring are all racist pieces of shit. Remember Allen Coaje? I think I got the name right, Bad News Brown anyway. The only American to medal in Judo at the Olympics up until the most recent one, a class act and a nice guy who would stand up for himself if anyone made a racist comment near him. He was promised the belt, but because of altercations with Andre and Randy, it wasn't meant to be.

AW was fired because he was black, Chick Magnet Punk validated the firing because he wouldn't dare cross his boss, Cena and Big Show still think their joke was hilarious and Vince still has incurable jungle fever because he's a pathetic pile of dog shit which is a step higher than those abominations hr brought into this world. Vote for Linda, she'll blow you.
Another thing as now I'm fired up.

I realize that Rock is multi-racial and is considered someone who broke the world title color barrier as from day one Vince was determined to use him for that purpose. Are Vince and Rock cool? Sure, as long as Rock knows his place backstage. Vince is still a racist piece of shit, but he's not beyond making money by being lenient toward certain ass kissers.

Which brings me to my next point: How does someone get fired from the WWE for making a crack about Kobe Bryant, while an ugly ass turtle with no shell named Randy Orton who can't stay off the muscle meds gets to violate a wellness policy every six months? Randy, with his one track mind doofus of a stage character, has been given more chances to do a better job after failing than HHH. He can't get himself fired, but if he has a problem with someone (Mr. Kennedy) then that person is fired before they make it to the locker room.

Under the same criteria, damn near everyone in the back should have been fired already just for being unprofessional asses who set a horrible example for the pg crowd. On one hand Chick Magnet Punk condoned promiscuous sex with "crazy chicks" and on the other John Cena teaches kids that to properly deal with a bully you must strip them to their underwear in public and cover them in the horse diarrhea Jim Ross calls barbecue sauce.
Gotta love it. Members of the IWC playing the racist card!!! Let me guess, you calling this a 'racist firing' are black right?!

Time and time again Wrestlers are fired and start calling shots on WWE but I have never heard anyone call them out for being racist. Wasn't Michael Hayes suspended for a racist comment towards Mark Henry a few years ago?

Thats right, Mark Henry. The WORLD CHAMPION last year. Are we also forgetting The Rock is BLACK? Then there is Booker T your general manager and former World Champion of Smackdown. Before him, another authority figure Teddy Long!

Fact is there just aint that many great black wrestlers out there but to say AW was fired because he is black is utterly pathetic. I liked AW but in the PG era we are in, rape jokes are not acceptable. AW wasn't even fired for that, he appeared on live TV after the event. It was his tweeting that got his ass fired!
Under the same criteria, damn near everyone in the back should have been fired already just for being unprofessional asses who set a horrible example for the pg crowd. On one hand Chick Magnet Punk condoned promiscuous sex with "crazy chicks" and on the other John Cena teaches kids that to properly deal with a bully you must strip them to their underwear in public and cover them in the horse diarrhea Jim Ross calls barbecue sauce.

You do realise that is scripted right? Its not real. And the 'Be A Star' stuff is real and from the heart?

Is the WWE telling kids that punching each other and clotheslining each other is ok as well just because they let it happen in matches?!

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