**MERGED**** AW Discussion: Release, comments, etc (Keep it all in here!!!!)

Im going to say this because Rayne and Jack Hammer said what I've been saying for the last year.

To all you smarky smarks who think that Linda losing her Senate campaign will bring back edgy WWE. What happened the last time she lost? We're still in PG mode so either stop watching or quit your damn complaining nobody is putting a gun to your damn head and forcing you to watch or buy anything. You know why you smarks are a damn joke because half of the shit you want is over at TNA, but most of you would still bash TNA yet watch WWE then still complain about how WWE is so PG.

This is why you're a damn joke and I've never ever met a "smart mark" just "stupid marks" because there is no such thing because smart people are rational. Smart Mark = Oxymoron.
Update: who gives a rats ass AW has just been released. So he can't hurt her if he's gone right. But that scathing tweet just blew my mind. Over that but Kng gets too try to be funny and say more derogatory things for years but keeps his job.
I may be in the minority, but I never really took a liking to A.W. Him talking during matches got quite annoying, and I feel that he would've been better if he stayed without a microphone. As far as reasons for being fired, if it was because of the Kobe Bryant joke, then I would definitely discipline him, but I wouldn't have fired him. I figured with his earlier comments on supporting Linda, he was desperately trying to stop WWE from pulling the plug on his endeavors with the company; it seems that I figured right. Fact is, WWE is a PG show now, and especially with Linda McMahon's campaign for senate, a rape joke of any kind isn't being a good heel. It just makes you look like a "that guy", and frankly wasn't called for. Even though I never really cared for the guy, I would've given him another chance, All World Promotions could've been a nice little stable given some more talent and some time.
It's official, AW got released for being a good heel. Thoughts?
He didn't get released for being a good heel, you're just reading too much into the drama behind all of it. Bobby Roode is a good heel. Bully Ray is a good heel. Daniel Bryan is a...decent heel. You can be a good heel and work within today's system. You can be a good heel, and not go against the incredibly P.C. mindset Vince McMahon has all of his employees. A.W. didn't get released for being a good heel (he wasn't anyways), he got released for saying something stupid, and being in a company that needs to save face for a political election. I don't agree with it, but don't pretend he's a martyr.

Since you didn't bother posting anything else to validate your thread in the non-spam sections, let me just do it for you, giving myself more views in the process... :shrug:

HERE IS A LINK to the official release statement.

HERE IS A LINK to the nasty comments made by A.W. towards the WWE

AW's tasteless joke barely even registered as a blip on the radar, and that's even among wrestling fans as it was basically forgotten about a day or two after it happened. There are other things going on, FAR FAR FAR more important things, and issues potentially affecting millions of people than a Kobe Bryant rape joke. It wasn't even that raunchy of a joke. I've heard 50 year old country songs with more spice than that joke had.

Well...apparently it was enough. :disappointed:
I have no issue with political correctness and the WWE brass being upset that he made the joke on a PG show. I don't understand why people are proud of the fact that they aren't PC, but I can't help but feel his firing was more due to Linda and her campaign, which she won't win anyway, than the fact that he made rape and racial jokes. I didn't like him, I found him annoying, but he was helping get the PTPs over, so it will be a loss for them. IIRC the original plans for SummerSlam were for them to go over Truth and Kofi, I could see them delaying that for another PPV now.
He didn't get released for being a good heel, you're just reading too much into the drama behind all of it. Bobby Roode is a good heel. Bully Ray is a good heel. Daniel Bryan is a...decent heel. You can be a good heel and work within today's system. You can be a good heel, and not go against the incredibly P.C. mindset Vince McMahon has all of his employees. A.W. didn't get released for being a good heel (he wasn't anyways), he got released for saying something stupid, and being in a company that needs to save face for a political election. I don't agree with it, but don't pretend he's a martyr.

Since you didn't bother posting anything else to validate your thread in the non-spam sections, let me just do it for you, giving myself more views in the process... :shrug:

HERE IS A LINK to the official release statement.

HERE IS A LINK to the nasty comments made by A.W. towards the WWE

LOL Nasty comments? They were excessive, I'll admit, but nasty is a bit out there, don't ya think? He didn't cuss anyone out: he gave Darren and Titus a shout out, he got on WWE's case for going overboard and he stated what we all were thinking: WWE is just doing this crap for Linda's campaign image.

And you're right, you can be a good heel and work within the system, OR you can be an even better heel and buck the system. I just find it weird that CM Punk (even though it was scripted), can go on stage and practically try to see the benefits of a dead Mr. McMahon and bury their whole B.A. Star campaign, but AW says a joke that, lets be honest, most of the kiddies didn't even understand enough to be offended in the first place.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm not saying he's a martyr (Damien Sandow owns the copyrights to that), but come on man, to release him for heeling it up is ridiculous. Fine him, suspend him, whatever, but fired? Even after he played Linda up on Twitter to try and save face? Even after they sent him out and WWE television after the fact and made it look like it was water under the bridge? I just think it was a bad decision, is all.
I think it's a joke that he got released. I'm not even a big fan of his, but his character is suppose to make outrageous comments. He had like a Don King type of gimmick.

No wonder most current WWE storylines are so cookie-cutter. Guys are so limited in what they can say or do.
LOL Nasty comments? They were excessive, I'll admit, but nasty is a bit out there, don't ya think? He didn't cuss anyone out: he gave Darren and Titus a shout out, he got on WWE's case for going overboard and he stated what we all were thinking: WWE is just doing this crap for Linda's campaign image.

And you're right, you can be a good heel and work within the system, OR you can be an even better heel and buck the system. I just find it weird that CM Punk (even though it was scripted), can go on stage and practically try to see the benefits of a dead Mr. McMahon and bury their whole B.A. Star campaign, but AW says a joke that, lets be honest, most of the kiddies didn't even understand enough to be offended in the first place.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm not saying he's a martyr (Damien Sandow owns the copyrights to that), but come on man, to release him for heeling it up is ridiculous. Fine him, suspend him, whatever, but fired? Even after he played Linda up on Twitter to try and save face? Even after they sent him out and WWE television after the fact and made it look like it was water under the bridge? I just think it was a bad decision, is all.

Hey, I didn't say I agreed with his release. I'm just saying he knew the rules, and with that knowledge comes a little bit of responsibility. Sure, you can buck the rues, but you better be prepared to pay that price. He's done that now, however unjust that price may be.

Do you really think CM Punk would have gone out there and tipped "the system" on its head without clearing it with Vince first? Of course it was made to appear like a shoot - and they did a DAMN good job at that - but you can't compare Punk's rants to an A.W. slip-up. Punk means $$ to the WWE; he can get away with a lot more. It's part of his character. A.W. simply said something without thinking, in the moment. It wasn't pre-meditated. He wasn't trying to be a better heel. He just said something stupid because he got worked up and had a live mic, simple as that. Should he have been fired? No, it's bullshit. But that's the industry he works in.
OOOOOOH did i not call this?????

I literally this morning made a thread on here about if AW was hurting Linda's campaign, and i can bet that his comments obviously did this to him but also his supporting comments for linda caused some stir in politics like i was saying.
WWE really needs to grow some balls. What next are we gonna have CM Punk calling John Cena a big doodoo head? Is Alberto Del Rio gonna steal Sheamus' finger paint? Hell why bother having them wrestle? Let's have everybody hold hands and sing "kumbaya." This isn't just PG, it's for babies.
Later, A.W. See you 90 days or after November at some point.

Making a rape/sexual assault joke (whether you agree with him getting fired or not) on a PG show IS in fact an offense that that could, and more than likely should get you fired. Yes, it does suck because A.W. is great at ring side, and he's on his way of becoming a pretty good on screen character, but it doesn't take away the fact that he said what he said. In terms of job security, he was arguably the lowest on the totem pole. He was in the worst possible position to say what he said. That's just the way it is, folks. They couldn't justify his worth enough to keep him around. He'll be back one day. He has a promising future.
I could care less what anyone will have to say about this...this was one of the stupidest decisions I've seen in awhile from WWE. Literally no one but the IWC has been talking about this, at least not that I've seen or heard. It's just further evidence of political correctness leading to the *****fication of America and the world really.

The issue, as it has been for awhile, is people need to not be so easily offended. Everyone gets made fun of and most things are fair game for jokes imo. Kobe was never even convicted of it anyway.

It's alright for Trips, HBK, and crew to go around saying "suck it" and having it printed on shirts, etc. but a small comment that no one even cared about after 2 days made when AW was put in a situation where he didn't have a script leads to his release? Give me a damn break. AW was one of the bright spots on the roster and was very clearly helping the PTP get over as WWE finally tries to rebuild its tag division. I'd say he'll return in a few months like DBD did, but after that Twitter rant I doubt it. It's a damn shame
I think we can all agree this is a wonderful case of wrestling fans not getting it, once again. And people wonder why wrestling fans are portrayed as morons in the media.

For anyone saying this is the *****fication of America... Tell me, do you remember Austin making rape jokes? How about the The Rock, you know, the idiot compared himself to? Let's not forget Hogan, bet he never did. Greatness doesn't come from a rape joke; the guy got fired for saying something real dumb, and he's paying for it. It's jokes like that (which, by the way, was absolutely unfunny anyway. You know the guy was thinking about sayin it all day, and I don't know if it sounded good in his head, but it wa dumb) that make the WWE get the media attention that it gets... At least the negative kind. Fuck, I don't want my company associated with that kinda stupidity; I don't think you'd want yours attached to it.

Jesus Christ, people.
He's a lower card talent.
Get over it, jack.
When you think WWE may be doing something good or doing something unique they take it away from us. What bull shit you fire a talent for making a joke that didn't seem to offend anyone just because Linda is in a campaign that she bought her way into a campaign that she also won't win. WWE needs to grow a pair of balls and stop caring what other people think. They are a wrestling company there’s no reason to have Michael Cole apologize. I liked A.W. he was something we haven't seen in years I mean how long has it been since we had a great manager but no Vince needs to make his wife happy and fire a talented performer for doing his job
I think we can all agree this is a wonderful case of wrestling fans not getting it, once again. And people wonder why wrestling fans are portrayed as morons in the media.

The only thing I don't get is why everyone has to be so sensitive. That fact is what has lead to our society being so litigious. Everyone likes to make fun of everyone else, but god forbid they themselves are made fun of. Call me an asshole, but I am not saying rape is ok or something to be taken lightly...but when a situation arises where a women accuses a high profile athlete of rape likely just to get a pay day (you know it's probably what happened), it shouldn't bother people when a passing reference is made to it 10 years later.

For anyone saying this is the *****fication of America... Tell me, do you remember Austin making rape jokes? How about the The Rock, you know, the idiot compared himself to? Let's not forget Hogan, bet he never did.

No you're right...the Rock never made jokes at others expense or about sticking objects of various shape or size, often phallic, up someone's nether regions.

You know the guy was thinking about sayin it all day, and I don't know if it sounded good in his head, but it wa dumb) that make the WWE get the media attention that it gets... At least the negative kind. Fuck, I don't want my company associated with that kinda stupidity; I don't think you'd want yours attached to it.

What media attention? Was it ever in the news? I know I never once saw it...if you did, feel free to provide a link. And do try to use a reputable news source; don't link a Bleacher Report article as if it's something all of America saw.

Again, rape is a serious issue. But you know what else is? Bullying...it can have just as much of a scarring effect and as we have seen through the various shootings over the years, it can lead to very dire results. Does anyone do anything about that? Of course not...it's still as prevalent in our schools as it ever was.

How about murder, the ultimate crime...I suspect no one would have thought twice if AW makes an OJ Simpson joke. Everyone else does it so it doesn't really matter right? Hell, I hear Holocaust jokes on a weekly basis. Does that make them any less damaging than a rape joke? Of course it doesn't. Those type of things are not going to stop, so what are we to do...one idea is to not let little things get to you. Life is too short and there's too much out there to see and do to spend your time upset over some off color remark.
To be quite honest, I was always kinda indifferent to AW. Some of the stuff he said on ECW was sort of funny, but that's about it. I didn't see anything special or worthy of the television time he got either. The bad thing about this whole thing is that it definetely screws the Primetime Players. Without AW as their mouthpiece, they are screwed. Guess they'll be back on NXT jobbing on a weekly basis......
There's a few problems I have with this.

1)Was the joke tasteless Yes. The next day did AW apologize for it Yes. Was this the first time a Kobe joke was said on WWE tv NO.

2)They suspended Jericho for 30 days why not suspend AW for 30 days.

3)Why did WWE continue to let AW work if people where so offended. They fired Finlay on the spot for the Miz's promo, this happened almost 2 weeks ago all WWE did was reprimand AW, AW apologized and we where all led to believe it was water under the bridge because he was still working, he was warned to not go there again.

4) In this era how many times have we heard King say something remotely sexist or racist trying to be funny yet he still has his job.

Now I'm not going to get into the whole PG/Linda's campaign argument again but WWE just painted themselves in a corner. When you fire Finlay for being in charge of something offensive and you suspend Jericho for doing something offensive both on the spot you either do 1 or the other to AW on the spot you don't wait almost 2 weeks then fire the guy, you don't make him say sorry continue to work then fire him that just doesn't make sense. So in this case I can fully understand the side that says THIS IS BULLSHIT!

You have to handle discipline on the spot not weeks later it looks weak.
Im Australian, so please forgive some ignorance, but with all seriousness can someone explain to me why its so important for linda be elected senator? So much so that they would fire someone for comments rather than sensitivity training or suspension.

Tensai still has a job and he made a very racist tout a day after this, same with King aswell. And as for Rape, Didnt HHH the companys COO force himself on a corpse?

What i dont get is why a company would go from Attitude era where it was making money hand over fist, to a PG product that has devalued the company half a billion dollars. If i recall the core demographic of wrestling was males aged 18 - 35.

Why is being a senator worth half a billion dollars? And alot of negative reaction from your key demo?
What media attention? Was it ever in the news? I know I never once saw it...if you did, feel free to provide a link. And do try to use a reputable news source; don't link a Bleacher Report article as if it's something all of America saw.



Let me guess, not reputable, huh? What you ask for is something "all of America saw". Sure as shit, I can guarantee you all of America follows TMZ. Around the Horn picked it up and mentioned it on ESPN.

Oh, and reputable matters if we're talking about something in doubt; there's no doubt what the guy did, none at all. So it really boils down to, how many people are going to see the report. And if it's covered on TMZ and on ESPN, the answer is enough people to get this guy fired.

Again, rape is a serious issue. But you know what else is? Bullying...it can have just as much of a scarring effect and as we have seen through the various shootings over the years, it can lead to very dire results. Does anyone do anything about that? Of course not...it's still as prevalent in our schools as it ever was.

So, you mean to tell me WWE's Be A Star thing is nothing? Sure, it's shallow, and somewhat hypocritical. But the WWE is trying to clean up its image, to make it seem as though they care about bullying in schools. They have many of their stars, some who will break character (something you would never see in a wrestling promotion twenty years ago) just to talk to kids about the ramifications of bullying.

And by clean up its image, you know very well what I mean. Wrestling has been seen for years as a crass, low class attraction. The perception is that wrestling fans, by and large, are white trash. Why? Because wrestling is seen as a sleazy enterprise; deaths due to toxicology reports that would make John Belushi blush, angles and skits like "Trish barks like a dog on screen".... That, to the mass media, is the majority of wrestling. And that's how it's going to be unless someone changes that.

Those type of things are not going to stop, so what are we to do...one idea is to not let little things get to you. Life is too short and there's too much out there to see and do to spend your time upset over some off color remark.

Sooo... Just because people are stupid, we should allow them to be stupid?

I'm sure you hear Holocaust jokes all the time; I also have a funny feeling those jokes would be said in the middle of a prime time show, for a company that has sponsors that are trying to placate a young age demographic. When word like this gets reported, people come back to the same idea "Well, wrestling's a sleazy show, what else is new?" And it is sleazy, but as a company, is that really the way you want to present yourself?

It's just smart business.
And if you were CEO,
You would do the same
Well, their is no way he is ever returning after being fired. The guy is going crazy on twitter. He might of been better off keeping his mouth shut and not burning bridges. They might of eventually rehired him like they did with Daniel Bryan.
See, when stuff like this happens it points directly to Linda McMahon. This whole senate race has gotten out of hand and its ruining the product. When people aren't allowed to open up and build a character because of "negative press" and its not even negative press against the WWE that Vince would normally even care about....its how it effects Linda's Senate race. The fact that we can't get the product we want, and not to say we want the attitude era back, but take the gloves off a bit....loosen the reigns.. this is ridiculous!
The joke was in poor taste. I get that....but was it a F.E. offense? Come on....
Why is it ok to talk crap about JR's Palsy, but this is enough to get fired?
Sounds like stupid to me.
[cL];4058469 said:
This whole senate race has gotten out of hand and its ruining the product. When people aren't allowed to open up and build a character because of "negative press" and its not even negative press against the WWE that Vince would normally even care about....its how it effects Linda's Senate race. The fact that we can't get the product we want, and not to say we want the attitude era back, but take the gloves off a bit....loosen the reigns.. this is ridiculous!
The joke was in poor taste. I get that....but was it a F.E. offense? Come on....
Why is it ok to talk crap about JR's Palsy, but this is enough to get fired?

I don't know man, when you are are given a live mic on a PG show, you shouldn't be making rape jokes. It's not being edgy, it's being incredibly stupid. It's a PG show, plain and simple. A.W. can say all he wants how he wanted to be a loose cannon like Stone Cold or other people from the attitude era that he "learned from", but that's not what today's product is. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing isn't what im saying, but blatantly doing something like he did, especially when one of the owners of the company is running for congress, it was an incredibly stupid move on A.W.s part. He clearly wasn't thinking.
[cL];4058469 said:
See, when stuff like this happens it points directly to Linda McMahon. This whole senate race has gotten out of hand and its ruining the product. When people aren't allowed to open up and build a character because of "negative press" and its not even negative press against the WWE that Vince would normally even care about....its how it effects Linda's Senate race. The fact that we can't get the product we want, and not to say we want the attitude era back, but take the gloves off a bit....loosen the reigns.. this is ridiculous!
The joke was in poor taste. I get that....but was it a F.E. offense? Come on....
Why is it ok to talk crap about JR's Palsy, but this is enough to get fired?
Sounds like stupid to me.

How. Stupid. Are. You?

This isn't about Linda running for Senate... That may be a reason, but I bet you it isn't a primary reason. The reason is the same it's been for years before Linda's ran for senate... They have corporate sponsors that would rather not be involved in a show that's going to make rape jokes. It's the same reason Tosh.O felt the squeeze... Besides the fact that he's an idiotic douche.

Actually, there isn't much difference.

You know who else thrived in the "Attitude" Era that AW praises? Fucking Mick Foley, a guy who by his own doesn't like to curse, didn't have to make lewd jokes to get over, and was never tasteless. And he was just as over as any other star. You wanna know why? Because the guy was so damn talented, he didn't have to resort to stupid shit, like AW did.

It's all for business
Keeping him's not a smart move
Not in the slightest.
Does anyone remember when the Kobe Bryant thing happened, and the Big Show and Cena had a rap battle on Smackdown? Show said that he was Kobe Bryant, and Cena was "the white chick." And the crowd went nuts. I can't be the only one that remembers that. It's on YouTube.

I bring that up to point out that AW is completely right about one thing: if you are currently under contract with the WWE you will NOT be a star like The Rock and Stone Cold. Why? Because you can't do even half of what they did to get over. I feel sorry for anyone who actually works there, grew up watching legends, and wants to become a legend themselves. It's simply. It going to happen.

As far as the current state of the WWE being the direct result of Linda McMahon's political campaign... other people besides AW have said the exact same thing. And to be honest, I would sooner believe a guy who had just been fired from the business, than some mark debating it on the internet.
I bring that up to point out that AW is completely right about one thing: if you are currently under contract with the WWE you will NOT be a star like The Rock and Stone Cold. Why? Because you can't do even half of what they did to get over. I feel sorry for anyone who actually works there, grew up watching legends, and wants to become a legend themselves. It's simply. It going to happen.

Yeah, because every WWE superstar in the Attitude Era was dripping with Attitude! I mean, hey, who could forget classic Attitude moments like this!


Yeah! So much Attitude! OR, how about this little baby!


Woo!!!! Tits N' Ass, baby! And what about the reveal of this great character!


.... Are we done here yet?

If you're talented enough, you don't need ATTITUDE to get over. Mick Foley got over in the raunchiest time in the WWE, with a goofy gimmick, and was pretty much a glorified muppet in the main event. And no one batted an eyelash, they never thought he stuck out, he actually fit perfectly in.

Why? Because he was really, really good.

A while ago, there was one legend, that everyone should watch a little more, who turned the WWE into an empire. It was Hulk Hogan; think he did pretty well. But, hey, what good is all that, when ya have ATTITUDE!

Attitude, fuck yeah!
But when you have the talent
Why even bother?

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