**MERGED**** AW Discussion: Release, comments, etc (Keep it all in here!!!!)

It was funny, 5 or 10 years ago nobody would have been mad and it woulda been viewed as funny.

WWE is pathetic, Linda McMahons political career has led to a substantial destruction of the product.

WWE being "furious" will only serve to prevent anything edgy and creative, we'll be seeing more dull contrived bullshit

They put the live mic on AW, he's a HEEL DAMNIT! if this verse was said in a MOVIE or TV Show would there be ANY outrage?

If WWE truly is "entertainment" then they shouldn't be having a damn cow about this
In the last couple months WWE has been having a bit of a war of words with a Conn reporter in how he describes how Linda has made her money over the years and being compared to porn makers. That being said I would lean towards AW being assigned some sort of sensitivity training or something. As far as the joke goes, I wondered just how many of the younger fans looked at the orders fans laughing and asked "what?". Who knows how this plays out but maybe AW will make sure to think from here on out and hopefully the Players don't get caught in the cross fire
Has anyone quite considered that it was a WORK? Think about it, if you will: In most cases, AW's mic would have been yanked after the Taco Bell joke (which was a swing and a miss as Epico and Primo are from PUERTO RICO). AW's mic would have been cut off right then and there if WWE didn't want it said.

That being said, I laughed and will be boarding the next bus to hell. Hope you got your tickets! LOL
Playing off stereotypes and joking about a woman who was sexually abused are completely different things.

Not to the person who the insults are hurled at. Do you think the Colons appreciated having their ethic backgrounds insulted for no reason?

Surely you are not comparing the two? I'm pretty sure Del Rio took a dig at his own people the other week.

I absolutely am comparing the 2. I hate this double standard bullshit, if you can make fun of some things, everything has to be on the table. To pick and choose what is and isn't okay is hypocrisy. If Hispanics, blacks, mentally disabled people, etc. are fair game, why aren't women and/or rape victims? Regardless of the severity of the crimes committed against these groups of people, it's not you're fucking place to decide whether or not the words hurled at them are hurtful or not.

The problem isn't what was said, it's where it was said. If you go to a comedy show and are offended by the comics words, that's your own damn fault. You should have expected that. You shouldn't have to feel that way going to see a WWE show that is rated PG.

If I could give you negative rep again I would. I gave your original post negative rep because you were WRONG and downplayed this incident.

Yeah, go fuck yourself. I didn't downplay the incident, I gave my honest opinion. I'm glad he's in hot water, I just didn't think he would be considering the gargantuan lack of consistency in the WWE.

Thanks for my negative rep and the abuse.

You're quite welcome.

Calling me a cunt is really classy for disagreeing with you.

I'll call you a cunt if you do agree with me. It's just a cool word.

It's also 'You're' and not 'Your' by the way.

Realized that afterwards. :shrug:

WZ really knows how to pick its moderators. You are a big baby who needs to grow up.

We're not going to get into this part here, man.
For people worried about the PG rating and the poor children- save it. It's one of those jokes that you just aren't going to get until you're old enough to get it. Twelve-year old kids are going to google to understand it if they care enough.

That's not really the problem though, is it? There aren't 10,000 kids unsupervised in the arena every week, their parents are with them as well. Those people went to see a PG rated show and were subjected to a tasteless joke. If they went to a comedy club, like the dumb cunt in the Daniel Tosh situation, they should have expected what they got. This isn't the same thing at all though. The kids may not have gotten the reference, but the parents most certainly did judging by the reaction.
That's not really the problem though, is it? There aren't 10,000 kids unsupervised in the arena every week, their parents are with them as well. Those people went to see a PG rated show and were subjected to a tasteless joke. If they went to a comedy club, like the dumb cunt in the Daniel Tosh situation, they should have expected what they got. This isn't the same thing at all though. The kids may not have gotten the reference, but the parents most certainly did judging by the reaction.
I do not understand how you can reconcile having a problem with adults "being subjected to a tasteless joke" with calling a woman who was threatened with a rape joke "a dumb cunt". Was the guy in the Michael Richards incident "a stupid ****** who should have expected what he got"?

The parents got the reference. A.W. had to make a public apology. That non-punishment seems right in line with the non-crime that was committed.
OMG, have we all gone mad?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

AW is supposed to be a big mouth, sterotypical, Don King type of character.

He was doing his shtick and made a verbal faux pas. It has nothing to do with racism, Colorado, Kobe Bryants guilt or innocence, or anything else. It was a slip of the tounge. Take away the live mic and end it. For God sake, WTF is this world coming too? Over analyzing everything? We have become a pathetic civilization.

BTW, I hate the AW character because of the live mic. He's annoying. I could give a shit less about him; but what's right is right. Give him a break and stop attacking him for a slip up anyone could make.......................just like when Howard Cosell during MNF referred to Alvin Garrett as a little monkey. It wasn't racism; just a bad choice of words.
I don't think so. During the match with the Colons at Money in the Bank he said some fairly racist stuff about hopping the borders and Taco Bell (and everyone heard it too, that was the deadest crowd for a match I've ever seen) and no one seemed to mention it. Though with all of this controversy about Daniel Tosh and his rape joke going on at the moment, he probably picked a bad time to make a joke like that.

Pretty dated material anyway, though I still chuckled. I doubt we'll hear anything about it.

That was a PPV. Whereas this was a televised event, it's totally different. What happens on PPV is unknown. TV has limits.
The problem isn't what was said, it's where it was said. If you go to a comedy show and are offended by the comics words, that's your own damn fault. You should have expected that. You shouldn't have to feel that way going to see a WWE show that is rated PG.
You realize PG doesn't mean Teletubbies, Scooby-Doo, Power Rangers and kiddie crap right? The joke technically fits under the TVPG guidelines: http://tvguidelines.org/ratings.htm

This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following: some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).

Seinfeld, The Office, Martin and Married with Children had similar jokes and they were TVPG. It's a wrestling show; a product which has a history of being politically incorrect even in recent years(Cena/Rock feud anyone?). Oh and Big Show said something similar to John Cena 8 years ago on SD, which was a TV-PG show, and no one cared.

TV has limits.
It's on cable TV on a show that ends at 11pm EST. It wasn't as if he dropped an f-bomb or anything.
First thing I will say it was proven 8 years ago all Kobe did was cheat on his wife, there was no rape or sexual abuse, the girl was a walking sperm bank for Christ sakes.

Will AW be disciplined for this?

Honestly I think so just for the fact of the timing and it sounds like WWE was pretty furious about the comment. I don't think it will be too harsh punishment but he will probably get something.

How will this affect PTP's push or will the WWE just leave the situation alone?
I don't think it will affect much in regards to the PTP's. They may lose a few matches but overall they will forget about it and things will be back to normal.

Would you pull the plug on the AW gimmick?
Not at all. Compared to some of the other things said on WWE television (and by AW himself I may add) his comment was pretty tame. Was it the best time to make that joke? Probably not but even Punk and Cena have made mistakes and said off-color shit at inappropriate times in the past. Just talk to him about the incident and drop it.
That was actually the first time in a long time AW said anything remotely funny and I did laugh pretty hard when he said it, inappropriate humor is always welcome with me, even if it is outdated. I seriously doubt that most of wwe's current target audience even gets the reference, or is even hanging on AW's every word. Sucks for him and his team if he gets suspended and they get de-pushed...they really have nothing going for them outside of AW. I can only hope this opens up a spot for the Usos to finally get a run with the tag belts.
Firstly: I can't believe the WWE is being so defensive about the comment. A.W. is a CHARACTER playing a ROLE who says stuff to get under people's skin. What he said was fair under the PG TV guidelines. Sure it was a bit tasteless but to quote Michael Scott of The Office "There is no such thing as an appropriate joke, that's why it's a joke!"

Secondly: I hate PTP and not because they are heels just because they are boring to watch and have boring cookie-cutter attire so even though I disagree with WWE being up in arms about the comment with A.W. a big part of the PTP I DO hope this destroys the PTPs push and they job out and get cut and it leaves room for The Usos and Hunico & Camacho to get their Tag Title championships.
I do not understand how you can reconcile having a problem with adults "being subjected to a tasteless joke" with calling a woman who was threatened with a rape joke "a dumb cunt". Was the guy in the Michael Richards incident "a stupid ****** who should have expected what he got"?

First of all, though I didn't mean it to come off that way, I apologize to the few women here who might have been offended by me referring to the woman in the Tosh situation as a cunt. I didn't mean it in a prejudicial manner, I say cunt all the time without thinking about it, but I should have used a better term.

You know why I'm apologizing? Just like people who attend WWE's shows shouldn't have to fear what kind of offensive humor they might hear, people who come to this section of the forums shouldn't have to worry about prejudicial remarks since it clearly states in our rules that it is forbidden. There's a place for those kind of jokes. As it pertains to the forums here, the Bar Room is the place. As it pertains to live shows, any company that markets itself to be "Family Friendly" shouldn't be airing rape jokes.

Also, there's a huge difference between the Michael Richards and Daniel Tosh situations. Michael Richards was bombing when a few people showed up a little late to the show and were making some noise. Instead of doing what every other comedian would have done (ask them to quiet down, possibly ribbing them a bit,) he decided to try and save his show by spouting racist shit.

The woman in Tosh's situation was a heckler. She wasn't randomly attacked for no reason, she shouted her opinion out, which is completely against any rules and downright disrespectful to the performer, and subsequently and rightfully got trashed for it. She didn't like one of his jokes. There's nothing wrong with that. However, no one paid to hear her opinion and for her to break the rules and interrupt the show that a room full of people paid to see is despicable. If you go to a show, it is your responsibility to make sure it's a show you want to see. A stand up comedian who has a show on Comedy Central? There's plenty of research materials. One episode would have shown her that nothing is off limits with him and she probably shouldn't go to the show. She did, she got offended, her fucking fault.

The parents got the reference. A.W. had to make a public apology. That non-punishment seems right in line with the non-crime that was committed.

Despite all of this other shit, I totally agree with you here and with the majority of your other post.

That was a PPV. Whereas this was a televised event, it's totally different. What happens on PPV is unknown. TV has limits.

They market the show as being family friendly, whether the show is on PPV or TV is totally irrelevant.

You realize PG doesn't mean Teletubbies, Scooby-Doo, Power Rangers and kiddie crap right? The joke technically fits under the TVPG guidelines: http://tvguidelines.org/ratings.htm

That doesn't change the fact that they market the company as being family friendly. I don't know whether or not they technically broke any laws, I know that AW violated the trust of the audience by making an offensive joke during a family friendly program.

Seinfeld, The Office, Martin and Married with Children had similar jokes and they were TVPG.

Those shows did not feature rape jokes.

It's a wrestling show; a product which has a history of being politically incorrect even in recent years(Cena/Rock feud anyone?). Oh and Big Show said something similar to John Cena 8 years ago on SD, which was a TV-PG show, and no one cared.

In my very first post, I said that I didn't think anyone would be upset since they ignored his previous racial remarks. I'm completely aware that the WWE is inconsistent in it's policies.

It's on cable TV on a show that ends at 11pm EST. It wasn't as if he dropped an f-bomb or anything.

It's WWE Raw, it's marketed as a family friendly program. They shouldn't allow rape jokes. How the fuck can anyone argue this?

I hate taking this stance as I am certainly one to make awful, awful jokes all the time and I defend them at every turn. However, forcing offensive jokes onto people who aren't in a place where it is to be expected is unfair.
give the guy a break. if this was the attitude era nobody would have batted i eye lid. but should it not come down to wwe to script everything if they want to continue with there family friendly pg era.
So as everyone knows by now the comments that AW made a couple weeks ago with the whole Kobe and Hotel comment and how it created a buzz. Obviously he got sh** for that from McMahon but his on screen character wasn't hurt luckily.

Recently on his Twitter account he made a tweet backing Linda in her campaign


To kind of, make up for it what he said and try to get out of hot water with Vince maybe? This could be one of his motives in saying this. Or he could just be genuinly trying to support her. IDK

But do you think that with the buzz he stirred for himself in the media with the Kobe joke will hurt Linda McMahon? With media saying "you have people that make jokes out of rape on live tv supporting you" or does it not matter?
That Kobe joke thing blew over with barely a ripple - which is why AW is still around. Nobody noticed it outside of wrestling-news circles.
Is AW hurting Linda Mcmahon?

We can only hope... the sooner her Senate campaign fails, the sooner the PG era will die. The sooner the PG era dies, the sooner the WWE creative team can start earning their paychecks.
What the hell is he hurting? Nothing. Nobody cares about AW's joke. It got no mainstream attention. But Linda's campaign NEEDS to be hurt. She's the only reason WWE is PG, and shitty now. Vince is way too pussy whipped to notice though. :disappointed:
I agree that the campaign needs to end so we can get better WWE TV, and i'm sure Vince realizes why HE made the WWE PG...lol He is just making the most of what he can do and hell, he's making more money than ever so honestly, if her campaign did fail I dont see him going back to TV-14...:disappointed:
There's an old saying, "those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."

I don't know how interested in politics AW is, but his tweet does sound like a tap dancing act for his cute little rape humor. Is AW even a registered voter in Connecticut? His opinion probably doesn't mean diddly any who, but is he sure what he's endorsing?

I don't think AW's 50 word tweet could do any more damage to her bid for the senate than what Linda McMahon's association to 50 years of World Wrestling Entertainment has already done.

I guess my answer to your question would be, "nah... probably not."
He made a crack at mother Theresa no one noticed that!! Yah it sure looks like hes apologizing but he did nothing wrong. Linda already has enough people against her namly something like 3000 women and counting. The women are claiming that due to the nature of the business thats how she made her wealth by exploiting women. AW is the least of Lindas problems
What the hell is he hurting? Nothing. Nobody cares about AW's joke. It got no mainstream attention. But Linda's campaign NEEDS to be hurt. She's the only reason WWE is PG, and shitty now. Vince is way too pussy whipped to notice though. :disappointed:

Yep, that's the ONLY reason. Has nothing to do with Mattel's sponsorship with Vince and Co. caving into their demands, has nothing to do with an incompetent creative staff circa 2006 and lack of good talent. They can still do edgy stuff whether Linda's running or not. They just choose not to.

And yeah I doubt it's gonna hurt her as there's no public outcry from it.
Holy fuck, people.

The voting public does not give a shit about what professional wrestlers have to say.

There are more important issues in this country right now. You folks pay attention to the Connecticut Senate race to the extent of reading the headlines on the main page of this site. Hearing about what one performer said might sound newsworthy to you, but the real issue being fought over in CT right now is jobs. People want to know that there's someone out there working to make sure they can keep theirs; or have the opportunity to get a better one, far more than they care right now about a Kobe Bryant rape joke.

The WWE isn't deliberately sabotaging their company for the sake of Linda McMahon's Senate campaign. They are a publicly traded company. The goal of a publicly traded company is to make money for its shareholders. They can be held civilly liable for damages if it could be demonstrated simply that the WWE didn't do everything in their power to maximize their investment.

Furthermore, a deliberate decision to damage one's company- and the workers within it- for the sake of a senate run would pretty much doom any talk of being a 'job creator'. Not to mention a criminal act.
AW's tasteless joke barely even registered as a blip on the radar, and that's even among wrestling fans as it was basically forgotten about a day or two after it happened.

Rayne's post pretty much says it all. There are other things going on, FAR FAR FAR more important things, and issues potentially affecting millions of people than a Kobe Bryant rape joke. It wasn't even that raunchy of a joke. I've heard 50 year old country songs with more spice than that joke had.

Will the voters in the CT Senate race care? Probably not. I'm sure Linda's opponents will use AW's comments if they feel that it'll do even the slightest bit of good. As to whether or not AW supports Linda, who knows. The last time I heard any real data on black voters, more than 90% African American voters were registered as Democrats. So, just going by statistics, it's unlikely he does support her. At the same time, AW may very well be going against the grain.
I don't see how. The reality is the only buzz AW's comment created was on wrestling news sites. Virtually nobody in mainstream media except for some jocksniffer on some podunk backwater ESPN affiliate cared or noticed. On top of that unless the people who would be swayed by his endorsement are actually registered voters in Connecticut it really doesn't matter much.

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