**MERGED** Evan Bourne Suspension Discussion- Keep it All in Here!!!

its just pot. Everyone on here acts like your chris benoit if you smoke pot. Theirs absolutely nothing wrong with smoking pot. If thats what you heard from the Reagan's then your wrong. If anyone can tell me what is wrong with it I would like to know. You cant get addicted (im not, i haven't smoked for 2 monthes), you cant od, it doesn't drive you to steal.
See you at the indies, Evan! I'd say his time with WWE is drawing near its end. Trips wasn't big on him before this anyway.

Two Wellness Policy violations in what, two months? That must be a record.

Total disregard and carelessness on Bourne's part. Apparently he's like the dog that keeps pissing in the house no matter how many times its nose is rubbed in it. I would be a little more likely to give him a bit of sympathy if the same thing hadn't just happened, but where he just seemed to brush the last one off and learned nothing, I can't feel sorry for him.
It certainly makes the title change make more sense. Evan Bourne clearly hasn't learned a thing from his first suspension, so not only is that a display of pure stupidity, but it comes THIS close to his first suspension. It's pathetic. He's completely undercutting what it means to be a WWE Superstar. It's blatantly obvious that he doesn't care about his job all that much, if he's willing to throw it all away to smoke synthetic marijuana (or whatever he's doing). I can very well see this being the end of the line for Evan Bourne, or at the very least, the beginning of a long streak of jobbing -- he doesn't deserve anything more than that.

I feel bad for Kofi Kingston in all of this. He's a talented guy, who was finding a groove here in the tag team division, only for his partner to ruin it for him. I hope they try to do something with Kofi and don't just toss him into an irrelevant midcard role. If his time with Evan Bourne has proved anything to me, it's that he can thrive/succeed in almost any role he's put into. Who knows, this could be a great thing for Kofi -- maybe it opens the door for another singles push?

Strange situation here. I'm disappointed in Bourne, but hopeful for Kofi.
All I can say about this, as a fan of Evan, is that I'm truly fucking disappointed.

Btw, where do you guys read that it's about marijuana? I have a pretty relaxed view on that substance, never tried it myself or anything but it looks good on paper.
However, if you're working your dream job and it says you shouldn't do it. It's quite simple. Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
The moment I saw the headline about a 60 day suspension I thought it was Even. Now the title change at a house show makes sense. Wonder why no injury angle on RAW though?
Anyway people like him that work all their lives for the big break and then throw away just makes me angry. Hope he gets help.
I never said it was right. What those guys did was wrong. But the reason they got away with it was because nothing was being enforced. Now that it's being enforced, the athletes must be aware of it even more so and adhere to that.

Therefore, Evan is at fault.

But's it's not wrong, is the point. If drugs were bad, then I'm guessing you'd prefer them not being used, ever. And if drugs were never used, you can kiss all of the classic characters goodbye, from Macho Man to Ultimate Warrior to Hulk Hogan, and without them, wrestling wouldn't still be around today.
I like Evan.....I enjoy watching him perform......but I'd give him a sandwich and a road map. Someone like Randy Orton is important enough to the company to put up with the grief he causes. Even Bourne is not.


I think this is harsh, to be honest. I questioned why they dropped the tag titles at a House Show, but this got their rematch out of the way as well in order to immediately suspend him.

I guess this is a case of preference, and perspective. I happen to think that Bourne brings something unique to the table that noone else in WWE does. He's charasmatic, smooth in the ring, and he sells like no other. The only he truly lacks is the size and the mic skills to truly be a bigger deal then he is now.

As for his status, I think that Bourne being suspended for 60 days indicates that he's not going to be shown the door. If so, why suspend him in the first place? Just give him the axe, and be done with it. Instead, they followed protocol and suspended him. This seems to indicate that they're willing to give him a third chance, or else he wouldn't still be with the company right now.

He may come back and be a resident jobber for a time until he shows he's cleaned up his act and regained the trust of the powers that be, but suffice to say, I'd say Bourne is safe.

For now.
its just pot. Everyone on here acts like your chris benoit if you smoke pot. Theirs absolutely nothing wrong with smoking pot. If thats what you heard from the Reagan's then your wrong. If anyone can tell me what is wrong with it I would like to know. You cant get addicted (im not, i haven't smoked for 2 monthes), you cant od, it doesn't drive you to steal.

There are 16 grammatical/spelling mistakes in this post. Well done. It's not even close to a new record, but you show some promise.

Did you actually read anything anyone wrote, or did you just see "OMG what the hell was he thinking!?" and assume everyone jumped on the anti-pot bandwagon? Most people, and I certainly did not slam the use of marijuana, but rather Bourne's decision to do something that is in direct violation of the contract he signed when becoming a WWE Superstar. I have no issues with pot, and I'm very much against its being illegal. I've smoked it in the past, and I even have no issues with athletes using it. It provides a necessary relief for some, and especially comes in handy when you are dealing with pain on a daily basis, and don't want to find yourself like Kurt Angle - addicting to pain pills.

The issue has NOTHING to do with the drug in question. The problem is that Bourne has a contract forbidding him from touching the substance, and he refuses to abide by it. Whether or not said contractual obligation is stupid is irrelevant. I'm not mad that he smoked synthetic marijuana, I'm upset that he finally got to a decent place after years of climbing up the roster and twice as many years clawing through the indies...and he blew it. AND THEN, even after he was given a second chance, he got busted again immediately. That is what's stupid, not his use of anything...
I think this is harsh, to be honest. I questioned why they dropped the tag titles at a House Show, but this got their rematch out of the way as well in order to immediately suspend him.

I guess this is a case of preference, and perspective. I happen to think that Bourne brings something unique to the table that noone else in WWE does. He's charasmatic, smooth in the ring, and he sells like no other. The only he truly lacks is the size and the mic skills to truly be a bigger deal then he is now.

As for his status, I think that Bourne being suspended for 60 days indicates that he's not going to be shown the door. If so, why suspend him in the first place? Just give him the axe, and be done with it. Instead, they followed protocol and suspended him. This seems to indicate that they're willing to give him a third chance, or else he wouldn't still be with the company right now.

He may come back and be a resident jobber for a time until he shows he's cleaned up his act and regained the trust of the powers that be, but suffice to say, I'd say Bourne is safe.

For now.

Sorry, LSN, but I got to agree with Sally on this one. I may not agree with her thoughts regarding the NFL playoffs ;) but she is right on the money on this one.

I don't think her views are harsh at all. At some point, there has to be accountability for actions. This doesn't only apply to pro wrestling, this applies to anyone in the spotlight, whether they be actors, singers, athletes, or wrestlers. I'm all for second chances, but do these people really deserve third chances and then some?

Evan Bourne is not all that valuable in the grand scheme of things. He could and should be made an example of. It is an excellent opportunity to show his fellow roster mates that if you're a dumbass and you act out of stupidity, or arrogance, or whatever, you're going to pay the ultimate price. As long as guys continue to be forgiven and given chance after chance after chance, they are going to keep on doing whatever the hell they want and things will never change. Just ask Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy.

I hope he serves his suspension for 60 days, then spends the next 60 days being jobbed out to Brodus Clay, Mark Henry, Big Show, Big Dick Johnson, Hornswoggle, Mae Young, or whoever else. An when his worth has been sufficiently diminished, then I'd release him. That may seem harsh, but as I see it (granted, without knowing all the facts), he doesn't have an addiction or an illness. He has a sense of entitlement, or a bad case of arrogance, and I think it is time for WWE to show guys like this that enough is enough, that it won't be tolerated anymore, and that for any such action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction.
Yup Evan is gone. I'm sure Kofi will be fine. Not sure when Evan's suspension will begin but if it starts next week, should be a thing where if Air Boom looses, they must dis-band. Boom they lose, Evan goes on suspension, Kofi goes to Smackdown. By Kofi going to Smackdown, he gets ring time/tv time. He'll be put in small tv feuds, compete at Wrestlemania in the MITB Ladder Match and most likely win the ic title sometime this year.

Sad I know but hey, thats really all Kofi is good for.....

Personally I wouldn't be surprised to see Kofi future endeavored between now and Summerslam 2012.

Thats how I would book it....
Hugely dissapointed by this. I'm not a huge fan of Bourne's, but he's different, and fun to watch, and he and Kofi make a good team.

The first thing that strikes me is that he is an absolute idiot. I doubt he'll be F-E'd over this, but he's on strike two, literally. And if he ever gets a sniff at ANY championship ever again, he will be one lucky guy. He's most likely gonna take the jobber route (as has been mentioned) and will probably be cannon-fodder to Henry, Show, Kane, hell, even Brodus Clay, and then we'll be seeing him vs Tyson Kidd on Superstars for a while. We might see a Kofi-Evan feud as soon as he returns (if we're lucky) but that will be the most high-profile thing he's gonna have going for him. Unless he finds a way to make amends backstage, his WWE career is well and truly on life support.

I also very much doubt that this is his way of getting out of his contract. If it is, he's a bigger idiot than I thought. I won't say that it'll put people off wanting to hire him (TNA, ROH, etc) but the best advertisement it sure as hell ain't. And he's risking burning his bridges with WWE; if he wants out, WWE have shown that if they part terms with a superstar amicably, they will give them another shot. And lets face it, why wouldn't you want that to fall back on?

I'll be interested to see where they go with Kofi now. My guess would be a new partner, back to midcard or a heel turn. Safest option would probably be tag team in my opinion; it's an area that needs improvement where he can still do some good. Maybe with Gabriel. Who knows.

Either way, Bourne is an idiot, and I wouldn't be sorry to not see him return. I agree with habs; after suspension, job the living daylights out of him, then kick him to the curb. He had the kick up the backside with the first suspension, now he's pushed it too far in my eyes.
Well, you did say that said Bourne is "incredible" in the ring and you related his work in the indies, so I think my response made quite a bit of sense based on your comment. There are very few wrestlers I would ever label as having "incredible" in-ring work, but I do understand that hyperboles are often used for the purposes of adding emphasis to a statement that does not hold any real weight or provide any substantial reason. It's not surprising coming from a person that refers to another as a "tool" on a wrestling forum for disagreeing on a personal opinion of an individual wrestler. Instead of responding in an intelligent manner I assume you will resort to child-like name calling on your next post as well, which I am greatly looking forward to reading.

Basicly Evan Bourne is pretty good as far as wwe goes I know he isn't nearly as good as most high flyers in the indys are but he is pretty good but i guess we can really never know how good he can be because im pretty sure he's gonna be in the dog house because of this 60 day suspention. And as for the whole tool thing i apologize for that but I felt offended about what you said not taking me seriously because im a Matt Hardy fan he's not bad in the ring its just backstage politics messed up his whole carrer and posible push but I do apologize
Another thread that exemplifies the fact all you people are losers. The guy SMOKES WEED. Fucking shoot him. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING VIRGIN LOSERS WHO HAVE NEVER FUCKED A GIRL OR SMOKED A BLUNT.

The same dude's bashing him for weed smoke are Hardy fans....Real joke. You guys are calling Bourne an idiot? I'm not even a fan of his but you people are just losers. I bet all you people wouldn't even know what to do with a vagina infront of you...probably look like a deer in the headlights.

Same goes to you loser MODs who will send me an 'infraction notice'. Get a life...get some pussy....You fucking HERBS.
Another thread that exemplifies the fact all you people are losers.

And you're not?

He smoked fake weed for both Wellness Policy violations. Now according to the WWE Wellness Policy, you are allowed to smoke marijuana for medinical purposes, but not synthetic marijuana, since it has no therapeutic value whatsoever.

Now, you may think that all of this is just hypocrisy, and probably it is, but


especially in the middle of a push? I don't care if you're a Ron Paul supporter and want drugs like marijuana and cocaine legalized or a member of some latter-day religious offshoot who views weed as a gateway to God: these are the rules, and you're supposed to follow them.

I'm a girl and a virgin. Fucking worship me. :p
Another thread that exemplifies the fact all you people are losers. The guy SMOKES WEED. Fucking shoot him.
Yeah the guy smoked weed. I'm failing to see how this isn't a big deal. If You are not allowed to do something while you are under contract at a job, you're not allowed to do it. Simple as that. Weed may not be no where near as bad as other drugs, but it's still not allowed while under contract.
I have been engaged for the last two years. but nice try. Also I'm not a loser, I'm winning ;)
True. But what does that matter? If he wasn't employed nobody would give a shit, but after All the Shit the WWE got into with beniots death they have cracked down on all drugs, if you're stupid enough to do it, you cop the punishment.

The same dude's bashing him for weed smoke are Hardy fans....Real joke.
O Rly?
You guys are calling Bourne an idiot?
He sure is. there are plenty of wrestlers who want to work for the WWE but will never get the chance. Bourne not only got the chance but he was made tag team champion, and he broke the terms and conditions of his contract, he is an idiot. Not to mention, He just came off a suspension, any idiot would know he would be closely watched. so to answer your question, He has to be more then an idiot. Calling him an idiot is insulting to the idiots out there.
I'm not even a fan of his but you people are just losers.
So if you owned your own business you would allow your employees to do drugs? What kind of working enviroment would that be?
I bet all you people wouldn't even know what to do with a vagina infront of you...probably look like a deer in the headlights.
If it's a nice looking vagina of course I would look at it like a deer in the headlights.
You fucking HERBS.
Rather be a herb then a synthetic herb ;)
Sorry, LSN, but I got to agree with Sally on this one. I may not agree with her thoughts regarding the NFL playoffs ;) but she is right on the money on this one.

If both of you want to be wrong, that's cool with me. It's not like I've never proven you wrong before. ;)

I don't think her views are harsh at all. At some point, there has to be accountability for actions.

Explain to me how Bourne losing his first title in his 4 years in WWE and beng suspended for 60 days isn't being held accountable for his actions.

This doesn't only apply to pro wrestling, this applies to anyone in the spotlight, whether they be actors, singers, athletes, or wrestlers. I'm all for second chances, but do these people really deserve third chances and then some?

According to both the law, and the WWE Wellness policy, they do. And that's all that matters here. We could talk about how our jobs wouldn't allow us these chances, I know I wouldn't my staff. But the point is that WWE policy does allow for that third chance, so why should Bourne be different?

Life isn't fair. As much as I abhor drug usage, I feel it's a victimless crime. But someone who's caught using thrice could get life in jail, while a stone cold killer could get out in 25 years. What we think is right or wrong isn't how the world works, nor is it how the WWE Wellness policy works.

Evan Bourne is not all that valuable in the grand scheme of things. He could and should be made an example of.

This all goes to personal preference, I suppose. In my eyes, Matthew Korklan is an exceptional talent who can do things in the ring that no one else on the roster can approach doing. And again, being suspended for 60 days, publicly at that, is certainly being made an example of.

It is an excellent opportunity to show his fellow roster mates that if you're a dumbass and you act out of stupidity, or arrogance, or whatever, you're going to pay the ultimate price. As long as guys continue to be forgiven and given chance after chance after chance, they are going to keep on doing whatever the hell they want and things will never change. Just ask Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy.

Or ask Randy Orton, whose served the same suspensions as Evan Bourne is currently serving. People are so quick to point out those who aren't the best examples, but fail to mention how these suspensions have benefited some. Randy Orton is a perfect example of someone whose turned things around as a result of his suspensions. Whose to say Bourne can't be the same?

And Angle and Hardy haven't exactly skated by. I seem to recall Hardy being suspended for a long time from TNA, and spending time in jail as well. From all reports, he's turned his life around. Another example of someone whose screwed up, and has learned important life lessons as a result.

As much as I'm chagrined to admit it, I'll give you Kurt Angle.

I hope he serves his suspension for 60 days, then spends the next 60 days being jobbed out to Brodus Clay, Mark Henry, Big Show, Big Dick Johnson, Hornswoggle, Mae Young, or whoever else. An when his worth has been sufficiently diminished, then I'd release him. That may seem harsh, but as I see it (granted, without knowing all the facts), he doesn't have an addiction or an illness.

The important thing here is that this is your opinion, not a fact. You admit as much here. I suggested he be used as a jobber when he returns as well, and earns his way back. But why in the word would you use him as a jobber if when returning, he passes every test with flying colors, and proves himself to management once again? Again, back to the Wellness Policy. He's afforded that third chance, so if he takes advantage of it, and follows the rules, why should he be released?

He has a sense of entitlement, or a bad case of arrogance, and I think it is time for WWE to show guys like this that enough is enough, that it won't be tolerated anymore, and that for any such action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction.

Again, this is a case of opinion, not of fact in any way. We don't know what Bourne was suspended for this time. It could be something as simple as he had a prescription for pain killers, but couldn't produce the proof in time. That's what happened to Rey Mysterio, and Chavo Guerrero as well. Did they have a sense of entitlement? No, they were caught in unfortunate situations, nothing more.

The point is, the facts have yet to come out. Suppose your right, and Bourne in his arrogance and sense of entitlement was busted for the exact same thing. However wrong he would be for that, it would hypocritical to release him when the policy states otherwise, and others have been given that third chance as well.

Job him out for some time? Sure. But take away his job? Within the walls of his employer, that's what would truly be flat out wrong.
If both of you want to be wrong, that's cool with me. It's not like I've never proven you wrong before. ;)

Explain to me how Bourne losing his first title in his 4 years in WWE and beng suspended for 60 days isn't being held accountable for his actions.

According to both the law, and the WWE Wellness policy, they do. And that's all that matters here. We could talk about how our jobs wouldn't allow us these chances, I know I wouldn't my staff. But the point is that WWE policy does allow for that third chance, so why should Bourne be different?

Life isn't fair. As much as I abhor drug usage, I feel it's a victimless crime. But someone who's caught using thrice could get life in jail, while a stone cold killer could get out in 25 years. What we think is right or wrong isn't how the world works, nor is it how the WWE Wellness policy works.

This all goes to personal preference, I suppose. In my eyes, Matthew Korklan is an exceptional talent who can do things in the ring that no one else on the roster can approach doing. And again, being suspended for 60 days, publicly at that, is certainly being made an example of.

Or ask Randy Orton, whose served the same suspensions as Evan Bourne is currently serving. People are so quick to point out those who aren't the best examples, but fail to mention how these suspensions have benefited some. Randy Orton is a perfect example of someone whose turned things around as a result of his suspensions. Whose to say Bourne can't be the same?

And Angle and Hardy haven't exactly skated by. I seem to recall Hardy being suspended for a long time from TNA, and spending time in jail as well. From all reports, he's turned his life around. Another example of someone whose screwed up, and has learned important life lessons as a result.

As much as I'm chagrined to admit it, I'll give you Kurt Angle.

The important thing here is that this is your opinion, not a fact. You admit as much here. I suggested he be used as a jobber when he returns as well, and earns his way back. But why in the word would you use him as a jobber if when returning, he passes every test with flying colors, and proves himself to management once again? Again, back to the Wellness Policy. He's afforded that third chance, so if he takes advantage of it, and follows the rules, why should he be released?

Again, this is a case of opinion, not of fact in any way. We don't know what Bourne was suspended for this time. It could be something as simple as he had a prescription for pain killers, but couldn't produce the proof in time. That's what happened to Rey Mysterio, and Chavo Guerrero as well. Did they have a sense of entitlement? No, they were caught in unfortunate situations, nothing more.

The point is, the facts have yet to come out. Suppose your right, and Bourne in his arrogance and sense of entitlement was busted for the exact same thing. However wrong he would be for that, it would hypocritical to release him when the policy states otherwise, and others have been given that third chance as well.

Job him out for some time? Sure. But take away his job? Within the walls of his employer, that's what would truly be flat out wrong.

Despite agreeing with habs, I do agree with this, too. He has one more strike, and he should be given that chance. Hardy was world champion on two strikes, and he was doing far worse things than Bourne. That said, Bourne isn't on Hardy's level in terms of popularity and position in the company, but it's WWE, Bourne is popular with fans, and he is a very unique superstar, so who knows?

The problem I think most have is that it's so ridiculously close to his first suspension, and as the two are close together, it shows he hasn't learned a thing, and he's just going to do the same again. That's where my opinion lies.

But as much as I personally have no time left for Bourne, I welcome him to prove me wrong and make the most of his third chance. But I don't see it happening.
Second time busted in a year for wellness? oh no, he has got to be future endeavored. What exactly does he bring again? Oh yeah thats right, jumping off of random shit. So let's see, a guy who jumps off of shit to get the crowd going, no charisma, no talent other then sed jumping off things, no mic skills and a druggy....who does that remind me of....can you say jeff hardy. Same thing just a different outfit. Let air bourne go, he is not worth the headache and you can find somebody else to take a spot in a match every now and then....I hear his brother is available....
Why don't they just future endeavor this guy already?

He brings nothing to the table. The tag team division has died out because he keeps getting suspended, leaving Kofi Kingston, no way to defend the belts.

If they don't future endeavor him now, I'll be shocked.
Why would the WWE future endeavor Evan Bourne? This is only his second violation, not third. If they planned on releasing talent after their second violation, they wouldn't have had the Wellness Policy include penalties for 3 violations, they would have stopped at 2.

I think it's really, really stupid on Bourne's part to have a 2nd violation so close to the 1st one. It definitely displays a lack of critical thinking on his part. It was straight up, a dumbass moment. But, he is going to be gone for two months. That puts his return mid March. After the Rumble, after Elimination Chamber. That's two PPV paydays he is guaranteed to not be getting, in addition to the de-push that will almost guarantee he gets no Wrestlemania payday either. Bourne is definitely going to be missing the money he is missing out on. The fact that his suspension is being served during the most important months out of the wrestling year makes it more than just a 60 day suspension...missing 60 days this time a year is certainly worse than missing 60 days in June and July would be...
As a manager (albeit in a completely different line of work) I would understand if WWE decided to get rid of Evan Bourne.

Yes it's only his second strike but if you suspend someone, they return to work, and within weeks they have to be suspended again for doing the exact same thing - then not only does it show a high level of stupidity but it also demonstrates a complete lack of respect.

Evan Bourne has made the WWE's wellness policy look like a joke, and he's made the management team look ineffective. He isn't a big enough name to get away with that.

I hope I'm wrong.
Another thread that exemplifies the fact all you people are losers. The guy SMOKES WEED. Fucking shoot him. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING VIRGIN LOSERS WHO HAVE NEVER FUCKED A GIRL OR SMOKED A BLUNT.

The same dude's bashing him for weed smoke are Hardy fans....Real joke. You guys are calling Bourne an idiot? I'm not even a fan of his but you people are just losers. I bet all you people wouldn't even know what to do with a vagina infront of you...probably look like a deer in the headlights.

Same goes to you loser MODs who will send me an 'infraction notice'. Get a life...get some pussy....You fucking HERBS.

This is one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever read on the internet, but it's not surprising and indicative of society today, particularly the glorification of drug use. You're probably one of these fucking loser, degenerate junkies who works a 9-to-5 job and gets his weekly paycheck just go find his dealer on the corner so he can get his weed jix. People like you are why this country is in such bad shape as it is, because people who actually deserve jobs are sitting at home trying to figure out how they're going to make it, and idiots like you are out spending every cent you own on drugs - and I might be giving you too much credit - assuming people who smoke weed regularly can keep a job. If I get an infraction for this, so be it. I'm tired of morons like this guy thinking that any drug use is the cool thing to do.

I'm sorry to go on a societal rant, and it sounded entirely too much like a CM Punk S.E.S promo, but I'll get to the topic at hand:

Bourne should get one more chance, because he has two strikes and the companies' policy is three. My opinion: He should hit the brick right now. He doesn't bring anything to the table, unless you're in to spot monkeys, and he's going to continue to be a repeat offender. I hope he can pull it together, because all I hear is how much of a good guy he is.
I'm 50/50.

Bourne brings good entertainment to the table, but he is not unique. WWE could easily hire a new kid from the indies who can do crazy flips and put on a fast paced match. It's just easier from them to keep Bourne around because he's already a developed talent.

I do agree with HHH on the count that Bourne is extremely unprofessional, and from a business perspective Bourne has made himself a liability. If you know that you're in a top spot and appear regularly on television, you don't do something stupid like smoke dope, knowing that there is the possibility that if you're caught by officials you will screw up any angle you have, and probably screw over your partner and those involved too, not to mention risking the lose of venue for your company. Also, bad mouthing your company on the internet is a BIG no, and is extremely unprofessional. How can you expect your boss to give you a push if you b**** about his company on twitter? Also, twitter?... Really? Is Bourne 15 years old? B****** on twitter is not only unprofessional but very immature.

Will I be upset if Bourne leaves? No. It's disappointing, but unless he had a VERY dramatic change to both his gimmick and his attitude, I don't see him going anywhere.
Another thread that exemplifies the fact all you people are losers. The guy SMOKES WEED. Fucking shoot him. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING VIRGIN LOSERS WHO HAVE NEVER FUCKED A GIRL OR SMOKED A BLUNT.

The same dude's bashing him for weed smoke are Hardy fans....Real joke. You guys are calling Bourne an idiot? I'm not even a fan of his but you people are just losers. I bet all you people wouldn't even know what to do with a vagina infront of you...probably look like a deer in the headlights.

Same goes to you loser MODs who will send me an 'infraction notice'. Get a life...get some pussy....You fucking HERBS.

You're a moron. It's not about the fact that he smoked weed, it's aobout the fact that he violated rules. He broke the same rule more than once. Just after returning from his suspension, he did the same thing again. It's not about the rule itself, it's about the fact that he knowingly broke it, twice. That's why he should be future endeavored. If you didn't live in your mom's basement and spank it to the Divas, you'd know how the working environment and rules and policies work.

PS- I've smoked more weed and had more sex, this week than you will in your entire life.

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