WWE Apparently Done With Evan Bourne

\It's not really so much the violation itself as the fact that it's the second one within a three month span.\

Who cares about that? Id rather have a guy screw up twice in a three month period so I knew he has issues and could help him. Then a guy who beats tests for a year then pops his second. Orton and them probably just don't get tested or get heads up prior to the "random tests"

Even with the WWE's statement in response to Linda's opposition was a joke.

"The health and well-being of our performers is WWE's top priority. As with any entertainment or sports business, our performers are the cornerstone of our success and without them, we have no business. We have an extensive talent health and wellness program administered independently by a team of renowned physicians. We invite you to review our program by visiting corporate.wwe.com. One death in any industry is too many. However, since the formation of the company in 1982, five wrestlers have passed away while under contract. According to coroner reports, one individual died by accident, one by suicide and three by heart disease. Therefore, your statement that "41 people 50 years and younger have died in their jobs" while at WWE is inaccurate."

What the hell do they think caused the suicides and heart disease? Yeah it's funny they only addressed the people who died on the ACTIVE ROSTER, not all the people who died after being released after YEARS OF the WWF/WWE life.
What the hell do they think caused the suicides and heart disease? Yeah it's funny they only addressed the people who died on the ACTIVE ROSTER, not all the people who died after being released after YEARS OF the WWF/WWE life.

So, anyone who ever worked at WWE will die, so they should be responsible for any deaths of former employees?

WWE can't, and should not have to take responsibility for independent contractors dying YEARs after being out of contract with the company.

As far as the double standard w/ Randy Orton, Randy Orton is worth much more to the company, his violations were further apart, but he also draws muuuuch more than Air bourne, so WWE doesn't feel the need to dump him.
So, anyone who ever worked at WWE will die, so they should be responsible for any deaths of former employees?

WWE can't, and should not have to take responsibility for independent contractors dying YEARs after being out of contract with the company.

As far as the double standard w/ Randy Orton, Randy Orton is worth much more to the company, his violations were further apart, but he also draws muuuuch more than Air bourne, so WWE doesn't feel the need to dump him.

EXACTLY and that proves my point of the wellness program being total bullshit! Not in this day in age they shouldnt be responsible but back in the day hell YES! Its well known Vince pushed roids on people and made them wrestle hurt or there went their push. And if you think he doesn't know whos roiding and using now your crazy. Hes so anal about that company he probably knows what time everyone uses the bathroom.
Good riddanc is all I can say, if you can't make an improvement from one mistake you made or make an improvement in yourself to better yourself in the Wrestling business then you deserve to be let go. Seems to be a growing trend in todays flash style spot monkeys like Shelton Benjamin & Calito...rely on your flashy moves to get you to the top and get lazy thinking you don't have to do anything else to improve yourself.

See you in TNA Matt Sydal, oh wait..don't watch TNA.
This is just proof once again that the WWE wellness policy is just utter bullshit to make it appear like they give a shit. They'll throw a Masters or Bourne to the wolves, they're nothing to them. They can sacrifice a midcarder to make it look like their system works.

What about HHH, Cena, Orton, Ryan, etc? You guys honestly think they're not at the very least cruising on a TRT dose?

And for those who don't like Bourne's in-ring abilities, watch some youtubes of him before he went to the WWE. He's good.

Somebody is bitter the little spot monkey is getting fired?

Also with the names you have mentioned you are speculating. That cannot support your point here.
Somebody is bitter the little spot monkey is getting fired?

Also with the names you have mentioned you are speculating. That cannot support your point here.


It is more than speculation. Just have a look at footage of WWE superstars between 2004-2007. Most of them have much bigger arms then than now. Why would that be? If they weren't using steroids, then why would they have less muscle mass on them? There's nothing wrong with being that big if it is purely by exercise and weight-work.

I will give you two examples. Have a look at footage of both Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit both six months and twelve months before they won their WWE and World Titles. Their physiques are much smaller back then. But at WMXX, both were huge in their bodies. I suspect that the message they got was, "big guys win the main titles", so they bulked up and became champions. Instead of the WWE stepping in, noticing their vast increase in body muscle, they awarded them with titles. If WWE had put both Eddie and Chris in rehab instead, they may both still be alive today.

If you don't believe me, look at footage from between 2003-2007. You can see marked differences between bodies from then to the smaller, leaner physiques of today. The evidence is there on Youtube or DVD.
ill be surprised if he does come back. There is something defiantly going on there twi drug violations which tells be a. hes trying to get him self fired like the rumars say or b. (like someone sejected earlier) that he has a drug problem. really only an idiot would unintentionally get them selfs suspended twice. its such a shame really I really liked him he, hes great in the ring, he really entertains me.
Really this just goes to show what happens when you get the rub, think about it Cena pushed for Bourne to be more mid-card/ main event, hell even Jericho had put Bourne over, but you can't fix stupid, he's a hell of a talent, an amazing high flyer, but honestly its time to cut ties, he wasn't really ready to leave ROH, and he wasn't ready for WWE...

It is more than speculation. Just have a look at footage of WWE superstars between 2004-2007. Most of them have much bigger arms then than now. Why would that be? If they weren't using steroids, then why would they have less muscle mass on them? There's nothing wrong with being that big if it is purely by exercise and weight-work.

And was the wellness policy in place during that time? The answer is a big fat NO. WWE decided to clean up their roster and that is what they are currently doing.

Everyone knows Triple H used to juice up - I highly doubt he does now. You can tell by looking at him. As for John Cena, he doesnt touch the stuff. WWE wouldnt invest that much time and money into their poster boy if he was juicing. Orton has also had 1/2 warnings in the wellness policy aswell. As for Mason Ryan, well as far as I am concernd he is clean. He gets the benefit of my doubt but I wouldnt be surprised if he gets a strike.

Bourne is an idiot. 2 strikes a few weeks apart. And he isn't very marketable. Makes sense to get rid of him.
They should bring him back and have Kane dismantle him and write him out of storylines semi permanent. This would only add to Kane's character at the present time, and allows WWE to get their worth out of Bourne, and if WWE set this up correctly they could also do Kofi/Kane feud.

I like that.

No reason not to get something out of the guy on his way out.

Feed him to the monster. Let him build someone elses character. It could even serve as a warning to others... 'mess up as bad as Bourne did, and this is what you get'.
I like that.

No reason not to get something out of the guy on his way out.

Feed him to the monster. Let him build someone elses character. It could even serve as a warning to others... 'mess up as bad as Bourne did, and this is what you get'.

Maybe have Kofi humiliate him and turn heel in the process. Raw needs that crazy black guy now R-Truth has gone all good again. The latter is a great shame by the way.

R-Truth was one of my favourite heels.
You know when news first hit of the first suspension I blew it off as a one time thing and thought it would have been a wake up call. I all about forgiving stupid mistakes, and then he goes and does it again...

Well you know what? Bourne is a fucking idiot and deserves to be fucking fired. There is a million guys out there that would love to have his that he is managing to royally screw up. I bet there is a ton more people that could do a better job than him too. Fuck Evan Bourne, seriously.
I think it's pretty silly how he got suspended the first time I know they say his second violation had nothing to do with his his first suspension but that first should have never happened. Evan Bourne never did anything wrong he smoke a fake legal marijuana now whats wrong with that or why would that even put a strike agaisnt you. Whats the big deal he smoked a little pot he deserves at after being on the road all the time and putting his body on the line. I never tried the fake marijuana because I only smoke the real stuff. I'm not sure how different it is from regular weed but that it is much more safer than presription pills or alcohol. If marijuana or even fake marijuana can get you suspened then they should do the same with alcohol and cigerrates because the both them are a lot more dangerous to your health. Evan Bourne is a great talent and doesn't look like a guy who mess with steroids. Like I said before I don't know what he got in trouble for this time and this should have been his first suspension if he actually did anything wrong this time
Bourne really screwed up here. It's bad enough that he got suspended the first time, while Air Boom were in the middle of a push to become THE focal point of the tag team division. That could have been a learning experience for Bourne but now he went and got himself a SECOND violation. That will likely cost him his spot on the roster as the report in the original post indicates. He did this to himself. I'm sure he will be a fine addition to TNA's X Division, giving Aries a much needed exciting challenger for that belt.

Where does that leave WWE? Their tag team division is on life support and if they get rid of Bourne then there goes Air Boom. Their best bet in my opinion would be to find someone who would be able to fill Evan's spot in that team. Tyson or Gabriel would be good choices in my opinion. The team might need a new name, but the same push could be given and the division would get back their high flying team who the division can be centered around. I will miss Bourne's Shooting Star Press finisher, but Gabriel and Kofi could be a good replacement for Air Boom. I highly doubt he will be back and he has no one to blame but himself due to being dumb enough to get TWO major violations while in the middle of a huge push.

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