Evan Bourne....


Evan Bourne made his debut a few months before the beginning of NXT, and spent most of this time as a jobber.

He started to recieve a push the same week that NXT series 1 ended.

I think he would have done well in NXT. He could have won a few matches, showed us more of his moveset, cut some decent promos etc.

I ask you, do you think Evan Bourne would have been better off starting in NXT?
And who would you have dropped from NXT series 1 to put Evan in? (My choice would have been Skip Sheffield, because he didn't really do much)

*EDIT* I have been made aware that timing is a MAJOR ISSUE with people who like to make a point out of nothing. For the benefit of those people, Evan Bourne made his WWE TV debut June 2009, NXT began Feb 2010. Several members of NXT series 1 had been in FCW or other WWE Developmental territories for much longer than that.

Please try and keep on the topic of Evan Boure possibly in NXT, rather than petty timing details.
Evan Bourne have been on RAW for a longer period than before the NXT thing started, and before that he wrestled since 2008 on ECW.

So it would've been ridiculous to bring him up for NXT after such a long period of time, because he's definitely talented, and would've served well either way.

I don't think he would've gotten any more out of NXT than he has gotten out of his career thus far, Evan Bourne would've most likely been the Justin Gabriel (or worse ranked) of the rookies, and he wouldn't have accomplished anything rather than a potential return to development and later on moving up to the main roster as well, in case he had debuted around the time of NXT.
I'm sorry, but did you say evan bourne made his debut just prior to the beginning of nxt season 1? Evan bourne made his wwe debut around late 2008-early 2009 when the ecw new talent inititave came into play. He then got drafted to raw in the middle of 2009 and has been appearing regularly and yes, has no doubt lost the majority of his matches since being there but has still remained over with the wwe "universe".
Evan Bourne made his debut in June 2008. NXT began March 2010. Nearly two years. How do mess up a thread this bad?

But ignoring everything but the question you asked, Bourne should have replaced Gabriel, since he's basically just a shitty Evan Bourne anyway.
Dude you failed again, not June 2009, June 2008. Fail... again.

But to continue on your topic, I think him DEBUTING in 2008 was better for him then debuting on WWE NXT, he got a decent run on WWECW and is now about to get a push on Monday Night Raw, so no, starting him on WWE NXT wouldn't have made a difference..

Fail again by the way.
Wow, I'm amazed by all the people who are completely missing the point here, who gives a blue fuck when Evan debuted, that's not what this thread is about, the question being asked is IF Evan came up through NXT would he have been better off, and to answer that question I really can't say, as I've never really watched NXT except fora few clips here and there, if NXT would have given Bourne more of spotlight then yeah he prolly would have benefited more
He's doing fine as he is right now.To me NXT is for people that they want to give a shot on TV,but don't know how it will go.I think Evan would have done well either way,because if you've got it you've got it,if you don't...well best of luck in your future endeavors ;)
No, I don't think had he debuted with NXT he would've been better off. Yeah he's lost matches and was Sheamus' punching bag now and then before the week where Bourne main evented and pinned Sheamus in a damn good tag match. But he went undefeated for quite a while when he debuted and put on an excellent match with Matt Hardy when he was voted into the ECW Title match at Cyber Sunday 2008. I even heard they planned on having him win the ECW Title at one point due to a leaked video showing him with the Title. But he did great on ECW and lost momentum on Raw but the past couple of weeks, kicking off some weird feud with Ryder before thankfully dropping that to go from being beaten up by Edge to main eventing the very same night and winning, he's starting to pick up more momentum. If he debuted with NXT, I don't know what would've happened since we don't know how Wade Barrett is going to pan out. So far he's doing good, he cuts a good promo and seems to be the leader of this NXT stable, well built and is a good powerhouse wrestler. So we can't really say at this point but I think had he been in NXT he would've picked up the wins and gotten over with how he did when he debuted in June '08, because he was quickly over with the crowd back then, would've been the same had he debuted in February of this year.

If Bourne replaces Orton will he win the WWE Title? You never know but I doubt it at this point. But if they're wanting to push him, and kudos to Cena (I don't say that very often) for going to Vince about pushing smaller wrestlers, then they'll put him in a big program, probablys feud with one of the other F4W participants who loses whilst the other feuds with Cena.
Evan Bourne has been in the WWE for a few years now and he's been paying his dues. I know, I know that it doesn't seem exactly fair that Bourne hasn't gotten the quick pushes that other, larger wrestlers have gotten. But, wrestling has never been about fair, it's about who is able to draw more. Bourne is only 27 years old and now looks as though he's being given an opportunity to shine. Bourne has been over with fans for a while now, they simply like watching the guy in the ring.

The way of thinking about qualities that make a wrestler a superstar, possibly even a headliner, has been altered to some degree in the WWE. Since what happened with Benoit, the WWE Wellness Policy has particularly cracked down on the use of steroids and other peformance enhancing drugs. They've brought in and pushed a number of wrestlers that don't fit the bodybuilder mold. The Herculean physique, which very often brings about the question of steroid use in particular these days, is starting to kind of go out of style in the WWE. A pretty hefty majority of wrestlers signed with the WWE right now weigh 250 pounds or less and most of the ones that do don't look like absolute muscle freaks. A lot of the best talent coming into wrestling right now are smaller guys and I think the WWE realizes that they're gonna have to get in on that and start to engineer the audience into accepting more smaller guys in much more prominent spots.

As for Evan Bourne and NXT, who knows. He probably would have done better had he been make a center of attention very much as Danielson was. But who ultimately knows what would happen? At least it looks as though he's finally going to be getting a push and nobody can't say that he hasn't earned it.

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